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women in the world.

Latest items for GP-DATA-5

March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Committee notes that free legal aid is available to women without sufficient means and that free legal assistance is offered by lawyers in specialized centres for marginalized groups of women, including in isolated areas. It notes, however, the absence of court proceedings in which provisions of the Convention have been invoked or directly applied. The Committee notes with concern the lack of gender- sensitive investigations, prosecutions and evidence-gathering procedures, and reports of judicial gender bias, which jeopardize women’s access to justice and effective remedies, in particular in cases of sexual and other forms of gender-based violence against women" (5).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Ruling No. 815 of 29 November 2018: the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court established that, for undecided pending cases, in municipalities where there are no courts for supervision of measures, hearings and sentencing that are competent to deal with crimes of violence against women, cases involving any crime covered by the Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence may, exceptionally, be conducted by the local Municipal Court for the Supervision of Measures" (5). "In December 2020, the special jurisdiction for crimes of violence against women consisted of 22 judicial circuits in 19 states, with 106 special tribunals, and in all states the exceptional powers of the...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Committee notes that eliminating gender-based discrimination is an important objective of the National Programmes for Women’s Development and that the new National Working Committee on Children and Women, established in 2019, has set up a national mechanism for gender equality-based review of laws and policies and is responsible for coordinating efforts to cover all aspects of women’s rights, through different ministries. The Committee remains concerned, however, at the lack of adequate information on the new national mechanism for gender equality-based review of laws and policies, the absence of evaluation reports on the impact of the Programme for Women and the limited participation of civil society organizations, in particular independent...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"A total of 66,772 people received legal, psychological and other services, such as citizen advice services, in the country in 2019. Of those people, 25.8 per cent (17,210) received services at the Distrito Nacional headquarters of the Ministry of Women and 74.2 per cent received services at provincial and municipal offices. Nationwide in 2019, a total of 15,493 people received services in court, by type of service and judgment issued. The Ministry of Women handled 2,349 judicial decisions in support of women victims of violence, by type of decision. In 2019, the Ministry of Women handled 5,981 ongoing judicial proceedings in the country, by type of proceedings, including coercive measures,...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:04 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-1, GP-DATA-5

"Five women police officers on pink Vespa-style scooters ride through a series of ever-narrowing lanes and alleys in the concrete-and-dust town of Gujranwala in the Pakistani province of Punjab. They are part of a pilot program launched in September called 'Pink Wheels,' which aims to address crimes against women and children by bringing help directly to their homes. Here, like much of Pakistan, police say many women shy away from reporting crimes such as domestic violence or sexual assault. The main barrier? 'She would likely encounter a police officer with a mustache,' says Muhammad Ayyax Saleem, deputy inspector general for Gujranwala, who developed the Pink Wheels program. He says a...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Members of the National Commission for the Care of Women Victims of Violence have been appointed. Their tasks include national communication and coordination between government-sector interventions and the central departments dealing with violence against women and monitoring the work of regional and local committees" (4). "In order to promote and protect the civil, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights of women, a range of constitutional institutions have been established, including the Gender Parity and Anti-Discrimination Authority. Act 79-14 provides for the composition, powers and functions of that body. Its job is to monitor all forms of discrimination against women, receive and follow up complaints, offer its views and make...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 3:58 p.m.
Countries: Sri Lanka
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Across 13,000 of the 14,000 grama niladhari, the smallest units of Sri Lanka’s local governance, the party has established women’s committees, according to Saroja Savithri Paulraj, the women’s affairs minister" (para 31).
Jan. 29, 2025, 8:02 p.m.
Countries: Argentina
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Since taking power, Milei has eliminated the ministry of women and dissolved the undersecretariat for protection against gender violence. He has cut back programmes providing support for victims of gender violence" (para 12).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Among the measures taken to address the need to guarantee access to justice for vulnerable women (CEDAW/C/CRI/CO/7, paragraph 8 (d)), the judiciary has strengthened coordination with organizations of women of African descent and has improved training for judicial and administrative officials regarding access to justice for migrant, refugee and indigenous populations. In that connection, the Office of the Public Prosecutor for Indigenous Affairs has conducted annual visits to the indigenous territories to ensure that cases involving indigenous women get priority, and has liaised with other offices to ensure that such cases are dealt with as effectively as possible, given the vulnerabilities of such women. In addition, efforts have been made...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Office of the Women’s Advocate, in its central coordination and through regional and departmental offices, bolsters the promotion, dissemination, defence and protection of women’s rights and prevention of violations, prioritizing the enjoyment of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, and women’s environmental and development rights, in accordance with the action plan for 2014–2020, entitled 'Vanguardia de la Dignidad Humana' (At the Forefront of Human Dignity) and the solidarity-based well-being strategy for municipalities. From 2014 to November 2020, the Office addressed 24,830 complaints filed by women, providing them with comprehensive care; in 2019, 69 per cent of complaints received were closed" (15-16). "According to data collected on the form...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The website of the Statistics Agency under the Office of the President contains a database on gender statistics (compendium on men and women, 2021, and analysis of statistical data on the Sustainable Development Goals and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women), which is updated annually. Monthly data are also posted on the number of women entrepreneurs entered in the gender database of the Statistics Agency ( Statistics Agency specialists participate regularly in international and regional workshops and training sessions on gender statistics" (p. 5). "Paragraph 31 of the national plan of action to implement the recommendations of the States members of the Human Rights...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:11 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: GP-DATA-5

“A 2016 survey by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family found the incidence of intimate-partner violence at 41.5 percent, significantly higher than the global average of 30 percent” (para 7).
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Committee notes the establishment of an Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal and Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud. It also notes that the Tribunal has taken over the Ombud’s role of enforcing the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Act. It regrets that two thirds of complaints to the Tribunal were dismissed, rejected or closed. It is also concerned about reports that there is no system in place to ensure that the Tribunal’s decisions lead to systematic and sustainable change. The Committee recommends that the State party: [s]et up a clear mechanism to follow up on and ensure that decisions of the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal are reflected in structural change that is sustainable...The Committee...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 9:33 p.m.
Countries: Colombia
Variables: GP-DATA-3, GP-DATA-5

"'We have seven femicides and four more cases to be classified, including the case that unfortunately occurred yesterday [where a woman was killed by her partner in prison] in the city of Palmira,' said Yurani Andrea Ordóñez, Secretary of Women, Gender Equality and Sexual Diversity of the Valle del Cauca department" (para 20).
Nov. 12, 2024, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Domestic abusers will have their names added to the sex offenders’ register in a major crackdown on violence against women and girls...In addition the Ask for Ani scheme – which allows women to confidentially ask for help against abusers during visits to pharmacies – will be rolled out to job centres for the first time...Police forces in England and Wales will for the first time be required to treat violence against women and girls as a ‘national threat’, and ensure victims are protected from harm. Anyone suffering domestic abuse will be able to receive emergency help from 18 job centres across the UK, under the expansion of the Ask for...more
Nov. 12, 2024, 6:12 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: GP-DATA-5

“A 2016 survey by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family found the incidence of intimate-partner violence at 41.5 percent, significantly higher than the global average of 30 percent” (para 7).
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"[T]he Committee recommends that the State party: [r]aise awareness among women of the remedies available to them to claim violations of their rights, including before the Office of the Ombudsperson" (5). "The Committee welcomes the establishment by the Ministry of Welfare, in 2010, of the Gender Equality Committee to coordinate the implementation of gender equality policies by the ministries and the State Chancellery in consultation with civil society. The Committee notes with concern, however, the following: that the State party lacks a comprehensive gender equality strategy; that the coordination of the implementation of gender equality policies falls under the responsibility of the Ministry of Welfare and its Department of Social...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Women’s Department and the National Women’s Commission implemented a victims and family support project...Case management support was provided" (20). "In the last quart of 2020, the Spotlight Initiative, in collaboration with Ministry of Human Development, Families, and Indigenous Peoples’ Affairs, United Nation Agencies: UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP with Civil Society Organizations: Productive Organization for Women in Action, Belize Family Live Association, Human Rights Commission of Belize and Child Development Foundation conducted six mobile women’s centres in southern and northern villages of Belize reaching almost 398 persons major of whom were women with sexual and reproductive health services including Family Planning and Pap Smears, Legal services ranging from addressing migrant status,...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:19 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-5

“In terms of making the court system more gender responsive, notable advances are worth mentioning. In 2017, the Judicial Reform and Institutional Strengthening (JURIST) Project was launched. The project, supported by the Government of Canada, was established to ‘improve court governance and administration, ensure social inclusion and gender equity and equality in the administration of justice’. The JURIST project led to Belize adopting the 2017 ‘Model Guidelines for Sexual Offence Cases’ developed for the Caribbean Region. In 2018, a ‘Gender Equality Protocol for Judicial Officers’ was designed and approved. The protocol outlines how members of the judiciary could apply a gender lens to adjudicate cases and manage evidence in cases...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:19 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Both the 2013 and 2021 National Gender Policies and the 2017 and 2021 National Gender-based Violence Action Plan recognizes access to justice for victims especially the need for legal representation. The 2021 Spotlight Initiative highlights access to justice for survivors of family violence. It identifies several gaps in the support system. The need for court navigators to support victims was prominent. Currently, service providers refer victims local NGO’s, the Child Development Foundation and Haven House or Legal Aid. Belize identifies that vulnerable social groups such as persons with disabilities, LGBTQI+, migrants, and persons with language barriers need additional support to access justice and navigate the judicial system" (13). "Therefore, the...more
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:18 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Department of Human Services and Women’s Department mange its cases through the FAMCare Case Management System, Family and Magistrate Courts collect data through internal data system on gender-based violence cases brought before the courts. This is submitted to Ministry of Health’s surveillance system" (6). "While there have been significant improvements in the legal framework, such that women are aware of redress, however it is still difficult and costly for many women to access legal services and aid. Women need greater access to legal services to get legal redress" (10). "In 2020 UNFPA through the Spotlight Initiative, the Child Development Foundation, Human Rights Commission of Belize, Belize Family Life Association,...more
July 18, 2024, 6:38 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"In 2020, the judiciary established courts and tribunals for femicide and other forms of violence against women and sexual violence in the departments of Santa Rosa, Baja Verapaz and Zacapa. There are specialized bodies of this kind in 17 of the country’s departments...In 2018, the Public Prosecution Service launched the 1572 hotline in coordination with the National Civil Police. The hotline has been receiving complaints of physical, psychological and sexual violence since 2020" (8). "In March 2021, the Public Prosecution Service launched the IxKem comprehensive care model for women victims of violence, whose purpose is to offer specialized care and minimize victimization by providing differentiated, coordinated, multidisciplinary, specialized and centralized...more
July 18, 2024, 3:09 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"The Criminal Public Defence Institute has 70 offices throughout the country. It provides free legal assistance in 11 offices nationwide in courts on duty and its services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The free legal assistance programme for victims of violence and their families ran until September 2020, referring 1,777 cases to the Institute for Victim Care and Assistance. The Institute for Victim Care and Assistance is the lead agency for policies relating to the treatment of victims. An autonomous entity that possesses its own assets and operates independently, the Institute provides services to victims of crime, including free legal assistance, psychological care and support...more
July 18, 2024, 3:08 p.m.
Countries: Guatemala
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Case No. 559-2020 emphasized 'the obligation of the courts of justice to monitor compliance with conventions in all cases brought before them, ensuring due compliance with international human rights standards and, specifically, in cases of violence against women, to verify that judicial decisions have adequately taken into account the gender perspective, which is to be understood as a category of analysis and an indispensable interpretative tool in this area, one that helps to understand and identify discrimination, inequality or illegitimate disadvantage based on biological sex, limiting women’s exercise of their rights' " (2). "As part of the judiciary’s institutional policy on gender equality and the promotion of women’s human rights,...more
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
Variables: GP-DATA-5

“[V]ictims of various forms of gender-based violence other than domestic violence [are recognized] as beneficiaries of free legal aid under the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence, but not under the Law on Free Legal Aid, [which] may lead to a denial of access to free legal aid" (4). These victims are usually female (MV-coder comment). "[A]ll women who are victims of gender-based violence, including those belonging to the most disadvantaged groups, [do not] have unimpeded access to effective protection from violence, including by ensuring the provision of free legal aid by experienced professionals from the State, academia and non-governmental organizations" (8).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"[T]he legal aid reform of 2019 provides for primary legal assistance (except in proceedings before courts) for all persons in vulnerable situations, including women" (4). "[T]he Office of the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson [does not] facilitate access to justice for all women at the regional and local levels" (5). "[T]he Seimas Ombudsman ’s Office [has a limited mandate] to consider complaints brought by women, in particular concerning gender-based violence, including in the private sphere... [T]he Seimas Ombudsman ’s Office [is underfunded]" (5).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Gabon has a legal framework for legal aid. This aid, which has an annual budget allocation, is the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice through the Directorate General for Civil Affairs and not through the courts, as indicated in the law. The budget referred to is not intended specifically for vulnerable women" (5). "Although limited legal aid exists, it is not specific to women" (10).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"[A]dequate protection [is not provided] from reprisals for victims and witnesses who seek access to justice or cooperate with the judiciary[.] Acts of witness tampering are [not] effectively persecuted" (4). "[M]obile courts [are not organized] to better reach the most remote areas" (5). Women in remote areas do not always have access to judicial services (MV-coder comment). "[S]pecial units to combat sexual violence have been established in public prosecutors’ offices by the Attorney General" (8).
Feb. 20, 2024, 3:23 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"Women continue to face complex barriers to access to justice and remedies, such as the absence of courts, the limited number of judges in some provinces, the inability of the criminal justice system to locate perpetrators or collect evidence, the lack of sufficient financial resources among victims to pay the high costs of legal proceedings and the insecurity in conflict areas that limits travelling to distant judicial actors" (5).
Feb. 20, 2024, 3:23 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GP-DATA-5

"[The National Human Rights] Commission lacks adequate funding to carry out its mandate effectively, including in relation to women’s rights and gender equality... [W]hile the Commission has offices at the provincial level, it does not have enough representation in territories and cities, which hinders access for women and girls to the Commission... [W]omen and girls can[not] effectively lodge complaints regarding violations of their rights" (6-7).