Latest items for CRPLB-PRACTICE-1
March 20, 2025, 1:55 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
"[W]omen and girls, particularly in rural areas, lack access to adequate health care services, especially with respect to prenatal and postnatal care and family planning" (4).
"[W]omen and girls, particularly in rural areas, lack access to adequate health care services, especially with respect to prenatal and postnatal care and family planning" (4).
March 19, 2025, 11:07 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
"[I]n 2018 the Government shut down free maternal health care services provided by Mulago National Referral Hospital, and instead opened a USD25 million super specialized private women’s clinic with no public wing. The private hospital charges exorbitant patient fees many pregnant women cannot afford. Furthermore, the government is yet to fulfil pledges to equip Health Centers with the surgical theatres, health workers and commodities needed to provide emergency maternal health care services at local level" (4).
"[I]n 2018 the Government shut down free maternal health care services provided by Mulago National Referral Hospital, and instead opened a USD25 million super specialized private women’s clinic with no public wing. The private hospital charges exorbitant patient fees many pregnant women cannot afford. Furthermore, the government is yet to fulfil pledges to equip Health Centers with the surgical theatres, health workers and commodities needed to provide emergency maternal health care services at local level" (4).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
"Staff training is part of the current Concerted Strategy for the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, using the life course approach: health of women, children and adolescents. In particular, improvements have been made in the training of teams working in delivery rooms for low-risk pregnancies. In addition, between 2016 and 2019, 25,473 health workers were trained in subjects such as: obstetric emergencies, normal delivery, resuscitation, prenatal monitoring, contraception updates, clinical management of sexual violence, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, syndromic diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and diagnosis and management of HIV in pregnant women. In addition, workshops were held, between 2018 and 2019 on topics such as:...more
"Staff training is part of the current Concerted Strategy for the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, using the life course approach: health of women, children and adolescents. In particular, improvements have been made in the training of teams working in delivery rooms for low-risk pregnancies. In addition, between 2016 and 2019, 25,473 health workers were trained in subjects such as: obstetric emergencies, normal delivery, resuscitation, prenatal monitoring, contraception updates, clinical management of sexual violence, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, syndromic diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, and diagnosis and management of HIV in pregnant women. In addition, workshops were held, between 2018 and 2019 on topics such as:...more
March 13, 2025, 10:21 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
"Many San pregnant women do not have access to pre-natal care, and do not have assistance by trained nurses at childbirth. This leads to many mothers and babies dying during childbirth" (13). "Women who just gave birth use buckets because they cannot make it to the bush. It is very unsanitary and dangerous to everyone’s health including the new baby" (17). This information applies specifically to the San community (ELW - CODER COMMENT).
"Many San pregnant women do not have access to pre-natal care, and do not have assistance by trained nurses at childbirth. This leads to many mothers and babies dying during childbirth" (13). "Women who just gave birth use buckets because they cannot make it to the bush. It is very unsanitary and dangerous to everyone’s health including the new baby" (17). This information applies specifically to the San community (ELW - CODER COMMENT).
March 11, 2025, 5:27 p.m.
Countries: United States
"More than a third of US counties do not have a single medical birthing facility or the services of an obstetric clinician, causing health advocates to warn about the dangers of 'maternity care deserts', a new report says. The report, issued by March of Dimes, an infant health non-profit, and published on Tuesday, found that 35.1% of US counties are what the group calls maternity care deserts, meaning there are no specialist medical services available to provide care. These 1,104 counties are home to more than 2.3 million women of reproductive age, the report states, and in these counties in 2022, women gave birth to more than 150,000 babies" (par....more
"More than a third of US counties do not have a single medical birthing facility or the services of an obstetric clinician, causing health advocates to warn about the dangers of 'maternity care deserts', a new report says. The report, issued by March of Dimes, an infant health non-profit, and published on Tuesday, found that 35.1% of US counties are what the group calls maternity care deserts, meaning there are no specialist medical services available to provide care. These 1,104 counties are home to more than 2.3 million women of reproductive age, the report states, and in these counties in 2022, women gave birth to more than 150,000 babies" (par....more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
"The Ministry of Public Health has been implementing respectful, free-positioned and culturally appropriate childbirth care since 2008, based on the Technical Guide for Culturally Appropriate Care in Childbirth (see table 9). The Guide to Technical Specifications for Labour and Recovery Units was updated and renamed the Instructions on Technical Specifications for Delivery Care. This provides mandatory regulation of all first- and second-level Ministry of Public Health facilities that perform deliveries. The aim is to adapt delivery services to the needs of the population, taking into account customs and cultural traditions, through technical and regulatory instruments that ensure the process is appropriate. The Ministry of Public Health has certified ancestral midwives...more
"The Ministry of Public Health has been implementing respectful, free-positioned and culturally appropriate childbirth care since 2008, based on the Technical Guide for Culturally Appropriate Care in Childbirth (see table 9). The Guide to Technical Specifications for Labour and Recovery Units was updated and renamed the Instructions on Technical Specifications for Delivery Care. This provides mandatory regulation of all first- and second-level Ministry of Public Health facilities that perform deliveries. The aim is to adapt delivery services to the needs of the population, taking into account customs and cultural traditions, through technical and regulatory instruments that ensure the process is appropriate. The Ministry of Public Health has certified ancestral midwives...more
Feb. 28, 2025, 5:42 p.m.
Countries: Niger
"Numerous measures have been taken to improve maternal and reproductive health, such as the creation of healthcare centres, free access to certain products necessary for maternal and child health, and free healthcare for children aged 0 to 5 years. However, the rates of infant and maternal mortality remain high because the increase in services is not proportionate to the high population demography and some villages are still far removed from health centres. A lot of men still refuse to allow their wives to access antenatal consultations and the lack of financial means results in many women, even nowadays, giving birth at home without ever going to a health centre" (1-2).more
"Numerous measures have been taken to improve maternal and reproductive health, such as the creation of healthcare centres, free access to certain products necessary for maternal and child health, and free healthcare for children aged 0 to 5 years. However, the rates of infant and maternal mortality remain high because the increase in services is not proportionate to the high population demography and some villages are still far removed from health centres. A lot of men still refuse to allow their wives to access antenatal consultations and the lack of financial means results in many women, even nowadays, giving birth at home without ever going to a health centre" (1-2).more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
"In 2015, under the National Partnership to Accelerate the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, the Ministry of Health, with the support of UNICEF, launched the 'Better care for mothers and newborns' programme in order to improve the quality of maternal and neonatal care through the observation of clinical practice in each hospital, in accordance with protocols and using a baseline approach. UNICEF cooperated with the Ministry of Health, strengthening the Ministry’s leadership role by developing guidelines for certification in high-quality and compassionate maternal and neonatal care, certification for which public and private health facilities can apply. In 2018, the National Health Service incorporated these guidelines into its work and...more
"In 2015, under the National Partnership to Accelerate the Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality, the Ministry of Health, with the support of UNICEF, launched the 'Better care for mothers and newborns' programme in order to improve the quality of maternal and neonatal care through the observation of clinical practice in each hospital, in accordance with protocols and using a baseline approach. UNICEF cooperated with the Ministry of Health, strengthening the Ministry’s leadership role by developing guidelines for certification in high-quality and compassionate maternal and neonatal care, certification for which public and private health facilities can apply. In 2018, the National Health Service incorporated these guidelines into its work and...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:27 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
"The Committee welcomes the decrease in infant and maternal mortality rates between 2010 and 2017. It also notes with appreciation the increase in mobile medical units to serve populations in remote areas and the national campaigns to motivate pregnant women to use health services to monitor pregnancy and childbirth. Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned that: (a) Access to health care is largely determined by social and geographical context; (b) There is a lack of awareness and education among youth on sexual and reproductive health" (11).
"The Committee welcomes the decrease in infant and maternal mortality rates between 2010 and 2017. It also notes with appreciation the increase in mobile medical units to serve populations in remote areas and the national campaigns to motivate pregnant women to use health services to monitor pregnancy and childbirth. Nevertheless, the Committee is concerned that: (a) Access to health care is largely determined by social and geographical context; (b) There is a lack of awareness and education among youth on sexual and reproductive health" (11).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
"A reproductive medicine assistance system has been set up for remote areas (a reproductive emergency system)" (32). "An emergency medicine training unit has been added to the family health and community health curricula of the National School of Public Health" (32). "Mobile units provide a range of preventive, therapeutic and health awareness services, with priority placed on maternal, child and reproductive health programmes with regular field visits, which numbered 12,037 in 2017" (32). Table 12, titled "Field visits made by mobile medical units during the 2012-2017 period" records the field visits made by mobile medical units, which focus on maternal health, between 2012 and 2017. The number of visits increases...more
"A reproductive medicine assistance system has been set up for remote areas (a reproductive emergency system)" (32). "An emergency medicine training unit has been added to the family health and community health curricula of the National School of Public Health" (32). "Mobile units provide a range of preventive, therapeutic and health awareness services, with priority placed on maternal, child and reproductive health programmes with regular field visits, which numbered 12,037 in 2017" (32). Table 12, titled "Field visits made by mobile medical units during the 2012-2017 period" records the field visits made by mobile medical units, which focus on maternal health, between 2012 and 2017. The number of visits increases...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:21 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
"Women in Afghanistan have been banned from training to become midwives in the latest crackdown unveiled by the Taliban. Trainee midwifery students, who have been ordered to no longer attend classes, urged Taliban leaders to allow them to continue studying. A director at leading global charity Human Rights Watch said the measures would lead to women and girls dying due to struggling to receive healthcare during childbirth" (Para 1,2,3)
"Women in Afghanistan have been banned from training to become midwives in the latest crackdown unveiled by the Taliban. Trainee midwifery students, who have been ordered to no longer attend classes, urged Taliban leaders to allow them to continue studying. A director at leading global charity Human Rights Watch said the measures would lead to women and girls dying due to struggling to receive healthcare during childbirth" (Para 1,2,3)
Feb. 3, 2025, 2:25 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
"Women in Afghanistan have been banned from training to become midwives in the latest crackdown unveiled by the Taliban. Trainee midwifery students, who have been ordered to no longer attend classes, urged Taliban leaders to allow them to continue studying. A director at leading global charity Human Rights Watch said the measures would lead to women and girls dying due to struggling to receive healthcare during childbirth" (Para 1,2,3)
"Women in Afghanistan have been banned from training to become midwives in the latest crackdown unveiled by the Taliban. Trainee midwifery students, who have been ordered to no longer attend classes, urged Taliban leaders to allow them to continue studying. A director at leading global charity Human Rights Watch said the measures would lead to women and girls dying due to struggling to receive healthcare during childbirth" (Para 1,2,3)
Jan. 29, 2025, 7:35 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
"The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2017 of the State party’s seventh periodic report (CEDAW/C/CRI/7) in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following… (c) Law No. 10081 on women’s rights to skilled, dignified and respectful care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period, and in relation to newborn care, in 2022" (1-2). "[I]t remains deeply concerned at... (d) The non-incorporation of the childbirth traditions of Indigenous women into obstetric practice in the State party" (9).
"The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2017 of the State party’s seventh periodic report (CEDAW/C/CRI/7) in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following… (c) Law No. 10081 on women’s rights to skilled, dignified and respectful care during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period, and in relation to newborn care, in 2022" (1-2). "[I]t remains deeply concerned at... (d) The non-incorporation of the childbirth traditions of Indigenous women into obstetric practice in the State party" (9).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
"With regard to the Committee’s recommendation concerning the protection of pregnant women and mothers (contained in paragraph 31 (d)), on 17 March 2020, the amendment of article 12 of the General Health Act (Act No. 9824 of 21 January 2020) was adopted to protect pregnant women before, during and after childbirth, recognizing and seeking to ensure the protection of pregnant women when they undergo health procedures, especially gynaecological procedures, through comprehensive medical and administrative care that is timely and respectful of their condition. In addition, the Guidelines to Comprehensive Care of Women, Boys and Girls in the Prenatal, Childbirth and Postpartum Stages and the LS-SS-010 Guidelines to Care during Pregnancy,...more
"With regard to the Committee’s recommendation concerning the protection of pregnant women and mothers (contained in paragraph 31 (d)), on 17 March 2020, the amendment of article 12 of the General Health Act (Act No. 9824 of 21 January 2020) was adopted to protect pregnant women before, during and after childbirth, recognizing and seeking to ensure the protection of pregnant women when they undergo health procedures, especially gynaecological procedures, through comprehensive medical and administrative care that is timely and respectful of their condition. In addition, the Guidelines to Comprehensive Care of Women, Boys and Girls in the Prenatal, Childbirth and Postpartum Stages and the LS-SS-010 Guidelines to Care during Pregnancy,...more
Jan. 17, 2025, 5:39 p.m.
Countries: Chile
"Contrary to Article 12, and in breach of Chilean Law 20,590, the State has failed to provide the necessary medical treatment to the people of Arica, or to create the conditions that would assure accessible services. In particular, there are no toxicology specialists and not enough maternity professionals to treat the victims. There is no monitoring of diseases within the community, and the State has also failed to perform biological sampling on residents to determine levels of chromium, mercury or cadmium" (4).
"Contrary to Article 12, and in breach of Chilean Law 20,590, the State has failed to provide the necessary medical treatment to the people of Arica, or to create the conditions that would assure accessible services. In particular, there are no toxicology specialists and not enough maternity professionals to treat the victims. There is no monitoring of diseases within the community, and the State has also failed to perform biological sampling on residents to determine levels of chromium, mercury or cadmium" (4).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
"With regard to family planning and maternal health services, there are 1,648 first-level and 28 second-level facilities in the health service network of the Ministry of Health that provide free coverage to the population. Maternal health services provided at the first and second levels include prenatal care, childbirth, puerperium and general morbidity care, and the second level also includes obstetric emergencies. Comprehensive obstetric care is offered at 27 hospitals within the hospital network, including basic, general and specialty hospitals, and there are 74 maternal and child health services in 16 health regions offering basic obstetric care" (31). "According to the Global AIDS Monitoring 2019 report, 55 per cent of pregnant...more
"With regard to family planning and maternal health services, there are 1,648 first-level and 28 second-level facilities in the health service network of the Ministry of Health that provide free coverage to the population. Maternal health services provided at the first and second levels include prenatal care, childbirth, puerperium and general morbidity care, and the second level also includes obstetric emergencies. Comprehensive obstetric care is offered at 27 hospitals within the hospital network, including basic, general and specialty hospitals, and there are 74 maternal and child health services in 16 health regions offering basic obstetric care" (31). "According to the Global AIDS Monitoring 2019 report, 55 per cent of pregnant...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:03 p.m.
Countries: United States
"'Regardless, this is compelling new evidence that abortion bans are preventing tens of thousands of people who want abortions from reaching providers in the formal health care system,' said Caitlin Myers, a professor at Middlebury College who has studied the effects of abortion restrictions before Dobbs and was not involved in the report. The measured declines in legal abortions were about twice as large as she had estimated in her research, based solely on increases in travel distances. 'It’s likely that factors like clinic congestion, stigma and fear are proving just as great an obstacle,' she said." (par. 19-20). "After the Dobbs decision, the clinic hired half a dozen more...more
"'Regardless, this is compelling new evidence that abortion bans are preventing tens of thousands of people who want abortions from reaching providers in the formal health care system,' said Caitlin Myers, a professor at Middlebury College who has studied the effects of abortion restrictions before Dobbs and was not involved in the report. The measured declines in legal abortions were about twice as large as she had estimated in her research, based solely on increases in travel distances. 'It’s likely that factors like clinic congestion, stigma and fear are proving just as great an obstacle,' she said." (par. 19-20). "After the Dobbs decision, the clinic hired half a dozen more...more
Jan. 10, 2025, 2:45 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
"Home-based workers are treated as independent contractors or micro-businesses even though, in reality, they are disguised employees. They do not have employment contracts, enforceability of minimum wages, access to social security entitlements such as pensions, health coverage or maternity benefits, or access to dispute resolution mechanisms. They bear additional production costs such as the cost of workspace, equipment, materials, electricity and transportation" (par. 4).
"Home-based workers are treated as independent contractors or micro-businesses even though, in reality, they are disguised employees. They do not have employment contracts, enforceability of minimum wages, access to social security entitlements such as pensions, health coverage or maternity benefits, or access to dispute resolution mechanisms. They bear additional production costs such as the cost of workspace, equipment, materials, electricity and transportation" (par. 4).
Jan. 10, 2025, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
"What emerged is a picture of a system that is increasingly unaffordable to the estimated 61% to 72% of Afghan women who live in poverty, and one in which women often have more children than they want because of lack of access to modern contraception; face risky pregnancies because of lack of care; and undergo procedures that could be done more safely with access to and capacity to use more modern techniques" (para 19).
"What emerged is a picture of a system that is increasingly unaffordable to the estimated 61% to 72% of Afghan women who live in poverty, and one in which women often have more children than they want because of lack of access to modern contraception; face risky pregnancies because of lack of care; and undergo procedures that could be done more safely with access to and capacity to use more modern techniques" (para 19).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Japan
"So far, the government's efforts to encourage people to have more babies have had limited impact despite payments of subsidies for pregnancy, childbirth and child care" (para 18).
"So far, the government's efforts to encourage people to have more babies have had limited impact despite payments of subsidies for pregnancy, childbirth and child care" (para 18).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
"With regard to the adoption of special measures aimed at implementing the provisions of the Convention relating to the need to provide women with appropriate services during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period, besides the general rules set out in this report with reference to articles 11 and 12 of the Convention, additions have been made to the new Criminal Enforcement Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2019 and provides for special measures to benefit pregnant women (articles 45, 54 and 98)" (11). "Among the sectoral policies, the National Reproductive Health Strategy for the period up to 2015 occupies an important place. Measures taken within the framework of...more
"With regard to the adoption of special measures aimed at implementing the provisions of the Convention relating to the need to provide women with appropriate services during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period, besides the general rules set out in this report with reference to articles 11 and 12 of the Convention, additions have been made to the new Criminal Enforcement Code, which entered into force on 1 January 2019 and provides for special measures to benefit pregnant women (articles 45, 54 and 98)" (11). "Among the sectoral policies, the National Reproductive Health Strategy for the period up to 2015 occupies an important place. Measures taken within the framework of...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:25 a.m.
Countries: Niger
"Most of the patients are girls with obstetric fistula — a hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder, usually caused by complicated labour, which leaves them incontinent. 'The reason is child marriage, because when the girls are married at an early age, they get pregnant when their bodies are not ready,' says Salamatou Traoré, the clinic’s director. 'That means they develop complications easily and often they live in rural areas, far from health centres, so they do not receive any medical assistance, which makes things worse'" (para 17-18).
"Most of the patients are girls with obstetric fistula — a hole between the vagina and rectum or bladder, usually caused by complicated labour, which leaves them incontinent. 'The reason is child marriage, because when the girls are married at an early age, they get pregnant when their bodies are not ready,' says Salamatou Traoré, the clinic’s director. 'That means they develop complications easily and often they live in rural areas, far from health centres, so they do not receive any medical assistance, which makes things worse'" (para 17-18).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
"A national communication programme on the first 1,000 days of a child’s life was adopted for 2020–2024. The programme aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals on health and on food security and nutrition), and to reduce all indicators of malnutrition and undernutrition in Tajikistan" (p. 33). "The procedure for providing medical care to women during pregnancy and childbirth and after childbirth in public health care facilities was approved by Government decision No. 545 of 30 December 2021" (p. 33). "Under article 163 of the Health Code, the parents or legal representatives of children born to HIV-infected mothers receive breast-milk substitutes from birth to the time they are given a...more
"A national communication programme on the first 1,000 days of a child’s life was adopted for 2020–2024. The programme aims to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals on health and on food security and nutrition), and to reduce all indicators of malnutrition and undernutrition in Tajikistan" (p. 33). "The procedure for providing medical care to women during pregnancy and childbirth and after childbirth in public health care facilities was approved by Government decision No. 545 of 30 December 2021" (p. 33). "Under article 163 of the Health Code, the parents or legal representatives of children born to HIV-infected mothers receive breast-milk substitutes from birth to the time they are given a...more
Jan. 6, 2025, 11:18 a.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
"Death rates for mothers and newborn babies have increased for the first time in a decade amid growing concerns over patient safety, a report reveals. There has been an ‘alarming decline’ in the overall quality of NHS care, with the deterioration in maternity services particularly bad, it adds. Researchers from the Institute of Global Health Innovation, at Imperial College London, say the gap between the UK and the best performing countries for deaths from treatable causes, such as sepsis and blood clots, has widened" (par. 1-3). "Lord Darzi, co-director at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, who recently led a recent government-commissioned review into the NHS, said: ‘Our latest report...more
"Death rates for mothers and newborn babies have increased for the first time in a decade amid growing concerns over patient safety, a report reveals. There has been an ‘alarming decline’ in the overall quality of NHS care, with the deterioration in maternity services particularly bad, it adds. Researchers from the Institute of Global Health Innovation, at Imperial College London, say the gap between the UK and the best performing countries for deaths from treatable causes, such as sepsis and blood clots, has widened" (par. 1-3). "Lord Darzi, co-director at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, who recently led a recent government-commissioned review into the NHS, said: ‘Our latest report...more
Dec. 13, 2024, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Bangladesh
"There are no dividers in the maternity room shared by more than 20 women, so visiting husbands are ushered out by nurses when someone needs attending to" (para 1). "Sarker is working with more than 5,000 pregnant women in Dacope; she visits them regularly to do check-ups and holds information sessions at the Upazila Health Complex, where women and girls can drop in to discuss any issues they might be experiencing" (para 13).
"There are no dividers in the maternity room shared by more than 20 women, so visiting husbands are ushered out by nurses when someone needs attending to" (para 1). "Sarker is working with more than 5,000 pregnant women in Dacope; she visits them regularly to do check-ups and holds information sessions at the Upazila Health Complex, where women and girls can drop in to discuss any issues they might be experiencing" (para 13).
Dec. 13, 2024, 3:59 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
"As specialists in medical sociology and public health, we conducted a survey in 2022 of adolescent mothers in an informal settlement in Kenya. About a third reported that they had been abused by health providers during childbirth. The study found that abusive treatment discouraged these girls from seeking future maternity care at healthcare facilities" (para 6). "The study focused on 491 adolescent girls ranging in age from 14 to 19 years, who had a biological child at the time of the interviews. Data were analysed to estimate the scale of abuse of girls during childbirth in health facilities. In total 32.2% of adolescent mothers suffered abuse from health providers during...more
"As specialists in medical sociology and public health, we conducted a survey in 2022 of adolescent mothers in an informal settlement in Kenya. About a third reported that they had been abused by health providers during childbirth. The study found that abusive treatment discouraged these girls from seeking future maternity care at healthcare facilities" (para 6). "The study focused on 491 adolescent girls ranging in age from 14 to 19 years, who had a biological child at the time of the interviews. Data were analysed to estimate the scale of abuse of girls during childbirth in health facilities. In total 32.2% of adolescent mothers suffered abuse from health providers during...more
Dec. 11, 2024, 11:57 p.m.
Countries: Haiti
"The organisation has had no option but to close the clinic, leaving the 75 pregnant women it had been supporting with nowhere to go for medical care or to have their babies delivered. 'We’ve tried so hard to keep the clinic open but there is not much else we can do now. I can’t ask people to go to work if they might get hit by a bullet,' says Livesay. Armed gangs have terrorised the Caribbean country since its president, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated in July 2021, but in the past month there have been unprecedented levels of violence" (para 3-5). "When Sanderline went into labour last month, she had...more
"The organisation has had no option but to close the clinic, leaving the 75 pregnant women it had been supporting with nowhere to go for medical care or to have their babies delivered. 'We’ve tried so hard to keep the clinic open but there is not much else we can do now. I can’t ask people to go to work if they might get hit by a bullet,' says Livesay. Armed gangs have terrorised the Caribbean country since its president, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated in July 2021, but in the past month there have been unprecedented levels of violence" (para 3-5). "When Sanderline went into labour last month, she had...more
Dec. 11, 2024, 11:42 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
"Women in 13 out of 26 regions in the country will, by the end of the year, be entitled to free services during pregnancy and for one month after childbirth. Babies will receive free healthcare for their first 28 days under the scheme, which the government plans to extend to the rest of DRC – although there is no timetable for that yet. However, health workers have raised concerns that hospitals and medical centres are ill-equipped to cope with any increased demand on services. Some told the Guardian there were not enough staff, facilities or equipment to successfully introduce the $113m (£93m) programme, which is supported by the World Bank"...more
"Women in 13 out of 26 regions in the country will, by the end of the year, be entitled to free services during pregnancy and for one month after childbirth. Babies will receive free healthcare for their first 28 days under the scheme, which the government plans to extend to the rest of DRC – although there is no timetable for that yet. However, health workers have raised concerns that hospitals and medical centres are ill-equipped to cope with any increased demand on services. Some told the Guardian there were not enough staff, facilities or equipment to successfully introduce the $113m (£93m) programme, which is supported by the World Bank"...more
Dec. 10, 2024, 3:36 p.m.
Countries: Laos
"[R]ecent research points to the need for nearly 6,000 trained midwives across the country in the next six years. In 2019, there were just 1,834 in total" (para 2). "Every year, about 200 students graduate from the country’s three internationally-accredited midwifery colleges – the first to receive the distinction in the Asia-Pacific region, with the process supported by UNFPA" (para 10).
"[R]ecent research points to the need for nearly 6,000 trained midwives across the country in the next six years. In 2019, there were just 1,834 in total" (para 2). "Every year, about 200 students graduate from the country’s three internationally-accredited midwifery colleges – the first to receive the distinction in the Asia-Pacific region, with the process supported by UNFPA" (para 10).
Dec. 6, 2024, 11:26 p.m.
Countries: Nicaragua
"Through the country’s universal free health care system, all prenatal, childbirth and post-natal care in Nicaragua is offered countrywide free of charge – c-sections, premature births, neonatal ICU stays and, incredibly, even fetal surgeries are all free. Home births, previously common especially in rural areas, are now nearly unheard-of – 97% of all births are in hospitals. Lay midwives who once attended home births have now been incorporated into the health care system to provide prenatal and in-hospital birth support. In Nicaragua, 25 hospitals have been built new and 46 remodeled since 2007 to make giving birth in hospital a possibility even for rural families. Respect for Nicaragua’s diverse cultures...more
"Through the country’s universal free health care system, all prenatal, childbirth and post-natal care in Nicaragua is offered countrywide free of charge – c-sections, premature births, neonatal ICU stays and, incredibly, even fetal surgeries are all free. Home births, previously common especially in rural areas, are now nearly unheard-of – 97% of all births are in hospitals. Lay midwives who once attended home births have now been incorporated into the health care system to provide prenatal and in-hospital birth support. In Nicaragua, 25 hospitals have been built new and 46 remodeled since 2007 to make giving birth in hospital a possibility even for rural families. Respect for Nicaragua’s diverse cultures...more