Latest items for TRAFF-PRACTICE-3
March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
"Hundreds of foreign women are recruited by traffickers every year (as many as 3,000 in 2019) through the 'artist visa scheme' and subsequently forced into prostitution. It also notes with concern that these women are prosecuted under article 523 of the Penal Code and deported if they are found to have engaged in prostitution despite being entitled to protection under Law No. 164" (8).
"Hundreds of foreign women are recruited by traffickers every year (as many as 3,000 in 2019) through the 'artist visa scheme' and subsequently forced into prostitution. It also notes with concern that these women are prosecuted under article 523 of the Penal Code and deported if they are found to have engaged in prostitution despite being entitled to protection under Law No. 164" (8).
March 10, 2025, 10:44 p.m.
Countries: Switzerland
"If no criminal proceedings are ongoing and no cooperation is possible victims who have been exploited in Switzerland might still be sent to the responsible Dublin state. Others are deported to the responsible Dublin states irrespectively of having been exploited there or being at high risk of re-trafficking. There are also cases, where victims are sent to Dublin states due to them holding a visa of the respective state organized by their traffickers, without having any other ties to this state and never even having set foot on its soil" (Page 4). "Transfers within the asylum system, either from federal to cantonal competence, to responsible Dublin states or even to...more
"If no criminal proceedings are ongoing and no cooperation is possible victims who have been exploited in Switzerland might still be sent to the responsible Dublin state. Others are deported to the responsible Dublin states irrespectively of having been exploited there or being at high risk of re-trafficking. There are also cases, where victims are sent to Dublin states due to them holding a visa of the respective state organized by their traffickers, without having any other ties to this state and never even having set foot on its soil" (Page 4). "Transfers within the asylum system, either from federal to cantonal competence, to responsible Dublin states or even to...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
"The Committee notes with concern that the State party is a country of destination for trafficking in women and girls from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for purposes of sexual exploitation, forced marriage or concubinage. It also notes with concern that women and girl defectors from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are categorically classified as 'illegal migrants', and some are forcibly returned. It further notes with concern that children born in the State party to women from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are deprived of their rights to birth registration, nationality, education and health care because their birth cannot be registered without exposing the mother to the...more
"The Committee notes with concern that the State party is a country of destination for trafficking in women and girls from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for purposes of sexual exploitation, forced marriage or concubinage. It also notes with concern that women and girl defectors from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are categorically classified as 'illegal migrants', and some are forcibly returned. It further notes with concern that children born in the State party to women from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are deprived of their rights to birth registration, nationality, education and health care because their birth cannot be registered without exposing the mother to the...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:40 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
"Still, the Chinese government routinely labels North Koreans as illegal 'economic migrants' and forcibly repatriates them under a 1986 bilateral border protocol. The 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry report on the human rights situation in North Korea found that North Korean escapees who are forcibly repatriated face systematic torture, arbitrary detention, and sexual violence, including invasive body searches and forced abortions, that amount to crimes against humanity" (par. 8).
"Still, the Chinese government routinely labels North Koreans as illegal 'economic migrants' and forcibly repatriates them under a 1986 bilateral border protocol. The 2014 UN Commission of Inquiry report on the human rights situation in North Korea found that North Korean escapees who are forcibly repatriated face systematic torture, arbitrary detention, and sexual violence, including invasive body searches and forced abortions, that amount to crimes against humanity" (par. 8).
Jan. 27, 2025, 9 p.m.
Countries: China
"12 Over 70 per cent of defectors fleeing Kim Jong-un's regime are female, according to a 2023 article by the Korea Times. Some defectors are helped to escape by brokers, only to be sold as brides in China, where a gender imbalance has fuelled a black market trade. But the Chinese state classifies North Korean defectors as illegal economic migrants rather than refugees, and repatriates those it captures. Last year, up to 600 defectors were repatriated in October alone, according to the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG), an NGO in South Korea. Mrs X said many of the women she was detained with had been deceived by brokers, and were...more
"12 Over 70 per cent of defectors fleeing Kim Jong-un's regime are female, according to a 2023 article by the Korea Times. Some defectors are helped to escape by brokers, only to be sold as brides in China, where a gender imbalance has fuelled a black market trade. But the Chinese state classifies North Korean defectors as illegal economic migrants rather than refugees, and repatriates those it captures. Last year, up to 600 defectors were repatriated in October alone, according to the Transitional Justice Working Group (TJWG), an NGO in South Korea. Mrs X said many of the women she was detained with had been deceived by brokers, and were...more
Jan. 27, 2025, 8:38 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
"Escaped North Koreans returned to Kim's clutches face a living hell of rape and torture-induced miscarriages, where newborns are murdered and the elderly beaten to death" (Para 1). "12 Over 70 per cent of defectors fleeing Kim Jong-un's regime are female, according to a 2023 article by the Korea Times. Some defectors are helped to escape by brokers, only to be sold as brides in China, where a gender imbalance has fuelled a black market trade. But the Chinese state classifies North Korean defectors as illegal economic migrants rather than refugees, and repatriates those it captures. Last year, up to 600 defectors were repatriated in October alone, according to the...more
"Escaped North Koreans returned to Kim's clutches face a living hell of rape and torture-induced miscarriages, where newborns are murdered and the elderly beaten to death" (Para 1). "12 Over 70 per cent of defectors fleeing Kim Jong-un's regime are female, according to a 2023 article by the Korea Times. Some defectors are helped to escape by brokers, only to be sold as brides in China, where a gender imbalance has fuelled a black market trade. But the Chinese state classifies North Korean defectors as illegal economic migrants rather than refugees, and repatriates those it captures. Last year, up to 600 defectors were repatriated in October alone, according to the...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
"In order to improve legislation on combating trafficking in persons, the Government approved a procedure for implementing a set of measures within the referral mechanism for victims of trafficking in persons, which clearly defines measures to provide protection and assistance to victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants, mechanisms for unconditional assistance to victims under supervision, the provision of special protection status throughout the criminal investigation, respect for anonymity, protection of personal data, and mechanisms for identifying victims of exploitation and referring them to the competent agencies implementing the aforementioned procedure, among other measures" (p. 25). This suggests that victims are not punished (IME - CODER COMMENT). "On 2 January 2019,...more
"In order to improve legislation on combating trafficking in persons, the Government approved a procedure for implementing a set of measures within the referral mechanism for victims of trafficking in persons, which clearly defines measures to provide protection and assistance to victims of trafficking and vulnerable migrants, mechanisms for unconditional assistance to victims under supervision, the provision of special protection status throughout the criminal investigation, respect for anonymity, protection of personal data, and mechanisms for identifying victims of exploitation and referring them to the competent agencies implementing the aforementioned procedure, among other measures" (p. 25). This suggests that victims are not punished (IME - CODER COMMENT). "On 2 January 2019,...more
Dec. 11, 2024, 11:39 p.m.
Countries: Malaysia
"Malaysia is not a signatory to the United Nations’ refugee convention, so the girls — who enter the country without permission — are less likely to report their assaults to authorities. Doing so could put them at risk of being thrown into one of Malaysia’s detention centers, which have long been plagued by reports of abuse" (para 24).
"Malaysia is not a signatory to the United Nations’ refugee convention, so the girls — who enter the country without permission — are less likely to report their assaults to authorities. Doing so could put them at risk of being thrown into one of Malaysia’s detention centers, which have long been plagued by reports of abuse" (para 24).
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:20 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
"The first hint that something was wrong came when Jacqueline Diaz received a call at work from a friend. 'You need to come here, to my shop, now. It’s urgent,' she was told. Diaz rushed to her friend’s shop in La Paz, Bolivia, where she found her daughter, Michelle, who was 12 at the time, crying and in shock. That morning, on her way to school, a van had pulled up, the door opened and two men pulled her inside before speeding off. Michelle managed to escape by jumping out of the vehicle when it slowed down going over an unpaved section of road. When she stopped running, she recognised...more
"The first hint that something was wrong came when Jacqueline Diaz received a call at work from a friend. 'You need to come here, to my shop, now. It’s urgent,' she was told. Diaz rushed to her friend’s shop in La Paz, Bolivia, where she found her daughter, Michelle, who was 12 at the time, crying and in shock. That morning, on her way to school, a van had pulled up, the door opened and two men pulled her inside before speeding off. Michelle managed to escape by jumping out of the vehicle when it slowed down going over an unpaved section of road. When she stopped running, she recognised...more
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
"[V]ictims of trafficking in persons who [are supported] have been granted temporary residence in the State party, in 2015" (2).
"[V]ictims of trafficking in persons who [are supported] have been granted temporary residence in the State party, in 2015" (2).
Oct. 4, 2023, 6:58 a.m.
Countries: Angola
"[M]igrant and asylum-seeking women and girls with irregular migration status, most of whom are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo: [a]re subject to mass expulsion, regardless of whether they are in need of international protection" (14). Prostitution maybe forced through trafficking or inability to get other jobs (MV-coder comment).
"[M]igrant and asylum-seeking women and girls with irregular migration status, most of whom are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo: [a]re subject to mass expulsion, regardless of whether they are in need of international protection" (14). Prostitution maybe forced through trafficking or inability to get other jobs (MV-coder comment).
June 14, 2023, 7:56 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
"Migrants who present fake or forged documents are simply deported from Bolivian territory. This may be an option in order to avoid applying the aforementioned penalty of imprisonment" (16).
"Migrants who present fake or forged documents are simply deported from Bolivian territory. This may be an option in order to avoid applying the aforementioned penalty of imprisonment" (16).
April 1, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Uzbekistan
"Over the period 2016–2019, with the assistance of the diplomatic and consular agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 69 victims of human trafficking were returned home (two from Azerbaijan; four from Dubai (United Arab Emirates); six from India; three from Oman; 16 from Kazakhstan; two from Kyrgyzstan; two from Turkey; three from China; 12 from the Russian Federation; four from Tanam (Eritrea); four from Malaysia; and six from Shanghai (China)." (17).
"Over the period 2016–2019, with the assistance of the diplomatic and consular agencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 69 victims of human trafficking were returned home (two from Azerbaijan; four from Dubai (United Arab Emirates); six from India; three from Oman; 16 from Kazakhstan; two from Kyrgyzstan; two from Turkey; three from China; 12 from the Russian Federation; four from Tanam (Eritrea); four from Malaysia; and six from Shanghai (China)." (17).
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia
"The Proclamation for the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants‟ (Proc. No. 909/2015) provides for the establishment of a “Fund” to rehabilitate victims...[S]everal victims of trafficking that were destined to South Africa are made to return to their country. Continuous efforts are underway to ensure the safe return of irregular migrants that are detained in southern African countries. Returnees are provided with emergency medication, shelter and pocket money to allow them integrate with their family. The returnees also received skills training and support to help them support themselves through engaging in business activities. There remains a substantial work with regard to facilitating victim support" (27).more
"The Proclamation for the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants‟ (Proc. No. 909/2015) provides for the establishment of a “Fund” to rehabilitate victims...[S]everal victims of trafficking that were destined to South Africa are made to return to their country. Continuous efforts are underway to ensure the safe return of irregular migrants that are detained in southern African countries. Returnees are provided with emergency medication, shelter and pocket money to allow them integrate with their family. The returnees also received skills training and support to help them support themselves through engaging in business activities. There remains a substantial work with regard to facilitating victim support" (27).more
Feb. 2, 2023, 1:11 p.m.
Countries: Austria
"The Committee welcomes the efforts of the State party to enhance the early identification and referral to appropriate services of victims of trafficking...However, the Committee notes with concern that: (c) Efforts to identify women as victims of trafficking in persons are undermined by the restrictive asylum policies in place, which often involve speedy deportation; (d) Temporary residency permits for victims of trafficking are issued only for a one-year period that is renewable, in accordance with article 57 of the Asylum Law of 2005; (e) Women coming from States members of the European Union who are trafficked into the State party might have difficulties in fulfilling the required criteria for receiving...more
"The Committee welcomes the efforts of the State party to enhance the early identification and referral to appropriate services of victims of trafficking...However, the Committee notes with concern that: (c) Efforts to identify women as victims of trafficking in persons are undermined by the restrictive asylum policies in place, which often involve speedy deportation; (d) Temporary residency permits for victims of trafficking are issued only for a one-year period that is renewable, in accordance with article 57 of the Asylum Law of 2005; (e) Women coming from States members of the European Union who are trafficked into the State party might have difficulties in fulfilling the required criteria for receiving...more
June 21, 2022, 1:11 p.m.
Countries: Guyana
"The Committee welcomes the launch of a national plan of action for the prevention of and response to trafficking in persons for the period 2019–2020 and the opening of a safe house in Georgetown and of two transit facilities for victims of trafficking outside Georgetown. ...That victims and survivors of trafficking stay in shelters together with domestic violence victims, and that there is heavy reliance on civil society organizations for the provision of support, rehabilitation and reintegration services" (7).
"The Committee welcomes the launch of a national plan of action for the prevention of and response to trafficking in persons for the period 2019–2020 and the opening of a safe house in Georgetown and of two transit facilities for victims of trafficking outside Georgetown. ...That victims and survivors of trafficking stay in shelters together with domestic violence victims, and that there is heavy reliance on civil society organizations for the provision of support, rehabilitation and reintegration services" (7).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
"Women who are involved in human trafficiking, are not deported" (1).
"Women who are involved in human trafficiking, are not deported" (1).
Dec. 16, 2021, 11:23 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
"Law enforcement authorities arrested and prosecuted children who were the victims of sex trafficking as misdemeanor offenders. NGOs strongly criticized this practice for blaming or punishing the victim" (28).
"Law enforcement authorities arrested and prosecuted children who were the victims of sex trafficking as misdemeanor offenders. NGOs strongly criticized this practice for blaming or punishing the victim" (28).
Nov. 8, 2021, 2:18 p.m.
Countries: Spain
"...The law permits any foreigner in the country who is a victim of gender-based violence or of trafficking in persons to file a complaint at a police station without fear of deportation, even if that individual is in the country illegally…" (10).
"...The law permits any foreigner in the country who is a victim of gender-based violence or of trafficking in persons to file a complaint at a police station without fear of deportation, even if that individual is in the country illegally…" (10).
Sept. 22, 2021, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
"It notes with concern, however, that: (a) Women and girls who fall victim to trafficking are often treated as criminals and charged with so-called moral crimes; (b) Women who are victims of trafficking often lack access to formal justice" (9).
"It notes with concern, however, that: (a) Women and girls who fall victim to trafficking are often treated as criminals and charged with so-called moral crimes; (b) Women who are victims of trafficking often lack access to formal justice" (9).
Sept. 13, 2021, 2:24 p.m.
Countries: China
"Authorities continued to forcibly repatriate North Korean refugees and asylum seekers, including trafficking victims, generally treating them as illegal economic migrants. The government detained and deported them to North Korea, where they faced severe punishment or death, including in North Korean forced-labor camps. The government did not provide North Korean trafficking victims with legal alternatives to repatriation" (58).
"Authorities continued to forcibly repatriate North Korean refugees and asylum seekers, including trafficking victims, generally treating them as illegal economic migrants. The government detained and deported them to North Korea, where they faced severe punishment or death, including in North Korean forced-labor camps. The government did not provide North Korean trafficking victims with legal alternatives to repatriation" (58).
March 13, 2021, 4:47 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
The Committee also welcomes the recent announcement of a 45-day period of recovery and reflection for victims of trafficking, as well as the granting of temporary one-year visas (10).
The Committee also welcomes the recent announcement of a 45-day period of recovery and reflection for victims of trafficking, as well as the granting of temporary one-year visas (10).
Feb. 15, 2021, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
"I became aware of sex trafficking in 1997. Around that time, I was approached by a judge in Zenica who informed me that she was witnessing a very odd phenomenon: non-Bosnian women kept coming in front of her, arrested by the police for prostitution. Because prostitution is a strict liability offence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, she had to fine and deport them. She was aware that there were rumours of similar cases in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well, but the nature and extent was not clear. The most common explanation was that they were prostitutes seeking to make money from the 80,000 (mostly male) internationals that were...more
"I became aware of sex trafficking in 1997. Around that time, I was approached by a judge in Zenica who informed me that she was witnessing a very odd phenomenon: non-Bosnian women kept coming in front of her, arrested by the police for prostitution. Because prostitution is a strict liability offence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, she had to fine and deport them. She was aware that there were rumours of similar cases in other parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina as well, but the nature and extent was not clear. The most common explanation was that they were prostitutes seeking to make money from the 80,000 (mostly male) internationals that were...more
Feb. 13, 2021, 11:12 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
“L.R. v. the United Kingdom (no. 49113/09) (14 June 2011 (strike-out decision)): The applicant claimed that she had been trafficked to the United Kingdom from Italy by an Albanian man who forced her into prostitution in a night club collecting all the money which that brought. She escaped and started living in an undisclosed shelter. She claimed that removing her from the United Kingdom to Albania would expose her to a risk of being treated in breach of Articles 2 (right to life), 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment), 4 (prohibition of slavery and forced labour) and 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the Convention....more
“L.R. v. the United Kingdom (no. 49113/09) (14 June 2011 (strike-out decision)): The applicant claimed that she had been trafficked to the United Kingdom from Italy by an Albanian man who forced her into prostitution in a night club collecting all the money which that brought. She escaped and started living in an undisclosed shelter. She claimed that removing her from the United Kingdom to Albania would expose her to a risk of being treated in breach of Articles 2 (right to life), 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment), 4 (prohibition of slavery and forced labour) and 8 (right to respect for private and family life) of the Convention....more
Oct. 3, 2020, 6:15 p.m.
Countries: France
“V.F. v. France (no. 7196/10) (29 November 2011 (decision on the admissibility)): This case concerned the proceedings for the applicant’s deportation to Nigeria, her country of origin. The applicant alleged in particular that if she were expelled to Nigeria she would be at risk of being forced back into the prostitution ring from which she had escaped and being subjected to reprisals by those concerned, and that the Nigerian authorities would be unable to protect her. In her view, the French authorities were under a duty not to expel potential victims of trafficking. The Court declared the application inadmissible as being manifestly ill-founded. While it was well aware of the...more
“V.F. v. France (no. 7196/10) (29 November 2011 (decision on the admissibility)): This case concerned the proceedings for the applicant’s deportation to Nigeria, her country of origin. The applicant alleged in particular that if she were expelled to Nigeria she would be at risk of being forced back into the prostitution ring from which she had escaped and being subjected to reprisals by those concerned, and that the Nigerian authorities would be unable to protect her. In her view, the French authorities were under a duty not to expel potential victims of trafficking. The Court declared the application inadmissible as being manifestly ill-founded. While it was well aware of the...more
Sept. 26, 2020, 4:35 p.m.
Countries: Austria
“J. and Others v. Austria (no. 58216/12) (17 January 2017): This case concerned the Austrian authorities’ investigation into an allegation of human trafficking. The applicants, two Filipino nationals, who had gone to work as maids or au pairs [in] the United Arab Emirates, alleged that their employers had taken their passports away from them and exploited them. They claimed that this treatment had continued during a short stay in Vienna where their employers had taken them and where they had eventually managed to escape. Following a criminal complaint filed by the applicants against their employers in Austria, the authorities found that they did not have jurisdiction over the alleged offences...more
“J. and Others v. Austria (no. 58216/12) (17 January 2017): This case concerned the Austrian authorities’ investigation into an allegation of human trafficking. The applicants, two Filipino nationals, who had gone to work as maids or au pairs [in] the United Arab Emirates, alleged that their employers had taken their passports away from them and exploited them. They claimed that this treatment had continued during a short stay in Vienna where their employers had taken them and where they had eventually managed to escape. Following a criminal complaint filed by the applicants against their employers in Austria, the authorities found that they did not have jurisdiction over the alleged offences...more
June 23, 2020, 6 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
"Victims of human trafficking have access to a full range of support including housing (shelter), physical and psychological treatment and rehabilitation, and reintegration measures. If necessary, identification documents are returned to victims. Victims are assigned a lawyer who accompanies them from the stage of investigation to the stage of sentencing; after sentencing, in the event that the accused refuses to provide reparation for moral and material damage, the lawyer files a civil claim for compensation for moral and material harm (if the victim so wishes). At present, rehabilitation and social reintegration assistance to victims of human trafficking is provided by the public organization Femida, with financial support from the social...more
"Victims of human trafficking have access to a full range of support including housing (shelter), physical and psychological treatment and rehabilitation, and reintegration measures. If necessary, identification documents are returned to victims. Victims are assigned a lawyer who accompanies them from the stage of investigation to the stage of sentencing; after sentencing, in the event that the accused refuses to provide reparation for moral and material damage, the lawyer files a civil claim for compensation for moral and material harm (if the victim so wishes). At present, rehabilitation and social reintegration assistance to victims of human trafficking is provided by the public organization Femida, with financial support from the social...more
June 23, 2020, 5:49 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
"The OSCE Mission to Serbia supported the printing of the publication ‘Legal Framework and Recommendations for Implementation of the Non-Punishment Principle with Regard to Victims of Human Trafficking in the R Serbia’" (26).
"The OSCE Mission to Serbia supported the printing of the publication ‘Legal Framework and Recommendations for Implementation of the Non-Punishment Principle with Regard to Victims of Human Trafficking in the R Serbia’" (26).
Feb. 15, 2020, 9:16 p.m.
Countries: Italy
"As for victims’ protection, in accordance with the relevant European Directive, the above Legislative Decree also amended the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure in order to extend the existing protection — already envisaged for child victims or mentally-ill adult victims — to all adult victims being under particularly vulnerable conditions. To further strengthen the protection system, the above Legislative Decree envisages the obligation to adequately inform victims of their rights, especially those unaccompanied minors being victims of trafficking; this also establishes that a further Decree will be adopted to define specific mechanisms as for the determination of their age and identification. Thus, trafficked children are provided with special assistance and...more
"As for victims’ protection, in accordance with the relevant European Directive, the above Legislative Decree also amended the Italian Code of Criminal Procedure in order to extend the existing protection — already envisaged for child victims or mentally-ill adult victims — to all adult victims being under particularly vulnerable conditions. To further strengthen the protection system, the above Legislative Decree envisages the obligation to adequately inform victims of their rights, especially those unaccompanied minors being victims of trafficking; this also establishes that a further Decree will be adopted to define specific mechanisms as for the determination of their age and identification. Thus, trafficked children are provided with special assistance and...more
Jan. 30, 2020, 1:05 p.m.
Countries: Yemen
"The IOM reported that both the government and Houthi-Saleh rebels detained migrants due to concerns that they could be recruited by the other party. While the government was able to deport migrants back to their country of origin, the Houthi-Saleh rebels generally detained migrants for indefinite periods. The IOM worked with the rebels to assist the migrants while in detention. Separately, UNHCR and the IOM worked together to provide assisted voluntary returns for migrants and assisted spontaneous returns for Somali refugees" (21).
"The IOM reported that both the government and Houthi-Saleh rebels detained migrants due to concerns that they could be recruited by the other party. While the government was able to deport migrants back to their country of origin, the Houthi-Saleh rebels generally detained migrants for indefinite periods. The IOM worked with the rebels to assist the migrants while in detention. Separately, UNHCR and the IOM worked together to provide assisted voluntary returns for migrants and assisted spontaneous returns for Somali refugees" (21).