Latest items for MISA-PRACTICE-2
March 14, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Indonesia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"More than 1 million women use illicit drugs in Indonesia but they have been ignored by existing policy. At the same time, the nation has limited under-scale NSP [Needle Syringe Program] and OAT [Opiate Agonist Theory], with no peer naloxone distribution or safe consumption rooms. Women who use drugs (WUD) are subject to high rates of violence, stigma and discrimination. As drug use is a highly stigmatized activity and criminalized with harsh penalties, reaching WUD with essential services is challenging. Indonesia’s drug policy emphasizes a punitive approach, even though this attracted wide criticism for attendant human rights violations. Law No. 35/ 2009 maintains the criminalization of drug use with a...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"More than 1 million women use illicit drugs in Indonesia but they have been ignored by existing policy. At the same time, the nation has limited under-scale NSP [Needle Syringe Program] and OAT [Opiate Agonist Theory], with no peer naloxone distribution or safe consumption rooms. Women who use drugs (WUD) are subject to high rates of violence, stigma and discrimination. As drug use is a highly stigmatized activity and criminalized with harsh penalties, reaching WUD with essential services is challenging. Indonesia’s drug policy emphasizes a punitive approach, even though this attracted wide criticism for attendant human rights violations. Law No. 35/ 2009 maintains the criminalization of drug use with a...more
Jan. 18, 2025, 1:46 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"There is also a stigma around mental health conditions, meaning women are less likely to come forward even if they notice their own disordered eating. Disordered eating can also go unnoticed or be overlooked because a slim body is so desirable" (par. 10).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"There is also a stigma around mental health conditions, meaning women are less likely to come forward even if they notice their own disordered eating. Disordered eating can also go unnoticed or be overlooked because a slim body is so desirable" (par. 10).
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"One of the most difficult subjects I have tackled is female drug addiction in Somalia. I decided to do so after a 22-year-old social media influencer was found dead from a suspected opioid overdose on the streets of Mogadishu. Nobody wanted to talk about the increasing numbers of young women injecting drugs and popping pills because it was seen as shameful for the whole society. It took months to persuade anyone to speak. The addicts were terrified their parents would find out, but I persuaded them to wear face masks to hide their identities. They asked me for money to feed their habits. The pharmacists who sell opioids threatened me,...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"One of the most difficult subjects I have tackled is female drug addiction in Somalia. I decided to do so after a 22-year-old social media influencer was found dead from a suspected opioid overdose on the streets of Mogadishu. Nobody wanted to talk about the increasing numbers of young women injecting drugs and popping pills because it was seen as shameful for the whole society. It took months to persuade anyone to speak. The addicts were terrified their parents would find out, but I persuaded them to wear face masks to hide their identities. They asked me for money to feed their habits. The pharmacists who sell opioids threatened me,...more
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Health services in prison are often not tailored to the specific needs of women, including with respect to mental health care and substance use rehabilitation services" (14).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Health services in prison are often not tailored to the specific needs of women, including with respect to mental health care and substance use rehabilitation services" (14).
Sept. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee commends the State party for enacting a strong legal framework for health protection and its considerable progress in the reduction of maternal mortality. However, it is concerned about the following: (e) The limited access to health care for and the discrimination and violence faced by women living with HIV/AIDS, women with disabilities and women using drugs, including in prisons" (p.14).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee commends the State party for enacting a strong legal framework for health protection and its considerable progress in the reduction of maternal mortality. However, it is concerned about the following: (e) The limited access to health care for and the discrimination and violence faced by women living with HIV/AIDS, women with disabilities and women using drugs, including in prisons" (p.14).
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
"[W]omen who use drugs are protected as victims who require rehabilitation, rather than offenders, and the Ministry of Justice issued a circular in 2014 on alternatives to detention and diversion measures, including judicial supervision, suspended sentences with probation and community work" (14). This circular is not implemented (MV- coder comment).
"[W]omen who use drugs are protected as victims who require rehabilitation, rather than offenders, and the Ministry of Justice issued a circular in 2014 on alternatives to detention and diversion measures, including judicial supervision, suspended sentences with probation and community work" (14). This circular is not implemented (MV- coder comment).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Preventive actions and operative research operations related to the coercion of women and young girls into prostitution and use of drug substances, involving them into human trafficking and other cases that violate women’s rights, are in the focus of attention at all times" (16).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Preventive actions and operative research operations related to the coercion of women and young girls into prostitution and use of drug substances, involving them into human trafficking and other cases that violate women’s rights, are in the focus of attention at all times" (16).
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
"[There is] inadequate mental health services for women, including addiction treatments" (12).
"[There is] inadequate mental health services for women, including addiction treatments" (12).
Feb. 6, 2023, 12:07 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee [on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women] is concerned about the draft legislative amendments to criminalize drug possession for personal use, the family legislation providing for the deprivation of parental rights based on parental drug dependence and the lack of access to harm-reduction programmes and facilities for women using drugs" (15). "The Committee recommends that the State party...[i]mprove access for women using drugs to harm-reduction programmes and facilities" (15).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee [on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women] is concerned about the draft legislative amendments to criminalize drug possession for personal use, the family legislation providing for the deprivation of parental rights based on parental drug dependence and the lack of access to harm-reduction programmes and facilities for women using drugs" (15). "The Committee recommends that the State party...[i]mprove access for women using drugs to harm-reduction programmes and facilities" (15).
Dec. 28, 2022, 9:20 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"[Women] who survive sexual violence…were more likely to drink at risky levels, to be current smokers, and to have recently used illicit drugs" (para 11).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"[Women] who survive sexual violence…were more likely to drink at risky levels, to be current smokers, and to have recently used illicit drugs" (para 11).
June 14, 2022, 5:24 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"In 2018, the Danish Health Authority has issued guidance for municipalities (a so-called prevention package) specifically addressing sexual health and well-being and includes recommendations regarding women in particular, such as counselling and contraception for female drug addicts" (26).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"In 2018, the Danish Health Authority has issued guidance for municipalities (a so-called prevention package) specifically addressing sexual health and well-being and includes recommendations regarding women in particular, such as counselling and contraception for female drug addicts" (26).
March 9, 2022, 8:57 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The National Health Plan 2006–2008 has identified a series of actions aimed at countering the effects of lifestyle heavily influenced by specific forms of dependence, which are major risk factors for health, with particular attention to the abuse of alcohol and the use of drugs" (91).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The National Health Plan 2006–2008 has identified a series of actions aimed at countering the effects of lifestyle heavily influenced by specific forms of dependence, which are major risk factors for health, with particular attention to the abuse of alcohol and the use of drugs" (91).
Sept. 14, 2021, 8:03 a.m.
Countries: El Salvador
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"...Because abortions are illegal, it is hard to get a complete picture of how women obtain them in El Salvador. What is clear beyond a doubt is that the advent of abortion drugs has completely altered illegal abortion" (para 7). "In El Salvador, and throughout Latin America, women find easy access to illegal abortion drugs via the Internet...Even in a poor country like El Salvador, almost everyone has a smartphone and, provided they have money and time, can go online to purchase the drugs that will end an unwanted pregnancy. To be sure, illegal abortion remains risky. Whether they use drugs or other means to terminate their pregnancies, many women...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"...Because abortions are illegal, it is hard to get a complete picture of how women obtain them in El Salvador. What is clear beyond a doubt is that the advent of abortion drugs has completely altered illegal abortion" (para 7). "In El Salvador, and throughout Latin America, women find easy access to illegal abortion drugs via the Internet...Even in a poor country like El Salvador, almost everyone has a smartphone and, provided they have money and time, can go online to purchase the drugs that will end an unwanted pregnancy. To be sure, illegal abortion remains risky. Whether they use drugs or other means to terminate their pregnancies, many women...more
April 26, 2021, 11:49 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The National Health Plan 2006–2008 has identified a series of actions aimed at countering the effects of lifestyle heavily influenced by specific forms of dependence, which are major risk factors for health, with particular attention to the abuse of alcohol and the use of drugs" (91).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The National Health Plan 2006–2008 has identified a series of actions aimed at countering the effects of lifestyle heavily influenced by specific forms of dependence, which are major risk factors for health, with particular attention to the abuse of alcohol and the use of drugs" (91).
Feb. 18, 2021, 7:04 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
“When there is a food shortage, families resort to a far riskier method - taking chemicals designed to fatten up animals” (para 6). “There's an additional series health implications as the country battles a severe drought. The consequent food shortage has led to families turning to industrially-produced chemicals, sometimes meant only for animals, as an alternative way of fattening up. The team travel to a market in the country's capital Nouakchott where they film stallholders selling bottles and packets of drugs which are in theory only allowed to be sold legally by licenced pharmacies. The team manages to buy bottles of a steroid, dexamethasone, which affects the body's metabolism, and...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
“When there is a food shortage, families resort to a far riskier method - taking chemicals designed to fatten up animals” (para 6). “There's an additional series health implications as the country battles a severe drought. The consequent food shortage has led to families turning to industrially-produced chemicals, sometimes meant only for animals, as an alternative way of fattening up. The team travel to a market in the country's capital Nouakchott where they film stallholders selling bottles and packets of drugs which are in theory only allowed to be sold legally by licenced pharmacies. The team manages to buy bottles of a steroid, dexamethasone, which affects the body's metabolism, and...more
Feb. 6, 2021, 2:33 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
“From an estimated 200,000 opium and heroin addicts in 2005, the number rose to nearly a million in 2009 and reached between 1.9 million to 2.4 million in 2015, the United Nations reported. The growing number of addicts reflects the octopus-like reach of opium and heroin. Husbands often addict wives, and mothers often addict children — by using opium while pregnant, by exposing the children to secondhand opium smoke and by using a pinch of opium to calm them when they are fussing” (para. 6). “One of the biggest rehabilitation centers for women is in Kabul: the 100-bed National Center for the Treatment of Addiction for Women and Children, headed...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
“From an estimated 200,000 opium and heroin addicts in 2005, the number rose to nearly a million in 2009 and reached between 1.9 million to 2.4 million in 2015, the United Nations reported. The growing number of addicts reflects the octopus-like reach of opium and heroin. Husbands often addict wives, and mothers often addict children — by using opium while pregnant, by exposing the children to secondhand opium smoke and by using a pinch of opium to calm them when they are fussing” (para. 6). “One of the biggest rehabilitation centers for women is in Kabul: the 100-bed National Center for the Treatment of Addiction for Women and Children, headed...more
Jan. 31, 2021, 3:04 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"There is a significant overlap between mental health issues and substance abuse among women in prison, with most women who are substance dependent also reporting a mental illness" (19).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"There is a significant overlap between mental health issues and substance abuse among women in prison, with most women who are substance dependent also reporting a mental illness" (19).
Jan. 1, 2021, 2:57 p.m.
Countries: Tanzania
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"And yet here in the region of Shinyanga, the practice of kupura is validated by the oft-recited motto of Sukuma men: alcohol, meat and vagina. 'This slogan is in their blood and a way of life,' says Revocatus Itendelebanya. 'These are the three things they feel entitled to as men' (para 2-3).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"And yet here in the region of Shinyanga, the practice of kupura is validated by the oft-recited motto of Sukuma men: alcohol, meat and vagina. 'This slogan is in their blood and a way of life,' says Revocatus Itendelebanya. 'These are the three things they feel entitled to as men' (para 2-3).
Dec. 31, 2020, 3:55 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"One girl, who was in detention in juvenile hall, entered the courtroom through a guarded, Brinks-like door. The police had found her passed out on an Oakland street, having injected drugs she could not identify. Another young woman, the daughter of a methamphetamine addict, was 'sold' by her mother to an uncle in the Central Valley who sexually exploited her in exchange for drugs" (para 14).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"One girl, who was in detention in juvenile hall, entered the courtroom through a guarded, Brinks-like door. The police had found her passed out on an Oakland street, having injected drugs she could not identify. Another young woman, the daughter of a methamphetamine addict, was 'sold' by her mother to an uncle in the Central Valley who sexually exploited her in exchange for drugs" (para 14).
June 23, 2020, 5:54 p.m.
Countries: Estonia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"However, the Committee notes with concern: (a) The high rates of alcohol abuse and alcohol-related deaths among young women" (10).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"However, the Committee notes with concern: (a) The high rates of alcohol abuse and alcohol-related deaths among young women" (10).
June 5, 2020, 1:19 p.m.
Countries: Papua New Guinea
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Tables 3.11.1 and 3.11.2 show that tobacco smoking is quite common in Papua New Guinea. Over one-quarter (26%) of women smoke cigarettes and other types of tobacco, with cigarettes used only slightly more than other types of tobacco like pipes, brus, and spear rolls. Men are even more likely than women to smoke any type of tobacco; 60% smoke and over half (54%) smoke daily. Men are more likely to smoke other types of tobacco than cigarettes. Among men who smoke cigarettes daily, half (49%) smoke fewer than five cigarettes each day; 26% of daily cigarette smokers smoke 5-9 cigarettes, while another 26% smoke 10 or more cigarettes each day...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Tables 3.11.1 and 3.11.2 show that tobacco smoking is quite common in Papua New Guinea. Over one-quarter (26%) of women smoke cigarettes and other types of tobacco, with cigarettes used only slightly more than other types of tobacco like pipes, brus, and spear rolls. Men are even more likely than women to smoke any type of tobacco; 60% smoke and over half (54%) smoke daily. Men are more likely to smoke other types of tobacco than cigarettes. Among men who smoke cigarettes daily, half (49%) smoke fewer than five cigarettes each day; 26% of daily cigarette smokers smoke 5-9 cigarettes, while another 26% smoke 10 or more cigarettes each day...more
April 14, 2020, 5:17 p.m.
Countries: Indonesia
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Figure 3.14 shows that cigarette smoking and use of any type of tobacco are rare among women (less than 3%). Three in four men use tobacco, and almost all smoke cigarettes" (33).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Figure 3.14 shows that cigarette smoking and use of any type of tobacco are rare among women (less than 3%). Three in four men use tobacco, and almost all smoke cigarettes" (33).
March 29, 2020, 6:41 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
"Table 3.10.1 shows that cigarette smoking and use of any type of tobacco are not common among women (less than 3%). On the other hand, 4 in 10 men smoke any type of tobacco (42%), among whom almost all smoke cigarettes (Table 3.10.2). Among men who smoke cigarettes daily, close to one-half (45%) smoke 15-24 cigarettes each day; 9% of daily cigarette smokers smoke 25 or more cigarettes each day (Table 3.11)" (38).
"Table 3.10.1 shows that cigarette smoking and use of any type of tobacco are not common among women (less than 3%). On the other hand, 4 in 10 men smoke any type of tobacco (42%), among whom almost all smoke cigarettes (Table 3.10.2). Among men who smoke cigarettes daily, close to one-half (45%) smoke 15-24 cigarettes each day; 9% of daily cigarette smokers smoke 25 or more cigarettes each day (Table 3.11)" (38).
Dec. 16, 2019, 10:16 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Recent reports have found an uptick in overdose deaths among black Americans, but the deaths of poor white men in the US continue to make up a disproportionate number of deaths" (para 18). "The opioid epidemic is thought to have reached its peak in 2017. By last October, US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar proclaimed that the epidemic was far from over, but that it might finally be starting to ebb. The end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 saw the first downturns in overdose deaths since the epidemic began" (para 21-23).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Recent reports have found an uptick in overdose deaths among black Americans, but the deaths of poor white men in the US continue to make up a disproportionate number of deaths" (para 18). "The opioid epidemic is thought to have reached its peak in 2017. By last October, US Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar proclaimed that the epidemic was far from over, but that it might finally be starting to ebb. The end of 2017 and beginning of 2018 saw the first downturns in overdose deaths since the epidemic began" (para 21-23).
June 17, 2019, 3:53 p.m.
Countries: Iceland
"The Committee regrets the lack of information on alcohol addiction and of any study on mental health issues and the scope and causes of suicide among women in the State party." (para 37).
"The Committee regrets the lack of information on alcohol addiction and of any study on mental health issues and the scope and causes of suicide among women in the State party." (para 37).
May 28, 2019, 9:33 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Nevertheless, it is concerned that mental illness and drug and alcohol use have increased, especially among young women" (11).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Nevertheless, it is concerned that mental illness and drug and alcohol use have increased, especially among young women" (11).
April 9, 2019, 3:47 p.m.
Countries: Canada
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee welcomes the commitment of the State party to reviewing its drug policy with a view to shifting from a criminal to a public health and harm reduction approach. Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned about the excessive use of incarceration as a drug-control measure against women and the ensuing female overpopulation in prison. The Committee is also concerned about the significant legislative and administrative barriers women face in terms of access to supervised consumption services, especially in the light of the continuing nationwide opioid overdose crisis" (15-16). "Repeal the Respect for Communities Act (2015) and establish a transparent process for exemptions permitting the operation of supervised consumption services without...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The Committee welcomes the commitment of the State party to reviewing its drug policy with a view to shifting from a criminal to a public health and harm reduction approach. Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned about the excessive use of incarceration as a drug-control measure against women and the ensuing female overpopulation in prison. The Committee is also concerned about the significant legislative and administrative barriers women face in terms of access to supervised consumption services, especially in the light of the continuing nationwide opioid overdose crisis" (15-16). "Repeal the Respect for Communities Act (2015) and establish a transparent process for exemptions permitting the operation of supervised consumption services without...more
Nov. 16, 2018, 9:46 a.m.
Countries: Burma/Myanmar
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Increased production and use of opium, heroin, and methamphetamines and the Government’s failure address the drug problem puts women at increased risk of life-threatening violence, trafficking and economic deprivation" (page 18). "Women and children carry much of the burden of the impact of illicit drugs as men are most likely to be drug users in the community. Due to their husband’s drug use, married women of drug users are commonly left with all the burdens of raising a family, including income generation, household work and childcare; In the family of drug addicted, there are increased rates of violence and instability and increased hardship for the family as they tend to...more
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"Increased production and use of opium, heroin, and methamphetamines and the Government’s failure address the drug problem puts women at increased risk of life-threatening violence, trafficking and economic deprivation" (page 18). "Women and children carry much of the burden of the impact of illicit drugs as men are most likely to be drug users in the community. Due to their husband’s drug use, married women of drug users are commonly left with all the burdens of raising a family, including income generation, household work and childcare; In the family of drug addicted, there are increased rates of violence and instability and increased hardship for the family as they tend to...more
Oct. 19, 2018, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Comoros
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"According to table 3.9.1, almost all women are non-consumers of tobacco (95%) . . . Compared to women, the proportion of men who consume tobacco is higher (23% versus 5%). Nearly one man out of five smokes cigarettes (19%) and 7% use other forms of tobacco" (page 40).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"According to table 3.9.1, almost all women are non-consumers of tobacco (95%) . . . Compared to women, the proportion of men who consume tobacco is higher (23% versus 5%). Nearly one man out of five smokes cigarettes (19%) and 7% use other forms of tobacco" (page 40).
Oct. 8, 2018, 3:38 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The WHO has also made a link between easy access to poison and increased suicide rates. And in Afghanistan, one problem is that poisonous substances are easily accessible. 'In the past few years, it has become easier for people to get hold of medicines and other substances,' Mohammad Rafiq Shirazi, spokesman for Herat's main hospital, told the BBC Afghan Service" (para 19-21).
Variables: MISA-PRACTICE-2
"The WHO has also made a link between easy access to poison and increased suicide rates. And in Afghanistan, one problem is that poisonous substances are easily accessible. 'In the past few years, it has become easier for people to get hold of medicines and other substances,' Mohammad Rafiq Shirazi, spokesman for Herat's main hospital, told the BBC Afghan Service" (para 19-21).