Latest items for GIC-LAW-1
Feb. 20, 2025, 3:43 p.m.
Countries: United Arab Emirates
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, working mothers in the United Arab Emirates are guaranteed 45 days of paid maternity leave. We did not identify any provisions that protect from dismissal or guarantee job protection for women to take paid maternity leave. We found no provisions that provide paid paternity leave to fathers" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 30 of the Federal Law on Labour Relations guarantees 45 days of paid maternity leave to working mothers. We did not identify any provisions that protect from dismissal or guarantee job protection for women to take paid maternity leave....more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, working mothers in the United Arab Emirates are guaranteed 45 days of paid maternity leave. We did not identify any provisions that protect from dismissal or guarantee job protection for women to take paid maternity leave. We found no provisions that provide paid paternity leave to fathers" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 30 of the Federal Law on Labour Relations guarantees 45 days of paid maternity leave to working mothers. We did not identify any provisions that protect from dismissal or guarantee job protection for women to take paid maternity leave....more
Feb. 20, 2025, 3:28 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Uganda guarantees working mothers 60 working days of job-protected paid maternity leave, and grants working fathers four working days of job-protected paid paternity leave" (3). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 56 of the Employment Act guarantees 60 working days of job-protected paid maternity leave to working mothers. Article 57 of the same law grants working fathers four working days of job-protected paid paternity leave: 56. Maternity Leave (1) A female employee shall, as a consequence of pregnancy, have the right to a period of sixty working days leave from work on full...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Uganda guarantees working mothers 60 working days of job-protected paid maternity leave, and grants working fathers four working days of job-protected paid paternity leave" (3). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 56 of the Employment Act guarantees 60 working days of job-protected paid maternity leave to working mothers. Article 57 of the same law grants working fathers four working days of job-protected paid paternity leave: 56. Maternity Leave (1) A female employee shall, as a consequence of pregnancy, have the right to a period of sixty working days leave from work on full...more
Feb. 19, 2025, 11:01 p.m.
Countries: Georgia
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Georgia provides 183 calendar days of paid maternity and parental leave to mothers. Research evidence indicates that paid paternity leave can increase gender equality in caregiving responsibilities and gender equality in employment; it is therefore important to ensure fathers have access to adequate paid paternity leave. However, we identified no provisions that provide paid paternity leave to fathers in Georgia" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 27 of the Labour Code of Georgia provides 183 calendar days of paid maternity and parental leave to mothers. Article 27 - Maternity and child care...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Georgia provides 183 calendar days of paid maternity and parental leave to mothers. Research evidence indicates that paid paternity leave can increase gender equality in caregiving responsibilities and gender equality in employment; it is therefore important to ensure fathers have access to adequate paid paternity leave. However, we identified no provisions that provide paid paternity leave to fathers in Georgia" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 27 of the Labour Code of Georgia provides 183 calendar days of paid maternity and parental leave to mothers. Article 27 - Maternity and child care...more
Feb. 19, 2025, 10:52 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Turkey guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Since 2015, the Labor Code also provides five days of paid leave to fathers when their spouse gives birth" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 74 of Turkey’s Labor Code guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Madde 74 - Kadın işçilerin doğumdan önce sekiz ve doğumdan sonra sekiz hafta olmak üzere toplam onaltı haftalık süre için çalıştırılmamaları esastır. Çoğul gebelik halinde doğumdan önce çalıştırılmayacak sekiz haftalık süreye iki hafta süre eklenir. Ancak, sağlık durumu uygun olduğu takdirde, doktorun onayı...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Turkey guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Since 2015, the Labor Code also provides five days of paid leave to fathers when their spouse gives birth" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 74 of Turkey’s Labor Code guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Madde 74 - Kadın işçilerin doğumdan önce sekiz ve doğumdan sonra sekiz hafta olmak üzere toplam onaltı haftalık süre için çalıştırılmamaları esastır. Çoğul gebelik halinde doğumdan önce çalıştırılmayacak sekiz haftalık süreye iki hafta süre eklenir. Ancak, sağlık durumu uygun olduğu takdirde, doktorun onayı...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 8:03 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Couples who have children are showered with cash, from monthly handouts to subsidised housing and free taxis. Hospital bills and even IVF treatments are covered, though only for those who are married. Such financial incentives have not worked, leading politicians to brainstorm more 'creative' solutions, like hiring nannies from South East Asia and paying them below minimum wage, and exempting men from serving in the military if they have three children before turning 30" (par. 15-16). "Both men and women are entitled to a year's leave during the first eight years of their child's life. But in 2022, only 7% of new fathers used some of their leave, compared to...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Couples who have children are showered with cash, from monthly handouts to subsidised housing and free taxis. Hospital bills and even IVF treatments are covered, though only for those who are married. Such financial incentives have not worked, leading politicians to brainstorm more 'creative' solutions, like hiring nannies from South East Asia and paying them below minimum wage, and exempting men from serving in the military if they have three children before turning 30" (par. 15-16). "Both men and women are entitled to a year's leave during the first eight years of their child's life. But in 2022, only 7% of new fathers used some of their leave, compared to...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:23 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"His comments are the latest in a public push by government officials to try and reverse Russia's sinking birth rate by appealing to a sense of patriotic duty and promising financial incentives to sway prospective parents" (par. 3). "Russia's strategy to grow families is part of Putin's broader push toward more traditional conservative values. In an effort to reach the younger generation, a new course is being rolled out for students in grades 5 to 9. A course published online in August stated the goal was to instill positive attitudes toward large families. It's part of a state narrative that encourages women to become moms for the motherland" (par. 7-8)....more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"His comments are the latest in a public push by government officials to try and reverse Russia's sinking birth rate by appealing to a sense of patriotic duty and promising financial incentives to sway prospective parents" (par. 3). "Russia's strategy to grow families is part of Putin's broader push toward more traditional conservative values. In an effort to reach the younger generation, a new course is being rolled out for students in grades 5 to 9. A course published online in August stated the goal was to instill positive attitudes toward large families. It's part of a state narrative that encourages women to become moms for the motherland" (par. 7-8)....more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:27 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"[Morocco needs to] strengthen measures, including awareness-raising measures, childcare services and parental leave provisions to ensure gender parity in appointed public positions, including in public administration, particularly at the decision- making level" (9).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"[Morocco needs to] strengthen measures, including awareness-raising measures, childcare services and parental leave provisions to ensure gender parity in appointed public positions, including in public administration, particularly at the decision- making level" (9).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Article 46 of Act No. 50-5 granting women public employees a pregnancy leave of 14 weeks instead of 12" (19). "A circular was issued in August 2018 extending post-childbirth leave to 18 months following the end of pregnancy leave" (19). "Model specifications have been drafted for childcare facilities near workplaces.A circular was issued in September 2019 on the establishment of childcare facilities in public facilities" (19). "Daily maternity compensation is provided for 14 weeks" (26).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Article 46 of Act No. 50-5 granting women public employees a pregnancy leave of 14 weeks instead of 12" (19). "A circular was issued in August 2018 extending post-childbirth leave to 18 months following the end of pregnancy leave" (19). "Model specifications have been drafted for childcare facilities near workplaces.A circular was issued in September 2019 on the establishment of childcare facilities in public facilities" (19). "Daily maternity compensation is provided for 14 weeks" (26).
Feb. 3, 2025, 9:51 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"From 1979 to 2015, China imposed the 'one-child policy.' The policy violated women’s reproductive rights. Its enforcement through measures like forced and coerced abortion and sterilization compounded the abuse" (3). "The Chinese government’s 2015 announcement that it would allow all couples to have two children effectively ended the 'one-child' policy. While a positive step, it did not change the fact that China’s family-planning policies remain coercive and abusive. The state continues to play a deeply intrusive role in women’s reproductive choices and bodily autonomy, controlling both how many children a couple can have and the intervals at which they can have them. Officials have enforced birth quotas for couples by...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"From 1979 to 2015, China imposed the 'one-child policy.' The policy violated women’s reproductive rights. Its enforcement through measures like forced and coerced abortion and sterilization compounded the abuse" (3). "The Chinese government’s 2015 announcement that it would allow all couples to have two children effectively ended the 'one-child' policy. While a positive step, it did not change the fact that China’s family-planning policies remain coercive and abusive. The state continues to play a deeply intrusive role in women’s reproductive choices and bodily autonomy, controlling both how many children a couple can have and the intervals at which they can have them. Officials have enforced birth quotas for couples by...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children" (2).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children" (2).
Jan. 29, 2025, 7:35 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"The Committee notes that the revised Labour Code (2022) now provides for eight days of paid paternity leave for the private sector" (8). "The Committee notes the adoption of the amendment to the Family Code on shared family responsibilities, the recognition of domestic and unpaid care work in divorce proceedings and the new paternity leave provisions" (13).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"The Committee notes that the revised Labour Code (2022) now provides for eight days of paid paternity leave for the private sector" (8). "The Committee notes the adoption of the amendment to the Family Code on shared family responsibilities, the recognition of domestic and unpaid care work in divorce proceedings and the new paternity leave provisions" (13).
Jan. 28, 2025, 8:03 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
"It should also be noted that women do not accumulate pension while on maternity leave, which lead to a significant increase in the total life income between men and women" (4).
"It should also be noted that women do not accumulate pension while on maternity leave, which lead to a significant increase in the total life income between men and women" (4).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2020, to promote the concept of shared responsibility for caregiving, and as part of a strategy associated with the granting of paternity leave, the National Institute for Women launched a free virtual course called 'Dad can do it too', which is aimed at the general public and is intended to encourage fathers to participate more and take on more responsibilities" (8). "To date, there has been no progress on a concrete proposal to implement paternity leave in the public and private sector of Costa Rica owing to budgetary constraints" (25).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2020, to promote the concept of shared responsibility for caregiving, and as part of a strategy associated with the granting of paternity leave, the National Institute for Women launched a free virtual course called 'Dad can do it too', which is aimed at the general public and is intended to encourage fathers to participate more and take on more responsibilities" (8). "To date, there has been no progress on a concrete proposal to implement paternity leave in the public and private sector of Costa Rica owing to budgetary constraints" (25).
Jan. 25, 2025, 2:22 p.m.
Countries: Spain
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"A court in Spain has ruled that a single mother is entitled to the parental leave that would have been due her partner – if she had one – on the grounds that all babies should be treated the same, regardless of the composition of their families" (para 1).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"A court in Spain has ruled that a single mother is entitled to the parental leave that would have been due her partner – if she had one – on the grounds that all babies should be treated the same, regardless of the composition of their families" (para 1).
Jan. 24, 2025, 3:28 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Tokyo's government is introducing a four-day workweek for its staffers in the capital as part of a nationwide push to encourage parenthood. Japan's Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has called the country's stubbornly low birth rate a 'quiet emergency' and has pledged policies like flexible working hours" (para 1-2). "Under the plan, government staff except shift workers may take up to three days off weekly, but will still need to complete 155 hours per month, Sachi Ikegami, a Tokyo Metropolitan Government official in charge of personnel affairs said on Wednesday. Employees raising young children will also be offered more flexible hours, with work days shortened by up to two hours, Ikegami...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Tokyo's government is introducing a four-day workweek for its staffers in the capital as part of a nationwide push to encourage parenthood. Japan's Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba has called the country's stubbornly low birth rate a 'quiet emergency' and has pledged policies like flexible working hours" (para 1-2). "Under the plan, government staff except shift workers may take up to three days off weekly, but will still need to complete 155 hours per month, Sachi Ikegami, a Tokyo Metropolitan Government official in charge of personnel affairs said on Wednesday. Employees raising young children will also be offered more flexible hours, with work days shortened by up to two hours, Ikegami...more
Jan. 24, 2025, 1:43 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"According to one ranking, Japan and South Korea have the best paid parental-leave policies for men worldwide. Fathers in both countries are entitled to a full year of paid leave. In Japan, nearly 70% of pay is compensated for the first 180 days" (para 4).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"According to one ranking, Japan and South Korea have the best paid parental-leave policies for men worldwide. Fathers in both countries are entitled to a full year of paid leave. In Japan, nearly 70% of pay is compensated for the first 180 days" (para 4).
Jan. 23, 2025, 5:53 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"China last week announced its population had fallen for the first time since the 1960s. The quickly growing cohorts of young students and workers had powered decades of economic growth, even as a government worried about overpopulation enforced a punitive, often abusive one-child policy. Now as growth slows, and the population ages, the government has abruptly switched course and is trying to encourage more siblings" (para 28-29).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"China last week announced its population had fallen for the first time since the 1960s. The quickly growing cohorts of young students and workers had powered decades of economic growth, even as a government worried about overpopulation enforced a punitive, often abusive one-child policy. Now as growth slows, and the population ages, the government has abruptly switched course and is trying to encourage more siblings" (para 28-29).
Jan. 23, 2025, 5:40 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Decades of gimmicks and campaigns have failed to resonate with couples, and the government has belatedly accepted that more financial help may have more impact than lectures from conservative politicians on a woman’s patriotic duty to give birth. In his first major policy speech of this year, the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, said he had ordered ministries to work together to take 'unprecedented, decisive and bold' measures to tackle the low birthrate, which officials labeled a threat to 'the very survival of the nation'. He has promised a rise in child allowance, an expansion in after-school childcare, and reforms that will make it easier for parents to take leave to...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Decades of gimmicks and campaigns have failed to resonate with couples, and the government has belatedly accepted that more financial help may have more impact than lectures from conservative politicians on a woman’s patriotic duty to give birth. In his first major policy speech of this year, the prime minister, Fumio Kishida, said he had ordered ministries to work together to take 'unprecedented, decisive and bold' measures to tackle the low birthrate, which officials labeled a threat to 'the very survival of the nation'. He has promised a rise in child allowance, an expansion in after-school childcare, and reforms that will make it easier for parents to take leave to...more
Jan. 22, 2025, 9:21 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"President Vladimir Putin of Russia recently signed a bill into law that will fine anyone who is promoting 'child-free propaganda.' Meant both to shore up 'traditional values' and to increase Russia’s tanking birthrate, it stipulates that any individual found to be disseminating such 'propaganda' may be subject to fines of up to about $4,000; considering the average monthly Russian salary as of 2023 was around $800, that’s a frightening potential penalty. Companies could be fined up to about $50,000" (para 1). "Perhaps if it wants to raise the birthrate, the Russian government would be better off fixing its economy and the out-of-control inflation rate than it would be surveilling speech....more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"President Vladimir Putin of Russia recently signed a bill into law that will fine anyone who is promoting 'child-free propaganda.' Meant both to shore up 'traditional values' and to increase Russia’s tanking birthrate, it stipulates that any individual found to be disseminating such 'propaganda' may be subject to fines of up to about $4,000; considering the average monthly Russian salary as of 2023 was around $800, that’s a frightening potential penalty. Companies could be fined up to about $50,000" (para 1). "Perhaps if it wants to raise the birthrate, the Russian government would be better off fixing its economy and the out-of-control inflation rate than it would be surveilling speech....more
Jan. 17, 2025, 11:50 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Also, the right to paid maternity leave only accrues to a woman who has a minimum of one-year uninterrupted service at the company, and paid leave only accrues after one year. Short-term contracts are particularly common in the predominantly female garment sector in Cambodia....These short-term contracts have both gender specific adverse consequences, such as non-renewal in cases of pregnancy, as well as more generalized adverse consequences on social security benefits, collective bargaining, and organizing into unions and seniority. The impact of STC’s [short term contracts] more generally is that workers are afraid to assert their rights for fear that they will not have their contracts renewed" (6-7). This indicates that...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Also, the right to paid maternity leave only accrues to a woman who has a minimum of one-year uninterrupted service at the company, and paid leave only accrues after one year. Short-term contracts are particularly common in the predominantly female garment sector in Cambodia....These short-term contracts have both gender specific adverse consequences, such as non-renewal in cases of pregnancy, as well as more generalized adverse consequences on social security benefits, collective bargaining, and organizing into unions and seniority. The impact of STC’s [short term contracts] more generally is that workers are afraid to assert their rights for fear that they will not have their contracts renewed" (6-7). This indicates that...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 11:01 a.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Despite Australia's fertility rate plummeting to a record low, the government is not considering a revival of the baby bonus. 'It's not something that we've been discussing. I'm interested, obviously, in the figures,' deputy prime minister Richard Marles told Seven's Sunrise program on Thursday. 'We want to do what we can to make it easier for families and couples to have children and we are doing that. It is important that we have a sustainable birth rate.' The baby bonus was set up by the Howard government and gave $3000 lump sum payments to new parents of children born from July 2004" (para 18-21).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Despite Australia's fertility rate plummeting to a record low, the government is not considering a revival of the baby bonus. 'It's not something that we've been discussing. I'm interested, obviously, in the figures,' deputy prime minister Richard Marles told Seven's Sunrise program on Thursday. 'We want to do what we can to make it easier for families and couples to have children and we are doing that. It is important that we have a sustainable birth rate.' The baby bonus was set up by the Howard government and gave $3000 lump sum payments to new parents of children born from July 2004" (para 18-21).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Japan's government is set to offer up to one million yen (£6,293) per child to persuade families to move out of Tokyo, with the aim of reducing overcrowding in the capital. An extra 700,000 yen is being added to the 300,000 yen offered at present for relocation due to fears that the nation's population and economy is increasingly concentrated in Tokyo, heightening the potential risk from large earthquakes. The government also aims to encourage families with children to relocate to regional areas" (para 1-3). "So far, the government's efforts to encourage people to have more babies have had limited impact despite payments of subsidies for pregnancy, childbirth and child care"...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Japan's government is set to offer up to one million yen (£6,293) per child to persuade families to move out of Tokyo, with the aim of reducing overcrowding in the capital. An extra 700,000 yen is being added to the 300,000 yen offered at present for relocation due to fears that the nation's population and economy is increasingly concentrated in Tokyo, heightening the potential risk from large earthquakes. The government also aims to encourage families with children to relocate to regional areas" (para 1-3). "So far, the government's efforts to encourage people to have more babies have had limited impact despite payments of subsidies for pregnancy, childbirth and child care"...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"[T]he Labour Code provides for the possibility of taking leave to care for a child, which is available not only to mothers, but also to fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, other relatives or the guardian who actually cares for the child. The introduction of such a norm has had an impact on changing the traditional cultural family roles of men and women" (25). "Under the State Pension Social Insurance Act, women who have given birth to five or more children and have cared for them to the age of eight years are entitled to an old-age pension at the age of 53 years after 15 years of contributions, which is five...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"[T]he Labour Code provides for the possibility of taking leave to care for a child, which is available not only to mothers, but also to fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, other relatives or the guardian who actually cares for the child. The introduction of such a norm has had an impact on changing the traditional cultural family roles of men and women" (25). "Under the State Pension Social Insurance Act, women who have given birth to five or more children and have cared for them to the age of eight years are entitled to an old-age pension at the age of 53 years after 15 years of contributions, which is five...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 9:43 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Among the proposals to have emerged in recent days are exempting men who have three or more children by the age of 30 from compulsory military conscription. Another is to provide significant 'gift; tax breaks to parents based on the number of children they have. A further proposal put forward by a dozen lawmakers would allow foreign domestic workers to work in South Korea for less than the minimum wage, in a bid to relieve families of the burden of household chores" (para 2). "Prior to becoming minister of trade, Lee Chang-yang suggested imposing a levy on financially capable households that do not have children. There was an instance where...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Among the proposals to have emerged in recent days are exempting men who have three or more children by the age of 30 from compulsory military conscription. Another is to provide significant 'gift; tax breaks to parents based on the number of children they have. A further proposal put forward by a dozen lawmakers would allow foreign domestic workers to work in South Korea for less than the minimum wage, in a bid to relieve families of the burden of household chores" (para 2). "Prior to becoming minister of trade, Lee Chang-yang suggested imposing a levy on financially capable households that do not have children. There was an instance where...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: MULV-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"South Korea's government has proposed raising the nation's 52-hour weekly working hours cap to 69 hours in a bid to improve work-life balance. The labour minister said yesterday that increasing the cap by a third will give working mothers more choice and help them raise children amid growing concerns over the country's falling birth rates. The government says allowing workers to accrue more overtime hours in return for time off later will mean people who want to take longer breaks - such as parents or caregivers - will be able to do so" (par. 1-3). "'We'll introduce bold measures to help cut working hours during pregnancy or while raising children,'...more
Variables: MULV-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"South Korea's government has proposed raising the nation's 52-hour weekly working hours cap to 69 hours in a bid to improve work-life balance. The labour minister said yesterday that increasing the cap by a third will give working mothers more choice and help them raise children amid growing concerns over the country's falling birth rates. The government says allowing workers to accrue more overtime hours in return for time off later will mean people who want to take longer breaks - such as parents or caregivers - will be able to do so" (par. 1-3). "'We'll introduce bold measures to help cut working hours during pregnancy or while raising children,'...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"The tax exemption granted, effective 30 November 2019, to women entrepreneurs during maternity leave and to artisans working from home, most of whom are women, is another area of State support for women entrepreneurs" (p. 37). "Women covered by State social insurance and engaged in formal employment are paid maternity benefits, lump sum childbirth benefits and monthly child care benefits during maternity leave. One-time childbirth allowances and monthly child care allowances may be paid to the mother or father of the child or their substitutes. The lump-sum childbirth allowance is paid once in the amount of three times the unit of calculation (192 somoni; one unit of calculation is 64...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"The tax exemption granted, effective 30 November 2019, to women entrepreneurs during maternity leave and to artisans working from home, most of whom are women, is another area of State support for women entrepreneurs" (p. 37). "Women covered by State social insurance and engaged in formal employment are paid maternity benefits, lump sum childbirth benefits and monthly child care benefits during maternity leave. One-time childbirth allowances and monthly child care allowances may be paid to the mother or father of the child or their substitutes. The lump-sum childbirth allowance is paid once in the amount of three times the unit of calculation (192 somoni; one unit of calculation is 64...more
Jan. 6, 2025, 3:40 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“The Children and Families Agency, launched in April 2023, held its first working group meeting on Friday to support young people in their efforts to find partners through dating, matchmaking and other means. Attenders included those considering marriage in the future and experts versed in the challenges facing younger people” (para 2). “Local governments have responded with measures ranging from daycare to matchmaking. In June, the Tokyo metropolitan government said it would launch a dating app as early as this summer. The economist Takashi Kadokura said on a Yahoo Japan news blog that local government efforts to promote marriage were not working and marriages were not increasing because of the...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“The Children and Families Agency, launched in April 2023, held its first working group meeting on Friday to support young people in their efforts to find partners through dating, matchmaking and other means. Attenders included those considering marriage in the future and experts versed in the challenges facing younger people” (para 2). “Local governments have responded with measures ranging from daycare to matchmaking. In June, the Tokyo metropolitan government said it would launch a dating app as early as this summer. The economist Takashi Kadokura said on a Yahoo Japan news blog that local government efforts to promote marriage were not working and marriages were not increasing because of the...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:14 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“North Korea implemented birth control programs in the 1970-80s to slow a postwar population growth. The country’s fertility rate recorded a major decline following a famine in the mid-1990s that was estimated to have killed hundreds of thousands of people, the Seoul-based Hyundai Research Institute said in a report in August” (para 10). “According to North Korean state media reports this year, the country has introduced a set of benefits for families with three or more children, including preferential free housing arrangements, state subsidies, free food, medicine and household goods and educational perks for children” (para 12).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“North Korea implemented birth control programs in the 1970-80s to slow a postwar population growth. The country’s fertility rate recorded a major decline following a famine in the mid-1990s that was estimated to have killed hundreds of thousands of people, the Seoul-based Hyundai Research Institute said in a report in August” (para 10). “According to North Korean state media reports this year, the country has introduced a set of benefits for families with three or more children, including preferential free housing arrangements, state subsidies, free food, medicine and household goods and educational perks for children” (para 12).
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:11 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“In December of that year, as Korea’s fertility rate hovered at 1.2 births per woman (it has since slid to 0.78, the lowest in the world), the Korean government launched an online ‘National Birth Map’ that showed the number of women of reproductive age in each municipality, illustrating just what it expected of its female citizens. (South Korean president Yoon Suk-yeol won the election in March 2022 with a message that blamed feminism for Korea’s low birth rate, and a promise to abolish the country’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.)” (para 15).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
“In December of that year, as Korea’s fertility rate hovered at 1.2 births per woman (it has since slid to 0.78, the lowest in the world), the Korean government launched an online ‘National Birth Map’ that showed the number of women of reproductive age in each municipality, illustrating just what it expected of its female citizens. (South Korean president Yoon Suk-yeol won the election in March 2022 with a message that blamed feminism for Korea’s low birth rate, and a promise to abolish the country’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family.)” (para 15).
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Italy on Wednesday passed the West’s most restrictive law against international surrogacy, threatening would-be parents who use birth mothers abroad with jail time and severe fines in a move that critics say will chiefly target same-sex couples. Domestic surrogacy was already banned in Italy, as it is in some other countries and U.S. states, but the amended Italian law goes further, classifying surrogacy as a rare universal crime that transcends borders, like terrorism or genocide. . .Same-sex couples are already barred under Italian law from domestic or international adoption. Thus, the new law effectively cuts off the last, best route for gay male couples residing in Italy to start families"...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"Italy on Wednesday passed the West’s most restrictive law against international surrogacy, threatening would-be parents who use birth mothers abroad with jail time and severe fines in a move that critics say will chiefly target same-sex couples. Domestic surrogacy was already banned in Italy, as it is in some other countries and U.S. states, but the amended Italian law goes further, classifying surrogacy as a rare universal crime that transcends borders, like terrorism or genocide. . .Same-sex couples are already barred under Italian law from domestic or international adoption. Thus, the new law effectively cuts off the last, best route for gay male couples residing in Italy to start families"...more