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women in the world.

Latest items for GEW-PRACTICE-3

March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Women have been targeted and sold as sexual slaves or forcibly married to ISIS fighters and have been subjected to violations including rape, physical and verbal abuse, deprivation of basic necessities, and various forms of torture" (5).
Feb. 28, 2025, 5:42 p.m.
Countries: Niger

"During conflicts, particularly in the region of Diffa where the terrorist group Boko Haram operates, women are the most affected as they are targeted by terrorists to become hostages, suicide bombers or sex slaves" (11).
Feb. 28, 2025, 11:51 a.m.
Countries: Haiti
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"'A staggering 1,000-percent increase in sexual violence against children in Haiti has turned their bodies into battlegrounds,' Elder said (para 9). "'The tenfold rise, recorded from 2023 to last year, comes as armed groups inflict unimaginable horrors on children'" (para 10). "Haiti has no president or parliament and is ruled by a transitional body, which is struggling to manage extreme violence linked to criminal gangs, poverty and other challenges" (para 11).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:15 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Since at least 2013, the Nigerian military has conducted a secret, systematic and illegal abortion programme in the country’s northeast, ending at least 10,000 pregnancies among women and girls, a Reuters investigation has found. Many had been kidnapped and raped by Islamist militants. Resisters were beaten, held at gunpoint or drugged into compliance, witnesses say" (Para 1). Both state and non-state actors instrumentalize women and girls in conflict, as seen in the Nigerian military’s forced abortion program to counter insurgent ties and Islamist militants’ use of sexual violence to spread terror and assert control. (UST - CODERS COMMENT) "Fati was four months pregnant when liberated from the insurgents. Soon after,...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 2:42 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"This is particularly true for the survivors that Trezor and his team have assiduously helped recover from their trauma only for them to be raped again after they reach a camp, usually by a completely different attacker. At night, the camps offer little protection. Armed gangs roam freely among the tents. The dim toilet blocks are notoriously fraught. Thousands of women are also forced to scavenge for food and firewood in the nearby Virunga national park, famous for its mountain gorillas. There, many women are raped at gunpoint by gangs of militia" (Para 19, 20, 21). This highlights a failure of government protection, with militias using sexual violence as a...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 2:10 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Since at least 2013, the Nigerian military has conducted a secret, systematic and illegal abortion programme in the country’s northeast, ending at least 10,000 pregnancies among women and girls, a Reuters investigation has found. Many had been kidnapped and raped by Islamist militants. Resisters were beaten, held at gunpoint or drugged into compliance, witnesses say" (Para 1). Both state and non-state actors instrumentalize women and girls in conflict, as seen in the Nigerian military’s forced abortion program to counter insurgent ties and Islamist militants’ use of sexual violence to spread terror and assert control. (UST - CODERS COMMENT) "Fati was four months pregnant when liberated from the insurgents. Soon after,...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 6:48 p.m.
Countries: Burkina Faso

"The kidnappings took place outside two villages near the northern city of Arbinda as the women were foraging for wild fruits and leaves. But on Friday, the television channel RTB said that the 62 women and girls, as well as four babies, had been found and taken to Ouagadougou, the capital. The broadcaster played footage of a group of women sitting on the ground, some clutching buckets and jerrycans, while military officers wearing fatigues stood around them. Thirty-nine of them were younger than 18, the report said" (par. 2-3). "Armed militants kidnapped the women, girls and babies in two separate groups on Thursday and Friday last week, according to the...more
Dec. 7, 2024, 3:45 p.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"In a statement, the RSF told Sky News it categorically denied the allegations. 'Our troops have strict and clear instructions to prioritise the protection of civilians and to ensure that no harm comes to them under any circumstances,' it said. 'It is important to note that we, along with our forces, have only heard of these claims through media reports. To date, no direct or credible evidence has been presented to us regarding these alleged incidents. Should there be any specific and verified information, we would encourage the parties involved to share it with us for further review. The RSF remains committed to upholding international humanitarian and human rights laws...more
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"[There is a] lack of investigations, prosecutions and sanctions imposed on the perpetrators, including those with command responsibility" (3). "[E]fforts to ensure the early identification of women and girls exploited by armed groups [are not intensified nor are these females] provide[d] with rehabilitation and reintegration services" (9). By not intensifying perpetrator punishment and victim services, the state is indirectly encouraging the exploitation of females by armed groups (MV-coder comment).
Feb. 5, 2024, 1:29 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"The verdict, which is subject to appeal, comes on the heels of other successes for the SCC and Central African authorities, including the arrest of two former Central African Armed Forces members and one ex-Séléka militia general on charges of crimes against humanity. The achievements of the hybrid court model should signal that atrocities will not be tolerated" (para 2). "In convicting one perpetrator based on his responsibility for rapes committed by his subordinates, the Court concluded that the rapes in this case constituted crimes against humanity and war crimes. This holding brings vital recognition to the women who suffered these horrendous crimes, some of whom were minors at the...more
Nov. 3, 2023, 5 p.m.
Countries: Haiti
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Compounding that is severe underreporting, making it difficult for any authority to grasp the full extent of the damage. Women fear gangs will seek revenge on them and trust Haitian police just about as much" (para 16). By participating in the weaponization of women's bodies, the police and by extention the government is encouraging further perpetration of these crimes (MCP - CODER COMMENT). The country’s current government, which many view as illegitimate, declined to comment on what it is doing to address the issue (para 17).
Aug. 25, 2023, 3:23 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"The latest controversy to swirl around the Chinese telecoms company Huawei has shone a spotlight on the murky world of Chinese espionage, agent-recruitment and an ambitious programme of extending its influence across the globe" (para 1). "Recruitment methods can, according to people familiar with them, take on a far more sinister form. This can include... honeytraps set for unwary western businessmen" (para 11). "This usually entails a 'chance' encounter with an attractive woman which is then covertly recorded and used as "kompromat" - compromising material to be used as a lever" (para 12).
Feb. 13, 2023, 10:57 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Bahiss said, the fight over girls education is shorthand for a broader tussle between the Taliban's hardliners and – relative – moderates for power within the movement. 'This became a battleground,' he says (Para.23). CC(Bahiss, an analyst for the International Crisis Group).
Feb. 5, 2023, 7:33 p.m.
Countries: Ukraine
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Olha, the Kherson woman, said that over 14 days in detention this fall she was threatened with rape and was punched and kicked in the head and chest, breaking a rib. Russians put clamps on her legs, arms and earlobes to send an electric current through her body, she said, and doused her in water to worsen the shocks. Her interrogators knew she worked with volunteers bringing aid from Ukrainian-held territory to civilians in Kherson. They demanded she film a propaganda video and distribute supplies in the name of United Russia, President Vladimir V. Putin’s governing political party." (para 36-37). "The similarity of the evidence and accounts across cities, describing...more
Feb. 5, 2023, 7:33 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Olha, the Kherson woman, said that over 14 days in detention this fall she was threatened with rape and was punched and kicked in the head and chest, breaking a rib. Russians put clamps on her legs, arms and earlobes to send an electric current through her body, she said, and doused her in water to worsen the shocks. Her interrogators knew she worked with volunteers bringing aid from Ukrainian-held territory to civilians in Kherson. They demanded she film a propaganda video and distribute supplies in the name of United Russia, President Vladimir V. Putin’s governing political party." (para 36-37). "The similarity of the evidence and accounts across cities, describing...more
Feb. 4, 2023, 6:14 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Provide for the offences of terrorism and proliferation and other offences connected or associated with terrorist or proliferation activities; to provide for measures to prevent and combat terrorist and proliferation activities. In addition, it provides for measures to give effect to the international conventions, Security Council Resolutions, instruments and best practices concerning measures to combat terrorist and proliferation activities to provide and to combat the funding of terrorist and proliferation activities. This Act protects men and women from being used as participants to carry out terrorist attacks in the country." (5).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"The government does not encourage the use of women and girls as instruments of the state" (1).
July 22, 2021, 4:40 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Rape and other forms of sexual violence constitute war crimes in the context of the conflict, as defined under the Rome Statute" (Para 15).
June 29, 2021, 11:26 a.m.
Countries: D R Congo

"UNICEF and MONUSCO attributed some abuses of children, including mutilation of children and use of children in combat in the Kasais, to harmful traditional and religious practices. The United Nations reported that Kamuina Nsapu militias often put children, particularly young girls, on the front lines of battle, believing they have powers that could protect them as well as other fighters. For example, it reported Kamuina Nsapu militias often believed young girls could trap bullets fired at them and fling them back at attackers. The Kamuina Nsapu also reportedly slashed children’s stomachs as part of an initiation ritual to see if they would survive and how the wound would heal" (p...more
June 24, 2021, 5:40 p.m.
Countries: Eritrea

"But the attack, which also dragging in soldiers from neighbouring Eritrea, has unleashed a wave of ethnic violence that has seen civilians indiscriminately killed, with hundreds of thousands displaced and left without food...'Of the people who traveled with them, some were reportedly killed particularly youngsters, people were reportedly beaten, women were subject to rape, some were pregnant and delivered on the way losing their babies'...This week, Abiy acknowledged for the first time that atrocities such as rape had been committed and said any soldiers committing crimes would be punished. But some of the worst atrocities have been blamed on soldiers from Eritrea, meaning Abiy's ability to act against them is...more
June 24, 2021, 5:39 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia

"But the attack, which also dragging in soldiers from neighbouring Eritrea, has unleashed a wave of ethnic violence that has seen civilians indiscriminately killed, with hundreds of thousands displaced and left without food...'Of the people who traveled with them, some were reportedly killed particularly youngsters, people were reportedly beaten, women were subject to rape, some were pregnant and delivered on the way losing their babies'...This week, Abiy acknowledged for the first time that atrocities such as rape had been committed and said any soldiers committing crimes would be punished. But some of the worst atrocities have been blamed on soldiers from Eritrea, meaning Abiy's ability to act against them is...more
Jan. 18, 2021, 2:43 p.m.
Countries: Iraq

"The 15-year-old girl, crying and terrified, refused to release her grip on her sister’s hand. Days earlier, Islamic State fighters had torn the girls from their family, and now were trying to split them up and distribute them as spoils of war. The jihadist who had selected the 15-year-old as his prize pressed a pistol to her head, promising to pull the trigger. But it was only when the man put a knife to her 19-year-old sister’s neck that she finally relented, taking her next step in a dark odyssey of abduction and abuse at the hands of the Islamic State. The sisters were among several thousand girls and young...more
Dec. 24, 2020, 9:52 a.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Iraq's prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki, is fanning those flames by rejecting calls for unity and resurrecting the militias that only a few years ago turned public hospitals into torture chambers and raped women who stepped out of line" (para 8).
Dec. 23, 2020, 9:43 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"ISIS has now taken over the cities of Mosul and Tikrit and has reportedly ordered the families to hand over their daughters to the militants. Mirror reported that in the captured towns, the militants have been distributing leaflets which state: 'Women virgin or not must join jihad and cleanse themselves by sleeping with militants'" (para 3).
Dec. 23, 2020, 2:47 p.m.
Countries: Libya
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Susan Rice, then US Ambassador to the UN, also made an unsubstantiated allegation that Qadhafi was giving his troops Viagra to encourage mass rape" (3). "While there is growing evidence that Qadhafi used sexual exploitation and abuse as physical and psychological weapons against his detractors and their families, or as a reward for his supporters, it was not a new phenomenon of the revolution" (4). "Of critical importance, internationals discovered that even though Qadhafi had used sexual violence as a strategic tactic of terror for decades, the International Commission of Inquiry (ICC) “did not find documented evidence to substantiate claims of widespread sexual violence... such as to amount to crimes...more
Sept. 28, 2020, 3:33 p.m.
Countries: Zimbabwe
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"During nationwide protests in mid-January, following the president's sudden announcement of a fuel price increase, security forces responded with lethal force, killing at least 17 people, raping at least 17 women, shooting and injuring 81 people, and arresting over 1,000 suspected protestors during door-to-door raids. In the months that followed,d several civil society activists, political opposition leaders, and other critics of the government were arbitrarily arrested, abducted, beaten or tortured. Little to no efforts were made to bring those responsible for the abuses to justice" (para 1). "Security forces appeared to take advantage of the general unrest during the protests and crackdown to commit rape and other serious abuses" (para...more
Sept. 11, 2020, 8:52 p.m.
Countries: Libya

"Migrants and asylum seekers who are captured at sea and returned to Libyan territory are placed in detention under the GNA Interior Ministry, where many suffer inhumane conditions including beatings, sexual violence, extortion, forced labor, and inadequate medical treatment, food and water. The Department for Combating Illegal Migration (DCIM), under the GNA Interior Ministry, manages the formal migrant detention centers, while smugglers and traffickers run informal ones" (para 34).
Aug. 26, 2020, 1:29 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo

“For the last 16 years we’ve been living in a state of war in the east of our country. It’s a war of aggression with neighbouring countries. There are national armed groups and there are foreign groups who pillage our region…It’s women’s bodies who are used as battlefields in this war...Thousands of women are raped with atrocious violence, children are recruited and young women are detained as sexual slaves by the armed groups” (para 3-5).
April 1, 2020, 6:28 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Nonstate militant groups kidnapped boys and girls and used fraudulent promises to coerce parents into giving away children as young as 12 to spy, fight, or die as suicide bombers. The militants sometimes offered parents money, often sexually and physically abused the children, and used psychological coercion to convince the children the acts they committed were justified" (21).
Dec. 16, 2019, 9:56 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: GEW-PRACTICE-3

"Married Chinese Muslim women are regularly forced to share the same bed as male officials sent by government to monitor them when their husbands are being indoctrinated in internment camps, it has been revealed" (para 1). "Uighur wives from China's Xinjiang Province have been required to 'invite' inspectors into their homes under a mandatory surveillance programme when their spouses are under detention, according to reports" (para 2). "With their husbands away from home, those Muslim women must provide information about their lives and political views to the male inspectors, who call themselves their 'relatives', it is reported" (para 3). "The news came as Beijing is reportedly encouraging Han men to...more