The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for CWC-DATA-2

March 21, 2025, 4:01 p.m.
Countries: Guyana
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Yesim Oruc, the U.N.’s resident country coordinator, said government agencies and nonprofits have increased training of teachers and law officials in Guyana about child-protective measures in recent years. But enforcement in remote communities remains difficult, she said. Spotty phone service in rural mining areas, for example, has limited the efficacy of hotlines that the government formed for victims to report sex trafficking and exploitation, according to the U.S. State Department" (para 19).
March 21, 2025, 3:12 p.m.
Countries: Finland
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"The HRC [Human Rights Committee] also noted the insufficient number of shelters and rape crisis centres, especially in remote rural areas" (6).
March 20, 2025, 1:55 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"[W]omen and girls, particularly in rural areas, lack access to adequate health care services, especially with respect to prenatal and postnatal care and family planning" (4). "[T]ransition to lower secondary school remains a challenge, especially for girls. Secondary schools are typically located in district towns, not in villages. While parents are likely to feel comfortable sending their adolescent sons to stay with a friend or relative who lives near the school, they are far less likely to agree to similar arrangements for their daughters" (5).
March 19, 2025, 11:07 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"[U]nless the government takes immediate responsibility, teenage girls, rural women and low-income women who are less likely to have the resources to access safe services in Uganda, will continue to be seek clandestine abortions, increasing their risk of abortion-related complications and death" (4).
March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"In the Kurdistan region, forced marriage, bride exchanges, marriage of minors, and marriages in exchange for blood money are illegal. However, these violations continue to take place in large numbers outside the formal judiciary system, particularly in rural areas" (9).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"According to data provided by the Federal Council of Government, 50.07 per cent of agricultural production projects are headed by women. The Women’s Development Bank (BANMUJER) has financed the expansion of productive work by rural women by approving 11,696 loans for the agrarian sector. Among the initiatives taken to create economic opportunities, the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality, working with the Ministry of People’s Power for Agriculture and Land, Café Venezuela, and Cacao Oderi, made arrangements to provide induction, training, technical assistance and advice to social production organizations sponsored by it in the agriculture sector. Mention should also be made of the Cooperation Agreement between the...more
March 13, 2025, 10:21 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"[W]omen living in rural areas cannot access the protection orders against violent partners provided for in the Combating of Domestic Violence Act, because the protection orders are issued by magistrate courts which are only in towns" (6). "Women who are living in rural areas have problems accessing protection orders because there are no magistrate courts in our villages" (9).
March 7, 2025, 6:41 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"In addition to the rural/urban demographic differences, there is a huge floating population of estimated 245 million individuals, comprising individuals who move away from their registered hukou (household registration) location, the majority of whom moving from rural villages in underdeveloped regions to modern cities in search of better work opportunities and a better life. However, China’s ninth periodic report did not provide any updated information regarding the high sex ratio at birth and the practice of non-medical needs fetal sex identification and sex-selective artificial termination of pregnancy with respect to the floating population" (5).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"With regard to rural women, 36 per cent have access to land compared to 43 per cent of men, which results in a gap of 4.3 per cent in land ownership" (3). "A process was launched in 2018 to raise awareness of political participation and gender equality among rural women from indigenous communities in four provinces of the country" (23). "There are 6,795 mainstream and 10 special rural educational institutions in Ecuador. As of 2019, a total of 513,648 girls and adolescent girls were reported to be enrolled in rural educational establishments" (26). "The level of education plays a greater role in labour market entry for women. In 2015, 26.4...more
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Strengthen access [to education] for girls and women from disadvantaged groups, including rural girls, girls whose parents have migrated to urban areas" (Page 11). "It notes with concern, however, that women are concentrated in service-sector jobs or work in rural areas for low pay" (Page 13). "The Committee notes with concern, however, that the protection of rural women’s land rights remains weak, owing to the impact of sexist stereotypes and prejudices that are most acutely expressed in the countryside, and high numbers of rural women have not registered their name on the land contract management right certificate or did not register their name in the family property use right certificate....more
Feb. 28, 2025, 5:42 p.m.
Countries: Niger
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Customary law, often in conflict with statutory law, particularly in rural areas, regards women as secondary citizens who cannot make decisions and cannot have opinions or visions different from that of the head of the family (father, husband, brother)" (1). "However, the rates of infant and maternal mortality remain high because the increase in services is not proportionate to the high population demography and some villages are still far removed from health centres" (2). "Even today, parents still believe that it is better to give away their daughters in marriage before the age of 18 rather than risk keeping them in a school system with no future or keeping them...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 10:15 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Local groups report that the situation is particularly difficult for women and girls living in rural areas where it is often the case that they do not have enough knowledge or confidence to file a complaint and instead are easily dissuaded from accessing justice. If there are no witnesses, a victim living in a rural area will, in most cases, keep silent about the crime, while in cases where there are witnesses, there is a greater, yet still limited, chance that the case will be able to proceed" (6).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Research carried out, as part of the project, on masculinities and their impact on child marriage and early unions showed that 60 per cent of men in rural areas and 48.5 per cent of men in urban areas were in a union with an underage partner" (14). "Male students and students living in rural areas have the highest school dropout rates. According to information provided by the Dominican Institute for Educational Quality Evaluation and Research in 2016, the main risk factors associated with the problem are socioeconomic. For the 2017/18 school year, in urban areas the dropout rate was 2.46 per cent among girls and female adolescents, and 3.33 per...more
Feb. 20, 2025, 9:55 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"'Many Afghans have informed me that forced and child marriages still occur widely with impunity, including with Taliban members, especially in rural and remote areas'" (para 29).
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:04 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Pakistan (and many other countries around the globe) have tried to address these problems with women's police stations staffed by women. In July, Saleem established a new kind of facility in Gujranwala: a Women's Enclave. Decorated with pink and purple couches, it provides a safe space for women to file complaints informally before contacting a police station and assits victims with counseling and getting a lawyer. But Saleem grew concerned that the Women's Enclave was not serving women in rural areas and unable to leave their homes. That's why the Pink Wheels entered the picture" (par. 4-6).
Feb. 11, 2025, 9:54 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Despite fighting between Iraqi forces and ISIS subsiding, an estimated 1.8 million people remain displaced—450,000 of them across 109 camps and another 1.2 million in private or informal housing arrangements. They are uniquely vulnerable to abuse. Some are being forced to return home to unsafe conditions, where they risk landmines, revenge attacks from neighbors, or forced recruitment into local armed groups. Some are being prevented from returning home and are effectively detained in camps. In 2019, humanitarian workers in Iraq identified 242 distinct areas in Iraq where families have not been able to return even though the fighting ended, because areas have yet to be cleared of landmines, explosives, and...more
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"When Human Rights Watch documented conditions for child domestic workers in 2005 and 2012, child workers as young as 8 – known locally as 'petites bonnes' – said that their employers frequently beat and verbally abused them, would not let them go to school, and sometimes refused them adequate food. Some said they worked for 12 hours a day, seven days a week, for as little as 100 Moroccan dirhams (US$11) per month. Most child domestic workers in Morocco come from poor rural areas. Intermediaries frequently recruit them to work in cities, often making deceptive promises about their working conditions" (2-3).
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2016 of the State party’s combined seventh and eighth periodic reports in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following: (a) Regulations for the National Solidarity Credit Programme for Rural Women Act, in 2018" (1). "It is concerned that women, especially rural women, women belonging to ethnic minorities, migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and women with disabilities are often not aware of their rights under the Convention and the remedies available to claim them" (para 3). "However, it remains concerned about intersecting forms of discrimination against disadvantaged and marginalized groups of women in the State party, in particular...more
Jan. 30, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Women and girls from rural communities and those who haven’t completed secondary schooling are more likely to have experienced FGM than those from urban areas and those who have completed their education" (3). "The transition from primary to lower secondary school has been reported by rights groups as particularly challenging for girls in rural areas. If families can only afford to send some children to school further away, there is a higher chance that boys will be prioritized over girls for safety or cultural reasons" (6).
Jan. 29, 2025, 7:35 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"The Committee notes the 29 court decisions in which judges have referred to the Convention. It notes with concern, however, that the Convention, the Optional Protocol thereto and the Committee’s general recommendations are not fully incorporated into domestic law and that women, in particular women living in poverty, women with disabilities, migrant women and rural women, are often not aware of their rights under the Convention and the remedies available to claim them" (3). "[I]t notes with concern: (a) The so-called 'education blackout' or technological gap and limited Internet access for women and girls, exacerbated by the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) pandemic, which intensified existing gender inequalities in the State...more
Jan. 28, 2025, 9:22 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"The probability of completing primary school is higher in urban than rural areas and increases with the relative wealth of the student’s household" (4).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Through non-reimbursable projects, rural credit, training and technical support in organizational and business management, some 136,000 women have benefited nationwide. The objective of these measures has been to strengthen women’s capacities and skills so that they can develop value-added productive activities to generate their own income and resources through access to paid work" (22). "With regard to the recommendation on the elimination of stereotyped gender roles and intra-housing inequality that affects rural women (contained in paragraph 35 (c)), progress has been made in coordination with the National Institute for Women and UNDP for the implementation of the equality seal system in all agencies in the agricultural sector (see annex 19)"...more
Jan. 23, 2025, 4:56 p.m.
Countries: India

"Many cases of crimes against women go unreported in India due to the stigma surrounding sexual violence, as well as a lack of faith in the police. Women’s rights activists say the problem is particularly acute in rural areas, where people sometimes shame the victims of sexual assault and families worry about their social standing" (para 9).
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"In the field of education, of the total number of people with disabilities, 29% of women never went to school, compared to 15% of men. In rural areas, 57% of women with disabilities have no educational level and only 33% studied primary school" (13).
Jan. 16, 2025, 12:15 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Ministry of Health figures from 2020 suggest that only about 65% of women and girls in urban areas, and 46% in rural areas have access to disposable menstrual pads" (para 12).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Through the Te Queremos Estudiando en Casa (We Want You Studying at Home) strategy, implemented against the backdrop of the pandemic, attention was focused on students, curricular content was prioritized and exercise books were distributed to rural areas and areas that do not have access to the Internet or other means of communication" (26). "With regard to the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, the Ministry of Health adopted the Strategy for the Prevention of Teenage Pregnancy in Honduras in 2012. In 2019, an assessment led to the identification of a significant number of adolescents who were being left behind, including adolescents from rural areas and indigenous and Afro-Honduran communities, from sectors...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"In Hungary there are generations who have little choice but to follow their parents and become pimps or prostitutes themselves. Municipal workers in rural areas report frequently hearing this. It is an indication of the dynamics that perpetuate the system of prostitution and the supply of new pimps and prostitutes" (par. 6).
Jan. 10, 2025, 7 p.m.
Countries: New Zealand
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"Those in our rural areas are most at risk of trafficking, and exploitation, they are our most vulnerable, majority coloured, living in poverty, family violence, abuse, lack of education, and resources" (para 8). "It is important to note that our Maori families are mostly from rural areas, many of our children are not in school for lack of resources, children run away from home from lack of support, perhaps family violence, alcohol and drug use, sexual abuse within the family or community and run away to cities like Auckland to make money. But when they arrive, choices are limited, girls as young as 12 have no formal education, they are...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:32 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"In recent years, the fish population has been declining largely because of overfishing and climate change, experts say. That decline has become a key driver for transactional sex across Malawi’s lakeshore districts – where fishing is a way of life and means of income – especially in markets where many buyers are impoverished women, said Fanuel Kapute, professor of fisheries and aquatic science at Mzuzu University in northern Malawi" (par. 5-6). "Malawi has a Gender Equality Act that prohibits sexual harassment with a penalty of 1 million kwacha (approximately $974) and a five-year jail term. But it has barely been enforced and information about it is hardly disseminated in rural...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:03 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: CWC-DATA-2

"We have overcome huge hurdles to become journalists. The youngest in the team, Shukri Mohamed Abdi, comes from a rural community where the very concept of being a journalist does not exist. Members of her clan have insulted and threatened her because of her work" (par. 12). "During our first year, we have reported on as many positive topics as negative ones, including on urban women who have set up farms outside Mogadishu" (par. 14).