The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for LO-LAW-1

March 11, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"In short, the Madras high court held that a wife as a homemaker is entitled to an equal share in marital property as she has performed household chores round the clock, thereby enabling the husband to engage in gainful employment and accumulate sufficient savings to purchase property" (par. 3). "Thus, as a matter of economic justice, both spouses should be the legal owners of property and other assets acquired during marriage" (par. 5). "Broadly, there are community property and separation of property regimes. In community property, all assets acquired during marriage are treated as belonging to both spouses. Assets acquired prior to marriage or inheritances received is considered individually owned...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"In 2019, the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion granted 31,310 human development loans to women, amounting to a value of $32,252,710. Of the women receiving these loans, 49 per cent were mestizo women, 19 per cent were indigenous women and 11 per cent were Montubio women. In addition, 68.8 per cent were engaged in agricultural work and 55.6 per cent were aged between 30 and 45 years" (32). "In 2019, the Bank of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute ran two campaigns to boost lending to women: 'Para ti Mujer' (for you, women) and 'Gracias Mamá' (thank you, Mom)" (32). "In 2019, 480 women received solidarity loans through the grassroots...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"The amendment to the Law on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Women, which covers... social security, property, marriage and the family, and also provides for remedies and corrective measures and on legal responsibility, including penal provisions, in October 2022" (Page 2). "The amendment to the Law on Land Contracts in Rural Areas, which provides that all family members living in the same rural household enjoy equal rights and interests in land contracted in accordance with the law, and that land contract certificates or forest ownership certificates include all family members with the right to contract and manage the land, in 2018" (Page 2). "The Committee notes the high...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:27 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Certain discriminatory provisions remain in legislation, affecting women’s equal rights in matters relating to property acquired during marriage, divorce, child custody and inheritance" (12).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"The public authorities have promoted gender equality in the use of traditional collective lands. They have implemented Ministry of the Interior circulars issued in 2010 and 2012 that urge the representatives of the traditional collective groups to include women in the registers of rights holders who benefit from in-kind and material compensation. In 2010, the Supreme Council for Religious Learning issued a fatwa affirming that women should benefit from the same material and in-kind benefits as men in real estate deals involving collective land. The 2010 Religious Endowments Code abolishes the favouritism granted to males over females. Article 113 provides that the dividend of family waqf endowments is to be...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"The Honduran Bank of Production and Housing has allocated 36 per cent of its loans to women, benefited 60,290 families, generated 55,080 jobs and indirectly benefited 1.5 million people; (c) Under the Presidential Solidarity Credit Programme, 176,652 loans have been granted and 152,535 jobs have been created. Eighty per cent of those loans have been given to women, 50 per cent of whom are heads of household, 8 per cent are indigenous or Afro-Honduran and 2 percent are women with disabilities. In 2018, the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion and the National Institute for Women launched the Credimovil Strategy, a proposal for regularizing micro, small and medium enterprises; local...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: LO-LAW-1, IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1

"Legislation provides that citizens, both women and men, have the right to own, inherit and bequeath property. Women are entitled to set up legal entities on their own or together with other citizens and legal persons, to engage in any transaction that is not contrary to the law and to assume obligations" (35).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Under current legislation, women and men have equal legal personality, in other words the ability to own, use and dispose of property, to conclude contracts and to exercise other civil rights. . .Women are accorded equal rights with men in respect of travel and the freedom to choose their place of residence and domicile." (p. 3). "The Civil Code also accords women the right to compensation for harm caused by unlawful actions; they are therefore entitled to apply to the courts for compensation for property damage and reparation of moral damage" (p. 3-4). "The State Civil Registration Act provides for State registration of marriages in order to protect the property...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Under the State Land Regularization and Allocation Programme, the Government provides peasant families with legal certainty regarding land, granting titles to applicants and their spouses. Between 2019 and 2020, the Government regularized and allocated State land to 5,749 heads of household, with 8,590 families covered, including applicants and their spouses, in order to protect the nuclear family (the decision is issued in the name of both). Fifty-four percent of beneficiaries were women" (31).
May 10, 2024, 11:56 a.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Everyone has the right to own and inherit property. These rights may be limited by law only in view of public interest. The exercise of the right to property shall not contravene public interest" (35). This is the most updated version of the Constitution of Turkey as of December 2022 (JLR-CODER COMMENT).
May 10, 2024, 10:51 a.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: LO-LAW-1

“Each of the two spouses has an estate separate from the other. However, the two spouses may, under the framework of the management of assets to be acquired during the marriage, agree on their investment and distribution. This agreement is indicated in a written document separate from the marriage contract. The Adouls (public notaries) inform the two parties of these provisions at the time of the marriage. In the absence of such an agreement, recourse is made to general standards of evidence, while taking into consideration the work of each spouse, the efforts made as well as the responsibilities assumed in the development of the family assets” (16). The most...more
May 9, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
Countries: Sweden

"Women have the same legal status and rights as men, including under family, religious, personal status, labor, property, nationality, and inheritance law. The government enforced the laws effectively" (14).
May 6, 2024, 1:21 p.m.
Countries: Qatar
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Article 57 Rights of the wife as against her husband: 1. Dowry. 2. Legal support or maintenance (permanent Alimony). 3. Permission to exchange amicable visits with her parents and relatives. 4. Nonintervention in her private property. 5. Refraining from hurting her physically or morally. 6. Equal treatment to the other wives in the case of polygamy. Article 58 Article 58 Rights of the husband as against his wife: 1. Take care and obey him. 2. Look after her and his property well. 3. Look after the household and regulate affairs thereof. 4. Take care of his Children and breastfeed them, unless there is a legal disability" (17). "The most recent...more
May 3, 2024, 9:44 p.m.
Countries: Vanuatu
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"The District Registrar shall then address the parties together in the following words - 'You owe to one another mutual fidelity, support and assistance. The husband is the head of the family, but he shall exercise this function in its common interest, the wife combining with him to ensure its orderly conduct and in particular to assist in the proper upbringing of the children. The wife may fulfil the functions of the husband as head of the family if for any reason the husband is unable to do so. The husband shall be primarily responsible for the material welfare of the family and shall furnish the necessities of life according...more
May 3, 2024, 9:38 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"4. Regulation of the family relations is performed according to the principles of voluntariness of the marriage union of the man and woman, equal rights of spouses in family, permissions of intra family questions by mutual consent, priority of family education of children, care of their welfare and development, ensuring priority protection of the rights and interests of minor and disabled family members" (4). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 1998) relating to women’s property rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).more
May 2, 2024, 8:43 p.m.
Countries: Yemen
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Article (128) Women have full rights and shall be empowered and protected by the State and laws 1. Women have full civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights without discrimination. The State shall be committed to empower women to exercise the rights of equal citizenship, and protect them from of all forms of violence, all inhuman practices and enable them to reconcile between their family duties and the requirements of their jobs. Legislation shall be enacted accordingly to realize these aims. 2. The law shall determine the labor and maternity leaves for women" (28). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 2015) relating to women’s property rights...more
April 24, 2024, 12:59 p.m.
Countries: Switzerland
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Art. 181 Spouses are subject to the provisions governing participation in acquired property provided they have not agreed otherwise in a marital agreement and provided no extraordinary marital property regime has come into effect. Art. 182 1 A marital agreement may be concluded before or after the wedding. 2 The prospective spouses or the spouses may choose, set aside or modify their marital property regime only within the limits of the law...Art. 196 The marital property regime of participation in acquired property comprises the property acquired during the marriage and the individual property of each spouse. Art. 197 1 Acquired property comprises those assets which a spouse has acquired for...more
April 24, 2024, 12:17 p.m.
Countries: Spain
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Article 66. The spouses are equal in rights and duties...Article 1375. In the absence of a covenant made pursuant to a nuptial agreement, the management and disposal of common goods shall correspond jointly to the spouses, without prejudice to the provisions of the following Articles. Article 1376. If the consent of both spouses is necessary for the performance of acts of administration, and one of them is unable to give it or were to unreasonably withhold it, the Judge may give it in his stead if he were to find the request to be well founded. Article 1377. The performance of acts of disposal for valuable consideration impinging common goods...more
April 19, 2024, 9:53 p.m.
Countries: Romania
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"GO no. 137/2000 protects all individuals regardless of their status. It contains detailed provisions on discrimination, harassment and victimization, and it sets down the sanctions applicable in case these legal provisions are breached. Article 2 paragraph 1 establishes the definition of discrimination as "any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, social status, belief, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, non-contagious chronic disease, HIV infection, membership of a disadvantaged group and any other criteria which has the purpose or the effect of restriction, elimination of recognition, use or exercise of fundamental human rights and freedoms or of rights recognized by the law in the political, economic,...more
April 18, 2024, 5:44 p.m.
Countries: Ukraine
Variables: LO-LAW-1, ATDW-LAW-1

"Article 63. Exercising the Right to Joint Matrimonial Property by Spouses 1. The wife and the husband have equal rights to possess, dispose of, and administer the property that they possess as joint matrimonial property unless an agreement between them provides otherwise. Article 64. Spouses’ Right to Conclude Agreement s between Them 1. The wife and the husband have the right to conclude any lawful agreement between them in respect of both property that is their personal private property and property that constitutes the object of spouses’ right to joint matrimonial property. 2. A agreement of alienation, by one of spouses in favor of the other, of his/her share in...more
April 18, 2024, 4:13 p.m.
Countries: Turkmenistan
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Property (immovable and movable), acquired by spouses during marriage, regardless of which of the spouses purchased it, is their common joint property. Spouses have equal rights to own, use and dispose of the joint property. Spouses have equal rights to joint property even when one of them was engaged in housekeeping (domestic work), childcare or other activities for valid reasons did not have an independent income" (1).
April 18, 2024, 4 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"The rules of matrimonial property relationships are not stipulated in the family law. Article 7 in ‘Detailed Rules of the Act of Equal Rights for Men and Women (1946)’ specified the common property system, providing that “A husband or a wife owns his or her property which is obtained before marriage. The property gained during the marriage belongs to co-ownership of husband and wife.” In the family law since then, however, the rules of the matrimonial property system have not been stipulated; instead, the home property system was established in the private property system of the Civil Law, which deals with ownership and management of matrimonial property as a part...more
April 18, 2024, 1:56 p.m.
Countries: Zambia
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"14. (1) The following shall apply in achieving gender equity and equality: (a) both sexes shall enjoy equal rights before the law; (b) both sexes shall have equal access to justice and protection before the law; (c) all practices which are detrimental to the achievement of the objectives of this Act are prohibited and, where committed, shall be prosecuted under the appropriate laws, without delay; (d) both sexes shall have equal access and rights to credit, capital, mortgages, security and training; (e) both sexes shall have equal access to water rights and property; and (f) both sexes shall have equal access to modern, appropriate and affordable technology and support services....more
April 18, 2024, 1:51 p.m.
Countries: Zambia
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"5. Subject to the provisions of this Part, and subject, as respects actions in tort between husband and wife, to the provisions of section 12 of the Married Women's Property Act, 1882, of the United Kingdom, a married woman shall- (a) be capable of acquiring, holding, and disposing of, any property; and (b) be capable of rendering herself, and being rendered, liable in respect of any tort, contract, debt, or obligation; and (c) be capable of suing and being sued, either in tort or in contract or otherwise; and (d) be subject to the law relating to bankruptcy and to the enforcement of judgments and orders; in all respects as...more
April 18, 2024, 9:59 a.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Before the celebration of the marriage, the future spouses can freely opt for the joint property regime or for the separation of patrimonies, which will take effect when the marriage is celebrated. If the future spouses opt for the separation of assets regime, they must grant a public deed, under penalty of nullity. In order to take effect, you must be registered in the personal registry. In the absence of a public deed, it is presumed that the interested parties have opted for the community property regime" (62-63). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database relating to women’s property rights are still current as of December 2022 and...more
April 17, 2024, 4:45 p.m.
Countries: Paraguay
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Art.15.- The legal and de facto capacity is the same for men and women, whatever the state civil law, except for the limitations expressly established by law. Art.16.- Assets, whatever their nature, shall be governed by the law of the place where they are located, in regarding its quality, possession, absolute or relative alienation and all the right relations of real character that they are susceptible to. Art.17.- Credit rights are deemed to be located in the place where the obligation must be fulfilled. If this cannot be determined, they will be deemed to be located in the domicile that at that time had constituted the debtor. The representative titles...more
April 17, 2024, 4:06 p.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"17.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, any person may, whether alone or together with another person, by subscribing the person’s name or their names to a constitution and complying with the requirements as to registration, form an incorporated company" (Part 3, Section 17). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 1967) relating to women’s property rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).
April 17, 2024, 3:48 p.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia
Variables: LO-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1

"Article 42. The obligations of each spouse toward the other shall be as follows: 1. Good treatment and mutual respect, which result in affection and kindness between them. 2. Not inflicting physical or emotional harm. 3. Not abstaining from intercourse or having children without the consent of the other spouse. 4. Living together in the matrimonial home. 5. Protecting the family’s interests, caring for their children, and raising them properly. A husband shall provide for his family, and shall, in case of multiple wives, treat them equally in terms of financial support and stay. A wife shall reasonably obey her husband and shall breastfeed their children, unless she is unable...more
April 17, 2024, 1:37 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"27. Rights of women, children and persons with a disability regarding customary land. Any decision taken in respect of land held under customary tenure, whether in respect of land held individually or communally, shall be in accordance with the customs, traditions and practices of the community concerned, except that a decision which denies women or children or persons with a disability access to ownership, occupation or use of any land or imposes conditions which violate articles 33, 34 and 35 of the Constitution on any ownership, occupation or use of any land shall be null and void" (27-28). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 1998) relating...more
April 17, 2024, 11:38 a.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: LO-LAW-1

"Sections 25(c), 33, 34, 40(3), 51, 52, 91 and 92 of the Muslim Personal Law Act of Sudan, 1991 provide that the contract of marriage for a woman shall be concluded by a male guardian, confer different rights in marriage for men and women, and mandate wife obedience...Section 51. The wife’s rights in relation to the husband shall be: (a) to be provided with living expenses; (b) to be allowed to visit her parents and those relatives whom she is prohibited by Shari’a law from marrying and to receive the aforesaid in her home; (c) the husband must not (i) interfere with her private property, and (ii) harm her financially...more