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Latest items for IRP-PRACTICE-3

Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"HIV prevalence in the country is 0.8 per cent, but is 5 per cent among men who have sex with men, 4.5 per cent among female sex workers and 5.4 per cent among women without formal education" (38).
Feb. 8, 2025, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Most dancers in the state are independent contractors who are paid by customers and then msut pay club fees every shift, Zack-Wu said" (par. 5).
Jan. 30, 2025, 10:15 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Years of unsafe sex exposed many devadasis to sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. 'I know of women who are infected and now it has passed on to their children,' an activist who works with devadasis, who asked not to be named, told AFP. 'They hide it and live with it in secrecy. Many women have died.'" (para 29-31).
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:32 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"She is grateful to not have contracted any diseases, even though she remains mentally scarred from engaging in transactional sex. “I am just lucky … most of these people [fishermen] like unprotected sex. They don’t care. I am ashamed" (par. 38).
Jan. 9, 2025, 3:43 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"The people who say they want the right to sell sex have a giant privilege because they can say no to the clients that I couldn’t say no to. I talked to a friend yesterday about this. She’d been having a discussion with another girl about who in prostitution can say no...[t]hat’s the kind of man that comes to us that we can’t say no to. I had to get the money, I had to get my drugs and I had to stay alive. Some people need to pay for housing. Some people need food on the table, so they can’t say no. There may be a few women who...more
Dec. 30, 2024, 11:27 a.m.
Countries: Burma/Myanmar
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Zar was a nurse at a private hospital in Mandalay, which was shut down by the military government because its doctors had joined the protest movement. Then a friend pitched her a way to make money. Just be a date girl, her friend said. Before her first day on the job, Zar, 25, said she watched some pornography to try to figure out what to do. She said her first client was a Chinese man who looked around 40 and spoke little Burmese and no English. At one point, he tried to have sex without a condom, but she insisted that he had to use one. 'It lasted about 20...more
July 9, 2024, 8:28 a.m.
Countries: Switzerland
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Sex workers must register with the local canton (state) and, while requirements vary, condoms are mandatory. But despite being legal, many find themselves in danger" (para 10). “'All the girls in Geneva are legally registered. It gives them police protection should anything go wrong and as a result the establishment welcomes a higher class of client'” (para 20). "Brazilian Victoria, 24, who has also worked in Germany, Spain and Amsterdam, said: 'This is the best place I have worked because it feels safe. Women here are trusted to set their boundaries. We’re not asked to do anything we don’t want to do'" (para 21).
May 23, 2024, 1:40 p.m.
Countries: Ghana
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"At their residence in Kasoa, Diamond and her 10 friends shared a single room containing just five thin mattresses without bedsheets on the floor. It felt like a prison – no TV or radio set or chair. The paint on the wall had faded with marks of dirty human hands. The room was poorly ventilated with a rusted, noisy ceiling fan. The only window had a net meant to prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering but that was torn" (para 25). Women from Nigeria taken to Ghana under promises that they would be taken care of as they engaged in transactional sex were met with the reality of poor...more
May 23, 2024, 1:39 p.m.
Countries: Germany
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"The problem is that, as one john said: 'Once you’ve paid, you can do anything you like to her.' The men were asked if they were aware of violence from pimps towards the women. Many were, having seen pimps routinely commit violent acts that meet international definitions of torture. One man said: 'There was one [pimp] who really beat up one of his women. With the fist two or three times in the face and thrown her against the wall.' Another reported: 'When the women didn’t pay the pimp enough, they had their fingernails pulled off, or they beat the women to a pulp. The women were scared and never...more
May 23, 2024, 1:38 p.m.
Countries: Georgia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"'Well, they don’t abduct you, but it becomes forced soon enough,' the source said. 'They give you promises. They say you can make 5 billion rials in a year and then you can go back to your life. But this is when the disaster begins. They make sure you get addicted. To alcohol, to drugs. Then you’ll do anything to get these. Then they get your passport and tell you that you’ll be executed if you go back to Iran. They beat you up, they insult you, even jail you. They make you think there is no way out. And you know the government will be on their side when...more
May 23, 2024, 1:37 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"He calls it the epicenter of Gambian sex tourism. 'Couples don’t even try to hide it,' he says. 'Here in Serekunda, sex for money has become the norm.' Cham says this phenomenon impacts the entire community. 'It paves the way to other kinds of abuse,' he explains. 'Pedophilia is also getting to be more common. White men rent villas and let the bumsters (a name for men who run sex tourism) bring them kids. That’s how sex tourism is ruining an entire generation'" (para 7). The extension of prostitution from adults to children signifies that many of those engaged in prostitution have few to no rights relative to those who...more
April 28, 2024, 11:37 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Two years ago soldiers of the 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment battlegroup, were confined to their barracks in Kenya after up to 100 sought medical advice after visiting temporary brothels that had been set up near their base" (para 8).
March 19, 2024, 1:06 a.m.
Countries: Zimbabwe
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"The organ has it on record that studies show that sex workers often face violence from the police, clients and partners, increasing their risk of acquiring HIV. The prevalence of HIV among sex workers in Zimbabwe is exceptionally high, estimated at 42,2%" (para 3).
March 19, 2024, 12:28 a.m.
Countries: Zambia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Violence from clients, who act with impunity because of the patriarchal privileges and lack of action from the police" (para 10). "High HIV prevalence in some semi urban and rural districts due to lack of better and informed tailored access to basic health, social, sexual reproductive health and rights services for sex workers" (para 14).
March 18, 2024, 11:44 p.m.
Countries: Yemen
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Forced abductions, torture and sexual violence against women have risen since 2015, said al-Kamal, handling ten other cases similar to al-Hammadi’s" (para 8). "By speaking to five survivors, lawyers, and human rights activists, The Independent learned that prostitution rings and sexual violence against women are rife in Houthi-run detention sites in Yemen" (para 9).
March 18, 2024, 9:51 p.m.
Countries: Vietnam
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"An ILO study in 2016 said sex workers were some of the most vulnerable people in Vietnam as they have to deal with regular police raids and persistent fear of theft and violence" (para 8).
March 16, 2024, 5:14 p.m.
Countries: United Arab Emirates
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Three of the women said in interviews that Gold told them that if they didn’t do as they were told, they’d be killed and dumped in the desert. Those who didn’t make enough money for her were taken to a room in an apartment in Dubai, where Gold’s brother starved them, flogged them and shoved hot chili paste into their vaginas, according to three anti-trafficking officials and five women who provided detailed accounts in interviews and court statements" (para 4). "A Nigerian mother in her 20s said a trafficker led her and two other women to a parking lot in Ajman, one of the emirates that make up the UAE,...more
March 16, 2024, 5:03 p.m.
Countries: Ukraine
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Tetyana said some men refuse to pay full price. 'Sometimes a man promises $12, I do my job, but he pays me only $7,' she said. 'He says, ‘Hey, I earn less now,’ and I say, ‘So do not come to me''" (para 13).
March 16, 2024, 4:54 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"The job comes with significant risks: Sex workers face the constant threat of police raids, monetary fines, and sexual exploitation by clients and police officers, with no legal recourse to report this abuse when it occurs" (para 3). "Even if a sex worker acquiesces, the officer often brings her right back into detention afterward. 'You are traumatized, you are being abused, [and] the police probably don’t even have condoms,' Macklean said. 'You are being put at risk'" (para 21). "Uganda’s HIV rates are among the highest in the world: an estimated 1.5 million people in the country are HIV-positive, or 6 percent of the population. Sex workers are an especially...more
March 16, 2024, 4:33 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Melike Arzu Şakiroğlu wanted job security. Like other sex workers in Istanbul, she often encountered disturbed men, was subjected to abuse and had no social insurance" (para 1). "'Either we work through an escort website or the streets, or work in a bordello,' she continued. 'If you work at an escort website, when someone calls you either you go to his place or he comes to your place. He could be a psycho or a serial killer. We experienced this. We had real-life examples. Many of our friends lost their lives'” (5)
March 16, 2024, 4:17 p.m.
Countries: Tunisia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Even if the pay was less generous in a licensed brothel, where the going rate was 10.5 Tunisian dinars ($3.60) per client, it was preferable to the 30 dinars you might make on your own, because it was safer. 'At least in the brothel I had police protection. They could control the clients and make sure they used condoms,' she says" (para 4). "With state oversight unclear, many Tunisian prostitutes now rely on voluntary associations to safeguard their health and welfare. 'Rapes and attacks against women have risen since the brothels closed,' says Bouthayna Aoussaoui, who runs an organisation that helps the women" (para 5). "In 2018 a survey found...more
March 9, 2024, 12:19 p.m.
Countries: South Africa
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Several of the women described being driven out to the middle of nowhere, raped, and then kicked out of the car, sometimes naked. One woman said she got into a car with a client who had promised to buy her services for the whole night. Once she was in his car, he choked and blindfolded her, then raped her repeatedly without a condom" (para 11).
March 9, 2024, 12:15 p.m.
Countries: South Africa
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"Women in South Africa face very high levels of gender-based violence. Female sex workers are even more exposed than other women. A recent study showed that 70% of female sex workers had experienced violence in the past year. More than half had been raped by intimate partners, police, clients or other men" (para 8). "HIV prevalence of between 39% and 89% has been documented among female sex workers across different areas of South Africa in the last decade. This is extremely high when compared to the country’s national HIV prevalence rate of 13.7%" (para 9).
March 9, 2024, 12:08 p.m.
Countries: South Africa
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"A new cross-sectional analysis of sex workers in South Africa suggests that they have an “extraordinarily high” HIV incidence rate, and thus require significantly more outreach and intervention in order to curb HIV transmission within the population as a whole" (para 1). "The analysis, published in The Lancet HIV, showed an HIV incidence rate of 5 cases per 100 person-years" (para 2). "Corresponding author Reshma Kassanjee, PhD, of the University of Cape Town, and colleagues, said an estimated 7.3 million adults in South Africa are HIV-positive, but women make up nearly two-thirds of those cases. In fact, one-quarter of women between the ages of 15 and 49 are believed to...more
March 9, 2024, 12:05 p.m.
Countries: South Africa
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"South Africa has one of largest HIV caseloads in the world and has been hit by a growing wave of violence against women" (para 4). "Police Minister Bheki Cele said there had been a double-digit increase in murders of women year-on-year between July and September with almost 1,000 women killed. Rapes were also up 11 percent, with 10,000 cases during the period, he said" (para 5). HIgh rates of violence, STD incidence, and rape can be good indicators that women enjoy low levels of bargaining power vis a vis their male clients and pimps (MCP - CODER COMMENT). "Some recent gruesome incidents have shocked the nation, including the retrieval of...more
March 9, 2024, 11:57 a.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"While sex work is illegal in Somalia, the authorities have turned a blind eye to the industry, citing more pressing security concerns. This has created a dangerous and unregulated environment for sex workers, who face a range of risks, including violence, exploitation, and sexually transmitted infections" (para 4). High occurrence of violence and STDs can be an indicator that women enjoy low bargaining power vis a vis their male clients and pimps (MCP - CODER COMMENT).
March 9, 2024, 11:30 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"There are many rules for being a legal sex worker in the city-state. Women may incur a S$500 fine for leaving a brothel without permission, for example" (para 21). While legalization might heavily regulate the sex industry, perhaps even protecting licensed prostitutes from violence and HIV infection, licensed prostitutes are micromanaged by their pimps and enjoy slim to no personal liberties (MCP - CODER COMMENT). "Sex workers must be between the ages of 21 and 35, and are required to undergo an interview with the local police before being allowed to work in the brothels, according to law articles compiled by Project X. Passports and contracts are held by the...more
March 9, 2024, 11:25 a.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"As a result of the current COVID 19 pandemic, clientele is sparse and so, as Conteh notes, every client counts more – though they pay less. One woman interviewed noted that prior to the pandemic, she used to charge the equivalent of USD 7 – USD 15 per client and now can only charge around USD 3. This is putting sex workers in a position to accept greater risks with clients who they may have previously rejected. Sex workers interviewed by Conteh shared horrific stories of women in the sex trade disappearing off the streets, some trafficked against their will to other areas, others tortured or killed" (para 3, 4)....more
March 5, 2024, 9:46 a.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"'Problematic clients' include those who were conscripted to fight in the war. 'Those called up to fight (and) come ‘one last time’ are incredibly aggressive, and subject women to brutality,' said Jewgienija from Perm. Ljubow, another sex worker from the same city, says these clients often say 'They’re taking me away in two days, so I’d like a taste of life now'" (para 18). In the context of a large-scale war, and under established deregulation, violence against prostitutes likely increases and the government's motivation to address it decreases (MCP - CODER COMMENT). "'One of the girls I work with was told ‘I fought in the war, so you owe this...more
March 5, 2024, 9:45 a.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-3

"But the reality is that Russian sex workers operate in a hidden world outside the law and out of sight — making them doubly vulnerable to infection and abuse, as AFP journalists found after being granted rare access to an illegal brothel" (para 2). The illegality of prostitution leaves room for an unregulated industry whose workers are unprotected and have virtually no rights vis a vis their clients or pimps (MCP - CODER COMMENT). "The activist, Regina Akhmetzyanova, spends her evening going to such clandestine brothels to give out condoms and to offer sex workers an HIV test. This is particularly important for prostitutes since infection rates in Russia are...more