Latest items for INFIB-PRACTICE-1
March 20, 2025, 1:55 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
"The continuous practice of FGM has reportedly made it possible for girls under the age of 10 to be put up for marriage as FGM is commonly seen as a sign of adulthood and readiness for marriage" (3).
"The continuous practice of FGM has reportedly made it possible for girls under the age of 10 to be put up for marriage as FGM is commonly seen as a sign of adulthood and readiness for marriage" (3).
March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
"Despite the criminalization of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kurdistan in 2011, FGM continues to be practised on girls and women. Prosecutions in cases of FGM are impeded by the fact that perpetrators of the practice are almost always the victim’s immediate family members or relatives, making it unlikely that the victim, especially if a minor, would report them. Moreover, reporting the incident could lead to reprisal against the victim in her community and home, and would offer little benefit to the victim once the procedure had already been performed. Due to the fact that FGM has become illegal and bears criminal consequences, the practice has now gone underground. The...more
"Despite the criminalization of female genital mutilation (FGM) in Kurdistan in 2011, FGM continues to be practised on girls and women. Prosecutions in cases of FGM are impeded by the fact that perpetrators of the practice are almost always the victim’s immediate family members or relatives, making it unlikely that the victim, especially if a minor, would report them. Moreover, reporting the incident could lead to reprisal against the victim in her community and home, and would offer little benefit to the victim once the procedure had already been performed. Due to the fact that FGM has become illegal and bears criminal consequences, the practice has now gone underground. The...more
March 11, 2025, 9:50 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
"In neighbouring Sierra Leone, where 83% of women aged 15 to 49 have undergone FGM, the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa and a coalition of 26 feminist movement organisations recently filed two legal cases against the government to compel ministers to enact a law" (para 14).
"In neighbouring Sierra Leone, where 83% of women aged 15 to 49 have undergone FGM, the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa and a coalition of 26 feminist movement organisations recently filed two legal cases against the government to compel ministers to enact a law" (para 14).
March 11, 2025, 9:47 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
"Members of the country’s national assembly have backed a proposal for the 2015 law to be scrapped while the Supreme Islamic Council has issued a fatwa condemning anyone who denounces the practice and calling for the government to reconsider the legislation" (para 2). "Debate began in late August after three women were convicted of FGM in the Central River region – the first prosecution under the 2015 law – and ordered to pay a fine of 15,000 dalasi or spend a year in jail. A few days later, an Islamic cleric paid the fines and encouraged Gambians to continue to practise FGM. The issue was then debated at the national...more
"Members of the country’s national assembly have backed a proposal for the 2015 law to be scrapped while the Supreme Islamic Council has issued a fatwa condemning anyone who denounces the practice and calling for the government to reconsider the legislation" (para 2). "Debate began in late August after three women were convicted of FGM in the Central River region – the first prosecution under the 2015 law – and ordered to pay a fine of 15,000 dalasi or spend a year in jail. A few days later, an Islamic cleric paid the fines and encouraged Gambians to continue to practise FGM. The issue was then debated at the national...more
March 11, 2025, 5:39 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
"When Woppa Diallo was 12, her aunt took her to visit a family friend in a village in northern Senegal. As she entered the house, a girl walked past in tears. Diallo was led into a room where there was nothing but a fruit bowl with blades in it. 'When I saw that, I knew this woman wasn’t a friend. She trapped me and held me down. She had already closed the door,' she remembers. Diallo fought to escape. The woman called for back up, and another woman came in and sat on Diallo’s stomach so she wouldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe and passed out. In the moments that followed,...more
"When Woppa Diallo was 12, her aunt took her to visit a family friend in a village in northern Senegal. As she entered the house, a girl walked past in tears. Diallo was led into a room where there was nothing but a fruit bowl with blades in it. 'When I saw that, I knew this woman wasn’t a friend. She trapped me and held me down. She had already closed the door,' she remembers. Diallo fought to escape. The woman called for back up, and another woman came in and sat on Diallo’s stomach so she wouldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe and passed out. In the moments that followed,...more
March 11, 2025, 5:05 p.m.
Countries: Belgium
"The new law recognises different dimensions of femicides. According to UN data, these crimes are overwhelmingly the result of intimate violence, meaning that the victims are killed by current or past romantic partners, fathers or other relatives. The law adopted by the Chamber recognises intimate femicide, as well as non-intimate (murder perpetrated by a third party, such as a sex worker being killed by a client) and indirect crimes (death as the result of a forced abortion or genital mutilation, for example)" (par. 10-11). This quote suggests the infibulation takes place in Belgium because some deaths have happened because of genital mutilation (IME - CODER COMMENT).
"The new law recognises different dimensions of femicides. According to UN data, these crimes are overwhelmingly the result of intimate violence, meaning that the victims are killed by current or past romantic partners, fathers or other relatives. The law adopted by the Chamber recognises intimate femicide, as well as non-intimate (murder perpetrated by a third party, such as a sex worker being killed by a client) and indirect crimes (death as the result of a forced abortion or genital mutilation, for example)" (par. 10-11). This quote suggests the infibulation takes place in Belgium because some deaths have happened because of genital mutilation (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Feb. 28, 2025, 6:07 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
"[S]tudies have documented reductions in FGM/C rates following increased social media reach in Egypt and the use of educational films showing different views on FGM/C" (para 20).
"[S]tudies have documented reductions in FGM/C rates following increased social media reach in Egypt and the use of educational films showing different views on FGM/C" (para 20).
Feb. 28, 2025, 5:42 p.m.
Countries: Niger
"Younger generations are not aware of the existence of this practice, which tends to disappear, even though it is still practised to a small extent, particularly in the West of the country" (1).
"Younger generations are not aware of the existence of this practice, which tends to disappear, even though it is still practised to a small extent, particularly in the West of the country" (1).
Feb. 12, 2025, 10:26 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
"A woman who was found guilty of handing over a three-year-old British girl for female genital mutilation (FGM) during a trip to Kenya has been jailed for seven years. Amina Noor, 40, was convicted last year of assisting a Kenyan woman to carry out the procedure overseas in 2006. The conviction was the first for assisting in such harm under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003" (par. 1-2). ""In 2006, Noor, then 22, travelled from Harrow in north-west London to Kenya with the toddler, who was taken to a private home and subjected to FGM" (par. 5). The only other successful prosecution under the 2003 act was in 2019 when...more
"A woman who was found guilty of handing over a three-year-old British girl for female genital mutilation (FGM) during a trip to Kenya has been jailed for seven years. Amina Noor, 40, was convicted last year of assisting a Kenyan woman to carry out the procedure overseas in 2006. The conviction was the first for assisting in such harm under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003" (par. 1-2). ""In 2006, Noor, then 22, travelled from Harrow in north-west London to Kenya with the toddler, who was taken to a private home and subjected to FGM" (par. 5). The only other successful prosecution under the 2003 act was in 2019 when...more
Jan. 30, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
"Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced despite the fact that the country’s General Code on Children’s Protection, adopted in 2017, unconditionally criminalizes it. 2019 World Bank data suggests that up to 90 percent of Mauritanian women and girls aged 15-49 years have undergone some form of FGM in their lifetime; the majority of mutilations are performed by traditional practitioners. Women and girls from rural communities and those who haven’t completed secondary schooling are more likely to have experienced FGM than those from urban areas and those who have completed their education. Over the last few years, the government has attempted to address the issue more proactively by adopting national strategies,...more
"Female genital mutilation (FGM) is practiced despite the fact that the country’s General Code on Children’s Protection, adopted in 2017, unconditionally criminalizes it. 2019 World Bank data suggests that up to 90 percent of Mauritanian women and girls aged 15-49 years have undergone some form of FGM in their lifetime; the majority of mutilations are performed by traditional practitioners. Women and girls from rural communities and those who haven’t completed secondary schooling are more likely to have experienced FGM than those from urban areas and those who have completed their education. Over the last few years, the government has attempted to address the issue more proactively by adopting national strategies,...more
Jan. 25, 2025, 12:56 p.m.
Countries: Cote D'Ivoire
"Sarah Rokiata, 16, became aware of the issue after a friend told her that someone in the village had 'operated on her for her wellbeing'. Later, Rokiata learned that was code for female genital mutilation" (para 4).
"Sarah Rokiata, 16, became aware of the issue after a friend told her that someone in the village had 'operated on her for her wellbeing'. Later, Rokiata learned that was code for female genital mutilation" (para 4).
Jan. 8, 2025, 9:59 p.m.
Countries: Sudan
"Another complication: Some ethnic groups in Sudan practice an extreme form of female genital mutilation called infibulation, in which a young girl’s vulva is mostly sewn together with thread or a wild thorn, with an opening restored only upon marriage" (para 15).
"Another complication: Some ethnic groups in Sudan practice an extreme form of female genital mutilation called infibulation, in which a young girl’s vulva is mostly sewn together with thread or a wild thorn, with an opening restored only upon marriage" (para 15).
Dec. 13, 2024, 10:38 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
"As it is, the ruling maintains legal safeguards for Gambian girls, who are usually cut as young teenagers, and also affects girls in the wider West African region, as girls are often taken across borders to be cut" (para 7). "Two-thirds of girls and women in the nation think cutting should continue. 'I don’t believe that female circumcision is dangerous at all,' said Kaddy Sanno, one of dozens of Muslim women protesting the decision outside the National Assembly building in Banjul on Monday. Vocal imams and some lawmakers in the overwhelmingly Muslim country led moves to repeal the ban, which had been initiated in 2015 by Gambia’s autocratic former president,...more
"As it is, the ruling maintains legal safeguards for Gambian girls, who are usually cut as young teenagers, and also affects girls in the wider West African region, as girls are often taken across borders to be cut" (para 7). "Two-thirds of girls and women in the nation think cutting should continue. 'I don’t believe that female circumcision is dangerous at all,' said Kaddy Sanno, one of dozens of Muslim women protesting the decision outside the National Assembly building in Banjul on Monday. Vocal imams and some lawmakers in the overwhelmingly Muslim country led moves to repeal the ban, which had been initiated in 2015 by Gambia’s autocratic former president,...more
Dec. 7, 2024, 6:21 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
"Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a long-standing traditional practice in many sub-Saharan countries, often carried out when girls are between one month and nine years old" (par. 1). "Many view it as a cultural rite that ensures girls remain chaste until marriage, reduces libido, and makes it easier for parents to control their daughters" (par. 3). "FGM was practiced openly in The Gambia until 2015, when former president Yahya Jammeh banned it through the Women’s (Amendment) Act 2015, which aimed to protect the rights of women and girls. While the law was seen as progressive, some legal experts criticized it for lacking an effective implementation strategy. Very few efforts were...more
"Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a long-standing traditional practice in many sub-Saharan countries, often carried out when girls are between one month and nine years old" (par. 1). "Many view it as a cultural rite that ensures girls remain chaste until marriage, reduces libido, and makes it easier for parents to control their daughters" (par. 3). "FGM was practiced openly in The Gambia until 2015, when former president Yahya Jammeh banned it through the Women’s (Amendment) Act 2015, which aimed to protect the rights of women and girls. While the law was seen as progressive, some legal experts criticized it for lacking an effective implementation strategy. Very few efforts were...more
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:25 p.m.
Countries: Sudan
"Women’s rights campaigners have spoken of their concern over the spread of female genital mutilation among Sudanese refugees in camps across the border in Chad...On a recent visit to the main refugee camp in Adré, which lies very close to the Sudanese border, the Guardian met three girls aged nine, seven and three who were being prepared by their family to be cut. The family was putting henna tattoos on the girls’ feet and fingers – a traditional way of 'celebrating' the FGM procedure. A social worker at the camp said the cutting itself was taking place in secret because it contravened Chadian laws. She added that as well as...more
"Women’s rights campaigners have spoken of their concern over the spread of female genital mutilation among Sudanese refugees in camps across the border in Chad...On a recent visit to the main refugee camp in Adré, which lies very close to the Sudanese border, the Guardian met three girls aged nine, seven and three who were being prepared by their family to be cut. The family was putting henna tattoos on the girls’ feet and fingers – a traditional way of 'celebrating' the FGM procedure. A social worker at the camp said the cutting itself was taking place in secret because it contravened Chadian laws. She added that as well as...more
Dec. 3, 2024, 4:24 p.m.
Countries: Chad
"Women’s rights campaigners have spoken of their concern over the spread of female genital mutilation among Sudanese refugees in camps across the border in Chad...On a recent visit to the main refugee camp in Adré, which lies very close to the Sudanese border, the Guardian met three girls aged nine, seven and three who were being prepared by their family to be cut. The family was putting henna tattoos on the girls’ feet and fingers – a traditional way of 'celebrating' the FGM procedure. A social worker at the camp said the cutting itself was taking place in secret because it contravened Chadian laws. She added that as well as...more
"Women’s rights campaigners have spoken of their concern over the spread of female genital mutilation among Sudanese refugees in camps across the border in Chad...On a recent visit to the main refugee camp in Adré, which lies very close to the Sudanese border, the Guardian met three girls aged nine, seven and three who were being prepared by their family to be cut. The family was putting henna tattoos on the girls’ feet and fingers – a traditional way of 'celebrating' the FGM procedure. A social worker at the camp said the cutting itself was taking place in secret because it contravened Chadian laws. She added that as well as...more
Nov. 13, 2024, 1:05 p.m.
Countries: Gambia
"A bill aimed at lifting the ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) has been tabled in The Gambia's parliament by an independent lawmaker...But influential Muslim clerics have been pushing for the ban to be repealed, while women's rights activists have vowed to campaign for it to remain in place...In the procedure's most severe form, after removing the sensitive clitoris, the genitals are cut and stitched closed so that the woman cannot have or enjoy sex. Followers of an outspoken Muslim cleric, Abdoulie Fatty, rallied in support of the bill shortly before it was introduced in parliament on Monday. They chanted: 'Female circumcision is my religious belief, Gambia is not for...more
"A bill aimed at lifting the ban on female genital mutilation (FGM) has been tabled in The Gambia's parliament by an independent lawmaker...But influential Muslim clerics have been pushing for the ban to be repealed, while women's rights activists have vowed to campaign for it to remain in place...In the procedure's most severe form, after removing the sensitive clitoris, the genitals are cut and stitched closed so that the woman cannot have or enjoy sex. Followers of an outspoken Muslim cleric, Abdoulie Fatty, rallied in support of the bill shortly before it was introduced in parliament on Monday. They chanted: 'Female circumcision is my religious belief, Gambia is not for...more
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
In the conflict in the DRC, sharp weapons are used against female genitals.
In the conflict in the DRC, sharp weapons are used against female genitals.
July 23, 2024, 4:58 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
“Police in Sierra Leone are investigating the deaths of three girls who underwent female genital mutilation (FGM). Adamsay Sesay, 12; Salamatu Jalloh, 13; and Kadiatu Bangura, 17, died during initiation ceremonies in the country’s North West province last month, according to local reports” (1-2). “In 2021, Maseray Sei, 21, from Bonthe district in southern Sierra Leone died from complications after undergoing FGM. A practitioner was charged with manslaughter but the case was dismissed due to an error in a medical report on Sei’s death” (13). “Divya Srinivasan, who leads on ending harmful practices at the NGO Equality Now, said: ‘It is completely unacceptable that despite women and girls continuing to...more
“Police in Sierra Leone are investigating the deaths of three girls who underwent female genital mutilation (FGM). Adamsay Sesay, 12; Salamatu Jalloh, 13; and Kadiatu Bangura, 17, died during initiation ceremonies in the country’s North West province last month, according to local reports” (1-2). “In 2021, Maseray Sei, 21, from Bonthe district in southern Sierra Leone died from complications after undergoing FGM. A practitioner was charged with manslaughter but the case was dismissed due to an error in a medical report on Sei’s death” (13). “Divya Srinivasan, who leads on ending harmful practices at the NGO Equality Now, said: ‘It is completely unacceptable that despite women and girls continuing to...more
July 23, 2024, 4:57 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
“The procedure [of FGM] is part of a traditional initiation ritual that marks a girl’s entry into womanhood. It is carried out by soweis, senior members of the all-women Bondo secret societies. FAHP [Forum Against Harmful Practices] is lobbying for a law that would criminalise FGM, and is working to promote alternative rite-of-passage ceremonies that forgo the practice. Last year, the organisation piloted FGM-free initiation ceremonies in three districts, and it hopes to extend the trial to two more this year. ‘The results have been very encouraging,’ said [executive secretary of FAHP, Aminata] Koroma. ‘There are many positive aspects of the Bondo societies,’ she said. ‘They teach girls about medicinal...more
“The procedure [of FGM] is part of a traditional initiation ritual that marks a girl’s entry into womanhood. It is carried out by soweis, senior members of the all-women Bondo secret societies. FAHP [Forum Against Harmful Practices] is lobbying for a law that would criminalise FGM, and is working to promote alternative rite-of-passage ceremonies that forgo the practice. Last year, the organisation piloted FGM-free initiation ceremonies in three districts, and it hopes to extend the trial to two more this year. ‘The results have been very encouraging,’ said [executive secretary of FAHP, Aminata] Koroma. ‘There are many positive aspects of the Bondo societies,’ she said. ‘They teach girls about medicinal...more
July 22, 2024, 9:44 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
“Efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation in Kenya have suffered a setback after a police officer was killed in a confrontation with a gang of youths. Activists and local leaders condemned the murder, calling it a backward step in the fight to eradicate the practice in the country. Police in Elgeyo Marakwet county, in the Rift Valley region, had taken a group of girls who had been forced to undergo the illegal procedure to hospital when a mob of young men stormed a police station and stoned Cpl Mushote Boma to death” (1-2). “Female genital mutilation, or ‘the cut’, remains illegal in Kenya but is still being practised in some...more
“Efforts to eradicate female genital mutilation in Kenya have suffered a setback after a police officer was killed in a confrontation with a gang of youths. Activists and local leaders condemned the murder, calling it a backward step in the fight to eradicate the practice in the country. Police in Elgeyo Marakwet county, in the Rift Valley region, had taken a group of girls who had been forced to undergo the illegal procedure to hospital when a mob of young men stormed a police station and stoned Cpl Mushote Boma to death” (1-2). “Female genital mutilation, or ‘the cut’, remains illegal in Kenya but is still being practised in some...more
July 22, 2024, 9:38 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
“[Tony] Mwebia, whose organisation [Men End FGM Foundation] has since trained nearly 500 male champions in counties where FGM exists, says men cringe when they are shown videos of the cut, a rite they traditionally believe is undertaken for their benefit. ‘They are told the cut makes women more mature and avoid promiscuity. They are also told that they will lose any respect within the community by marrying an uncut woman. That is why they will kill anyone, including a policeman, who interferes with the cut,’ Mwebia said” (7-8).“A local administrator, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, said the attack on law enforcement officers will embolden those...more
“[Tony] Mwebia, whose organisation [Men End FGM Foundation] has since trained nearly 500 male champions in counties where FGM exists, says men cringe when they are shown videos of the cut, a rite they traditionally believe is undertaken for their benefit. ‘They are told the cut makes women more mature and avoid promiscuity. They are also told that they will lose any respect within the community by marrying an uncut woman. That is why they will kill anyone, including a policeman, who interferes with the cut,’ Mwebia said” (7-8).“A local administrator, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, said the attack on law enforcement officers will embolden those...more
July 19, 2024, 9:09 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
“The more the child rights bill is stalled, the more it reveals itself as a dilution tactic of pushing against ending FGM – and the more sinister the interplay becomes between girls’ and young women’s rights and the anti-rights agenda. The rhetoric of those who refuse to criminalise FGM simply continues to harden conservative patriarchal norms and underpin far-right ideologies, wrapped in the cloak of tradition. With FGM seen as the precursor to marriage, the threat of child marriage will continue” (4). “Despite decades of campaigning by anti-FGM activists, it remains prevalent – shielded in the belief that to become a woman and be fit for marriage, girls must be...more
“The more the child rights bill is stalled, the more it reveals itself as a dilution tactic of pushing against ending FGM – and the more sinister the interplay becomes between girls’ and young women’s rights and the anti-rights agenda. The rhetoric of those who refuse to criminalise FGM simply continues to harden conservative patriarchal norms and underpin far-right ideologies, wrapped in the cloak of tradition. With FGM seen as the precursor to marriage, the threat of child marriage will continue” (4). “Despite decades of campaigning by anti-FGM activists, it remains prevalent – shielded in the belief that to become a woman and be fit for marriage, girls must be...more
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
"Pursuant to Act No. 38/2008 of 29 January 2009 combating and preventing female genital mutilation, awareness-raising campaigns are regularly conducted on the harmful effects of such practices and the penalties applicable to all offenders" (9).
"Pursuant to Act No. 38/2008 of 29 January 2009 combating and preventing female genital mutilation, awareness-raising campaigns are regularly conducted on the harmful effects of such practices and the penalties applicable to all offenders" (9).
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
"A protocol for the prevention of rape and sexual violence, including female genital mutilation, and for the provision of integrated care to victims, was adopted" (14). "Despite these legal provisions, widowhood rites, genital mutilation and child marriage continue to be practised according to the multiple indicator survey of 2010. Victims do not submit complaints to the judicial authorities for fear of rejection by the community, which still considers such practices to be of cultural importance" (32).
"A protocol for the prevention of rape and sexual violence, including female genital mutilation, and for the provision of integrated care to victims, was adopted" (14). "Despite these legal provisions, widowhood rites, genital mutilation and child marriage continue to be practised according to the multiple indicator survey of 2010. Victims do not submit complaints to the judicial authorities for fear of rejection by the community, which still considers such practices to be of cultural importance" (32).
Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.
Countries: Cape Verde
"[There may be] potential practice [of FGM] within migrant communities" (14).
"[There may be] potential practice [of FGM] within migrant communities" (14).
Aug. 8, 2023, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
"Efforts in the field of women’s rights have focused on empowering women and combating sexual and marital violence. The Government has therefore set up gender units within the various ministries in order to develop a culture of women’s rights within the Administration. However, obstacles remain, in the form of cultural, religious and economic pressures, including the following:...Persistent sociocultural and religious constraints that resulted in a slight decrease in the prevalence rate of FGM for girls up to 14 years of age. This rate once again decreased slightly between 2012 (18 percent) and 2017 (14 percent), before stabilizing at 14 percent in the past two years (2016 and 2017); Lack of...more
"Efforts in the field of women’s rights have focused on empowering women and combating sexual and marital violence. The Government has therefore set up gender units within the various ministries in order to develop a culture of women’s rights within the Administration. However, obstacles remain, in the form of cultural, religious and economic pressures, including the following:...Persistent sociocultural and religious constraints that resulted in a slight decrease in the prevalence rate of FGM for girls up to 14 years of age. This rate once again decreased slightly between 2012 (18 percent) and 2017 (14 percent), before stabilizing at 14 percent in the past two years (2016 and 2017); Lack of...more
June 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
Countries: Algeria
"Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C) was not generally practiced in the country but was widely present among immigrant communities in southern sectors, particularly among Sub-Saharan African migrant groups. While this abuse is considered a criminal offense punishable by up to 25 years in prison, there were no reports of any related convictions, nor any official pronouncements by religious or secular leaders proscribing the practice" (28-29).
"Female Genital Mutilation and Cutting (FGM/C) was not generally practiced in the country but was widely present among immigrant communities in southern sectors, particularly among Sub-Saharan African migrant groups. While this abuse is considered a criminal offense punishable by up to 25 years in prison, there were no reports of any related convictions, nor any official pronouncements by religious or secular leaders proscribing the practice" (28-29).
June 26, 2023, 6:46 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
"Lilian Kemunto, a former surgical nurse, set it up after she retired in 2018. She mainly does health check-ups but has also offered female genital mutilation (FGM) services on request. Kemunto has performed cuts since the 90s, after receiving training in basic surgical techniques from male colleagues in the local hospital where she worked. She would do the cuts in the hospital at night, but it was risky, she says, because management didn’t approve. 'They would tell us: ‘Just do it, but if you’re caught, you’re on your own.’ ' " (para.2-3). "The services are in high demand over the December holidays, when the community traditionally perform the rite of...more
"Lilian Kemunto, a former surgical nurse, set it up after she retired in 2018. She mainly does health check-ups but has also offered female genital mutilation (FGM) services on request. Kemunto has performed cuts since the 90s, after receiving training in basic surgical techniques from male colleagues in the local hospital where she worked. She would do the cuts in the hospital at night, but it was risky, she says, because management didn’t approve. 'They would tell us: ‘Just do it, but if you’re caught, you’re on your own.’ ' " (para.2-3). "The services are in high demand over the December holidays, when the community traditionally perform the rite of...more
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
"[The state does not] effectively investigate and prosecute cases of harassment and female genital mutilation" (7).
"[The state does not] effectively investigate and prosecute cases of harassment and female genital mutilation" (7).