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Latest items for SEGI-PRACTICE-3

March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Minorities have been particularly affected by the conflict and minority women defenders from these areas remain under threat. Threats against minority women defenders can go unnoticed or ignored" (6). "Women in the public sphere, participating in protests, or in the 2018 elections have further been subjected to public defamation campaigns and sexual shaming. Such attacks can leave women defenders isolated and sometimes ostracized by their communities" (7).
March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"The Committee notes with concern, however, reports of harassment and excessive limitations on the right to freedom of expression for women human rights defenders and the shrinking civic space in the State party" (10).
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"It also notes with concern reports that women human rights defenders face intimidation and harassment, including cases of sexual and other forms of gender-based violence, by the police and other State officials for their work on women’s human rights, and that they may face harassment for their participation in the Committee’s review of the State party’s report" (Page 9).
Feb. 27, 2025, 8:34 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Kenyan police fired teargas and arrested at least three people on Tuesday as hundreds protested against a wave of femicides, a Reuters reporter and human rights activists said. Several hundred people - mostly women - marched in the capital Nairobi, where they blew whistles and chanted, 'Stop killing women!' They were repeatedly dispersed by police officers firing teargas from moving vehicles before regrouping anew" (para 1-2). "The protesters in Nairobi were peaceful and it was not clear why the police intervened. The national police spokesperson did not immediately respond to a request for comment" (para 4). "The authorities have broadly defended the police response but said investigators were looking into...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 9:51 p.m.
Countries: China

"Two years after the #MeToo movement took off in China, Chinese women’s rights activists face a political environment in which the Chinese Communist Party’s control over the internet, media, and independent activism is tighter than the previous 30 years. Since the Chinese government prohibits collective actions, the country’s #MeToo movement has not been able to manifest in mass street protests. But individuals who have suffered abuse have taken their cases to court, demonstrating extraordinary determination and resilience. In June 2018, a student at China University of Petroleum was detained for six days in a hotel room by university authorities after protesting the university and police’s mishandling of her sexual abuse...more
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras

"The Committee is particularly concerned about harassment, gender-based violence, and acts of intimidation and reprisals against women human rights defenders" (10).
Jan. 29, 2025, 8:28 p.m.
Countries: Morocco

"In Morocco, women's rights activists are facing death and rape threats as the country moves to overhaul an archaic family code. On 28 March, an Instagram account with the handle 'hydra21' shared a death list of twenty-two Moroccan women's rights and LGBTQ+ activists, threatening imminent assassinations. The list included renowned artist and activist Zainab Fassiki and members of famous local feminist NGOs such as Moroccan Outlaws, Politics4her, and Kif Mama Kif Baba. The Instagram account, which uses a fake name, has privately messaged several targeted activists, threatening their families and workplaces for promoting 'anti-Islam beliefs' and 'trying to destroy the values of Moroccan society.' 'There's not only one account. We...more
Jan. 22, 2025, 9:21 p.m.
Countries: Russia

"The new law on 'child-free propaganda' is vague enough that some Russians are already worried about a broad interpretation. According to the independent publication Novaya Gazeta, an online community called Maternal Bliss with 'nearly 150,000 subscribers where mothers anonymously spoke about the challenges of motherhood removed all its posts to avoid being charged under the new law"' (para 3).
Jan. 18, 2025, 1:24 p.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"The story raises issues about Saudi Arabia’s influence over some Yemeni activists" (par. 14).
Jan. 18, 2025, 1:10 p.m.
Countries: Iran

"Theories around who is behind the series of horrifying attacks include that the authorities may be taking revenge on the girls for their role in the protests which have been ongoing for months" (par. 17).
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"There is no official data on the number of women defenders abused. Today, many women defenders are criminalized by the justice system, and defamed by the media and companies. Since 2003, 10 women have died from abuse of the public force; they have been attacked with hits to the breasts and buttocks, racist and sexist insults. Furthermore, they live in contexts of coercion and violence, where sexual autonomy and their choices are limited by the structural position of man's domination and the presence of the forces of order. An emblematic case is that of the comunera M.A., harassed for her fight against the Conga mining megaproject in Cajamarca. Faced with...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"In connection with the recommendation contained in paragraph 29 (a), the effective measures adopted for the protection of women human rights defenders included action taken by the Protection System General Directorate, in applying the Act on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Journalists, Social Communicators and Justice Workers, and with technical assistance from the European Union (2016) and USAID (2017–2019), to establish and subsequently to strengthen the Case Reception and Immediate Response Unit, the Risk Analysis Unit and the Implementation and Monitoring Unit. In addition, in May 2018, it established the Prevention and Context Analysis Unit. In compliance with the Human Rights Defenders Act and its regulations, from 2016 to...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 6:20 p.m.
Countries: Mexico
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Luz Vázquez, who functions as the spokesperson of the international 'Debtors Clothesline' movement, has faced her own critics. In February 2022, she received harsh scrutiny after she got into a minor car crash while intoxicated with her daughter in the passenger seat. Neither mother nor daughter was injured, but a video posted online made her a target for accusations of hypocrisy. The assumption was: How could she speak out against irresponsible fathers after this? How could anything she advocates for be trusted? She says her mistake is wrongly used as a way to discredit the movement, and that she still receives hateful comments across social media" (para 10).more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"One of the most difficult subjects I have tackled is female drug addiction in Somalia. . .When the report came out, I was attacked by fellow Somalis who accused me of damaging the reputation of our country by telling the world about this problem" (par. 2, 5). "Bilan has faced similar abuse for reporting on people living with HIV and Aids, another story on a woman who defied local hostility to welcome HIV-positive people into her house, and on teenage orphan girls forced into early marriage and later abandoned to bring up their children alone. But reporting these stories has also shown how caring and compassionate people can be. Our...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:11 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

“The blowback and fear that 4B practitioners experience underscores their conviction that Korea is still a frightening place for women. Yeowon’s photo was posted on an Ilbe site after participating in a feminist protest, and she was harassed and sexually threatened online for weeks. Youngmi said men have tried to physically attack her on the street three or four times. She recalled an episode when she and some friends, who all had cropped haircuts, were dining at a Japanese restaurant in Daegu. Throughout the night, the restaurant owner and his friends made gagging and puking noises and gestures at them. When Minji and I met at a coffee shop near...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 11:31 a.m.
Countries: China
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"After two years in detention, a Chinese journalist who spoke up against sexual harassment stood trial on subversion charges on Friday along with a labor rights activist, the latest example of Beijing’s intensified crackdown on civil society. Huang Xueqin, an independent journalist who was once a prominent voice in China’s #MeToo movement, and her friend Wang Jianbing, the activist, were taken away by the police in September 2021 and later charged with inciting subversion of state power. Their trial was held at the Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court in southern China. Little is known about the government’s case, but the vaguely worded offense with which the two were charged has long...more
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Legislation on topics beyond family issues, including a sweeping, government-backed security bill already approved by the lower house, takes aim at climate activists and labor unions by criminalizing protests that obstruct roads and railways, opponents say" (par. 11).
Dec. 30, 2024, 11:27 a.m.
Countries: Burma/Myanmar
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Zar was a nurse at a private hospital in Mandalay, which was shut down by the military government because its doctors had joined the protest movement" (par. 10).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:31 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"The next year, authorities designated the prominent Russian nonprofit, which supports domestic violence victims, as a foreign agent, a label regularly applied to critics of Mr. Putin’s politics. (’s founder, Anna Rivina, was personally deemed a foreign agent.) In 2021, they shut down a major national feminist festival, Moscow FemFest. 'They didn’t refer to any laws but simply said, ‘We need to clear the space,' the festival’s founder, Lola Tagaeva, told me. When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, the Feminist Antiwar Resistance quickly formed and became one of the loudest protest movements in the country. More than 100 of its activists have faced various forms of persecution, the organization...more
Dec. 10, 2024, 3:41 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"Mr. Xi’s government has waged a broad crackdown on civil society organizations, making overt feminism dangerous. Huang Xueqin, a leading feminist activist and journalist who helped start China’s #MeToo movement by creating a social media platform for reporting sexual harassment in 2018, was put on trial in September on vague charges of subversion, after two years in detention. No verdict has been announced" (para 13).
Dec. 7, 2024, 6:21 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"The movement sparked widespread controversy, with many advocates facing backlash for speaking up against the practice. The Gambian government, meanwhile, remained largely silent, likely due to the sensitivity of the issue and the cultural significance of FGM in the country. The main opposition parties, including their women and youth branches, also refrained from commenting, potentially fearing that doing so would impact their performance in future elections. It wasn’t until the UN Commission on the Status of Women met in March 2024 that the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Welfare issued a statement reaffirming the government’s commitment to upholding the rights of girls and women by maintaining the ban on...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:14 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"This fear isn’t unfounded: last year, a female convenience store worker in Jinju was violently attacked by a man who assumed she was a feminist simply because she had short hair, leading to a court ruling that recognised misogyny as a hate crime motive for the first time. This hostile environment has led many young Korean women to practise what scholars like Moon and Jung term 'quiet feminism'– embracing feminist principles privately while avoiding public identification with the movement" (para 17-18).
Dec. 5, 2024, 6:07 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"The Iranian state has said that it plans to open a treatment clinic for women who defy the mandatory hijab laws that require women to cover their heads in public. The opening of a “hijab removal treatment clinic” was announced by Mehri Talebi Darestani, the head of the Women and Family Department of the Tehran Headquarters for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice. She said the clinic will offer 'scientific and psychological treatment for hijab removal'" (para 1-2). "Sima Sabet, a UK-based Iranian journalist who was a target of an Iranian assassination attempt last year, said the move is “shameful”, adding that: 'The idea of establishing clinics to...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:26 p.m.
Countries: Malta

"There are cases where individuals who come from these [rural] regions, are open to Western cultural practices, but end up shunned by their communities for doing so. 'They feel they betrayed their country'" (para 10).
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:24 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

In a searing report about the rape of protesters by security forces, CNN recounted how a 20-year-old woman was arrested for supposedly leading protests and later was brought by the police to a hospital in Karaj, shaking violently, head shaven, her rectum hemorrhaging. The woman is now back in prison (para 2). "Hadi Ghaemi of the Center for Human Rights in Iran, a watchdog organization in New York, told me of a 14-year-old girl from a poor neighborhood in Tehran who protested by taking off her head scarf at school. The girl, Masooumeh, was identified by school cameras and detained; soon afterward, she was taken to the hospital to be...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:04 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"A survey referenced by Abbas Abdi, a well-known reformist columnist, and conducted by the Ministry of Guidance research institute showed 31% of respondents had observed a high number of Iranians not wearing the hijab. It also showed only 10% of the population favoured offenders being fined, 14% favoured a verbal warning, 40% favoured cultural education and 23% said it should be accepted. He said the figures were likely to be distorted given it was an official government survey and the survey base seemed to be biased against those who took their news from foreign satellite channels" (Para 16) "The finding echoes a survey on 22 November by the Blair Institute...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 3:39 p.m.
Countries: Iran

"Amini, a Turkish citizen, was detained by police while visiting Tehran in September. Her still-unexplained death has spurred widespread protests against the country’s theocratic government and its hijab requirements which have been in place since the 1970s. Iranian police have responded with brutal crackdowns on the gatherings resulting in almost 20,000 arrests and hundreds of deaths, according to multiple reports" (para 2).
Nov. 16, 2024, 3:39 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"A growing number of Iranian women have been ditching their veils since the death of a 22-year-old Kurdish woman in the custody of the 'morality police' last September. Government forces violently put down months of nationwide revolt unleashed by her death" (para 10-11). "Under Iran’s Islamic sharia law, imposed after the 1979 revolution, women are obliged to cover their hair and wear long, loose-fitting clothes to disguise their figures. Violators have faced public rebuke, fines or arrest" (para 13).
Nov. 12, 2024, 6:12 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

“The blowback and fear that 4B practitioners experience underscores their conviction that Korea is still a frightening place for women. Yeowon’s photo was posted on an Ilbe site after participating in a feminist protest, and she was harassed and sexually threatened online for weeks. Youngmi said men have tried to physically attack her on the street three or four times. She recalled an episode when she and some friends, who all had cropped haircuts, were dining at a Japanese restaurant in Daegu. Throughout the night, the restaurant owner and his friends made gagging and puking noises and gestures at them. When Minji and I met at a coffee shop near...more
Oct. 16, 2024, 3:21 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3

"A survey referenced by Abbas Abdi, a well-known reformist columnist, and conducted by the Ministry of Guidance research institute showed 31% of respondents had observed a high number of Iranians not wearing the hijab. It also showed only 10% of the population favoured offenders being fined, 14% favoured a verbal warning, 40% favoured cultural education and 23% said it should be accepted. He said the figures were likely to be distorted given it was an official government survey and the survey base seemed to be biased against those who took their news from foreign satellite channels" (Para 16) "The finding echoes a survey on 22 November by the Blair Institute...more