Latest items for WAM-DATA-1
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In programming as a whole, women dominated services programmes at 81 per cent and had a presence in the private (family) sphere, whereas men dominated news programming at 82 per cent and the public sphere at 77 per cent" (4). "During the fourth quarter of 2018, the percentage of appearances by female public figures was 17.35 per cent on Channel 1 and 20.30 per cent on Channel 2, compared to 13.37 per cent on Channel 1 and 13.70 per cent on Channel 2 during the same period in 2017.39 In news programming, women accounted for 20 per cent as a topic and source of news, compared to 80 per cent...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In programming as a whole, women dominated services programmes at 81 per cent and had a presence in the private (family) sphere, whereas men dominated news programming at 82 per cent and the public sphere at 77 per cent" (4). "During the fourth quarter of 2018, the percentage of appearances by female public figures was 17.35 per cent on Channel 1 and 20.30 per cent on Channel 2, compared to 13.37 per cent on Channel 1 and 13.70 per cent on Channel 2 during the same period in 2017.39 In news programming, women accounted for 20 per cent as a topic and source of news, compared to 80 per cent...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Legal awareness-raising among the general public about women’s rights and freedoms, gender equality and prevention of domestic violence and early marriages is one of the main tasks of the Commissioner for Human Rights. From 2019 to 2022, the Commissioner organized 47 appearances on national radio and television and the publication of materials in the print media for the purpose of legal education of the public in this area. Specifically, there were 5 television appearances, 16 radio appearances, 19 publications in electronic media and 7 publications in print media" (p. 17). "Pursuant to Government decree No. 186 of 24 May 2021, a joint programme under the United Nations-European Union Spotlight Initiative...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Legal awareness-raising among the general public about women’s rights and freedoms, gender equality and prevention of domestic violence and early marriages is one of the main tasks of the Commissioner for Human Rights. From 2019 to 2022, the Commissioner organized 47 appearances on national radio and television and the publication of materials in the print media for the purpose of legal education of the public in this area. Specifically, there were 5 television appearances, 16 radio appearances, 19 publications in electronic media and 7 publications in print media" (p. 17). "Pursuant to Government decree No. 186 of 24 May 2021, a joint programme under the United Nations-European Union Spotlight Initiative...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:14 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
"Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9).
"Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9).
Jan. 4, 2025, 11:59 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
"South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9)
"South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9)
Dec. 6, 2024, 3:50 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"A group of glamorous young women in their 20s are gathered in a radio studio, adjusting their microphones and laughing as they get ready to go on air. 'Hello! Hello! Welcome to another edition of Ticheze Atsikana,' booms host Chikondi Kuphata, 'a programme that stands as a platform for us beautiful girls to discuss issues affecting us!' Kuphata and co-host Lucy Morris switch between English and Chichewa - the programme's name means 'let's chat' in Chichewa. It's a weekly show, sponsored by AGE Africa, an NGO that supports rural and vulnerable girls to stay in education, and it reaches more than four million listeners across Malawi. The majority of the...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"A group of glamorous young women in their 20s are gathered in a radio studio, adjusting their microphones and laughing as they get ready to go on air. 'Hello! Hello! Welcome to another edition of Ticheze Atsikana,' booms host Chikondi Kuphata, 'a programme that stands as a platform for us beautiful girls to discuss issues affecting us!' Kuphata and co-host Lucy Morris switch between English and Chichewa - the programme's name means 'let's chat' in Chichewa. It's a weekly show, sponsored by AGE Africa, an NGO that supports rural and vulnerable girls to stay in education, and it reaches more than four million listeners across Malawi. The majority of the...more
Nov. 29, 2024, 3:11 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
"South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9)
"South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9)
Nov. 29, 2024, 3:10 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
"Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9).
"Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North Korea not to have many children” (para 9).
Nov. 16, 2024, 10:07 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Somalia’s only all-female media team, Bilan, is launching the country’s first TV current affairs show to be hosted by a woman. The debate show, which plans to address some taboo subjects, will also be the first programme on Somali television to have a panel of at least 50% women, and the first to broach contentious topics, such as a critical shortage of female teachers and the challenges faced by women trying to get into politics, as well as environmental issues" (para 1-2).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Somalia’s only all-female media team, Bilan, is launching the country’s first TV current affairs show to be hosted by a woman. The debate show, which plans to address some taboo subjects, will also be the first programme on Somali television to have a panel of at least 50% women, and the first to broach contentious topics, such as a critical shortage of female teachers and the challenges faced by women trying to get into politics, as well as environmental issues" (para 1-2).
April 12, 2024, 5:41 p.m.
Countries: Malaysia
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[M]any Malaysian mothers took to social media to show that their cases are still pending" (para 14). "On X, user Tee Li Li , a single mother, is one of many who showed screenshots of their citizenship applications to register their child which is currently still marked as 'being processed' with her application dating back to 2017" (para 15).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[M]any Malaysian mothers took to social media to show that their cases are still pending" (para 14). "On X, user Tee Li Li , a single mother, is one of many who showed screenshots of their citizenship applications to register their child which is currently still marked as 'being processed' with her application dating back to 2017" (para 15).
Nov. 22, 2023, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[P]hotos circulated on social media of a woman who had taken off and held aloft her headscarf on Enghelab (Revolution) Street in Tehran" (108).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[P]hotos circulated on social media of a woman who had taken off and held aloft her headscarf on Enghelab (Revolution) Street in Tehran" (108).
Nov. 6, 2023, 11:49 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Women’s organizations have produced animated cartoons and short videos on topics such as domestic violence, sexual harassment in the workplace, sexist hiring practices and International Women’s Day (8 March) to promote awareness of women’s unique roles in society and family life" (12).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Women’s organizations have produced animated cartoons and short videos on topics such as domestic violence, sexual harassment in the workplace, sexist hiring practices and International Women’s Day (8 March) to promote awareness of women’s unique roles in society and family life" (12).
Aug. 8, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
"[There has been i]ncreases in cases of anti-gender discourse in the public domain, public backlash in the perception of gender equality and misogynistic statements in the media, including by high-ranking politicians" (5). These statements are not monitored and provide stereotypical portraits of women in the educational system (MV-coder comment).
"[There has been i]ncreases in cases of anti-gender discourse in the public domain, public backlash in the perception of gender equality and misogynistic statements in the media, including by high-ranking politicians" (5). These statements are not monitored and provide stereotypical portraits of women in the educational system (MV-coder comment).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Thousands of persons have benefited from the events dedicated to the preventive measures on domestic violence organized for the public. 14 TV broadcasts and 6 short social videos are put on air" (9).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Thousands of persons have benefited from the events dedicated to the preventive measures on domestic violence organized for the public. 14 TV broadcasts and 6 short social videos are put on air" (9).
June 14, 2023, 7:56 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"During 2018, a wide variety of audiovisual advertising materials were produced and disseminated; one example was the widely-distributed material spreading awareness of the Summit of Women Parliamentarians in Cochabamba. The radio station Illimani Patria Nueva produced five multimedia clips on the subject of combating violence against women. Targeted communications projects for the advancement of women and the training of journalists were undertaken" (8).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"During 2018, a wide variety of audiovisual advertising materials were produced and disseminated; one example was the widely-distributed material spreading awareness of the Summit of Women Parliamentarians in Cochabamba. The radio station Illimani Patria Nueva produced five multimedia clips on the subject of combating violence against women. Targeted communications projects for the advancement of women and the training of journalists were undertaken" (8).
April 28, 2023, 9:47 p.m.
Countries: Tanzania
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[W]hen commemorating the Day of the Girl Child in 2018, the Minister for [Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, the Elderly and Children], Ms. Ummy Mwalimu, vowed to end child marriage, FGM, and other HTPs. In her speech quoted in the Nipashe Newspaper of 01 November, 2018, the Minister promised to establish and strengthen Children and Women Protection Committees at all levels in the country; to provide education to the media so that they can report appropriately on child marriage and condemn HTPs against women and children; to provide education on reproductive health to adolescent girls; and to strengthen the capacity of local communities to use social media to report...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[W]hen commemorating the Day of the Girl Child in 2018, the Minister for [Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, the Elderly and Children], Ms. Ummy Mwalimu, vowed to end child marriage, FGM, and other HTPs. In her speech quoted in the Nipashe Newspaper of 01 November, 2018, the Minister promised to establish and strengthen Children and Women Protection Committees at all levels in the country; to provide education to the media so that they can report appropriately on child marriage and condemn HTPs against women and children; to provide education on reproductive health to adolescent girls; and to strengthen the capacity of local communities to use social media to report...more
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The committee notes the awareness-raising campaigns on the role of women and girls in society, including those conducted online through social media" (6).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The committee notes the awareness-raising campaigns on the role of women and girls in society, including those conducted online through social media" (6).
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[T]he country allowed female candidates to get air time on TV and radio to relay their message to the electorate. Further, the Board was able to ensure dedication of 10 per cent of the total print media coverage to female candidates. During the 2015 national election 40 per cent of the officials responsible for election execution were women" (12).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"[T]he country allowed female candidates to get air time on TV and radio to relay their message to the electorate. Further, the Board was able to ensure dedication of 10 per cent of the total print media coverage to female candidates. During the 2015 national election 40 per cent of the officials responsible for election execution were women" (12).
March 8, 2023, 1:43 p.m.
Countries: Montenegro
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In June 2020, the NGO Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) conducted a survey 'Coverage of gender equality in the media,' the findings of which indicated to which women are less represented in the media than men, making up only 13 per cent of the total corpus analysed. Men were 38 per cent more represented in media reports than women, and less than 1 per cent of media content addressed the issue of gender equality. The number of reports speaking affirmatively about women is extremely low, making up only 9 per cent of the total analysed corpus" (9). "The fact that men and women are equally computer literate and...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In June 2020, the NGO Centre for Democracy and Human Rights (CEDEM) conducted a survey 'Coverage of gender equality in the media,' the findings of which indicated to which women are less represented in the media than men, making up only 13 per cent of the total corpus analysed. Men were 38 per cent more represented in media reports than women, and less than 1 per cent of media content addressed the issue of gender equality. The number of reports speaking affirmatively about women is extremely low, making up only 9 per cent of the total analysed corpus" (9). "The fact that men and women are equally computer literate and...more
Jan. 21, 2023, 8:08 a.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Acid attacks are excruciating assaults used in many countries to rob women of their looks. In Iran where volunteer militia operate as the self-appointed guardians of Islamic behavior, local media suggested there may have been twice as many attacks as officially confirmed" (para 12).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Acid attacks are excruciating assaults used in many countries to rob women of their looks. In Iran where volunteer militia operate as the self-appointed guardians of Islamic behavior, local media suggested there may have been twice as many attacks as officially confirmed" (para 12).
Jan. 19, 2023, 11:32 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Iranian police said Amini’s death was an “unfortunate incident” and denied that she was physically harmed while in custody, Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars News said on Monday" (para 13). "Another video showed women taking off their hijabs and waving them in protest in Tehran" (para 20).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"Iranian police said Amini’s death was an “unfortunate incident” and denied that she was physically harmed while in custody, Iran’s semi-official news agency Fars News said on Monday" (para 13). "Another video showed women taking off their hijabs and waving them in protest in Tehran" (para 20).
June 9, 2022, 5:16 p.m.
Countries: Argentina
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In Ruiz’s case, a local politician publicised the case through social media. Ruiz said misinformation spread widely, including the claim that the foetus cried" (Para. 18).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In Ruiz’s case, a local politician publicised the case through social media. Ruiz said misinformation spread widely, including the claim that the foetus cried" (Para. 18).
April 2, 2021, 8:36 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"When the Zanan-e Emrooz magazine started publishing again in June 2014, after eight years of suspension, women's rights activists in Iran felt a spark of hope that there would be further oppurtunities to demand women's rights. However, the life of the magazine was short-lived. After less than a year and only publishing 11 issues, the Press Supervisory Council ordered its closure on April 27, 2015. The council's speaker said the suspension was due to Zanan-e Emrooz 'encouraging the anti-social and religiously unsanctioned phenomenon known as white marriage'" (para 1). "Though this marked the magazine's second suspension, many journalists concerned with women’s issues consider the accusation of 'encouraging white marriage' as...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"When the Zanan-e Emrooz magazine started publishing again in June 2014, after eight years of suspension, women's rights activists in Iran felt a spark of hope that there would be further oppurtunities to demand women's rights. However, the life of the magazine was short-lived. After less than a year and only publishing 11 issues, the Press Supervisory Council ordered its closure on April 27, 2015. The council's speaker said the suspension was due to Zanan-e Emrooz 'encouraging the anti-social and religiously unsanctioned phenomenon known as white marriage'" (para 1). "Though this marked the magazine's second suspension, many journalists concerned with women’s issues consider the accusation of 'encouraging white marriage' as...more
Feb. 27, 2021, 10:55 a.m.
Countries: Ukraine
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The results of the survey of the Mass Media Institution (2013) certify that men are the heroes of the published editions, on the average, in 80 per cent of cases, and only in 20 per cent of cases MSM materials are devoted to women. The women are more often mentioned in not serious publications, society columns, rumours of family life of the famous people, and dress description. 82 per cent of all experts are represented by males and only 18 per cent are women. Women in the majority of cases act as experts in medicine, culture and law, but almost do not comment policy and economics" (29).
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The results of the survey of the Mass Media Institution (2013) certify that men are the heroes of the published editions, on the average, in 80 per cent of cases, and only in 20 per cent of cases MSM materials are devoted to women. The women are more often mentioned in not serious publications, society columns, rumours of family life of the famous people, and dress description. 82 per cent of all experts are represented by males and only 18 per cent are women. Women in the majority of cases act as experts in medicine, culture and law, but almost do not comment policy and economics" (29).
Dec. 31, 2020, 1:51 p.m.
Countries: Mexico
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The heated Valentine's Day demonstration was sparked by outrage over the murder of 25-year-old Ingrid Escamilla in Mexico City and the publication of graphic photos of her mutilated corpse in newspapers" (para 3). "Hundreds also marched to the offices of a media outlet that published grisly images of the crime scene and a newspaper truck outside was set ablaze" (para 7). "Indignation grew after some local media published horrific photos of the skinned corpse, apparently leaked by city police officers. The protesters read a statement Friday saying 'it enrages us how Ingrid was killed, and how the media put her body on display'" (para 17-18). "The Interior Department said in...more
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"The heated Valentine's Day demonstration was sparked by outrage over the murder of 25-year-old Ingrid Escamilla in Mexico City and the publication of graphic photos of her mutilated corpse in newspapers" (para 3). "Hundreds also marched to the offices of a media outlet that published grisly images of the crime scene and a newspaper truck outside was set ablaze" (para 7). "Indignation grew after some local media published horrific photos of the skinned corpse, apparently leaked by city police officers. The protesters read a statement Friday saying 'it enrages us how Ingrid was killed, and how the media put her body on display'" (para 17-18). "The Interior Department said in...more
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:30 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 0% of recipients were women for the Birgit-Nillson Prize and 20% of recipients were women for the Ljunggren Competition for Young Musicians." In literature, 50% of recipients were women for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award and 50% of recipients were women for the Peter Pand Prize. In visual arts, 42% of recipients were women for the Fredrik Roos Arts Grand and 80% of recipients for the Rolf Schock Prize were women. In film and audiovisual arts, 30% of recipients were women for the Guldbaggen Awards for Best Film and 20% of recipients for the Dragon Awards: Best Nordic film were women."
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 0% of recipients were women for the Birgit-Nillson Prize and 20% of recipients were women for the Ljunggren Competition for Young Musicians." In literature, 50% of recipients were women for the Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award and 50% of recipients were women for the Peter Pand Prize. In visual arts, 42% of recipients were women for the Fredrik Roos Arts Grand and 80% of recipients for the Rolf Schock Prize were women. In film and audiovisual arts, 30% of recipients were women for the Guldbaggen Awards for Best Film and 20% of recipients for the Dragon Awards: Best Nordic film were women."
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Netherlands
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 17% of recipients for the Edison Oeuvre Prize were women and 30% of recipients for the Dutch Music Award were women. In literature, 10% of recipients for the Libris Literary Prize were women and 60% of recipients for the BNG Prize for New Literature were women. In visual arts, 60% of the recipients for the Prix de Rome were women and 29% of recipients for the Johannes Vermeer Award were women. In film and audiovisual arts, 40% of the recipients for Golden Calf Award were women and 28% of the Golden Film Award("Gouden Film") were women."
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 17% of recipients for the Edison Oeuvre Prize were women and 30% of recipients for the Dutch Music Award were women. In literature, 10% of recipients for the Libris Literary Prize were women and 60% of recipients for the BNG Prize for New Literature were women. In visual arts, 60% of the recipients for the Prix de Rome were women and 29% of recipients for the Johannes Vermeer Award were women. In film and audiovisual arts, 40% of the recipients for Golden Calf Award were women and 28% of the Golden Film Award("Gouden Film") were women."
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:22 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 11% of the recipients for Targhe Tenco:Canzone were women and 0% of the recipients for Targhe Tenco:Opere Prime were women. In literature, 50% of the recipients for Premio Campiello were women and 60% of recipients for Campiello Giovani were women. In visual arts, 46% of recipients for Arte Laguna Prize were women while 40% of recipients for Furla Award were women. In film and audiovisual, 14% of recipients for the Golden Lion were women and 18% of recipients for the Young Cinema Award were women."
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 11% of the recipients for Targhe Tenco:Canzone were women and 0% of the recipients for Targhe Tenco:Opere Prime were women. In literature, 50% of the recipients for Premio Campiello were women and 60% of recipients for Campiello Giovani were women. In visual arts, 46% of recipients for Arte Laguna Prize were women while 40% of recipients for Furla Award were women. In film and audiovisual, 14% of recipients for the Golden Lion were women and 18% of recipients for the Young Cinema Award were women."
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:19 p.m.
Countries: France
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 18% of the recipients for Victories de la Musique were women while 83% of the recipients for the Prix Constantin were women. In literature, 9% of the recipients for The Grand Prix du Roman de L'Academie Franciase were women while 20% of recipients for The Goncourt Prize(Category:First Novel) were women. I visual arts, 18% of the recipients for the Marcel Duchamp Prize were women while 60% for the Prix Teophile Schuler prize were women. In film and audiovisual, 0% of recipients for the Cesar Award for Best Film were women and 13% of the recipients for Cesar Award for Best First Feature Film were women."
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In music, 18% of the recipients for Victories de la Musique were women while 83% of the recipients for the Prix Constantin were women. In literature, 9% of the recipients for The Grand Prix du Roman de L'Academie Franciase were women while 20% of recipients for The Goncourt Prize(Category:First Novel) were women. I visual arts, 18% of the recipients for the Marcel Duchamp Prize were women while 60% for the Prix Teophile Schuler prize were women. In film and audiovisual, 0% of recipients for the Cesar Award for Best Film were women and 13% of the recipients for Cesar Award for Best First Feature Film were women."
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:14 p.m.
Countries: France
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In the context of the 2014 Real Gender Equality Act, the French public service media organizations France Télévisions and Radio France agreed to promote gender quotas for women. Among the experts invited to TV and radio shows, at least 30% must be women; in terms of media portrayal, there must be at least 25% female representation."
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In the context of the 2014 Real Gender Equality Act, the French public service media organizations France Télévisions and Radio France agreed to promote gender quotas for women. Among the experts invited to TV and radio shows, at least 30% must be women; in terms of media portrayal, there must be at least 25% female representation."
Sept. 20, 2020, 9:12 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In film and audiovisual, 10% of recipients for the Eagle; Polish Academy Award for Best Film were women and 33% of recipients for Eagle: Polish Academy for Discovery of the Year were women"
Variables: WAM-DATA-1
"In film and audiovisual, 10% of recipients for the Eagle; Polish Academy Award for Best Film were women and 33% of recipients for Eagle: Polish Academy for Discovery of the Year were women"