Latest items for ISTD-PRACTICE-1
March 14, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Indonesia
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Related analysis provides empirical evidence showing that the syndemic conditions of intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms interact synergistically to increase women's HIV risk again indicating the need for services that consider the full scope of intersecting risk factors, rather than addressing individual conditions separately" (11).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Related analysis provides empirical evidence showing that the syndemic conditions of intimate partner violence and depressive symptoms interact synergistically to increase women's HIV risk again indicating the need for services that consider the full scope of intersecting risk factors, rather than addressing individual conditions separately" (11).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[W]orkshops were held, between 2018 and 2019 on topics such as: breastfeeding, warning signs during pregnancy and postpartum, sexual and reproductive rights, importance of prenatal monitoring, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, and nutrition; attendees included 184,413 community leaders, advocates of humanized childbirth and members of health committees" (21). "The National AIDS/STD Programme of the Ministry of People’s Power for Health plans, executes and coordinates joint activities to combat HIV/AIDS and STDs in the national territory. The Programme has 24 regional offices. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has laboratories at public health centres and laboratories or blood banks in all federal offices for the detection of HIV antibodies. They...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[W]orkshops were held, between 2018 and 2019 on topics such as: breastfeeding, warning signs during pregnancy and postpartum, sexual and reproductive rights, importance of prenatal monitoring, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and HIV, and nutrition; attendees included 184,413 community leaders, advocates of humanized childbirth and members of health committees" (21). "The National AIDS/STD Programme of the Ministry of People’s Power for Health plans, executes and coordinates joint activities to combat HIV/AIDS and STDs in the national territory. The Programme has 24 regional offices. The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has laboratories at public health centres and laboratories or blood banks in all federal offices for the detection of HIV antibodies. They...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Examples of progress made as a result of the implementation of strategies and initiatives relating to sex education include the following… Provision of HIV-related training for teachers and students" (27-28). "The Directorate for Comprehensive Rights of the Ministry of Women provides training in various provinces in the country in the following areas (see the statistics in annex A): Comprehensive women’s health, gender, maternal mortality, disability, HIV/AIDS, drugs and alcohol" (35). "Through the 'Progressing with Solidarity' programme, the Social Policy Coordination Office is implementing the 'I’m choosing to wait' and 'Babies? Think it through' programmes, which are aimed at strengthening young people’s capacity to prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections among...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Examples of progress made as a result of the implementation of strategies and initiatives relating to sex education include the following… Provision of HIV-related training for teachers and students" (27-28). "The Directorate for Comprehensive Rights of the Ministry of Women provides training in various provinces in the country in the following areas (see the statistics in annex A): Comprehensive women’s health, gender, maternal mortality, disability, HIV/AIDS, drugs and alcohol" (35). "Through the 'Progressing with Solidarity' programme, the Social Policy Coordination Office is implementing the 'I’m choosing to wait' and 'Babies? Think it through' programmes, which are aimed at strengthening young people’s capacity to prevent pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections among...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"As part of the national strategy to combat curable sexually transmitted diseases, more than 350,000 women are provided services each year. HIV testing is provided to women of childbearing age and pregnant women. The number of pregnant women benefiting from screening rose from 43,000 in 2012 to more than 120,000 in 2018" (33). "As part of the national plan to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of AIDS and congenital syphilis by 2020, women of childbearing age are being made aware of the dangers of transmission of the virus and syphilis-causing bacteria. HIV carriers are urged to avoid unwanted pregnancies. A programme has been implemented to prevent the transmission of HIV and all...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"As part of the national strategy to combat curable sexually transmitted diseases, more than 350,000 women are provided services each year. HIV testing is provided to women of childbearing age and pregnant women. The number of pregnant women benefiting from screening rose from 43,000 in 2012 to more than 120,000 in 2018" (33). "As part of the national plan to eliminate mother-to-child transmission of AIDS and congenital syphilis by 2020, women of childbearing age are being made aware of the dangers of transmission of the virus and syphilis-causing bacteria. HIV carriers are urged to avoid unwanted pregnancies. A programme has been implemented to prevent the transmission of HIV and all...more
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"With regard to the health of girls and young women, it should be noted that a human papillomavirus vaccination strategy has been implemented, aimed at 10 year-old girls. According to information from the Ministry of Health’s Epidemiological Surveillance Unit, as at September 2019, a total of 29,450 (81 per cent) of 10-year-old girls had been vaccinated" (18).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"With regard to the health of girls and young women, it should be noted that a human papillomavirus vaccination strategy has been implemented, aimed at 10 year-old girls. According to information from the Ministry of Health’s Epidemiological Surveillance Unit, as at September 2019, a total of 29,450 (81 per cent) of 10-year-old girls had been vaccinated" (18).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In the area of prevention, in 2016 the Ministry of Health, through its expanded immunization programme, included the HPV vaccine in its national vaccination schedule, given the high incidence of associated cervical-uterine cancer. The target population is girls aged 11 years, and the two-dose vaccine is administered consistently. During the period 2016–2019, the first-dose vaccination coverage varied from 75 to 94 per cent and that of the second dose from 55 to 65 per cent" (33). "With regard to the recommendation contained in paragraph 39 (a), on ensuring equal access for women and men to care and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/AIDS, the Ministry of Health has introduced...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In the area of prevention, in 2016 the Ministry of Health, through its expanded immunization programme, included the HPV vaccine in its national vaccination schedule, given the high incidence of associated cervical-uterine cancer. The target population is girls aged 11 years, and the two-dose vaccine is administered consistently. During the period 2016–2019, the first-dose vaccination coverage varied from 75 to 94 per cent and that of the second dose from 55 to 65 per cent" (33). "With regard to the recommendation contained in paragraph 39 (a), on ensuring equal access for women and men to care and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV/AIDS, the Ministry of Health has introduced...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:32 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"But the sex-for-fish practice has put many of the participants at risk of HIV/AIDS, said Othaniel Duwe, a fisheries extension worker in the department of fisheries in Rumphi district. 'Many fishers migrate from one fishing camp to the next, if they have the virus, they can bring it into a community or they can be infected during their travels,' [Othaniel Duwe] said." (par. 10-11).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"But the sex-for-fish practice has put many of the participants at risk of HIV/AIDS, said Othaniel Duwe, a fisheries extension worker in the department of fisheries in Rumphi district. 'Many fishers migrate from one fishing camp to the next, if they have the virus, they can bring it into a community or they can be infected during their travels,' [Othaniel Duwe] said." (par. 10-11).
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Bilan has faced similar abuse for reporting on people living with HIV and Aids, another story on a woman who defied local hostility to welcome HIV-positive people into her house, and on teenage orphan girls forced into early marriage and later abandoned to bring up their children alone. But reporting these stories has also shown how caring and compassionate people can be. Our phones were buzzing with calls from people who wanted to donate money, and the ministry of health decided to intervene to support some of the HIV-positive people we wrote about, especially a 75-year-old man forced to live on the streets" (par. 7-8).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Bilan has faced similar abuse for reporting on people living with HIV and Aids, another story on a woman who defied local hostility to welcome HIV-positive people into her house, and on teenage orphan girls forced into early marriage and later abandoned to bring up their children alone. But reporting these stories has also shown how caring and compassionate people can be. Our phones were buzzing with calls from people who wanted to donate money, and the ministry of health decided to intervene to support some of the HIV-positive people we wrote about, especially a 75-year-old man forced to live on the streets" (par. 7-8).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:09 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In 2017, in order to streamline HIV/AIDS activities, the functions of the Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria were merged into those of the Coordination Council on Public Health, which reports to the Government of Kyrgyzstan. All AIDS patients currently receiving antiretroviral therapy are given their medication in a timely manner, records are kept of antiretroviral drugs received and issued, and drugs are issued during the course of treatment in line with the clinical guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health, which have been updated in accordance with World Health Organization recommendations. The most recent clinical guidelines were approved by Ministry of Health...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In 2017, in order to streamline HIV/AIDS activities, the functions of the Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria were merged into those of the Coordination Council on Public Health, which reports to the Government of Kyrgyzstan. All AIDS patients currently receiving antiretroviral therapy are given their medication in a timely manner, records are kept of antiretroviral drugs received and issued, and drugs are issued during the course of treatment in line with the clinical guidelines approved by the Ministry of Health, which have been updated in accordance with World Health Organization recommendations. The most recent clinical guidelines were approved by Ministry of Health...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Twenty activists (18 women and 2 men) who are representatives of non-governmental organizations from different social backgrounds were selected as students of the first of its kind School of Gender Activists in Tajikistan, including women and men, young girls, HIV-positive persons and persons with disabilities" (p. 19). "A total of 140 representatives from civil society organizations working with women with disabilities, women living with HIV and women from low-income communities increased their knowledge of the project cycle, monitoring and evaluation, and fundraising" (p. 19). "Vocational schools in Tajikistan hold weekly training sessions on domestic culture, domestic violence, discrimination against women, suicide prevention for young women and girls, prostitution and its...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Twenty activists (18 women and 2 men) who are representatives of non-governmental organizations from different social backgrounds were selected as students of the first of its kind School of Gender Activists in Tajikistan, including women and men, young girls, HIV-positive persons and persons with disabilities" (p. 19). "A total of 140 representatives from civil society organizations working with women with disabilities, women living with HIV and women from low-income communities increased their knowledge of the project cycle, monitoring and evaluation, and fundraising" (p. 19). "Vocational schools in Tajikistan hold weekly training sessions on domestic culture, domestic violence, discrimination against women, suicide prevention for young women and girls, prostitution and its...more
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Committee welcomes the State party’s efforts to improve its institutional and policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of discrimination against women and promoting gender equality, such as the adoption of the following...[a]ction plan for the elimination of HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections and the hepatitis B and C viruses for the period 2018–2020, in 2017, and related programmes and guidelines" (2-3). "The Committee...welcomes the fact that the State party introduced, in 2019, additional support services for persons, including women, living with HIV to ensure early and effective access to treatment and that the services provided at HIV prevention points are free of charge and anonymous" (12).more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Committee welcomes the State party’s efforts to improve its institutional and policy framework aimed at accelerating the elimination of discrimination against women and promoting gender equality, such as the adoption of the following...[a]ction plan for the elimination of HIV infection, sexually transmitted infections and the hepatitis B and C viruses for the period 2018–2020, in 2017, and related programmes and guidelines" (2-3). "The Committee...welcomes the fact that the State party introduced, in 2019, additional support services for persons, including women, living with HIV to ensure early and effective access to treatment and that the services provided at HIV prevention points are free of charge and anonymous" (12).more
Nov. 1, 2024, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Health centers are beginning to take on cervical cancer, a hideous disease (sometimes diagnosed partly by the stench of rotting flesh) that kills more people worldwide than maternal mortality but gets much less attention. Some girls in Sierra Leone now get the HPV vaccination against it, and some clinics offer low-cost screenings that bathe the cervix in vinegar and look for lesions" (para 11).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Health centers are beginning to take on cervical cancer, a hideous disease (sometimes diagnosed partly by the stench of rotting flesh) that kills more people worldwide than maternal mortality but gets much less attention. Some girls in Sierra Leone now get the HPV vaccination against it, and some clinics offer low-cost screenings that bathe the cervix in vinegar and look for lesions" (para 11).
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"A five-year Global Fund Project entitled 'Strengthening of Belize’s Multi-sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS' concluded in October 2009. The Women’s Department was one of seven sub-recipients of the project. The project focused on reducing the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS for Women and Youth. As part of the project, the Department developed knowledge products to empower women of reproductive age regarding the link between domestic violence/gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS. During the reporting period, partnerships between the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Commission, the National Committee for Families and Children (NCFC), governmental agencies and NGOs working on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. As mentioned in various paragraphs above, collaborations led to policy development,...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"A five-year Global Fund Project entitled 'Strengthening of Belize’s Multi-sectoral Response to HIV/AIDS' concluded in October 2009. The Women’s Department was one of seven sub-recipients of the project. The project focused on reducing the vulnerability to HIV/AIDS for Women and Youth. As part of the project, the Department developed knowledge products to empower women of reproductive age regarding the link between domestic violence/gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS. During the reporting period, partnerships between the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Commission, the National Committee for Families and Children (NCFC), governmental agencies and NGOs working on sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS. As mentioned in various paragraphs above, collaborations led to policy development,...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:22 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In 2007, the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National AIDS Commission (NAC) and National Trade Union Congress of Belize developed an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy. This was done to signal Belize’s commitment to the UNGASS Declaration to control and reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015. This policy is still in place. Acknowledging the importance of addressing gender issues when tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Ministry of Health commissioned a Gender Analysis of the National HIV Strategic Plan (2006–2011). The analysis identified gaps in the plan. The report noted the need to incorporate the gender dimension as well as gendersensitive training in programming. Consequently,...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"In 2007, the Ministry of Labour in collaboration with the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry, National AIDS Commission (NAC) and National Trade Union Congress of Belize developed an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy. This was done to signal Belize’s commitment to the UNGASS Declaration to control and reverse the HIV epidemic by 2015. This policy is still in place. Acknowledging the importance of addressing gender issues when tackling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the Ministry of Health commissioned a Gender Analysis of the National HIV Strategic Plan (2006–2011). The analysis identified gaps in the plan. The report noted the need to incorporate the gender dimension as well as gendersensitive training in programming. Consequently,...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:21 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"During the reporting period, Belize improved its HIV/AIDS health management and information systems and M&E efforts through the Belize Health Information System. The Epidemiology Unit collects data as part of the National Program on the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and other Sexually Transmitted Infections. This allows agencies to make better programmatic decisions. The M&E component was further supported through the Build Resilience Through Innovation and National Accountability for the HIV and TB Response in Belize program which commenced in 2019, with support from Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. In 2021, the National AIDS Commission (NAC) hired an M&E Officer. The NAC responds directly...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"During the reporting period, Belize improved its HIV/AIDS health management and information systems and M&E efforts through the Belize Health Information System. The Epidemiology Unit collects data as part of the National Program on the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and other Sexually Transmitted Infections. This allows agencies to make better programmatic decisions. The M&E component was further supported through the Build Resilience Through Innovation and National Accountability for the HIV and TB Response in Belize program which commenced in 2019, with support from Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. In 2021, the National AIDS Commission (NAC) hired an M&E Officer. The NAC responds directly...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:20 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Between 2007–2012, the Women’s Department developed handbooks for training purposes and to inform women, men, and service providers about their rights and responsibilities. Handbooks included information on...HIV Peer Counselling for Women and Girls Manual [and] Training Guide on Facilitating Information Sessions on the link between HIV and Violence Against Women" (12). "Horizon2030 discusses financing civil society organizations providing critical health services to women, children, pregnant teens, young mothers and those vulnerable to HIV and violence" (18). "Since 2011, GoBelize, a local NGO, has been implementing programs and services as well as influencing policy on sexual and reproductive health. GoBelize uses a comprehensive sexuality education approach. Diverse educational methods and mediums...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Between 2007–2012, the Women’s Department developed handbooks for training purposes and to inform women, men, and service providers about their rights and responsibilities. Handbooks included information on...HIV Peer Counselling for Women and Girls Manual [and] Training Guide on Facilitating Information Sessions on the link between HIV and Violence Against Women" (12). "Horizon2030 discusses financing civil society organizations providing critical health services to women, children, pregnant teens, young mothers and those vulnerable to HIV and violence" (18). "Since 2011, GoBelize, a local NGO, has been implementing programs and services as well as influencing policy on sexual and reproductive health. GoBelize uses a comprehensive sexuality education approach. Diverse educational methods and mediums...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare is in the process of updating the 2017–2021 National Strategic Plan for the Prevention, Management and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV and AIDS. In 2021, the Ministry approved supplementary guidelines to the Guide for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Persons with HIV and their Prophylactic Application and the 2021–2024 National Plan for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B. In 2021, efforts have been focused on vaccination against COVID-19. In 2021, a total of 7,153 women with HIV were taking antiretroviral treatment. There has been a downward trend in the number of new cases of women...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare is in the process of updating the 2017–2021 National Strategic Plan for the Prevention, Management and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections, HIV and AIDS. In 2021, the Ministry approved supplementary guidelines to the Guide for the Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Persons with HIV and their Prophylactic Application and the 2021–2024 National Plan for the Elimination of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B. In 2021, efforts have been focused on vaccination against COVID-19. In 2021, a total of 7,153 women with HIV were taking antiretroviral treatment. There has been a downward trend in the number of new cases of women...more
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[F]ree anti-retroviral treatment [is not easily accessible] for all women and girls, including Roma women and women with disabilities, including those in institutions... [A]wareness among women of the benefits of early preventive measures [is not being raised]" (14).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[F]ree anti-retroviral treatment [is not easily accessible] for all women and girls, including Roma women and women with disabilities, including those in institutions... [A]wareness among women of the benefits of early preventive measures [is not being raised]" (14).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The promotion of family planning and use of modem contraception methods, in particular by adolescents, will contribute to reducing the number of early and undesired pregnancies, and also sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS" (18). "The principle of free HIV screening and antiretroviral treatment [exists]" (19). "There are currently 23 health facilities providing care for people living with HIV. However, implementation is scheduled with gradual training of all medical practitioners at public and private entities, with support from the World Health Organization" (20).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The promotion of family planning and use of modem contraception methods, in particular by adolescents, will contribute to reducing the number of early and undesired pregnancies, and also sexually transmitted infections and HIV/AIDS" (18). "The principle of free HIV screening and antiretroviral treatment [exists]" (19). "There are currently 23 health facilities providing care for people living with HIV. However, implementation is scheduled with gradual training of all medical practitioners at public and private entities, with support from the World Health Organization" (20).
March 15, 2024, 1:34 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[Government measures taken are:] A significant increase in the national medical solidarity fund to 2,500,000 for the purchase of anti-retroviral medication and preventive actions[,] Decentralization of comprehensive care for HIV throughout the country[,] Free anti-retroviral treatment for all persons living with HIV in Gabon[,] Free prenatal care and delivery care for pregnant women living with HIV[, and] In addition to free HIV screening, the National Health Insurance Fund provides laboratory tests and treatment of opportunistic infections" (20). "Prescription of antiretroviral treatment [are provided] by trained health providers" (20).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[Government measures taken are:] A significant increase in the national medical solidarity fund to 2,500,000 for the purchase of anti-retroviral medication and preventive actions[,] Decentralization of comprehensive care for HIV throughout the country[,] Free anti-retroviral treatment for all persons living with HIV in Gabon[,] Free prenatal care and delivery care for pregnant women living with HIV[, and] In addition to free HIV screening, the National Health Insurance Fund provides laboratory tests and treatment of opportunistic infections" (20). "Prescription of antiretroviral treatment [are provided] by trained health providers" (20).
March 15, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[C]are for persons living with HIV/ AIDS [are integrated] in the health system's health-care facilities… Free treatment for pregnant women, especially for those who are HIV-positive, [are] provided by the National Health Insurance and Social Protection Fund… [U]niversal health coverage (by the national health insurance fund) [was established] to reduce the cost of medical care for persons living with HIV" (19).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[C]are for persons living with HIV/ AIDS [are integrated] in the health system's health-care facilities… Free treatment for pregnant women, especially for those who are HIV-positive, [are] provided by the National Health Insurance and Social Protection Fund… [U]niversal health coverage (by the national health insurance fund) [was established] to reduce the cost of medical care for persons living with HIV" (19).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[The] National strategic plan against HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021, [was adopted] in 2018" (2, 12). "New cases of HIV/AIDS infections mainly affect women and girls, who continue to face stigmatization and social exclusion due to their HIV/AIDS status, the antiretroviral treatments are insufficient and must be paid for [. T]he national strategic plan on HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021 lacks funding" (12). "[W]omen and men [are not guaranteed equal access] to adequate treatment for, and means of prevention of, HIV/AIDS, as well as free access to antiretroviral medicine... [W]omen and girls living with HIV/AIDS [are stigmatized and socially excluded]" (13).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[The] National strategic plan against HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021, [was adopted] in 2018" (2, 12). "New cases of HIV/AIDS infections mainly affect women and girls, who continue to face stigmatization and social exclusion due to their HIV/AIDS status, the antiretroviral treatments are insufficient and must be paid for [. T]he national strategic plan on HIV/AIDS for the period 2018–2021 lacks funding" (12). "[W]omen and men [are not guaranteed equal access] to adequate treatment for, and means of prevention of, HIV/AIDS, as well as free access to antiretroviral medicine... [W]omen and girls living with HIV/AIDS [are stigmatized and socially excluded]" (13).
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[W]omen living with HIV/AIDS [were discriminated against] by health-care professionals" (12). "[A]ll health service staff [are not trained] on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women, in particular pregnant women and women and girls living with HIV/AIDS" (13).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[W]omen living with HIV/AIDS [were discriminated against] by health-care professionals" (12). "[A]ll health service staff [are not trained] on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of women, in particular pregnant women and women and girls living with HIV/AIDS" (13).
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[The] national health development plan (2006–2015) and the health sector transition plan (2015–2017) [have] several actions to support women... [This includes p]roviding free care to women living with HIV/AIDS[, and] Providing free prenatal exams and HIV/AIDS testing for pregnant women" (37).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"[The] national health development plan (2006–2015) and the health sector transition plan (2015–2017) [have] several actions to support women... [This includes p]roviding free care to women living with HIV/AIDS[, and] Providing free prenatal exams and HIV/AIDS testing for pregnant women" (37).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"HIV prevalence is still high among females than males and therefore more effort is still required to ensure that the gender specific vulnerabilities are taken into cognizance in the national response to HIV and AIDS" (7). "The Revised National Population Policy (2010) makes provisions for Adolescent Friendly Health Services to ensure access to Reproductive Health Services that can in turn promote the retention of girl children in education. Information, education and communication initiatives have focused on holistic youth empowerment. HIV and AIDS prevention programmes continue to emphasise a broad range of choices available to young people. These include Adolescent and Young People Multi-media Campaign for HIV Prevention (Wise Up) and...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"HIV prevalence is still high among females than males and therefore more effort is still required to ensure that the gender specific vulnerabilities are taken into cognizance in the national response to HIV and AIDS" (7). "The Revised National Population Policy (2010) makes provisions for Adolescent Friendly Health Services to ensure access to Reproductive Health Services that can in turn promote the retention of girl children in education. Information, education and communication initiatives have focused on holistic youth empowerment. HIV and AIDS prevention programmes continue to emphasise a broad range of choices available to young people. These include Adolescent and Young People Multi-media Campaign for HIV Prevention (Wise Up) and...more
Dec. 5, 2023, 11:18 a.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Fong noted the one-child policy also exacerbated a traditional preference for male children, leading to a huge gender gap" (pp 16).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Fong noted the one-child policy also exacerbated a traditional preference for male children, leading to a huge gender gap" (pp 16).
Nov. 6, 2023, 11:49 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Since 2015, the Central Government has invested 1.4 billion yuan annually to scale up the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B across the country" (23).
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"Since 2015, the Central Government has invested 1.4 billion yuan annually to scale up the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B across the country" (23).
Oct. 10, 2023, 12:34 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
"Staff at CEPROSAF approximates that last year there were more than 40,000 cases of HIV reported in Honduras, but that the actual number could be higher since so many people with the disease do not seek treatment" (para 6).
"Staff at CEPROSAF approximates that last year there were more than 40,000 cases of HIV reported in Honduras, but that the actual number could be higher since so many people with the disease do not seek treatment" (para 6).
Oct. 4, 2023, 6:58 a.m.
Countries: Angola
"Rural women and girls and women and girls with disabilities, with albinism, living with HIV/AIDS and in prostitution, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and intersex persons face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, restricting in particular their access to health services, employment, education, housing and justice and their participation in public and political life" (14).
"Rural women and girls and women and girls with disabilities, with albinism, living with HIV/AIDS and in prostitution, lesbian, bisexual and transgender women and intersex persons face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination, restricting in particular their access to health services, employment, education, housing and justice and their participation in public and political life" (14).
Sept. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Committee notes the 2014 amendments to the law on domestic violence of 2009 that provide for restraining and protection orders and social assistance to victims of domestic violence. It also takes note of the State party’s intention to adopt the bill on countering domestic violence and to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. However, the Committee notes with concern the following:(f) The lack of shelters for women and girls who are victims of gender-based violence and the denial of access to such shelters to women living with HIV/AIDS" (p.7-8). "The Committee commends the State party for enacting a strong...more
Variables: ISTD-PRACTICE-1
"The Committee notes the 2014 amendments to the law on domestic violence of 2009 that provide for restraining and protection orders and social assistance to victims of domestic violence. It also takes note of the State party’s intention to adopt the bill on countering domestic violence and to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. However, the Committee notes with concern the following:(f) The lack of shelters for women and girls who are victims of gender-based violence and the denial of access to such shelters to women living with HIV/AIDS" (p.7-8). "The Committee commends the State party for enacting a strong...more