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Latest items for ERBG-LAW-1

March 21, 2025, 10:13 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1

"A deluge of regime diktats has barred women from leaving home without a male relative, working, going to school or training as doctors and nurses" (para 8).
March 20, 2025, 1:55 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Although Mauritanian legislation provides for equal rights with respect to employment, no specific measures have been taken to eliminate discrimination against women. According Art. 247 of the Labour Code, women are prohibited from working in jobs which are likely to affect their health, physical integrity or damage their morality . Art. 166 further prohibits women from working night hours in specific environments, including in factories, plants or mining quarries. If married, women are permitted to pursue jobs outside of the marital home, however, they are bound to professions that are considered appropriate under Sharia law" (5).
March 15, 2025, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The State party has not adopted any temporary special measures to achieve substantive equality between women and men in areas where women are underrepresented or disadvantaged, such as in political participation, education, employment and health care" (6). "The Committee welcomes the creation of the Ministry of State for the Economic Empowerment of Women and Youth and the launch in 2019 of a national plan for the economic empowerment of women, as well as the adoption of special measures to enhance women’s participation in the labour market" (12).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Articles 343 and 344 of the Act on Work and Workers requires every workplace to have an initial education centre that includes a breastfeeding room or to pay the enrolment cost and monthly fees for workers’ children between three months and six years of age to attend an initial education centre" (18). "Between 2014 and 2020, the Labour Inspectorates assisted 101,384 female workers with applications for re-employment (56,941), complaints of deteriorating work conditions (5,283), transfers refused (1,951), individual complaints (30,202) and family welfare complaints (5,590). The Inspectorates were also involved in 1,417 cases brought by female domestic workers. In 2020, cases relating to job security in the context of the...more
March 13, 2025, 3:54 p.m.
Countries: Bahrain
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"[T]he Constitution states that all citizens, both men and women: 'have the right to participate in economic activity as workers or as employers, within a framework of comprehensive legal equality that takes account of economic principles, rules of social justice and the human right to choose the most fitting form of work on the basis of skill without restricting one profession or field of activity to one sex at the expense of the other'" (4-5).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"In order to promote employment among the younger population, including women, the Organic Act on the Promotion of Youth Employment, Exceptional Regulation of the Working Day, Severance Pay and Unemployment Insurance was published in March 2016. Under this Act, changes were made to labour laws to promote employment among young women and men, primarily in the private sector (including payment of stipends, affiliation to the social security system and youth employment contracts). The Ministry of Labour is also executing two projects. 'Mi primer empleo' (my first job) aims to give young university students the opportunity to complete pre professional internships in public or private entities. During 2018 and 2019, most...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The Committee recommends that the State party promote women’s economic empowerment and to this end: Further strengthen women’s employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, in particular as company owners, and address the feminization of poverty; Establish obligations for public authorities, State enterprises and private companies to promote gender equality in public procurement, including by giving priority to bids by women-owned companies and companies that comply with minimum quotas for women’s representation in management and executive boards in public tenders; Provide adequate support for women’s entrepreneurship by facilitating their access to financial credit, including low-interest loans without collateral, start-up funds and other income-generating opportunities" (Page 13) The committee's recommendation shows these measures are...more
Feb. 27, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The women explained that they had to beg for money and food for their children as they were unable to find paid work after the Taliban took power in Afghanistan in 2021 and barred women from working. Earlier his year the Taliban passed a new law prohibiting 'healthy people' who have enough money for one day's food from begging on the streets. The Taliban said they have 'rounded up' nearly 60,000 beggars just in Kabul" (para 3-5).
Feb. 8, 2025, 12:18 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Afghanistan's Taliban authorities have ordered beauty parlours across the country to shut within a month, their latest crackdown on women's rights in the country. The order - which the vice ministry confirmed Tuesday - will force the closure of thousands of businesses run by women and outlaw one of the few remaining opportunities for them to socialise away from home. Salons are often the only source of income for households" (par. 1-3).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:27 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Act No. 19-20, [which is the] modifying and completing Law No. 17-95 related to public limited companies and setting mandatory quotas for women on the boards of publicly traded companies, in July 2021" (2). "The 'Wadhiyati' (“My situation”) 2015–2017 programme aimed at improving the prospects for and employability of women entering the labour market" (3). "The national integrated programme for the economic empowerment of women and girls 'Maroc-Attamkine', [is] aimed at increasing the employment rate for women to 30 per cent" (2). "The Committee remains concerned that there has been limited use of temporary special measures to achieve substantive equality between women and men in other areas where women are...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Model specifications have been drafted for childcare facilities near workplaces. A circular was issued in September 2019 on the establishment of childcare facilities in public facilities" (19). "Partnerships have been established with business to take in female graduates. The sector supports income-generating women’s cooperatives and manufacturing and services businesses. An 'accompanying cooperatives' programme was launched in 2013. The relevant sector supervises 121 income-generating projects and cooperatives with 45 women representatives in 77 woman-run enterprises (55 urban and 22 rural)" (24). "It [Labour Code] prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in work. It affirms the right of women to join unions and take part in their management (article 9). In...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 3:58 p.m.
Countries: Sri Lanka
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The new government is taking up policy debates on improving pay parity and making work environments better for women. It hopes to raise the rate of female participation in the formal work force to about 50 percent, up from 33 percent. The governing party is doubling down on its efforts to mobilize women politically to ensure that this moment is not fleeting" (para 14).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, AFE-LAW-1

"[S]ince Taliban took over in 2021, they have shut girls out of classrooms beyond sixth grade, banned women from universities, most types of employment, including jobs at the United Nations" (Para 6).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"An important milestone that demonstrates the progress in breaking sexist stereotypes in the workplace is the amendment of article 88 of the Labour Code (Act No. 9758 of 29 October 2019), eliminating the prohibition on night work for women and formally eradicating a discriminatory rule against women because of their gender, despite the fact that this restriction had already been lifted in the country in practice" (17).
Jan. 24, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"They also banned female lawyers and judges, targeting many of them for their work under the previous government" (para 12).
Jan. 18, 2025, 12:52 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"In just over three years, Afghan women have been banned from nearly every aspect of public life: schools, universities, most workplaces – even parks and bathhouses" (para 3).
Jan. 17, 2025, 11:50 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"For example, both female factory workers and factory managers cited a lack of safe and accessible transport options as a key barrier for female workers to utilize child-care or breast-feeding facilities which factories are obliged to provide under Cambodian labor law" (12).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"With regard to paragraph 35 (a), to ensure equal opportunities for women and men in the labour market, the National Institute for Vocational Training establishes educational training programmes and activities and courses for people from different population groups, including women from rural and urban areas, indigenous and Afro-Honduran peoples and persons with disabilities" (29). "In 2019, the National Institute for Vocational Training provided digital literacy courses for 26,881 women, and as of October 2020, 140,398 women have been trained in courses including financial tools, information and communications technology, the Microsoft Office suite of software, including basic Excel, accounting, databases and Adobe tools. In addition, it provides technical and professional training...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:45 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Thousands of home-based workers spread across Pakistan’s Sindh province achieved a historic victory in May 2018 with the enactment of the Sindh HomeBased Workers Act – the first piece of legislation in South Asia solely for home-based workers. The Act was the result of more than two decades of organizing and advocacy, and gives approximately 5 million home-based workers in Sindh the right to unionize and bargain collectively, social protection, and access dispute resolution mechanisms" (par. 1-2). "The result of their advocacy, the Sindh Home-Based Workers Act, 2018, was a significant achievement: it gives homeworkers legal recognition as “employees” and has widespread implications as it applies to all sectors and...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"It is the latest attack on women’s rights by the Taliban who, since coming to power in August 2021, have ...forced women out of their jobs" (para 7).
Jan. 9, 2025, 6:41 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"JACKIE SPEIER: They are foot dragging and are, you know, violating, frankly, a provision I put in the fiscal year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act that prohibits gender-separated training at any level" (par. 17).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Article 4 of the State Civil Service and Municipal Civil Service Act enshrines the principle of equal access for citizens to employment, regardless of sex, race, language, disability, ethnicity, religion, political or other opinion, origin, property or other status. Article 23 of the Act establishes the rule that competition for vacant posts must ensure equal access for all citizens to the State and municipal civil services. This norm has been implemented in Regulation No. 706 on the procedure for the civil service competitions and career development in the State and municipal civil services of the Kyrgyz Republic, which was approved by the Government on 29 December 2016. If candidates receive...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 9:43 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, ERBG-DATA-1

"The gender wage gap in Korea is still significant, and women face many more challenges in balancing work and family life" (para 5). "South Korea has some of the longest work hours in the developed world and is consistently ranked as one of the worst places for women to pursue equal opportunities in the workplace" (para 24).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Moreover, in accordance with article 35 of the Constitution, everyone has the right to work, to choose an occupation or type of work, to labour protection and to social protection against unemployment. Restrictions of any kind in employment relations are prohibited" (p. 3). "The Labour Code of Tajikistan prohibits discrimination in labour relations (article 7). All citizens have equal opportunities in the area of labour relations. Any distinction, exclusion or preference, or denial of employment on grounds of gender, resulting in violation of equality of opportunity in the area of employment, is prohibited. Distinctions in the labour sphere based on the special requirements of certain types of work or the...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:42 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Women and girls have been increasingly confined to their homes since the Taliban takeover in 2021. They are barred from education beyond sixth grade, including university, public spaces like parks, and most jobs" (para 7). "Women are no longer working in the judiciary or law enforcement, not allowed to deal with crimes of gender-based violence, and only permitted to attend work when called upon by their male supervisors, according to the U.N. report" (para 12).
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:55 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, AFE-LAW-1

"UN officials and human rights activists have raised the alarm about the sharp increase in the number of women attempting to take their own lives. They have explicitly linked it to Taliban restrictions on every aspect of women’s existence, from a ban on education above elementary level and a prohibition on most work, to a bar on entering parks, bathhouses and other public spaces" (para 6).
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The Committee welcomes the…[a]mendment to the Working Environment Act to strengthen the right to full-time work, in 2023" (2).
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:25 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"Afghanistan is one of the few countries where there are no female judges, attorneys, or prosecutors" (para 1). "Despite the fact that women are trained in law, the present bar directorate at the Ministry of Justice canceled all the bar licenses of female attorneys and continues to not accept any applications from women. The Taliban have declared that in accordance with sharia law and principles, women should not serve as judges ... Afghanistan is one of the few countries where women are no longer permitted to serve as judges as a result of Taliban policy. They are also ineligible to practice law and prosecute crimes" (para 3, 4). "In addition,...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 3:40 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The recent Taliban ban on women working in international and national organisations and women moving about public spaces has also affected women being able to find employment" (para 4). "The Taliban also ordered the closure of all beauty salons, public bathrooms, and sports centres for women, important sectors of employment for women" (para 17).
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1

"The Committee welcomes the amendments to the Labour Law to strengthen the equal treatment of women and men in employment and consider harassment as a form of discrimination. It also takes note of the inclusive employment guidelines for the period 2015–2020, which are aimed at promoting equal opportunities in the labour market for all persons, regardless of age, gender or disability, and have overcoming the gender pay gap as one of the key priorities" (11).