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Latest items for MARR-LAW-5

March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"The Personal Status Code of 1959 allows Muslim men to marry non-Muslim women but prohibits the marriage of Muslim women to non- Muslim men" (7).
March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"[The Committee] notes with concern the applicability of multiple religious personal status laws containing discriminatory provisions on marriage, divorce and the custody of children. It is also concerned that the process to regulate civil marriage has been stalled for years and regrets the absence of an optional civil marriage contract and a unified civil personal status code" (14).
Jan. 24, 2025, 4:17 p.m.
Countries: Iraq

"Iraq’s parliament has passed amendments to the country’s personal status law that opponents say would in effect legalise child marriage. The amendments give Islamic courts increased authority over family matters, including marriage, divorce and inheritance. Activists argue that this undermines Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Law, which unified family law and established safeguards for women. Iraqi law currently sets 18 as the minimum age of marriage in most cases. The changes passed on Tuesday would let clerics rule according to their interpretation of Islamic law, which some interpret to allow marriage of girls in their early teens – or as young as nine under the Jaafari school of Islamic law followed...more
Jan. 22, 2025, 8:48 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Instead of tightening laws against underage marriage and helping girls from poorer backgrounds to complete their education, the new law allows the marriage of minors according to the religious sect under which the marriage contract is concluded. For Shia Muslims, which make up the majority in Iraq, the lowest age of marriage for girls will be nine years old, while for Sunnis, the official age will be 15" (para 9-10).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Under the Family Code of Tajikistan, a marriage is recognized only when it is concluded at a State civil registry office. A marriage performed in a religious ceremony has no legal effect" (p. 46).
Dec. 17, 2024, 8:09 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Rights advocates are alarmed by a bill introduced to Iraq’s parliament that, they fear, would roll back women’s rights and increase underage marriage in the deeply patriarchal society. The bill would allow citizens to choose from religious authorities or the civil judiciary to decide on family affairs. Critics fear this would lead to a slashing of rights in matters of inheritance, divorce and child custody. In particular, they are worried it would effectively scrap the minimum age for Muslim girls to marry, which is set in the 1959 Personal Status Law at 18 — charges lawmakers supporting the changes have denied" (para 1-3). "The 1959 legislation passed shortly after the...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 8:32 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: MARR-LAW-5, AOM-LAW-1, PW-LAW-1

"Child marriage was only banned in Uganda in 1995, while polygamy is allowed in the East African country - according to certain religious traditions" (para 11).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"The Gabonese Civil Code, in its article 177, recognizes two types of matrimonial regime (polygamous and monogamous). However, the regime is chosen by the two spouses by consensus" (29).
Jan. 21, 2024, 10:43 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"Once married, a Saudi woman must obey her husband. She may not 'withhold herself' from her husband. She must breastfeed her children; this is a legal obligation owed to her husband" (para 15).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Women are subjected to customary law and they lack knowledge and information, particularly on marriage laws and this continues to perpetuate discriminatory practices in the area of marriage under customary law" (8). "The Marriage Act applies to all marriages solemnised in Botswana except marriages contracted in accordance with customary law of Botswana, Muslim or Hindu or other marriages" (11). "Customary law is unwritten, evolves and changes over time, and in principle is a plural body of law in and of itself, in that its content varies among tribes. Although the content of customary law is distinct from common law, the general framework for its application and the structures which enforce...more
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Kadi (including the Registrar and Deputy Registrars of Muslim Marriages) and Naib Kadi are responsible for performing specific religious rituals in Muslim marriages, and Islam requires that these can only be performed by men" (43). "LTVP+ holders are eligible for healthcare subsidies for inpatient services at restructured hospitals [and] are eligible to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) or Pre-Approved LOC (PLOC) to work" (44).
Aug. 25, 2023, 2:55 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"China's limits on the residency of foreign spouses is stricter than most other countries. Foreign spouses are only entitled to work if they meet the qualifications for a work visa, which likely will require a bachelor's degree in the field of intended employment" (para 8). "Most foreign spouses in urban areas have jobs because they have met the criteria for a work visa, not because of their marital status" (para 9). "According to Measures for the Administration of Examination and Approval of Foreigners' Permanent Residence in China, only foreigners married to a Chinese citizen for five years and residing in China for at least five consecutive years, with at least...more
July 30, 2023, 5:25 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"As is common in other Muslim countries, no Muslim woman may marry a non-Muslim, and widows, compared with widowers, are entitled to a smaller share of the dead spouse’s estate." (Parag. 14)
July 12, 2023, 10:28 p.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia

"As is common in other Muslim countries, no Muslim woman may marry a non-Muslim, and widows, compared with widowers, are entitled to a smaller share of the dead spouse’s estate." (Parag. 14)
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Family Act of Maldives which was enacted in 2000, 8 years before the Constitution came into force, in its Section 8 (a) states that a Maldivian woman may not marry a non-Muslim man and where a Maldivian man wants to marry a non-Muslim woman, such a marriage will only be valid in the eyes of law where the woman is from a religion acceptable to marry as per the tenets of Islam. The Government is committed to, however, identifying the human rights breaches in laws enacted within the Maldives, and enter into a dialogue with relevant stakeholders on the necessary amendments. Where a Maldivian man wishes to contract marriage with...more
June 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
Countries: Algeria

"The law prohibits Muslim women from marrying non-Muslims, although authorities did not always enforce this provision" (29).
June 12, 2023, 7:14 p.m.
Countries: Oman
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Omanis no longer need state permission to marry a foreign national according to a royal decree issued this week, a rare example of social reform in the conservative Gulf country" (Para.1). "According to newspapers in Oman, where the government tightly controls media and public dissent, Omanis previously had to fulfil certain conditions, such as being over a certain age, to marry a foreigner. Unauthorised marriages drew fines" (Para.3). "On Sunday Omani state media said Sultan Haitham had issued decree 23/2023 which cancelled a 1993 law empowering the interior ministry to approve each marriage to a foreigner" (Para.4). "The decree states that such marriages must not violate sharia (Islamic law), public...more
April 28, 2023, 9:47 p.m.
Countries: Tanzania
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"[T]he [Law of Marriage Act], 1971 runs parallel to Tanzanian customary laws. These allow the country’s multiple ethnic groups to determine the age of marriage autonomously, based on their own traditional customs. In addition to the customary laws, it must also be said that religious practices pertaining to marriage, inheritance and child-rearing have rarely been questioned until now" (13).
April 1, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Uzbekistan
Variables: MARR-LAW-3, MARR-LAW-5

"Under the Family Code, family relations are regulated on the basis of the principle of the voluntary nature of the marital union of a man and a woman, the equality of the spouses’ individual and property rights, the settlement of family issues by mutual consent, the priority of raising children within the family and of children’s well-being and development, and protection of the rights and interests of minors and non-working members of the family. All citizens have equal rights in family relations. Any direct or indirect restriction of rights, or the establishment of direct or indirect privileges upon entering into marriage or interference in family relations on the grounds of...more
Feb. 24, 2023, 12:54 p.m.
Countries: Nepal
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"The Constitution and legislations guarantee women’s right to equality and non-discrimination in marriage and family relations. The chapter on marriage of General Code, 1963, fully recognizes and protects the right of every person to establish matrimonial relationship with a person of own choice. Early and child marriage, forced marriage and marriage caused by fraud are prohibited by the General Code. Any persons involved to execute such marriage are liable to face penalty including imprisonment." (22). "Prevailing legislations does not prohibit women to freely choose family name after marriage." (38).
Feb. 4, 2023, 6:14 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"The aim of the Bill is to provide a uniform matrimonial property regime for all civil marriages, to allow a determination and change of property regimes applicable to certain civil marriages contracted outside the police zone determined in terms of the Native Administration Proclamation Act 15 of 1928, the issuing of substituting marriage certificates, to allow for donations between spouses and to provide for incidental matters." (6). "Marriage Bill has been developed, it has been submitted to cabinet for further consideration where it will be referred to the Cabinet Committee on legislation." (10) (NF - CODER COMMENT - The marriage bill, also known as the Married Persons Equality Act, provides...more
May 16, 2022, 8:09 p.m.
Countries: Suriname
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Regulations in the Civil Code regarding marriage were revised on June 23, 2003 (State Decree 2003/44). Although the amending law was approved by the National Assembly in 1973, it came into force in 2003. As a result, the Asian Marriage Law (the Hindu and the Muslim marriage Act) was dissolved.." (42). "The revision allows all Surinamese the right to solemnize a religious marriage (according to Christian, Hindu, Muslim, or other religious traditions), which consequently gets the status of a legal marriage" (42).
March 25, 2022, 8:54 p.m.
Countries: United Arab Emirates

"Local interpretation of sharia prohibits Muslim women from marrying non- Muslims and Muslim men from marrying women 'not of the book,' generally meaning adherents of religions other than Islam, Christianity, and Judaism" (12). "The government’s interpretation of sharia applies in personal status cases and family law. Muslim women must have the consent of their guardians to marry. Local interpretation of sharia forbids Muslim women to marry non-Muslims. In addition, the law permits a man to have as many as four wives, women normally inherit less than men, and a son’s inheritance may be double that of a daughter" (28).
July 26, 2021, 6:44 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Islamist parties in the Iraqi parliament are pushing an amendment to the personal status law that would allow men to marry girls as young as 9. Human rights activists decried the proposal, which would transfer civil matters to the jurisdiction of clerics...The proposed amendment basically shakes the foundations of the old law. The bill indicates that when issuing decisions on personal status issues, the court should follow the rulings of religious scholars for Sunni or Shiite sects, depending on the husband's faith. The Scholars' Congregation at the Shiite Endowment Diwan undertakes answering the court's questions per the common Shiite jurisprudence. In its absence, the Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf is...more
July 26, 2021, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Canada
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Indigenous women living on reservations (where land is held communally) have matrimonial property rights. First Nations may choose to follow federal law or enact their own rules related to matrimonial real property rights and interests that respect their customs"(10).
July 9, 2021, 1:38 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Media occasionally highlighted the problem of early and forced marriage, which some ethnic groups commonly practiced. Under the constitution, the kadhi courts retained jurisdiction over Muslim marriage and family law in cases where all parties profess the Muslim religion and agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts" (p 36-37).
June 25, 2021, 9:13 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"'The Supreme Peoples Court of China (on Wednesday) passed legislation that will ban Chinese women from marrying non-Chinese men, with the law coming into effect at the beginning of 2018,' says an article in the East Asia Tribune. 'The policy had been fiercely debated for a number of months before it finally won approval from the required number of legislators earlier (Wednesday.) Civil rights groups in China have condemned the restriction, pointing out that it discriminates against women by still permitting males to enter into interracial marriages.'" (Para 2)
Feb. 15, 2021, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: MARR-LAW-5

"Another law prohibits marriages to foreigners where the age difference exceeds 25 years" (para 25).
Feb. 13, 2021, 5:34 p.m.
Countries: Jordan

“Though most countries have committed to offer healthcare to COVID-affected persons regardless of status, the economic relief funds being distributed to households in many countries, including Jordan, will not be made available to the non-citizen members of women’s families. Women’s non-citizen spouses and adult children often lack access to formal employment, meaning affected families already faced significant financial insecurity pre-COVID. The economic fallout from the pandemic will hit these and other marginalized groups especially hard. . . Pre-COVID, a Jordanian mother was forced to provide for her entire family, as her husband and children lack citizenship and therefore access to formal employment due to the country’s discriminatory nationality law. Now...more
Feb. 4, 2021, 6:07 p.m.
Countries: Syria

"In Syria, divorce is a frightening prospect for women. Although citizens have equal rights in civil law, family law and divorce falls within the realm of sharia. Men, but not women, can unilaterally divorce with only a verbal decree. If a woman divorces through court proceedings, she rarely gets alimony, and she loses custody of young children if she remarries" (para 33).