Latest items for IAW-LAW-1
March 13, 2025, 3:54 p.m.
Countries: Bahrain
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"As set out in paragraph 200 of the state party’s report, inheritance is regulated by religious denomination. As in other areas of civil law, this nevertheless remains a state decision and choice and the government can choose to impose state law over non-state Shari’a practice, as it does in the case of non-Muslims. As it stands, in inheritance the male gets twice as much as females" (11-12).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"As set out in paragraph 200 of the state party’s report, inheritance is regulated by religious denomination. As in other areas of civil law, this nevertheless remains a state decision and choice and the government can choose to impose state law over non-state Shari’a practice, as it does in the case of non-Muslims. As it stands, in inheritance the male gets twice as much as females" (11-12).
March 11, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Women do not typically inherit from their parents and due to their low labour force participation, often lack sufficient earnings to purchase property and other high-value assets" (par. 7).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Women do not typically inherit from their parents and due to their low labour force participation, often lack sufficient earnings to purchase property and other high-value assets" (par. 7).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: LO-LAW-1, IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Legislation provides that citizens, both women and men, have the right to own, inherit and bequeath property. Women are entitled to set up legal entities on their own or together with other citizens and legal persons, to engage in any transaction that is not contrary to the law and to assume obligations" (35).
Variables: LO-LAW-1, IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Legislation provides that citizens, both women and men, have the right to own, inherit and bequeath property. Women are entitled to set up legal entities on their own or together with other citizens and legal persons, to engage in any transaction that is not contrary to the law and to assume obligations" (35).
Dec. 5, 2024, 6:08 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"[B]eing a second or third wife comes with limited rights and the associated social stigma. Without the official registration of a marriage, women in these types of relationships have no legal protections or property rights. 'If children are born in such a marriage and they are registered in the father's name, only they can expect any financial support or inheritance,' activist Mirzoyeva told DW" (para 26-27).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"[B]eing a second or third wife comes with limited rights and the associated social stigma. Without the official registration of a marriage, women in these types of relationships have no legal protections or property rights. 'If children are born in such a marriage and they are registered in the father's name, only they can expect any financial support or inheritance,' activist Mirzoyeva told DW" (para 26-27).
Oct. 10, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
Without marriage, it is usually the man’s family who gets the inheritance, leaving his widow with nothing.
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
Without marriage, it is usually the man’s family who gets the inheritance, leaving his widow with nothing.
May 10, 2024, 11:30 a.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Generally, inheritance rights between women and men equal. Based on Article 499 of the Civil Code, the proportion of the legal inheritance to be received by the surviving spouse varies according to with whom it will be shared: if the other heirs are the children of the deceased, the surviving spouse receives one quarter of the estate; If the other heirs are the parents of the deceased, the spouse receives one half of the estate; If the other heirs are the grandparents and the children of the grandparents of the deceased, the spouse receives three quarters of the estate; If there is no other heir except the spouse, he or...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Generally, inheritance rights between women and men equal. Based on Article 499 of the Civil Code, the proportion of the legal inheritance to be received by the surviving spouse varies according to with whom it will be shared: if the other heirs are the children of the deceased, the surviving spouse receives one quarter of the estate; If the other heirs are the parents of the deceased, the spouse receives one half of the estate; If the other heirs are the grandparents and the children of the grandparents of the deceased, the spouse receives three quarters of the estate; If there is no other heir except the spouse, he or...more
May 9, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
"Women have the same legal status and rights as men, including under family, religious, personal status, labor, property, nationality, and inheritance law. The government enforced the laws effectively" (14).
"Women have the same legal status and rights as men, including under family, religious, personal status, labor, property, nationality, and inheritance law. The government enforced the laws effectively" (14).
April 30, 2024, 6:23 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"The property of a decedent not disposed of by will shall be distributed as provided in this section. In computing said distribution, debts, administration expenses and reasonable funeral expenses shall be deducted but all estate taxes shall be disregarded, except that nothing contained herein relieves a distributee from contributing to all such taxes the amounts apportioned against him or her under 2-1.8. Distribution shall then be as follows: (a) If a decedent is survived by: (1) A spouse and issue, fifty thousand dollars and one-half of the residue to the spouse, and the balance thereof to the issue by representation. (2) A spouse and no issue, the whole to the...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"The property of a decedent not disposed of by will shall be distributed as provided in this section. In computing said distribution, debts, administration expenses and reasonable funeral expenses shall be deducted but all estate taxes shall be disregarded, except that nothing contained herein relieves a distributee from contributing to all such taxes the amounts apportioned against him or her under 2-1.8. Distribution shall then be as follows: (a) If a decedent is survived by: (1) A spouse and issue, fifty thousand dollars and one-half of the residue to the spouse, and the balance thereof to the issue by representation. (2) A spouse and no issue, the whole to the...more
April 30, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Inheritance refers to property acquired through the laws of descent and distribution. Though sometimes used in reference to property acquired through a will, the legal meaning of inheritance includes only property that descends to an heir through intestacy, when a person has died intestate. Any part of a person’s estate not disposed of by a valid will or trust is overseen by a probate court following each state’s laws of intestate succession. Generally, only a decedent’s spouse and relatives are entitled to an inheritance. A living spouse is usually entitled to the largest share of the estate, or the entirety if a decedent had no children. In the event a...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Inheritance refers to property acquired through the laws of descent and distribution. Though sometimes used in reference to property acquired through a will, the legal meaning of inheritance includes only property that descends to an heir through intestacy, when a person has died intestate. Any part of a person’s estate not disposed of by a valid will or trust is overseen by a probate court following each state’s laws of intestate succession. Generally, only a decedent’s spouse and relatives are entitled to an inheritance. A living spouse is usually entitled to the largest share of the estate, or the entirety if a decedent had no children. In the event a...more
April 24, 2024, 12:55 p.m.
Countries: Switzerland
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Art. 462. Surviving spouses and registered partners receive: 1. one-half of the estate, where they are obliged to share with the deceased’s issue; 2. three-quarters of the estate, where they are obliged to share with heirs in the parental line; 3. the entire estate, where no heirs exist in the parental line either" (149). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 1910) relating to female surviving spouse's inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Art. 462. Surviving spouses and registered partners receive: 1. one-half of the estate, where they are obliged to share with the deceased’s issue; 2. three-quarters of the estate, where they are obliged to share with heirs in the parental line; 3. the entire estate, where no heirs exist in the parental line either" (149). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database (since 1910) relating to female surviving spouse's inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).
April 24, 2024, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Spain
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 807. The following persons are forced heirs: 1. Children and descendants in respect of their parents and ascendants; 2. In the absence of the foregoing, the parents and ascendants in respect of their children and descendants; 3. The widower or widow in the manner and to the extent set forth in this Code. Article 808 Two thirds of the estate of the father and mother constitute the reserved share corresponding to children and descendants. The aforesaid notwithstanding, parents may dispose of one of the two thirds which form the reserved share, to apply it as betterment in favour of their children or descendants. If any of the children or...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 807. The following persons are forced heirs: 1. Children and descendants in respect of their parents and ascendants; 2. In the absence of the foregoing, the parents and ascendants in respect of their children and descendants; 3. The widower or widow in the manner and to the extent set forth in this Code. Article 808 Two thirds of the estate of the father and mother constitute the reserved share corresponding to children and descendants. The aforesaid notwithstanding, parents may dispose of one of the two thirds which form the reserved share, to apply it as betterment in favour of their children or descendants. If any of the children or...more
April 19, 2024, 9:59 p.m.
Countries: Romania
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"The reserved portion of the succession is the part of the inheritance to which forced heirs (surviving spouse, descendants, and privileged ascendants – parents of the deceased) are entitled, even against the wishes of the deceased. The reserved portion for each forced heir is half of the share which would have been due to them as an heir at law, in the absence of any liberalities or disinheritance in the will" (12).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"The reserved portion of the succession is the part of the inheritance to which forced heirs (surviving spouse, descendants, and privileged ascendants – parents of the deceased) are entitled, even against the wishes of the deceased. The reserved portion for each forced heir is half of the share which would have been due to them as an heir at law, in the absence of any liberalities or disinheritance in the will" (12).
April 18, 2024, 5:54 p.m.
Countries: Ukraine
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 1261. First Priority Legal Heirs 1. The first priority legal heirs shall be the testator's children, including those conceived in the lifetime and born after death of the testator, the survivor spouse, and the parents" (10). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database relating to women’s inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 1261. First Priority Legal Heirs 1. The first priority legal heirs shall be the testator's children, including those conceived in the lifetime and born after death of the testator, the survivor spouse, and the parents" (10). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database relating to women’s inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law database for 2022 (AMC - CODER COMMENT).
April 18, 2024, 1:59 p.m.
Countries: Zambia
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"5. (1) Subject to sections eight, nine, ten and eleven the estate of an intestate shall be distributed as follows: Distribution of estate (a) twenty per cent of the estate shall devolve upon the surviving spouse; except that where more than one widow survives the intestate, twenty per cent of the estate shall be distributed among them proportional to the duration of their respective marriages to the deceased, and other factors such as the widow's contribution to the deceased's property may be taken into account when justice so requires; (b) fifty per cent of the estate shall devolve upon the children in such proportions as are commensurate with a child's...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"5. (1) Subject to sections eight, nine, ten and eleven the estate of an intestate shall be distributed as follows: Distribution of estate (a) twenty per cent of the estate shall devolve upon the surviving spouse; except that where more than one widow survives the intestate, twenty per cent of the estate shall be distributed among them proportional to the duration of their respective marriages to the deceased, and other factors such as the widow's contribution to the deceased's property may be taken into account when justice so requires; (b) fifty per cent of the estate shall devolve upon the children in such proportions as are commensurate with a child's...more
April 18, 2024, 10:03 a.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 818.- Equal inheritance rights of children. All children have equal inheritance rights with respect to their parents. This provision includes matrimonial children, extramarital children recognized voluntarily or declared by judgment, regarding the inheritance of the father or mother and their relatives, and adopted children...Article 825.- Exclusive succession of the spouse. If the deceased has not left descendants or ascendants with the right to inherit, the inheritance corresponds to the surviving spouse" (159-161). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database relating to women’s inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 818.- Equal inheritance rights of children. All children have equal inheritance rights with respect to their parents. This provision includes matrimonial children, extramarital children recognized voluntarily or declared by judgment, regarding the inheritance of the father or mother and their relatives, and adopted children...Article 825.- Exclusive succession of the spouse. If the deceased has not left descendants or ascendants with the right to inherit, the inheritance corresponds to the surviving spouse" (159-161). The most recent laws noted in the WomanStats Database relating to women’s inheritance rights are still current as of December 2022 and no changes have been made, as verified by consulting The Women, Business, and the Law...more
April 17, 2024, 12:49 p.m.
Countries: Trinidad/Tobago
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"If the intestate— (1) leaves— (a) no issue; and (b) no parent, or brother or sister of the whole blood, or issue of a brother or sister of the whole blood the estate shall be held in trust for the surviving spouse absolutely. (2) (a) leaves one child (whether or not persons mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) above also survive); the surviving spouse shall take one-half absolutely of the estate and the other half shall be held on the statutory trusts for the child. (b) leaves more than one child (whether or not persons mentioned in subparagraph (b) above also survive) the surviving spouse shall take one-third of the estate absolutely...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"If the intestate— (1) leaves— (a) no issue; and (b) no parent, or brother or sister of the whole blood, or issue of a brother or sister of the whole blood the estate shall be held in trust for the surviving spouse absolutely. (2) (a) leaves one child (whether or not persons mentioned in sub-paragraph (b) above also survive); the surviving spouse shall take one-half absolutely of the estate and the other half shall be held on the statutory trusts for the child. (b) leaves more than one child (whether or not persons mentioned in subparagraph (b) above also survive) the surviving spouse shall take one-third of the estate absolutely...more
April 17, 2024, 11:47 a.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"Ordained shares of the husband 356. The husband inherits by ordained shares - (a) one-half of the estate, in the absence of an inheriting descendant; at all; (b) one-quarter of the estate in the presence of an inheriting descendant, at all. Ordained shares of the wife 357. (1) The wife inherits by ordained shares- (a) one-quarter of the estate, in the absence of an inheriting descendant, at all; (b) one-eighth, of the estate, in the presence of an inheriting descendant, at all; (2) Where wives are several, the ordained share shall equally be divided among them...Cases of the daughter inheritance 359. The daughter inherits - (a) one-half of the estate...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"Ordained shares of the husband 356. The husband inherits by ordained shares - (a) one-half of the estate, in the absence of an inheriting descendant; at all; (b) one-quarter of the estate in the presence of an inheriting descendant, at all. Ordained shares of the wife 357. (1) The wife inherits by ordained shares- (a) one-quarter of the estate, in the absence of an inheriting descendant, at all; (b) one-eighth, of the estate, in the presence of an inheriting descendant, at all; (2) Where wives are several, the ordained share shall equally be divided among them...Cases of the daughter inheritance 359. The daughter inherits - (a) one-half of the estate...more
April 17, 2024, 11:28 a.m.
Countries: Slovenia
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Inheritance by law comes into play when the will of the testator is not expressed in the will. The law clearly determines who takes precedence in inheritance by determining the successive succession orders. As a general rule, those who are closest to the testator are given priority in succession. Thus in the first hereditary order are the descendants of the decedent and his spouse. In the second and third hereditary order, the more distant relatives. Insofar as there are heirs in the first hereditary order, heirs from other hereditary orders will not be entitled to inheritance. Heirs over entry rights have priority over the rest of the hereditary ranks. In...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Inheritance by law comes into play when the will of the testator is not expressed in the will. The law clearly determines who takes precedence in inheritance by determining the successive succession orders. As a general rule, those who are closest to the testator are given priority in succession. Thus in the first hereditary order are the descendants of the decedent and his spouse. In the second and third hereditary order, the more distant relatives. Insofar as there are heirs in the first hereditary order, heirs from other hereditary orders will not be entitled to inheritance. Heirs over entry rights have priority over the rest of the hereditary ranks. In...more
April 16, 2024, 1:50 p.m.
Countries: Tunisia
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"Article 101. Deux cas se présentent pour le mari: 1°)il a droit à la moitié en cas d'absence de descendants de l'épouse et de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, 2°)il a droit au quart en présence de déscendants de l'épouse ou de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, Article 102. Deux cas se présentent quand il y a une ou plusieurs épouses: 1°)le quart est attribué à une ou plusieurs épouses en cas d'absence de descendants du mari ou de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, 2°) le huitième seulement leur est attribué en présence de descendants du mari ou...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, POLY-LAW-1
"Article 101. Deux cas se présentent pour le mari: 1°)il a droit à la moitié en cas d'absence de descendants de l'épouse et de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, 2°)il a droit au quart en présence de déscendants de l'épouse ou de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, Article 102. Deux cas se présentent quand il y a une ou plusieurs épouses: 1°)le quart est attribué à une ou plusieurs épouses en cas d'absence de descendants du mari ou de déscendants du fils, même s'ils sont d'un degré inférieur, 2°) le huitième seulement leur est attribué en présence de descendants du mari ou...more
April 12, 2024, 11:49 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Section 1 If the deceased was married, the estate shall go to the surviving spouse. If, however, the deceased leaves any direct heir who is not the direct heir of the surviving spouse, the spouse’s entitlement to the estate shall only include the inheritance share of such an heir if that heir has forgone his right as provided in Section 9. The surviving spouse shall always be entitled to receive from the estate of the deceased spouse, as far as the estate suffices, property which, together with the property received by the surviving spouse in property division or constituting that spouse’s separate property, corresponds in value to four times the...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Section 1 If the deceased was married, the estate shall go to the surviving spouse. If, however, the deceased leaves any direct heir who is not the direct heir of the surviving spouse, the spouse’s entitlement to the estate shall only include the inheritance share of such an heir if that heir has forgone his right as provided in Section 9. The surviving spouse shall always be entitled to receive from the estate of the deceased spouse, as far as the estate suffices, property which, together with the property received by the surviving spouse in property division or constituting that spouse’s separate property, corresponds in value to four times the...more
April 12, 2024, 3:48 p.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: LO-LAW-1, ATDW-LAW-1, IAW-LAW-1
"Chapter 1. Marriage § 1 In this Code contains provisions on cohabitation in marriage. The two who are married to each other are partners. Act ( 2009:253 ). 2 § Spouses should show each other respect and loyalty. They shall jointly nurturing home and children, and in consultation work for the family's best. § 3 Each spouse's ownership of its property and is responsible for its debts. 4 § Spouses shall allocate expenses and chores between them. They shall provide each other with the information necessary for the family's financial situation can be assessed (1)...Chapter 7. Matrimonial property § 1 A spouse's property is marital property to the extent that...more
Variables: LO-LAW-1, ATDW-LAW-1, IAW-LAW-1
"Chapter 1. Marriage § 1 In this Code contains provisions on cohabitation in marriage. The two who are married to each other are partners. Act ( 2009:253 ). 2 § Spouses should show each other respect and loyalty. They shall jointly nurturing home and children, and in consultation work for the family's best. § 3 Each spouse's ownership of its property and is responsible for its debts. 4 § Spouses shall allocate expenses and chores between them. They shall provide each other with the information necessary for the family's financial situation can be assessed (1)...Chapter 7. Matrimonial property § 1 A spouse's property is marital property to the extent that...more
April 11, 2024, 2:32 p.m.
Countries: Vietnam
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Article 66. Settlement of property of husband and wife in case a spouse is dead or declared to be dead by a court 1. When a spouse is dead or declared to be dead by a court, the other shall manage common property, unless another person is designated to manage the estate under his/her testament or the heirs agree to designate another person to manage the estate. 2. When there is a request for division of the estate, unless the couple has reached agreement on the property regime, common property of husband and wife shall be divided into two. The property portion of the spouse who is dead or declared...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Article 66. Settlement of property of husband and wife in case a spouse is dead or declared to be dead by a court 1. When a spouse is dead or declared to be dead by a court, the other shall manage common property, unless another person is designated to manage the estate under his/her testament or the heirs agree to designate another person to manage the estate. 2. When there is a request for division of the estate, unless the couple has reached agreement on the property regime, common property of husband and wife shall be divided into two. The property portion of the spouse who is dead or declared...more
April 7, 2024, 7:35 p.m.
Countries: Papua New Guinea
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"(1) Subject to this section and to Sections 82 and 83, where a person dies intestate– (a) if the intestate leaves a widow or widower–she or he is entitled, if the intestate leaves issue, to one-third or, if the intestate leaves no issue, to one-half of the estate; and (b) if the intestate leaves a father and a mother but no widow or widower or issue–the estate shall be distributed equally between the father and the mother, and in the case of the latter for her own use; and (c) if the intestate leaves a widow or widower a father and a mother but no issue–one-half of the estate shall...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"(1) Subject to this section and to Sections 82 and 83, where a person dies intestate– (a) if the intestate leaves a widow or widower–she or he is entitled, if the intestate leaves issue, to one-third or, if the intestate leaves no issue, to one-half of the estate; and (b) if the intestate leaves a father and a mother but no widow or widower or issue–the estate shall be distributed equally between the father and the mother, and in the case of the latter for her own use; and (c) if the intestate leaves a widow or widower a father and a mother but no issue–one-half of the estate shall...more
April 7, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
"In dual systems such as in Senegal, where statutory law and Sharia law co-exist, the Senegalese citizens have the liberty to choose which regime they adhere to; otherwise, it is the statutory law that is applicable. While the Sharia law gives girls half the amount the son receives and the widow a quarter of the inheritance, the statutory Senegalese law makes no distinction between boys and girls during inheritance. Despite the fact that the statutory law is affirmative of equal inheritance irrespective of gender, it is essential to point out that in countries such as Senegal, where a majority of the population is Muslim, religion has a greater impact than...more
"In dual systems such as in Senegal, where statutory law and Sharia law co-exist, the Senegalese citizens have the liberty to choose which regime they adhere to; otherwise, it is the statutory law that is applicable. While the Sharia law gives girls half the amount the son receives and the widow a quarter of the inheritance, the statutory Senegalese law makes no distinction between boys and girls during inheritance. Despite the fact that the statutory law is affirmative of equal inheritance irrespective of gender, it is essential to point out that in countries such as Senegal, where a majority of the population is Muslim, religion has a greater impact than...more
April 4, 2024, 5:08 p.m.
Countries: Yemen
"Inheritance: The Personal Status Code defines the rules of inheritance, which follow Sharia principles. Women have a right to inheritance, but in many cases receive less than men. A daughter receives half the share that a son receives" (2).
"Inheritance: The Personal Status Code defines the rules of inheritance, which follow Sharia principles. Women have a right to inheritance, but in many cases receive less than men. A daughter receives half the share that a son receives" (2).
April 2, 2024, 5:44 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 1141. General Provisions 1. Legal heirs shall be called upon to inherit in compliance with the priority ranking set out in Articles 1142 - 1145 and 1148 of the present Code. The heirs of each next category shall inherit if there are no heirs of the preceding categories, i.e. if there are no heirs of the preceding categories or if neither of them are entitled to inherit or if all of them have been barred from inheritance (Article 1117), or deprived of inheritance (Item 1 Article 1119), if neither of them have accepted inheritance or if all of them have disclaimed inheritance. 2. Heirs of one category shall inherit...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1
"Article 1141. General Provisions 1. Legal heirs shall be called upon to inherit in compliance with the priority ranking set out in Articles 1142 - 1145 and 1148 of the present Code. The heirs of each next category shall inherit if there are no heirs of the preceding categories, i.e. if there are no heirs of the preceding categories or if neither of them are entitled to inherit or if all of them have been barred from inheritance (Article 1117), or deprived of inheritance (Item 1 Article 1119), if neither of them have accepted inheritance or if all of them have disclaimed inheritance. 2. Heirs of one category shall inherit...more
April 2, 2024, 12:58 p.m.
Countries: Philippines
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Art. 995. In the absence of legitimate descendants and ascendants, and illegitimate children and their descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate, the surviving spouse shall inherit the entire estate, without prejudice to the rights of brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, should there be any, under article 1001. (946a). Art. 996. If a widow or widower and legitimate children or descendants are left, the surviving spouse has in the succession the same share as that of each of the children. (834a). Art. 997. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate parents or ascendants, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half of the estate, and the legitimate parents or ascendants...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"Art. 995. In the absence of legitimate descendants and ascendants, and illegitimate children and their descendants, whether legitimate or illegitimate, the surviving spouse shall inherit the entire estate, without prejudice to the rights of brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces, should there be any, under article 1001. (946a). Art. 996. If a widow or widower and legitimate children or descendants are left, the surviving spouse has in the succession the same share as that of each of the children. (834a). Art. 997. When the widow or widower survives with legitimate parents or ascendants, the surviving spouse shall be entitled to one-half of the estate, and the legitimate parents or ascendants...more
Jan. 29, 2024, 6:01 p.m.
Countries: India
"In terms of government-recognized documentation, many widowed women need to carry their husbands’ names to avail of social security benefits, including those from welfare schemes or from their husbands’ pensions. In 2016, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, a branch under the Indian government, released a 'comprehensive social protection mechanism plan' to address these issues. However, little has transpired since, and many women, especially those from economically weaker backgrounds, have to rely on parents to secure address proof so that they can open bank accounts or take out loans" (para 6).
"In terms of government-recognized documentation, many widowed women need to carry their husbands’ names to avail of social security benefits, including those from welfare schemes or from their husbands’ pensions. In 2016, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, a branch under the Indian government, released a 'comprehensive social protection mechanism plan' to address these issues. However, little has transpired since, and many women, especially those from economically weaker backgrounds, have to rely on parents to secure address proof so that they can open bank accounts or take out loans" (para 6).
Jan. 21, 2024, 10:43 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia
"As is common in other Muslim countries, no Muslim woman may marry a non-Muslim, and widows, compared with widowers, are entitled to a smaller share of the dead spouse’s estate" (para 15).
"As is common in other Muslim countries, no Muslim woman may marry a non-Muslim, and widows, compared with widowers, are entitled to a smaller share of the dead spouse’s estate" (para 15).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"The Married Persons Property Act, 2014 makes provision for persons married under customary law to opt for the property to be administered under civil law. Those already married will further be permitted to change the status of their proprietary regime from out-of-community to in-community of property or vice versa depending on what works best for them" (8). "In terms of the Married Persons’ Property Act people can express which proprietary regime (whether in or out of community) they opt for, and failing such expression their mode of life can determine whether or not they are subject to customary law" (11). "[C]ustomary law is particularly enforced in rural areas, where local...more
Variables: IAW-LAW-1
"The Married Persons Property Act, 2014 makes provision for persons married under customary law to opt for the property to be administered under civil law. Those already married will further be permitted to change the status of their proprietary regime from out-of-community to in-community of property or vice versa depending on what works best for them" (8). "In terms of the Married Persons’ Property Act people can express which proprietary regime (whether in or out of community) they opt for, and failing such expression their mode of life can determine whether or not they are subject to customary law" (11). "[C]ustomary law is particularly enforced in rural areas, where local...more