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women in the world.

Latest items for LBHO-PRACTICE-3

Feb. 21, 2025, 4:53 p.m.
Countries: Mexico
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"In Mexico, which already experiences violent elections, gender-based violence was particularly high this year, says IPU's Mariana Duarte Mutzenberg, with women politicians also particularly targeted by disinformation aimed at 'trying to ruin their reputation in one way or another'. This all has a wider 'chilling effect' and stops younger women from wanting to run, says Dr George" (para 29-30).
Feb. 8, 2025, 12:18 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"Women have also mostly been barred from working for the United Nations or NGOs, and thousands have been sacked from government jobs or are being paid to stay at home" (par. 7).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"With regard to paragraph 25 of the Concluding Observations, Morocco has made efforts to increase the political representation of women both national and locally, in accordance with international standards. To that end, it has introduced new legal provisions into the Electoral Code, regulatory acts relating to the House of Representatives and the Chamber of Councillors, and the Political Parties Act. Regulatory Act 28-11 (2011) of the Chamber of Councillors introduced a mechanism to increase the representation of women by stipulating that party lists should not include two consecutive names of the same sex" (8).
Feb. 6, 2025, 3:58 p.m.
Countries: Sri Lanka
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"The ample victories by Dr. Amarasuriya and other women shattered a myth that female politicians could not win, she said. Her party raised money centrally and distributed it evenly to female and male candidates to overcome disadvantages that women face" (para 27).
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"The committee notes with concern… (d) The prevalence of hate speech and harassment against women politicians and candidates in political discourse, which hamper the participation of women in political and public life" (9).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"According to the National Institute for Women, from 2017 to 2019, there were 3,616 specialized counselling sessions, provisions of assistance and incidents, including cases of violence and discrimination, involving women experiencing political violence and harassment. During that period, six electoral amparo proceedings were brought for violence against women representing and exercising public office. However, none of these proceedings has succeeded, owing in part to gaps in the ordinary legislation, which does not recognize the forms of political violence and harassment of women, set out penalties or define the competencies and roles of the various public institutions and political parties (see annex 8)" (11).
Jan. 23, 2025, 5:29 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"Kenyan MP Esther Passaris told the BBC she was not surprised at the victim-blaming online because Kenya is a patriarchal society, and looks down on women. She says that as a woman in the public eye, she has been the target of derogatory language and is often called a 'prostitute'" (para 14-15).
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru

"Currently, the NGOs CMP Flora Tristán, ACS Calandria, Movimiento Manuela Ramos and the Red Nacional de Mujeres Autoridades (RENAMA) are promoting Bill 673, 'Law to prevent, punish and eradicate political harassment against women'" (6).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"It is important to mention that there is an academy for women parliamentarians, which provides training in legislation with a gender perspective, focusing on strengthening a cross-party agenda for women and exchanges of good practices in political participation" (6).
Jan. 9, 2025, 6:41 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"The need for additional privacy not only keeps male and female recruits separate, but also limits the opportunities for female drill instructors since drill instructors also sleep in the squad bay" (par. 8).
Dec. 12, 2024, 6:06 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"Ms. Okada’s upset win gives her the chance to try to alter the culture of parliamentary life, which, like so much of the working world in Japan, is unfriendly to women, particularly mothers" (para 7). "[F]ew women run for office in Japan because of persistently high hurdles. Many politicians inherit their seats, with fathers generally passing them on to sons. Women bear the disproportionate burden of child care and housework, making it difficult to juggle long parliamentary sessions or constituent meetings. Unwritten social pressure means 'it is considered not very positive for a woman to want to stand out,' said Harumi Yoshida, acting chief of gender equality promotion for the...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:34 a.m.
Countries: New Zealand

"Female politicians across the spectrum now say they face extraordinary abuse from a misogynistic and sometimes scary slice of the population. Some women say they did not seek office because of safety fears" (para 3). "'As soon as Jacinda showed a different style of leadership which is more feminine in nature than other people have been allowed to be, there was huge pushback,' said Suzanne Manning, the president of the National Council of Women New Zealand. 'It’s designed to silence women,' and some decided to stay out of politics over safety concerns, she said. Nicola Willis, the dynamic deputy leader of the National Party, who is widely expected to helm...more
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"The Committee notes with appreciation the number of programmes developed for women who are underrepresented and belong to disadvantaged groups owing to discriminatory structures, institutions and systems, in particular with regards to Sami women and women with disabilities. The Committee is concerned, however, that this approach is based on a model of service provision only rather than effective empowerment. This limited effective empowerment is visible in the underrepresentation of Sami women, women with disabilities and other minority women in the decision-making systems of the State party" (9-10).
Nov. 16, 2024, 2:55 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"A total of 1014 candidates ran for the general election, which was held on Tuesday. Of them, 389 were women" (para 8). This indicates that there is something preventing even numbers of men and women running for office, but 38% of people running were women, and 44% of parliament is women (MB-CODER COMMENT).
Nov. 7, 2024, 2:19 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"The BJP [Bharatiya Janata Party] aims to nominate women candidates for about a third of the 543 seats that will be up for grabs in the lower house of parliament in the summer of 2024" (para 11). "Reuters interviews with six other senior women politicians in the BJP identified the biggest roadblock to change as a lack of will among socially conservative party officials at state and district level, where politicians typically begin their careers. They said the issue had become apparent in the run-up to a string of elections for state assemblies being held this year, adding that on several occasions Modi [prime minister] and other national leaders had...more
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

In 2023, a law was passed that one out of every three people on a ballot must be a woman. Unfortunately, women don’t have the means to put themselves ahead of their political rivals, so they are often not elected. Dr. Gisele Ndaya Luseba, former Minister of Gender, Children, and Family is trying to improve that. Overall, the highest leaders in the country want to protect women, but the mid-level leaders of business, enterprise, and other endeavors look to their own self-interest and aren’t on-board with women’s equality.
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"Commitments were made to increase women’s political participation at all levels. It envisioned adequate human and financial resources for effective gender response as well as improved coordination and collaboration between agencies plus a supportive policy and programming environment. The 2021–2030 version looked at the gaps and challenges and outlined clearer responses including implementation, monitoring, evaluation, costs, and shared responsibilities. Gender-based violence is brought more to the forefront and Organizational System Strengthening was added as a sixth pillar" (10). “ 'Horizon 2030: National Development Framework for Belize 2010-2030'...reiterates inclusion of women in development processes especially at the highest levels of political leadership and supports special temporary measures to increase the number...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"In 2021, the Supreme Electoral Court reviewed and updated the Gender Equity Policy and developed a protocol to address violence against women in the political and electoral sphere, with a view to promoting civic and political action by women throughout the electoral process" (17).
April 30, 2024, 8:19 p.m.
Countries: Israel

"There are fewer women in government than just a year ago. Two of the ultra-Orthodox parties in the governing coalition effectively ban women from running for office, ignoring a 2019 Supreme Court ruling saying that they had to end the practice" (para 19).
April 28, 2024, 10:46 p.m.
Countries: Brazil
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"These manifestations of violence include sexist and misogynist insults, sexual abuse, removing the women from their positions, threats made against their lives, and even femicide"(para 1). "The Committee of Experts has learned of several cases, reported in the media and denounced by high-level State authorities, in which councilwomen have been victims of systematic attacks aimed at undermining their participation in political life" (para 2). "In particular, the Committee is concerned about the acts of violence suffered by five women councilors in the state of Santa Catarina, after they denounced alleged Nazi salutes and anti-democratic behavior during a demonstration against the results of the presidential elections. In addition to receiving insults...more
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[There are] reports of high levels of discriminatory gender stereotypes that hinder the advancement of women’s rights in the State party" (6). "[T]he Women’s Parliamentary Network [was established]... The activities of the Women’s Parliamentary Network have been suspended" (10).
April 9, 2024, 7:36 a.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

Truss has been under pressure not to appoint a cabinet of loyalists to try to unite the party. But allies have already rejected such a move, suggesting it would mean giving jobs to those who had openly criticised her throughout the bruising leadership campaign. 'She would be appointing people who didn’t support her – people who very publicly said her ideas were shit and she’s incompetent,' one cabinet minister said (para 20-21).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[O]nly one political party implemented voluntary quotas for the nomination of women candidates for the recent national elections" (9).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[T]he network of women senators of Gabon has conducted a capacity-building programme since 2017 with the support of the United Nations system" (13). "[W]e are pleased by the entry into Government of two women graduates of the training programme and a dozen women parliamentarians" (14).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[T]raining programmes for women on political and public life to ensure their political empowerment [are non-existent]" (10).
Feb. 16, 2024, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"'I think it’s that she avoids controversy, but by avoiding controversy one also seems to have that image of a weak person, so I feel that the common person in Honduras perceives her as weak, as someone who is not leading,' said Sandy Cabrera" (para 14). "That perception has been fed not only by Castro’s apparent reluctance to be in the spotlight, but also by the machismo and patriarchal bias that permeates society, and – as several feminists suggested – her own family too. 'If there’s one thing that perpetuates the patriarchy from the seat of power, it’s Mel Zelaya,' said Jessica Sánchez, referring to Castro’s husband, the former president...more
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[There is the presence of] Anti-gender discourse and online threats against women politicians, [by high-level politicians… No] effective measures [have been adopted] for the protection of women politicians [] to enable them to freely undertake their important work without fear or threat of violence or harassment" (7). "The introduction of an open list system by the amendment to the electoral law, in 2013, is disadvantageous for women candidates [because there is a] lack of training on political leadership, negotiation and campaigning skills for women candidates" (9). "[C]apacity-building programmes [are not provided] for women candidates on campaigning and political leadership skills, in particular for women facing intersecting forms of discrimination, such...more
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"[A] women’s lobbying group is fully involved in the process of revising the electoral code, some of whose provisions favour greater representation of women in the next elections" (18).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-3

"One of Botswana’s greatest challenges is reaching the desired numbers of women in decision making positions, particularly in politics" (7). This suggests that there are practices or customs that keep women from holding office. (VMH - CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore

"Victims of harassment could also apply for Protection Orders requiring harassers to stop the harassing behaviour; and to prevent the spread of harassing communication" (36).