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Latest items for LBHO-PRACTICE-2

Feb. 28, 2025, 5:27 p.m.
Countries: France
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"'Since the beginning, there has been opposition and incomprehension within the political class about a woman’s place, but this is completely at odds with how women are viewed in the rest of society,' says Janine Mossuz-Lavau, a political scientist at Sciences Po Paris and a specialist in gender and politics. 'No one has a problem with a woman doctor or a woman dentist. It really is specific to politics, which continues to have a very traditional view of society'" (para 7).
Feb. 21, 2025, 4:57 p.m.
Countries: South Korea

"In South Korea - despite a small increase in the share of women elected - a feeling among many young men of reverse discrimination played out in this year's election. 'Some parties continued to fuel or tap into an anti-gender sentiment among male voters who perceive women's rights advocates as anti-men,' says Ms Duarte Mutzenberg. However, she says, this may have led to even more women coming out to vote" (para 32-34).
Feb. 6, 2025, 3:58 p.m.
Countries: Sri Lanka
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The ample victories by Dr. Amarasuriya and other women shattered a myth that female politicians could not win" (para 27). "[There is a] pretext that there are not enough female leaders to be tapped for more prominent roles" (para 30).
Feb. 3, 2025, 1:04 p.m.
Countries: Solomon Islands
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"Since independence in 1978, few women have been elected to Solomon Islands’ national government. Only 6% of candidates in last month’s election were female, according to the country’s electoral commission. Solomon Islands Women Rights Action Movement says the underrepresentation of women in politics is due to a range of factors including cultural beliefs that the role of women should be limited to the home, religious norms and a lack of education.Nori entered the election as an underdog and says her victory marks a shift toward dismantling barriers in the Pacific country in terms of women’s roles. She says she faced many challenges, including to “convince both men and women that...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:34 a.m.
Countries: New Zealand

"Female politicians across the spectrum now say they face extraordinary abuse from a misogynistic and sometimes scary slice of the population. Some women say they did not seek office because of safety fears" (para 3). "'As soon as Jacinda showed a different style of leadership which is more feminine in nature than other people have been allowed to be, there was huge pushback,' said Suzanne Manning, the president of the National Council of Women New Zealand. 'It’s designed to silence women,' and some decided to stay out of politics over safety concerns, she said. Nicola Willis, the dynamic deputy leader of the National Party, who is widely expected to helm...more
Nov. 7, 2024, 2:19 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"Phangnon Konyak, who became the first female lawmaker in the upper house of parliament from the northeastern state of Nagaland last year, said that during the selection process local political leaders often questioned her ability to focus on the election because she is a single mother" (para 21). "'The battle is intense for parties to prove to us women that we stand a chance of securing senior positions,' Konyak [first Nagaland female lawmaker in upper house of parliament] added. 'At times the game is rigged by insiders who don't want women to take leadership roles.' Hekani Jakhalu, Nagaland's first female state lawmaker, concurred. She said it was tougher for women...more
Oct. 22, 2024, 11:04 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"'The absolute support the bill got in parliament is a record,' Modi said of the act which 454 lawmakers supported and only two opposed" (para 3). "The idea to reserve seats for women was deliberated in the late 1990s but a lack of consensus among parties made it tough to pursue. Since 1996, there have been six unsuccessful attempts to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill" (para 5).
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo

Overall, the highest leaders in the country want to protect women, but the mid-level leaders of business, enterprise, and other endeavors look to their own self-interest and aren’t on-board with women’s equality in the leadership of the country.
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The module on women’s leadership incorporated into the 2010 Census helped the National Women’s Commission (NWC) comprehend cultural perceptions limiting women participation in the political sphere. Findings were used to determine what gaps needed to be addressed at a national level. Results indicated that Belizeans were largely in favour of women holding high office. Respondents from 31,875 households stated they would like to see women occupying roles as Prime Minister, 21,959 supported women taking up Ministerial positions. However, they believed that for this to materialize, women contesting elections needed training, education, family support, and political party support. The 2022 Census findings will provide an updated picture" (23). "Respondents favoured special...more
April 28, 2024, 10:46 p.m.
Countries: Brazil
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The Committee of Experts of the Follow-up Mechanism of the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women "Belém do Pará Convention" (MESECVI) expresses its deep concern over the increase in attacks against women elected for public office in the political arena in Brazil. These manifestations of violence include sexist and misogynist insults, sexual abuse, removing the women from their positions, threats made against their lives, and even femicide"(para 1). "In particular, the Committee is concerned about the acts of violence suffered by five women councilors in the state of Santa Catarina, after they denounced alleged Nazi salutes and anti-democratic behavior during a demonstration against the...more
April 9, 2024, 7:36 a.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"Liz Truss will become Britain’s next prime minister on Tuesday and will immediately appoint a cabinet of loyalist MPs as her government begins a race against time to set out plans to deal with the cost of living emergency" (para 1). "Truss has been under pressure not to appoint a cabinet of loyalists to try to unite the party. But allies have already rejected such a move, suggesting it would mean giving jobs to those who had openly criticised her throughout the bruising leadership campaign. 'She would be appointing people who didn’t support her – people who very publicly said her ideas were shit and she’s incompetent,' one cabinet minister...more
Feb. 16, 2024, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"At her inauguration earlier this year, Xiomara Castro, the first female president of Honduras, ended her speech with a message to women" (para 1). "One, designed to increase the government’s capacity to prevent violence against women and improve the attention given to survivors by the justice system, was expected to meet resistance in a legislative body dominated by men and social conservatives. Another, more limited, bill that would fulfil a campaign promise to create more shelters for survivors of violence languishes as well" (para 12). "'I think it’s that she avoids controversy, but by avoiding controversy one also seems to have that image of a weak person, so I feel...more
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"One of Botswana’s greatest challenges is reaching the desired numbers of women in decision making positions, particularly in politics" (7). This suggests that society may view men as better suited for political leadership (VMH - CODER COMMENT). "Women participation in political life continues to show a stagnated and slow growth and in other instances a decline . . . women are under-represented in Parliament and Cabinet. Local Councils very much like Parliament are also dominated by men" (26).
Nov. 21, 2023, 5:58 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"A quota system required at least one woman in senior leadership at each level below that, contributing a small but steady stream of candidates" (para. 5). Even though this quota existed, it's not been respected anymore (MD - CODER COMMENT).
Nov. 6, 2023, 11:49 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"Female officials have become an indispensable and important force in the management of public affairs at the grassroots level, and women are enjoying a higher level of participation in the administration of State and social affairs" (16).
Nov. 2, 2023, 2:18 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

“Addressing the media and supporters in the early hours of Monday morning [after the election], Meloni said it was ‘a night of pride for many and a night of redemption... It’s a victory I want to dedicate to everyone who is no longer with us and wanted this night,’ she said. ‘Starting tomorrow we have to show our value … Italians chose us, and we will not betray it, as we never have,’ she said” (para 2-3). Meloni's victory speech reflects accomplishment for her party rather than for women at large. Meloni's campaign was focused on her party's politics rather than her own womanhood. Her party seems to celebrate her...more
Sept. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The Committee welcomes the increased representation of women in the judiciary and at different levels of the executive branch and the increased participation of women in political parties. The Committee is concerned, however, about the following: Discriminatory gender stereotypes hindering the participation of women in political and public life" (p.10).
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan

"Lily Wangchuk, the first and only woman president of a Bhutanese political party, referred in 2013 to 'huge gender gaps' in societal attitudes, which have inspired her to continue pursuing her political ambitions. Wangchuk, whose Druk Chirwang Tshogpa party was eliminated in the first round of elections that year after garnering only 6 percent of the vote, told the Indian business news publication Mint: 'during my campaign, my male opponents said, ‘[How] can a woman assume such an enormous responsibility?’ If I quit now, I will be proving them right.' " (para.3).
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan

"Lily Wangchuk, the first and only woman president of a Bhutanese political party, referred in 2013 to 'huge gender gaps' in societal attitudes, which have inspired her to continue pursuing her political ambitions. Wangchuk, whose Druk Chirwang Tshogpa party was eliminated in the first round of elections that year after garnering only 6 percent of the vote, told the Indian business news publication Mint: 'during my campaign, my male opponents said, ‘[How] can a woman assume such an enormous responsibility?’ If I quit now, I will be proving them right.' " (para.3).
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"[There have been] reports of harassment and intimidation of women human rights defenders, trade union workers and land and environmental activists, as well as members of the political opposition party, which was dissolved in November 2017... [W]omen have not been able to organize and participate in International Women’s Day marches since 2015" (6). "[W]omen continue to be underrepresented in legislative bodies, ministerial posts and local governments, as well as in the judiciary, the police force, the foreign service and academic institutions, particularly at the decision-making level. It also regrets the lack of representation of women belonging to ethnic minority groups and indigenous women in political and public life" (9).more
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"This shift is primarily due to the low percentage of elected women Members of Parliament (6.5% in 2011 to only 5.9% as of 2018)…"(7)(NF - CODER COMMENT - Due to low numbers, it can be an indicatro that Maldivians tend to believe men are better leaders than women). "On the Committee’s CO regarding temporary special measures (TSMs) in the Gender Equality Act and implementation of these, including measures to address the disadvantages and inequalities faced by women outside Male and in remote islands, migrant women, women with disabilities and women heads of household, since 2008, under the leadership of the MOGFSS, efforts have been made to establish TSMs among political...more
June 27, 2023, 11:15 p.m.
Countries: Algeria
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"Men held a large percentage of positions of authority in government and the private sector" (38).
June 14, 2023, 7:56 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"From January 2016 to June 2019, a total of 133 women councillors filed complaints or resigned owing to political harassment and violence, and seven departmental assembly members and one native indigenous campesino authority, making up a total of 141 women... The Act against Political Harassment and Violence 81 includes mechanisms to support and protect women who experience political harassment and violence and to prevent such cases" (18). "In accordance with Act No. 243, new criminal offences were introduced; these included political harassment against women and political violence against women, punishable by prison terms of 2 to 5 years and 3 to 8 years, respectively" (23).
June 14, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The 'Campaign for Women to Remain in Office without Facing Political Harassment or Violence' was launched... In order to raise awareness of the relevant regulations, eight workshops were held in which 823 women members of assemblies, councillors and representatives of political and women’s organizations took part. The First National Meeting for the Exchange of Experiences on Women’s Participation in the Process of Building Indigenous Autonomies (2017) was also organized" (19).
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"[C]apacity-building programmes for women candidates on campaigning and political leadership skills [is not provided]" (8).
March 15, 2023, 4:58 a.m.
Countries: Bulgaria

“As this working paper has shown, women entrepreneurs are an emerging force in Bulgarian social and economic life. However, women are not often found in key political decision-making positions. Most women-oriented NGOs generally focus on advocacy and lobbying, and only scattered and small-scale interventions have been made in the fields of support for women’s entrepreneurship (e.g. networking, legal advice, and business strategy advice); education and training; and the provision of advisory services and research on women’s issues. A great deal remains to be done in all of these areas in order to improve the situation of Bulgarian women in general, and women entrepreneurs in particular” (61).
March 8, 2023, 1:43 p.m.
Countries: Montenegro
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"During the 2020 parliamentary elections, the largest number of parties complied only with the legal minimum related to the number of women on the candidate lists, so that 18 women entered the Parliament of Montenegro, which is 22.2 per cent of the total number of MPs. After certain changes in parliamentary clubs, there are currently 22 women or 27.16 per cent of the total number of MPs in the Parliament" (16). "In 2017, politicians from 16 political parties, both ruling and the opposition ones, founded the Women’s Political Network (WPM) with the aim of working to promote gender equality in Montenegro. Their request to amend the Law on the Election...more
March 3, 2023, 11:15 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"One of the things the country needs to change most urgently is its dismal numbers on female representation in politics, Oyagbola tells me" (Para. 4). "Hawwah Gambo, one of the few female candidates in these elections, tells me a patriarchal culture that conditions women to believe they don’t need to aspire for leadership roles, and pits women against each other, is the main culprit" (Para. 9). "Gambo is from northern Nigeria, where women have historically been even more disadvantaged. People have said to her face that supporting her would be 'a wasted investment,' but she says it hurts the most when it comes from women" (Para. 10).
Feb. 19, 2023, 1:18 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria

“While the law provides women the same legal status and rights as men, women faced some discrimination in economic participation and political empowerment. The law provides for equal opportunities in all spheres of public, economic, and political life; equal access to public resources; equal treatment; exclusion of gender-based discrimination and violence; balanced representation of men and women in all decision-making bodies; and overcoming gender-based stereotypes” (p. 23).
Feb. 6, 2023, 12:07 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: LBHO-PRACTICE-2

"The Committee [on the Elimination of All Forms Discrimination against Women] notes... with concern...[t]he low representation of women in the Zhogorku Kenesh (15 per cent) and in local councils, and the introduction of the mixed electoral system, which will lower the quota for women candidates from 30 to 18 per cent [and] [g]ender-based violence and hate speech against women candidates during elections and political rallies" (8).