Latest items for DLB-DATA-1
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In 2017, for example, women aged 12 and older spent an average of 31 hours per week on unpaid work activities, compared to 11.3 hours for men in the same period" (2-3).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In 2017, for example, women aged 12 and older spent an average of 31 hours per week on unpaid work activities, compared to 11.3 hours for men in the same period" (2-3).
Feb. 27, 2025, 7:51 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[C]onservative values lead many families to discourage women working outside the home" (para 8). "Still, the highly publicized attacks on working women dovetail with existing beliefs held by many that a woman’s place is in the home, shaping decisions made by women and their families. A Pew Research Center survey in 2019 found 40% of Indians think it is better for a marriage for men to provide while women take care of the home and children, significantly higher than the global median of 23%" (para 17-18).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[C]onservative values lead many families to discourage women working outside the home" (para 8). "Still, the highly publicized attacks on working women dovetail with existing beliefs held by many that a woman’s place is in the home, shaping decisions made by women and their families. A Pew Research Center survey in 2019 found 40% of Indians think it is better for a marriage for men to provide while women take care of the home and children, significantly higher than the global median of 23%" (para 17-18).
Feb. 19, 2025, 6:09 p.m.
Countries: Germany
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"The nationwide survey, which polled 1,000 men and 1,000 women aged 18 to 35, was commissioned by children’s aid organisation Plan International Germany and carried out online from March 9 to 21. It further found that 52 per cent of men said they believed their role was to be the main provider in a relationship, and that their partner should mostly run the household" (para 6).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"The nationwide survey, which polled 1,000 men and 1,000 women aged 18 to 35, was commissioned by children’s aid organisation Plan International Germany and carried out online from March 9 to 21. It further found that 52 per cent of men said they believed their role was to be the main provider in a relationship, and that their partner should mostly run the household" (para 6).
Jan. 24, 2025, 7:43 p.m.
Countries: Chile
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[I]n a typical day, although men and women devote many hours to unpaid work, there is a clear gender difference in the population aged 12 and above: while men devote on average 2.74 hours to unpaid work, women double this number, devoting 5.89 hours (2015 data)" (3).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[I]n a typical day, although men and women devote many hours to unpaid work, there is a clear gender difference in the population aged 12 and above: while men devote on average 2.74 hours to unpaid work, women double this number, devoting 5.89 hours (2015 data)" (3).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Domestic work in Kyrgyzstan is largely female. Women spend an average of 4.2 hours a day in the household every day, spending 17.4 per cent of their time on this. For men, such activities do not exceed 5.7 per cent. It can be seen, then, that women spend 3 times more time on domestic work and 2 times more time on raising children than men. Men’s free time amount to almost a quarter of a day, which is 1.2 times more than women’s" (26).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Domestic work in Kyrgyzstan is largely female. Women spend an average of 4.2 hours a day in the household every day, spending 17.4 per cent of their time on this. For men, such activities do not exceed 5.7 per cent. It can be seen, then, that women spend 3 times more time on domestic work and 2 times more time on raising children than men. Men’s free time amount to almost a quarter of a day, which is 1.2 times more than women’s" (26).
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: CL-PRACTICE-1, DLB-DATA-1
"The Committee [is]concerned about...the unequal sharing of family responsibilities between women and men" (11).
Variables: CL-PRACTICE-1, DLB-DATA-1
"The Committee [is]concerned about...the unequal sharing of family responsibilities between women and men" (11).
Oct. 16, 2024, 11:27 a.m.
Countries: North Korea
"'With no alternative source of income, they [women] are still required to feed their family, look after sick family members, while also providing contributions to the state'" (para 15).
"'With no alternative source of income, they [women] are still required to feed their family, look after sick family members, while also providing contributions to the state'" (para 15).
July 26, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Countries: Benin
“The spread of conflict in the Sahel region depends on the recruitment of disaffected men who have few economic options. Women having livelihoods and income is an important alternative for husbands or male family members who might be otherwise be drawn to groups such as the al-Qaida-affiliated Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen” (4). “ ‘Women are expected to work and earn money,’ says [Olyvia] Fadeyi, [mycologist teaching women to harness economic value of mushrooms]. ‘But what they earn from farming is not enough, and the money they do earn they are expected to give to their husbands’ ” (7). “Albertine Doussoumon and her mother, Rosaline Chabi, are two of 180...more
“The spread of conflict in the Sahel region depends on the recruitment of disaffected men who have few economic options. Women having livelihoods and income is an important alternative for husbands or male family members who might be otherwise be drawn to groups such as the al-Qaida-affiliated Jamaat Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen” (4). “ ‘Women are expected to work and earn money,’ says [Olyvia] Fadeyi, [mycologist teaching women to harness economic value of mushrooms]. ‘But what they earn from farming is not enough, and the money they do earn they are expected to give to their husbands’ ” (7). “Albertine Doussoumon and her mother, Rosaline Chabi, are two of 180...more
Nov. 3, 2023, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
“'It's difficult lugging this around,' she says loading her equipment into a fancy elevator to service her third apartment of the morning. 'I can be fired tomorrow morning and I'll get nothing, and I have no pension. But at least I have been able to pick my daughter up from school’” (para 30). Regardless of employment status, women are expected to be primary caretakers of children. Activities like picking up children from school are time consuming and take place during the work day (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
“'It's difficult lugging this around,' she says loading her equipment into a fancy elevator to service her third apartment of the morning. 'I can be fired tomorrow morning and I'll get nothing, and I have no pension. But at least I have been able to pick my daughter up from school’” (para 30). Regardless of employment status, women are expected to be primary caretakers of children. Activities like picking up children from school are time consuming and take place during the work day (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Oct. 10, 2023, 3:49 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"'Especially for low-wage working women and women of color, especially Black and Latina women, there has been generations of undervaluing fair labor, even though that labor is the backbone of our economy,' said Elizabeth Gedmark, vice president of A Better Balance" (para 2). Work hours of low-wage working women are considered by this person to be the unacknowledged backbone of the economy, indicating that a large proportion of work hours are supplied by low-wage working women (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"'Especially for low-wage working women and women of color, especially Black and Latina women, there has been generations of undervaluing fair labor, even though that labor is the backbone of our economy,' said Elizabeth Gedmark, vice president of A Better Balance" (para 2). Work hours of low-wage working women are considered by this person to be the unacknowledged backbone of the economy, indicating that a large proportion of work hours are supplied by low-wage working women (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Sept. 22, 2023, 8:51 a.m.
Countries: Angola
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
“Workweek standards were not enforced unless employees filed a formal complaint with the Ministry of Public Administration, Employment, and Social Security. Labor law protected foreign workers with permanent legal status or a temporary work visa… A 2016 presidential decree established minimum employment standards for domestic workers, including national minimum wage protection, an eight-hour work day for domestic workers living outside of their employer’s home, a 10-hour work day for domestic workers living inside their employer’s home" (28).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
“Workweek standards were not enforced unless employees filed a formal complaint with the Ministry of Public Administration, Employment, and Social Security. Labor law protected foreign workers with permanent legal status or a temporary work visa… A 2016 presidential decree established minimum employment standards for domestic workers, including national minimum wage protection, an eight-hour work day for domestic workers living outside of their employer’s home, a 10-hour work day for domestic workers living inside their employer’s home" (28).
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan
"Also of concern is the burden on women as caretakers and unpaid workers in the home, which may hinder or entirely preclude professional development. In the case of divorce, Bhutanese law grants custody of children under nine years old to the mother, a statute that may further ingrain the stereotype of women as primary caregivers. A 2001 study found that, in rural areas, women were responsible for cooking, washing clothes, and preserving food for over 80 percent of households; urban regions presented an even starker figure, with more than 90 percent of households leaving cooking, cleaning, washing and food purchasing to women. These time-consuming tasks undeniably present a barrier to...more
"Also of concern is the burden on women as caretakers and unpaid workers in the home, which may hinder or entirely preclude professional development. In the case of divorce, Bhutanese law grants custody of children under nine years old to the mother, a statute that may further ingrain the stereotype of women as primary caregivers. A 2001 study found that, in rural areas, women were responsible for cooking, washing clothes, and preserving food for over 80 percent of households; urban regions presented an even starker figure, with more than 90 percent of households leaving cooking, cleaning, washing and food purchasing to women. These time-consuming tasks undeniably present a barrier to...more
Sept. 18, 2023, 2 a.m.
Countries: Bhutan
"Also of concern is the burden on women as caretakers and unpaid workers in the home, which may hinder or entirely preclude professional development. In the case of divorce, Bhutanese law grants custody of children under nine years old to the mother, a statute that may further ingrain the stereotype of women as primary caregivers. A 2001 study found that, in rural areas, women were responsible for cooking, washing clothes, and preserving food for over 80 percent of households; urban regions presented an even starker figure, with more than 90 percent of households leaving cooking, cleaning, washing and food purchasing to women. These time-consuming tasks undeniably present a barrier to...more
"Also of concern is the burden on women as caretakers and unpaid workers in the home, which may hinder or entirely preclude professional development. In the case of divorce, Bhutanese law grants custody of children under nine years old to the mother, a statute that may further ingrain the stereotype of women as primary caregivers. A 2001 study found that, in rural areas, women were responsible for cooking, washing clothes, and preserving food for over 80 percent of households; urban regions presented an even starker figure, with more than 90 percent of households leaving cooking, cleaning, washing and food purchasing to women. These time-consuming tasks undeniably present a barrier to...more
Aug. 8, 2023, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Similarly, the average time required to fetch water has decreased from three hours to one hour, representing a gain of two hours or, over the course of a year, 30 days of additional free time for women." (24). "Finally, the Programme’s processing equipment has lightened women’s workload in activities such as the threshing of grains and their processing into flour." (24).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Similarly, the average time required to fetch water has decreased from three hours to one hour, representing a gain of two hours or, over the course of a year, 30 days of additional free time for women." (24). "Finally, the Programme’s processing equipment has lightened women’s workload in activities such as the threshing of grains and their processing into flour." (24).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[A] shortened working hour not exceeding 36 hours [is guaranteed] while paying the full salary amount for a woman with pregnancy, a woman with a child aged below 18 months and a parent that up brings on his/her own a child aged below 3… In addition to the free time given to the women with a child aged below 18 months and the general lunch break, presuming also each of break time given for feeding (breastfeeding) of a child should last for at least 30 minutes, such women should be given another break time for each 3 hours while these break time periods will be included in the working hours...more
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"[A] shortened working hour not exceeding 36 hours [is guaranteed] while paying the full salary amount for a woman with pregnancy, a woman with a child aged below 18 months and a parent that up brings on his/her own a child aged below 3… In addition to the free time given to the women with a child aged below 18 months and the general lunch break, presuming also each of break time given for feeding (breastfeeding) of a child should last for at least 30 minutes, such women should be given another break time for each 3 hours while these break time periods will be included in the working hours...more
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In addition to the social norms which shape girls’ educational focus and which direct the labour force engagement, unpaid care work in the home remains the key challenge to women’s full and robust labour force participation. Women spend on average six hours a day on unpaid care work in the home, as compared to men who spend 3 hours a day on average." (22).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In addition to the social norms which shape girls’ educational focus and which direct the labour force engagement, unpaid care work in the home remains the key challenge to women’s full and robust labour force participation. Women spend on average six hours a day on unpaid care work in the home, as compared to men who spend 3 hours a day on average." (22).
June 20, 2023, 9:30 p.m.
Countries: Nicaragua
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"According to article 73 of the Constitution, family relations are founded on respect, solidarity and absolute equality of rights and responsibilities between men and women. Parents share the same rights and responsibilities and have a common duty to maintain the family home and raise their children properly. The Family Code stipulates that society and the State have an obligation to protect, develop and strengthen the family through the bonds of love, solidarity, assistance and mutual respect. It addresses the best interests of the child, female heads of households, the protection of the family home and the equal rights and responsibilities of men and women." (32) (NF - CODER COMMENT -...more
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"According to article 73 of the Constitution, family relations are founded on respect, solidarity and absolute equality of rights and responsibilities between men and women. Parents share the same rights and responsibilities and have a common duty to maintain the family home and raise their children properly. The Family Code stipulates that society and the State have an obligation to protect, develop and strengthen the family through the bonds of love, solidarity, assistance and mutual respect. It addresses the best interests of the child, female heads of households, the protection of the family home and the equal rights and responsibilities of men and women." (32) (NF - CODER COMMENT -...more
Feb. 27, 2023, 1:02 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Many women still say nope. No wonder. There’s little escaping suffocating gender norms, whether in pregnancy guidelines to arrange clean undergarments for your husband before labor, or the dayslong kitchen drudgework for holidays like the Chuseok harvest festival. Married women are saddled with the lion’s share of chores and child care, squeezing new mothers so much that many give up professional ambitions. Even in dual-income households, wives daily spend more than three hours on these tasks versus their husband’s 54 minutes." (para 10). "It’s clear that countries with a disproportionate division of child care or lacking national paid parental leave, like Japan and the United States, also have plunging fertility...more
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Many women still say nope. No wonder. There’s little escaping suffocating gender norms, whether in pregnancy guidelines to arrange clean undergarments for your husband before labor, or the dayslong kitchen drudgework for holidays like the Chuseok harvest festival. Married women are saddled with the lion’s share of chores and child care, squeezing new mothers so much that many give up professional ambitions. Even in dual-income households, wives daily spend more than three hours on these tasks versus their husband’s 54 minutes." (para 10). "It’s clear that countries with a disproportionate division of child care or lacking national paid parental leave, like Japan and the United States, also have plunging fertility...more
Feb. 2, 2023, 1:11 p.m.
Countries: Austria
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Despite the relatively high employment rate among women between 15 and 64 years of age (68.69 per cent), 47.5 per cent of employed women are currently holding part-time positions, predominantly owing to family responsibilities. Because of what is considered to be the roles of women and men, women continue to be the main caretakers of children and adults in need of care" (10).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Despite the relatively high employment rate among women between 15 and 64 years of age (68.69 per cent), 47.5 per cent of employed women are currently holding part-time positions, predominantly owing to family responsibilities. Because of what is considered to be the roles of women and men, women continue to be the main caretakers of children and adults in need of care" (10).
June 21, 2022, 1:11 p.m.
Countries: Guyana
"The Committee welcomes awareness-raising initiatives on gender equality undertaken by the Gender Affairs Bureau, including in hinterland regions. Nevertheless, it notes the following with concern: (a) The persistence of discriminatory sex- and gender-based stereotypes and social inequalities between women and men, as well as patriarchal power structures in the State party, which are perpetuated through the media and advertising; (b) That the unequal division of family and domestic responsibilities between women and men places a disproportionate burden on women, especially single mothers; (c) That 27 per cent of women in the State party marry before they reach 18 years of age, that such marriages are legal with judicial authorization and...more
"The Committee welcomes awareness-raising initiatives on gender equality undertaken by the Gender Affairs Bureau, including in hinterland regions. Nevertheless, it notes the following with concern: (a) The persistence of discriminatory sex- and gender-based stereotypes and social inequalities between women and men, as well as patriarchal power structures in the State party, which are perpetuated through the media and advertising; (b) That the unequal division of family and domestic responsibilities between women and men places a disproportionate burden on women, especially single mothers; (c) That 27 per cent of women in the State party marry before they reach 18 years of age, that such marriages are legal with judicial authorization and...more
June 14, 2022, 5:24 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Data show that between 2008 and 2018, the time fathers spend with their children (on active care days) has increased with 48 minutes, from 1 hour and 27 minutes to 2 hours and 15 minutes. In comparison, mothers in 2018 spent 2 hours and 55 minutes with their children (on active care days)" (8).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Data show that between 2008 and 2018, the time fathers spend with their children (on active care days) has increased with 48 minutes, from 1 hour and 27 minutes to 2 hours and 15 minutes. In comparison, mothers in 2018 spent 2 hours and 55 minutes with their children (on active care days)" (8).
March 10, 2022, 10:53 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"UNHCR staff reported restrictions on movement [for refugees] increasingly forced families to send children and young women, whom authorities are less likely to stop yet who are more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, to perform family errands" (24).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"UNHCR staff reported restrictions on movement [for refugees] increasingly forced families to send children and young women, whom authorities are less likely to stop yet who are more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, to perform family errands" (24).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"A women spends a lot of time completing her required daily duties as compared to a man. For most Somali women its around the clock, it never stops. And if she has a daughter, as she gets older she will help with the chores and labor work" (1).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"A women spends a lot of time completing her required daily duties as compared to a man. For most Somali women its around the clock, it never stops. And if she has a daughter, as she gets older she will help with the chores and labor work" (1).
Sept. 8, 2021, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"And a Japanese governor who recommended men go grocery shopping during the pandemic because women take too long" (para 2). This suggests that women may generally be expected to shop for groceries (JLR CODER COMMENT). "During the economic miracle, women were largely relegated to the domestic sphere or occupied clerical and secretarial roles in offices, largely due to attitudes at that time. '(The older generation) think back then society worked better and the economy was better -- there's that arrogance,' said Choo. Mori and Nikai both said women should remain silent. Choo says their disparaging remarks toward women were examples of traditional and outdated views on the place of women...more
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"And a Japanese governor who recommended men go grocery shopping during the pandemic because women take too long" (para 2). This suggests that women may generally be expected to shop for groceries (JLR CODER COMMENT). "During the economic miracle, women were largely relegated to the domestic sphere or occupied clerical and secretarial roles in offices, largely due to attitudes at that time. '(The older generation) think back then society worked better and the economy was better -- there's that arrogance,' said Choo. Mori and Nikai both said women should remain silent. Choo says their disparaging remarks toward women were examples of traditional and outdated views on the place of women...more
July 29, 2021, 3:23 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In addition to rape and sexual violence committed in the context of attacks on villages, many women and girls have been raped during or following displacement from their homes. These attacks have targeted women and girls travelling to displaced persons camps or to towns, leaving the relative protection of those locations to collect firewood, water or other items, and taking these goods to market to sell in exchange for necessary family items. Women and girls are particularly at risk for rape once displaced because collecting firewood and fetching water are chores traditionally allocated to women. Most of the displaced communities living in the camps are almost entirely dependent on humanitarian...more
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In addition to rape and sexual violence committed in the context of attacks on villages, many women and girls have been raped during or following displacement from their homes. These attacks have targeted women and girls travelling to displaced persons camps or to towns, leaving the relative protection of those locations to collect firewood, water or other items, and taking these goods to market to sell in exchange for necessary family items. Women and girls are particularly at risk for rape once displaced because collecting firewood and fetching water are chores traditionally allocated to women. Most of the displaced communities living in the camps are almost entirely dependent on humanitarian...more
June 29, 2021, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Mary, another domestic worker, said that her employer would force her to work for 19 hours every day, for seven days a week, without a break or a day off" (para 17).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Mary, another domestic worker, said that her employer would force her to work for 19 hours every day, for seven days a week, without a break or a day off" (para 17).
May 31, 2021, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Switzerland
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"The Swiss Trade Union Federation, which helped to organize the protests, said the coronavirus pandemic had shone a light on the lack of progress in improving equality, working conditions and recognition of unpaid domestic work. '(The pandemic) has in fact drawn attention to the kind of work that is very often carried out by women',' the federation wrote on its website" (para 4-5).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"The Swiss Trade Union Federation, which helped to organize the protests, said the coronavirus pandemic had shone a light on the lack of progress in improving equality, working conditions and recognition of unpaid domestic work. '(The pandemic) has in fact drawn attention to the kind of work that is very often carried out by women',' the federation wrote on its website" (para 4-5).
March 31, 2021, 3:48 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"During the pandemic Pakistan has seen…an increased burden of domestic and care work imposed on working women" (para 5). "Najeeb said women have faced a significant rise in care work at home, exacerbated by the increase in domestic violence" (para 13).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"During the pandemic Pakistan has seen…an increased burden of domestic and care work imposed on working women" (para 5). "Najeeb said women have faced a significant rise in care work at home, exacerbated by the increase in domestic violence" (para 13).
Feb. 23, 2021, 9:16 p.m.
Countries: Solomon Islands
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"This research indicates that adolescent girls spend 75% more time than boys on household chores, which is significantly higher than the global average. Girls undertake 15-20 hours of chores each week, whereas boys are more likely to complete just a few hours, one to six" (para 10).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"This research indicates that adolescent girls spend 75% more time than boys on household chores, which is significantly higher than the global average. Girls undertake 15-20 hours of chores each week, whereas boys are more likely to complete just a few hours, one to six" (para 10).
Jan. 31, 2021, 3:04 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Women continue to do the bulk of unpaid care and domestic work, with 32.6% of women reporting doing 15 or more hours of unpaid domestic work per week as compared to 11.7% of men" (9).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"Women continue to do the bulk of unpaid care and domestic work, with 32.6% of women reporting doing 15 or more hours of unpaid domestic work per week as compared to 11.7% of men" (9).