Latest items for MULV-DATA-1
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Women’s disproportionate burden of unpaid care work, which is 2.5 times higher for women than for men and constitutes a barrier to women’s economic participation" (Page 11)
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Women’s disproportionate burden of unpaid care work, which is 2.5 times higher for women than for men and constitutes a barrier to women’s economic participation" (Page 11)
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
"Unpaid work in the Dominican Republic. The findings were that women bear 77 per cent (31.2 hours) and men the remaining 23 per cent (9.6 hours) of the burden, a ratio of more than 3 to 1; men showed greater reluctance in care work (of which they did 16 per cent) than in domestic work (of which they did 28 per cent)" (12).
"Unpaid work in the Dominican Republic. The findings were that women bear 77 per cent (31.2 hours) and men the remaining 23 per cent (9.6 hours) of the burden, a ratio of more than 3 to 1; men showed greater reluctance in care work (of which they did 16 per cent) than in domestic work (of which they did 28 per cent)" (12).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Under the aforementioned Act, in 2018 the central bank established the unremunerated domestic work satellite account, following the conceptual, methodological and technical criteria of the System of National Accounts. The aim of the satellite account is to highlight the economic value of the unpaid work performed by male and female household members in productive activities for self-consumption. According to central bank results, the economic value of unpaid domestic work in Costa Rica for 2017 was 25.3 per cent of gross domestic product, or 8.3 trillion colones ($135,399,673,735.72). Of this amount, women account for 18 per cent, or 5.9 trillion colones ($96,247,960,848.28), and 2.4 trillion colones ($39,151,712,887.43) is contributed by men...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Under the aforementioned Act, in 2018 the central bank established the unremunerated domestic work satellite account, following the conceptual, methodological and technical criteria of the System of National Accounts. The aim of the satellite account is to highlight the economic value of the unpaid work performed by male and female household members in productive activities for self-consumption. According to central bank results, the economic value of unpaid domestic work in Costa Rica for 2017 was 25.3 per cent of gross domestic product, or 8.3 trillion colones ($135,399,673,735.72). Of this amount, women account for 18 per cent, or 5.9 trillion colones ($96,247,960,848.28), and 2.4 trillion colones ($39,151,712,887.43) is contributed by men...more
Jan. 24, 2025, 7:43 p.m.
Countries: Chile
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"19.4% of women do not enter employment because they perform domestic work and care for children, the elderly or other family members, while men perform only 0.6% of these tasks, and this situation is even more pronounced for women with less economic autonomy" (2).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"19.4% of women do not enter employment because they perform domestic work and care for children, the elderly or other family members, while men perform only 0.6% of these tasks, and this situation is even more pronounced for women with less economic autonomy" (2).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:09 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"According to unofficial data, 1 million people in Kyrgyzstan are employed in the informal sector of the economy, which, according to estimates by the National Statistical Committee, accounts for about 24.5 per cent of GDP; of the 1 million, 0.6 million are women, working mainly in the areas of trade, services and agriculture" (25-26).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"According to unofficial data, 1 million people in Kyrgyzstan are employed in the informal sector of the economy, which, according to estimates by the National Statistical Committee, accounts for about 24.5 per cent of GDP; of the 1 million, 0.6 million are women, working mainly in the areas of trade, services and agriculture" (25-26).
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:44 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"When statistics show India's female labor rate around 20%, it doesn't mean 80% of women aren't working. Women do a lot of unpaid work – running a household, or planting and harvesting on a family farm – that doesn't get counted. Often it's because workers – including women themselves — might not realize these types of labor should even be classified as such. 'There are also income-saving activities that women do — collecting fuel and firewood, for example,' Dewan says. 'So you may not earn an income, but you're replacing the lack of income with your economic activities – which are generally not counted as work'" (para 40-42).more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"When statistics show India's female labor rate around 20%, it doesn't mean 80% of women aren't working. Women do a lot of unpaid work – running a household, or planting and harvesting on a family farm – that doesn't get counted. Often it's because workers – including women themselves — might not realize these types of labor should even be classified as such. 'There are also income-saving activities that women do — collecting fuel and firewood, for example,' Dewan says. 'So you may not earn an income, but you're replacing the lack of income with your economic activities – which are generally not counted as work'" (para 40-42).more
Nov. 16, 2024, 2:56 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Before 11am, pregnant mothers, parents with prams and children with painted faces and fancy dress arrived armed with placards saying, 'Knocked up then knocked off the career ladder' and 'Childcare costs are wicked' in support of the campaign coinciding with Halloween weekend" (para 4). 'Knocked up then knocked off the career ladder' implies that women are being forced out of the labor force upon having a child; One of the pictures in this article also inclues a sign that says 'My skills got me hired! My womb got me fired!', which implies the same (MB-CODER COMMENT). "Mandu Reid, the leader of the British Women’s Equality Party, accused the government of...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Before 11am, pregnant mothers, parents with prams and children with painted faces and fancy dress arrived armed with placards saying, 'Knocked up then knocked off the career ladder' and 'Childcare costs are wicked' in support of the campaign coinciding with Halloween weekend" (para 4). 'Knocked up then knocked off the career ladder' implies that women are being forced out of the labor force upon having a child; One of the pictures in this article also inclues a sign that says 'My skills got me hired! My womb got me fired!', which implies the same (MB-CODER COMMENT). "Mandu Reid, the leader of the British Women’s Equality Party, accused the government of...more
Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.
Countries: Cape Verde
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[R]ural women continue to carry a disproportionate burden of unpaid care work compared with rural men" (12).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[R]ural women continue to carry a disproportionate burden of unpaid care work compared with rural men" (12).
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[There are l]imited opportunities for women to pursue their careers in the formal employment sector owing to the disproportionate burden of household and childcare responsibilities placed on them" (11).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[There are l]imited opportunities for women to pursue their careers in the formal employment sector owing to the disproportionate burden of household and childcare responsibilities placed on them" (11).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For the 1st of December 2018, the employment service agencies have reported that 30,400 persons are given the official status of unemployed in the country; 38.1% out of that number are women. In the course of recent years, the share of women is dropped among unemployed people. It was 51,6% in 2005 by decreasing down to 36,3% in 2017" (24). "In 2018, 7267 unemployed citizens and job seekers were covered by the Self-Employment Program. 1309 out of that number are women" (30).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For the 1st of December 2018, the employment service agencies have reported that 30,400 persons are given the official status of unemployed in the country; 38.1% out of that number are women. In the course of recent years, the share of women is dropped among unemployed people. It was 51,6% in 2005 by decreasing down to 36,3% in 2017" (24). "In 2018, 7267 unemployed citizens and job seekers were covered by the Self-Employment Program. 1309 out of that number are women" (30).
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The country continues to grapple with a low Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of 58%. Men’s LFPR is at 75% with women’s LFPR only at 42%. These figures, when factored with the unemployment rate, still show the majority of the female population as being categorised as economically inactive. While regionally comparable, Maldivian women’s low LFPR continues to be a stumbling block for the country realising its full potential." (21)(NF - CODER COMMENT - The LFPR is an estimate of an economy's active workforce. It is the number of people over the age of 16 who are employed or actively looking for employment. This is then divided by the total non-institutionalized,...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The country continues to grapple with a low Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) of 58%. Men’s LFPR is at 75% with women’s LFPR only at 42%. These figures, when factored with the unemployment rate, still show the majority of the female population as being categorised as economically inactive. While regionally comparable, Maldivian women’s low LFPR continues to be a stumbling block for the country realising its full potential." (21)(NF - CODER COMMENT - The LFPR is an estimate of an economy's active workforce. It is the number of people over the age of 16 who are employed or actively looking for employment. This is then divided by the total non-institutionalized,...more
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"63.1 per cent of women remain outside of the economically active population" (17).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"63.1 per cent of women remain outside of the economically active population" (17).
Feb. 27, 2023, 1:02 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Many women still say nope. No wonder. There’s little escaping suffocating gender norms, whether in pregnancy guidelines to arrange clean undergarments for your husband before labor, or the dayslong kitchen drudgework for holidays like the Chuseok harvest festival. Married women are saddled with the lion’s share of chores and child care, squeezing new mothers so much that many give up professional ambitions. Even in dual-income households, wives daily spend more than three hours on these tasks versus their husband’s 54 minutes. Discrimination against working mothers by employers is also absurdly common. In one notorious case, the country’s top baby formula maker was accused of pressuring female employees to quit after...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Many women still say nope. No wonder. There’s little escaping suffocating gender norms, whether in pregnancy guidelines to arrange clean undergarments for your husband before labor, or the dayslong kitchen drudgework for holidays like the Chuseok harvest festival. Married women are saddled with the lion’s share of chores and child care, squeezing new mothers so much that many give up professional ambitions. Even in dual-income households, wives daily spend more than three hours on these tasks versus their husband’s 54 minutes. Discrimination against working mothers by employers is also absurdly common. In one notorious case, the country’s top baby formula maker was accused of pressuring female employees to quit after...more
Feb. 4, 2023, 8:40 a.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[There is a] lack of accessible and affordable childcare facilities" (10).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"[There is a] lack of accessible and affordable childcare facilities" (10).
May 30, 2022, 9:08 p.m.
Countries: Switzerland
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The involvement of women and men in unpaid work was highly variable depending on the type of activity. Women spend much longer than men on most household and family tasks. Men involve themselves more than women in organized volunteer work (23 per cent compared to 17 per cent). As shown in a FOGE brochure published in 2010, unpaid caregiving has a negative impact on careers and social protection. In addition, it limits choices as regards the division of labour between women and men and increases the risk of poverty. Caregiving, whether paid or unpaid, whether for adults or children, is overwhelmingly women’s work. Accordingly, women bear the brunt of its...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The involvement of women and men in unpaid work was highly variable depending on the type of activity. Women spend much longer than men on most household and family tasks. Men involve themselves more than women in organized volunteer work (23 per cent compared to 17 per cent). As shown in a FOGE brochure published in 2010, unpaid caregiving has a negative impact on careers and social protection. In addition, it limits choices as regards the division of labour between women and men and increases the risk of poverty. Caregiving, whether paid or unpaid, whether for adults or children, is overwhelmingly women’s work. Accordingly, women bear the brunt of its...more
May 27, 2022, 4:14 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The project aims support 10.250 women who have children and who are at risk of leaving labour market due to their childcare responsibilities, to participate in formal employment, to return to work life or to remain in the labour market by supporting them financially for institutional childcare" (22). A project of this sort indicates that there are issues of women leaving the workforce due to having children (SFR - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The project aims support 10.250 women who have children and who are at risk of leaving labour market due to their childcare responsibilities, to participate in formal employment, to return to work life or to remain in the labour market by supporting them financially for institutional childcare" (22). A project of this sort indicates that there are issues of women leaving the workforce due to having children (SFR - CODER COMMENT).
March 9, 2022, 8:57 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"If Italian women might reach the same rate of men (70.5%), it would be significantly beneficial to the Italian economy so that its GDP would achieve 17%, corresponding to 260 billion Euros" (61).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"If Italian women might reach the same rate of men (70.5%), it would be significantly beneficial to the Italian economy so that its GDP would achieve 17%, corresponding to 260 billion Euros" (61).
Aug. 28, 2021, 11:07 a.m.
Countries: Estonia
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Results of different surveys confirm that division of care burden in Estonia still reflects rather traditional values. While both partners are expected to supplement to the family s income, the caring duties at home are still often expected to be met by the woman. These attitudes are reflected also in the employment data. The employment rate of men is highest (over 84% in 2010, over 91% in 2013) for men with at least one child below 3 years of age. For such women employment rate is lowest (29% in 2010, 23% in 2013) but raises remarkably right after that. Employment rates for men and women with school aged children were...more
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"Results of different surveys confirm that division of care burden in Estonia still reflects rather traditional values. While both partners are expected to supplement to the family s income, the caring duties at home are still often expected to be met by the woman. These attitudes are reflected also in the employment data. The employment rate of men is highest (over 84% in 2010, over 91% in 2013) for men with at least one child below 3 years of age. For such women employment rate is lowest (29% in 2010, 23% in 2013) but raises remarkably right after that. Employment rates for men and women with school aged children were...more
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Palestine
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... and 23% in Palestine" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... and 23% in Palestine" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Tunisia
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers... The lowest share is seen in Tunisia (3%) thanks to the social security systems"(8-9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers... The lowest share is seen in Tunisia (3%) thanks to the social security systems"(8-9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Yemen
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco[ and] 39% in Yemen" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco[ and] 39% in Yemen" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Bahrain, Lebanon
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers. It is worth noting that these two countries are characterized by a percentage of women's informal waged labor higher than the total (higher than that of males)"(8-9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers. It is worth noting that these two countries are characterized by a percentage of women's informal waged labor higher than the total (higher than that of males)"(8-9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the ...lowest share is seen in Tunisia (3%) thanks to the social security systems and in Egypt (8%) due to the scarcity of women's waged labor"(8-9). "The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco, ...while Egypt (18%)... see[s] significant percentages" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the ...lowest share is seen in Tunisia (3%) thanks to the social security systems and in Egypt (8%) due to the scarcity of women's waged labor"(8-9). "The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco, ...while Egypt (18%)... see[s] significant percentages" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... [and] 33% in Sudan" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... [and] 33% in Sudan" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Syria
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... and Syria (12%) see[s] significant percentages" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco... and Syria (12%) see[s] significant percentages" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco,... while Egypt (18%), Iraq (13%) and Syria (12%) see significant percentages" (9). Thus, 10,402 workers employed within 5,535 households [in Iraq] were surveyed, and the percentage of household workers was highest in rural areas and in Qadisiyah and Karbala governorates. The number of family waged workers did not exceed 1%, while housewives looking after this sector accounted for 36% of the total" (15).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco,... while Egypt (18%), Iraq (13%) and Syria (12%) see significant percentages" (9). Thus, 10,402 workers employed within 5,535 households [in Iraq] were surveyed, and the percentage of household workers was highest in rural areas and in Qadisiyah and Karbala governorates. The number of family waged workers did not exceed 1%, while housewives looking after this sector accounted for 36% of the total" (15).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco" (9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"The proportion of unwaged family contributing women reaches 46% of all women's labor in Morocco" (9).
Aug. 12, 2021, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: Jordan
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers... The share of women's informal waged labor in Jordan also rises to 46% for the same reason"(8-9).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"For women's unwaged informal labor, the highest proportions are seen in Bahrain (54%) and Lebanon (58%) due to the importance of female domestic labor for female migrant workers... The share of women's informal waged labor in Jordan also rises to 46% for the same reason"(8-9).
June 9, 2021, 8:43 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"In 2004, the annual value of thus defined female unpaid household labour amounted to PLN 174,794 million, which accounted for ca. 19 per cent of the gross domestic product" (51).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"In 2004, the annual value of thus defined female unpaid household labour amounted to PLN 174,794 million, which accounted for ca. 19 per cent of the gross domestic product" (51).
April 26, 2021, 11:49 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"If Italian women might reach the same rate of men (70.5%), it would be significantly beneficial to the Italian economy so that its GDP would achieve 17%, corresponding to 260 billion Euros" (61).
Variables: MULV-DATA-1
"If Italian women might reach the same rate of men (70.5%), it would be significantly beneficial to the Italian economy so that its GDP would achieve 17%, corresponding to 260 billion Euros" (61).