The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for LO-PRACTICE-1

March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon

"Women have only limited access to loans and other forms of financial credit, as well as to property and inheritance rights" (12).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Between 2014 and 2020, women’s access to credit was expanded both by private and by public banks. Since 2017, at least 45 per cent of loans extended by public banks were reserved for female entrepreneurs. As a result of the policies adopted, women now form the majority of recipients of loans for small and medium-sized industries from public banks. The unilateral coercive measures have impacted credit, causing a decline in the absolute volume of loans that started in 1918 and mainly affected private banks" (27). Table 3, titled “Loans for men and women, by year: Private banks” shows that the number of women receiving loans from private banks increased from...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee notes with concern, however, that the protection of rural women’s land rights remains weak, owing to the impact of sexist stereotypes and prejudices that are most acutely expressed in the countryside, and high numbers of rural women have not registered their name on the land contract management right certificate or did not register their name in the family property use right certificate. It further notes with concern that rural women encounter unique challenges to property rights under the concept of 'Waijianv', meaning 'women married out', whereby women who move out of their birth villages post-marriage face unique challenges in accessing land tenure and inheritance of land; and that...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 9:07 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Marrying a cousin guarantees wealth and property stays in the family. It is also believed that if the bride is a relative, she will be more dedicated in looking after her husband's family" (par. 11).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"The 'Surprise Visits to Rural Communities' programme of the Office of the President of the Republic is designed to improve quality of life through the implementation of small-scale projects focusing on the production of fruit, poultry, rabbits, sheep, goats, fish, textiles, cattle and wine, financed by the Government. Since the programme’s inception, 1,458 projects have been implemented in the communities, positively affecting over 12,952 women farmers. Through the Solidarity Banking Programme, financing and financial education are provided for micro-enterprises in order to support their development and financial inclusion. Under the Programme, approximately 20 billion pesos in loans have been disbursed to more than 400 micro- and small enterprises, and 68...more
Jan. 29, 2025, 7:35 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"[R]ural women have limited access to land titles and ownership" (10). "[I]t notes with concern: (a) Cases of forced evictions of Indigenous women and women of African descent from lands traditionally occupied or used by them and the dispossession of such lands by private non-State actors" (10-11).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"As a result of this process, the first 'Report on gaps between men and women in access to and use of the financial system in Costa Rica' has been produced. The report showed that of the total number of loans granted in the country in 2018, 43.8 per cent were allocated to women and 56.2 per cent to men, which is equivalent to a gender gap of 22 percentage points" (19). "Among the measures implemented in recent years to address the recommendation to increase the allocation of resources for women’s access to financing (contained in paragraph 33 (b)), a series of credit initiatives for women stand out, such as the...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:32 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1, LO-DATA-1

"The cooperative was established through a project funded by USAID and implemented in partnership with several organisations, including Find Your Feet, an international nonprofit, working in rural areas. Titukulane’s goal is to empower women to run small businesses and diversify their sources of income" (par. 19-20). "The cooperative members have divided the responsibilities among themselves, with some selling vegetables and fruits, and others selling maize, rice, soya beans, chickens, and potatoes. They share the proceeds and have even established a village bank managed by Mwafulirwa. The cooperative meets twice a month to discuss financial management, and savings culture, as well as a rotation of which members go to the beach...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"During our first year, we have reported on as many positive topics as negative ones, including on urban women who have set up farms outside Mogadishu" (par. 14).
Dec. 5, 2024, 6:08 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"[B]eing a second or third wife comes with limited rights and the associated social stigma. Without the official registration of a marriage, women in these types of relationships have no legal protections or property rights" (para 26).
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:20 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"The life-defining event pushed Diaz to learn how to drive, buy a car and work for Mujeres al Volante (Women at the Wheel), a taxi service exclusively for children, women and older people, for three years" (par. 5). This suggests that women can buy property in Bolivia, since Diaz purchased a car (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1, LO-DATA-1

"The Committee notes the initiatives by the State party and civil society to economically empower women, such as a business start-up programme, a microcredit programme for rural women and the rural women entrepreneurship support fund set up by the Latvian Rural Women’s Association. The Committee also notes that around one third of businesses are owned by women, but that those are mainly micro and small businesses" (13).
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

Dr. Gisele Ndaya Luseba says that she is trying to promote autonomy and self-reliance for women. They can’t just be beggars waiting to receive something from a man. They must have the ability to have a job, contribute to housework, and contribute to their country. They need to have training to do that. She worked with a group of women to create a bank for women in the DRC in several provinces. She was the first to pay the fee for 200 women to have a deposit account. This non-profit bank allows women to get credit interest-free.
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"The Belize Rural Development Project (BRDP) in partnership with agencies such as credit unions, the Belize Enterprise for Sustained Technology, Citrus Growers Association, and the YWCA distributed several grants. Deliberate efforts were made to target disadvantaged groups such as women with disabilities, young, single, and unemployed women. By the end of 2012, a total of 681 micro grants were given to poor rural families mainly female-headed households and women groups/cooperatives. As much as 73 per cent of 2,411 direct beneficiaries of the grant component were women and youth, thus impacting the lives of 3,092 poor people. The Belize Rural Financing Programme (BRFP) was implemented between 2011–2016 by the Programme Management...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:31 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Furthermore, in targeting rural women as recipients of poverty alleviation programs, the BRDP provided a BZ$900(USD$450) thousand-dollar fund to the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA). This allowed the organization to execute the Gender-based Rural Sustainable Livelihoods Program during 2006–2010 in the central zone and indigenous communities in the south. The program recruited and trained 150 rural women and youth who attended skills training offered by the YWCA in hospitality, food preparation and childcare. The project provided access to micro grants. After this successful phase, the 'Expanding Economic Opportunities through Entrepreneurship and Market Development Project' began in 2012. In addition to skills training, rural women received business mentoring and technical support...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:30 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Belize’s social protection scheme, Building Opportunities for Our Social Transformation (BOOST) started in 2010 in response to the 2009 Country Poverty Assessment which reported worsening poverty rates. Women in qualified households received a small cash transfer for each household members (up to six persons). The 2016 program evaluation noted positive impact on women’s empowerment, access to formal savings, and poverty alleviation of 9,911 beneficiaries" (20). "In 2021, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a BZ$30(US$15) million loan to support the sustainability of almost 200 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) especially women-led businesses. It is estimated that women owned 40 per cent of MSME’s that were affected by public health...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:29 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"SICA operates a Centre for the Promotion of Micro and Small Enterprises (CENPROMYPE) which supported the Belize Trade and Investment Development Service (BELTRAIDE) develop the National Entrepreneurship Strategy for Belize. This strategy follows CENPROMYPE’s 2008 Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Policy and its 2012 Regional Policy. It supports entrepreneurship in both rural and urban areas in terms of strengthening their business models and developing sustainable enterprise. In 2018, this collaboration was strengthened with funding from the US State Department which led to the Female Entrepreneurship Program" (19). "The Women’s Department constantly carry out economic empowerment activities. Between 2008–2010, an Information Technology and Entrepreneurship training took place with support from the...more
July 26, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Countries: Benin
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

“Just 13% of women in Benin own land and 30% marry before the age of 18, according to a UN report. Fadeyi is offering an intriguing alternative. Grown indoors, in high concentration, mushrooms can mitigate a little of the damage done by slash-and-burn deforestation, which farmers carry out to clear plantations for crops such as cashews” (6). “ ‘Women are expected to work and earn money,’ says [Olyvia] Fadeyi, [mycologist teaching women to harness economic value of mushrooms]. ‘But what they earn from farming is not enough, and the money they do earn they are expected to give to their husbands’ ” (7). “Fadeyi, who recently received €10,000 to fund...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"In 2018, the Land Fund approved the Operational Manual for the Policy to Facilitate Access to Ownership of Land and Other Productive Assets for Peasant, Mayan, Xinca, Garifuna and Mestizo Women. The Manual sets forth the conceptual framework, methodological guidelines and technical tools for staff capacity-building and the empowerment of rural women. The Programme for the Development of Sustainable Agrarian Communities promotes participation in the formulation of community development plans. From 2019 to April 2021, the Programme benefited 2,978 families, 769 of which had women heads of household. Seven agrarian communities received technical assistance for the implementation of 23 productive subprojects managed and carried out by women and 4 by...more
July 18, 2024, 3:14 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Through the national statistical system, the Government has promoted the collection of sex-disaggregated statistics relating to financial inclusion and access to credit. As at December 2020, statistical data showed that women have limited access to the financial system, and that, when they do have such access, they generally receive financing in lower amounts and under more onerous conditions (interest rates) than men, despite having a lower default rate. Of every 10 loans granted by banks, approximately 4 were for women. The interest rate applied to women increased from 20.8 per cent in 2017 to 21.2 per cent by 2020, while that for men increased from 19.1 per cent to 19.4...more
July 18, 2024, 3:13 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"The Ministry of Social Development, through the Artisan Social Grant Programme, provides training, through conditional cash transfers, in order to help adults, particularly women in rural and marginal urban areas who live in poverty or extreme poverty, who have a disability or who are unemployed, to develop knowledge, skills and abilities. During the period 2017–2021, the Programme benefited 29,776 women, with an investment of 34.7 million quetzales" (23). "In order to reduce poverty and strengthen the economic empowerment of women, in May 2018 bill No. 5452 was introduced; it provides for the approval of the Women’s Economic Development Act, aimed at promoting the economic development of women, facilitating access to...more
May 9, 2024, 11:20 p.m.
Countries: Romania
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Although steps have been made in recent years to narrow the gender gap, access to capital continues to be one of the most significant challenges women face when starting and/or growing their businesses. Nonetheless, supporting this segment transcends its sociological importance. It is a proven fact that women have a significant contribution in all areas of the economy, and the latest numbers in this regard cannot be ignored. There are almost 500,000 women who own or lead companies in Romania, the figure having increased by 6.8% in 2018, compared to 2017. Throughout the years, Garanti Bank Romania has been an active supporter of local businesses and entrepreneurs, including women, by...more
May 9, 2024, 3:41 p.m.
Countries: Thailand

“Furthermore, this patriarchal system often results in women being in a subordinate role, at a material disadvantage, living in poverty, facing domestic violence, and the undervaluation of women’s work” (4). “The participants generally reported that they feel men believe that they have a duty to earn for the family and the wives have to manage the family’s expenses, including debts for investments such as the purchase of fertilizer and cars. When men earn additional money from part-time jobs like being daily construction laborers or carrying rice sacks, they will spend the money on themselves, buying things like alcohol and cigarettes or gambling. As illustrated in the following quotes, stress levels...more
May 9, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
Countries: Sweden

"Women have the same legal status and rights as men, including under family, religious, personal status, labor, property, nationality, and inheritance law. The government enforced the laws effectively" (14).
May 9, 2024, 1:51 p.m.
Countries: South Africa

“Black women in rural South Africa face a ‘double whammy’ said Claassens, as both apartheid and customary laws - where land is handed down from father to son - have deprived them of property rights” (para 8). “Male-dominated tribal authorities hold great sway over rural communities, with the Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini controlling 2.8 million hectares of land, an area the size of Belgium, under an entity called the Ingonyama Trust. Ngubane, nominated as one of three finalists in the 2020 Martin Ennals Award, a prestigious human rights prize, said this month's Durban court ruling was significant. ‘This will make a difference in terms of women's land and property inheritance,’...more
May 9, 2024, 12:47 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania

“Women have participated in trade, influenced politics, made decisions for their families, shaped their marriages, and contributed to religious scholarship. Mauritanian women have also exercised significant power as compared to some of their counterparts elsewhere in the Muslim world, being able to initiate divorce, speak publicly, and act as heads of household. Despite such influence, their gender has also disadvantaged them, making it difficult to access many of the opportunities that are available to men” (para 1). “In their everyday lives, many women remain knowledgeable about the Qur’an and its teachings and use these to justify various behaviors. For example, female entrepreneurs often emphasize that they control their own incomes...more
April 30, 2024, 5:55 p.m.
Countries: South Africa
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"Political economist Tinuade Adekunbi Ojo explained that South African women might have a bank account but still have difficulty accessing other financial products or services" (para 8).
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1

"[T]he majority of property is traditionally registered to men" (16). "[A] system of joint registration of property [is not yet established]" (17).
April 7, 2024, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1, LO-LAW-1

"Land is central to people’s livelihoods in Darfur and is governed by plural land tenure systems where modern statutory land ownership exists alongside traditional customary land rights. The customary Hakura system is the traditional way to manage land in Darfur. Importantly, the Juba Peace Agreement (JPA) recognizes the indigenous tribal land ownership and the Hakura customary rights to agricultural land and grazing that govern access to land and water for both farming and nomad communities in Darfur. Following the customary system, rights are not exclusive and land is ‘owned’ or belongs to a community. Land in Darfur is split into tribal homelands, which are named Dars. Generally, the homeland belongs...more
April 7, 2024, 7:13 p.m.
Countries: Solomon Islands
Variables: LO-PRACTICE-1, LO-LAW-1

"Solomon Islands has a pluralistic legal system of State law and Customary law that both operate at the national and local level. In State law, both men and women have equal opportunity to acquire land. The majority of the land in Solomon Islands is, however, held in accordance with Customary law or kastom. The capital city of Honiara follows the Constitution in land ownership but most land outside the city boundary uses Customary law. Under Customary law, decisions regarding land matters are made through a consultative group comprised of male chiefs and elders. In some instances, customary law also dictates that women must ‘stand behind’ men when it comes to...more