Latest items for BR-PRACTICE-2
March 7, 2025, 2:19 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Senior Presidential Secretary for Population Planning You Hye-mi said on Wednesday that the policies of President Yoon Suk-yeol deserved credit for reversing South Korea’s population decline. You said the growing number of children born during the first two years of marriage, and an increase in two- and three-child families that began in the last quarter of 2024, were particularly encouraging signs" (para 6). This implies that the ideal family size is small (ELW - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Senior Presidential Secretary for Population Planning You Hye-mi said on Wednesday that the policies of President Yoon Suk-yeol deserved credit for reversing South Korea’s population decline. You said the growing number of children born during the first two years of marriage, and an increase in two- and three-child families that began in the last quarter of 2024, were particularly encouraging signs" (para 6). This implies that the ideal family size is small (ELW - CODER COMMENT).
Feb. 6, 2025, 9:50 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"That changed under Putin, who has forged a powerful alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church, promoting 'traditional values' and seeking to boost population growth. Health Minister Mikhail Murashko has condemned women for prioritizing education and career over childbearing" (para 10). "Anastasia, a Muscovite who sought an abortion in 2020, said it 'wasn’t very pleasant' when a doctor urged her to change her mind. 'I simply don’t want any children,' she told AP, asking that her last name not be used for fear of reprisals" (para 36-37).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"That changed under Putin, who has forged a powerful alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church, promoting 'traditional values' and seeking to boost population growth. Health Minister Mikhail Murashko has condemned women for prioritizing education and career over childbearing" (para 10). "Anastasia, a Muscovite who sought an abortion in 2020, said it 'wasn’t very pleasant' when a doctor urged her to change her mind. 'I simply don’t want any children,' she told AP, asking that her last name not be used for fear of reprisals" (para 36-37).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
Feb. 1, 2025, 2:48 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Numerous factors have been blamed for why fertility rates have collapsed in modern Britain. Some have cited how women are simply enjoying the independence society now offers them compared to a century ago and are choosing not to have children. In a similar trend some women may only choosing to have children later in life, and so fewer overall, and instead focus on their careers" (para 19-21).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Numerous factors have been blamed for why fertility rates have collapsed in modern Britain. Some have cited how women are simply enjoying the independence society now offers them compared to a century ago and are choosing not to have children. In a similar trend some women may only choosing to have children later in life, and so fewer overall, and instead focus on their careers" (para 19-21).
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
"The Committee remains concerned about the persistence of deep-rooted discriminatory stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, which overemphasize the traditional role of women as mothers and wives, thereby undermining women’s social status, autonomy, educational opportunities and professional careers and exacerbating gender-based violence against women" (6).
"The Committee remains concerned about the persistence of deep-rooted discriminatory stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family and in society, which overemphasize the traditional role of women as mothers and wives, thereby undermining women’s social status, autonomy, educational opportunities and professional careers and exacerbating gender-based violence against women" (6).
Jan. 23, 2025, 5:40 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In Japan, the rate is also 1.3, and has shown no sign of budging for years. Decades of gimmicks and campaigns have failed to resonate with couples, and the government has belatedly accepted that more financial help may have more impact than lectures from conservative politicians on a woman’s patriotic duty to give birth" (para 34).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In Japan, the rate is also 1.3, and has shown no sign of budging for years. Decades of gimmicks and campaigns have failed to resonate with couples, and the government has belatedly accepted that more financial help may have more impact than lectures from conservative politicians on a woman’s patriotic duty to give birth" (para 34).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Many younger Japanese people have balked at marrying or having families, discouraged by bleak job prospects, onerous commutes and corporate cultures incompatible with having both parents work" (para 19). This indicates that while there is government pressure to bear children, there is not really societal pressure for women to have children (MB2-CODER COMMENT).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Many younger Japanese people have balked at marrying or having families, discouraged by bleak job prospects, onerous commutes and corporate cultures incompatible with having both parents work" (para 19). This indicates that while there is government pressure to bear children, there is not really societal pressure for women to have children (MB2-CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:14 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it is a duty of women to halt a fall in the country’s births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for the people to have more children” (para 1). “Kim's latest appeal for women to have more children was made Sunday during the country’s National Mothers Meeting, the first of its kind in 11 years. ‘Stopping the decline in birthrates and providing good child care and education are all our family affairs that we should solve together with our mothers,’ Kim said in his opening speech” (para 3-4).more
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it is a duty of women to halt a fall in the country’s births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for the people to have more children” (para 1). “Kim's latest appeal for women to have more children was made Sunday during the country’s National Mothers Meeting, the first of its kind in 11 years. ‘Stopping the decline in birthrates and providing good child care and education are all our family affairs that we should solve together with our mothers,’ Kim said in his opening speech” (para 3-4).more
Dec. 12, 2024, 9:28 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"While women are under less societal pressure to have children, in Italy, the biggest obstacle to motherhood for some is being able to afford it" (para 22).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"While women are under less societal pressure to have children, in Italy, the biggest obstacle to motherhood for some is being able to afford it" (para 22).
Dec. 12, 2024, 9:22 p.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Ikumi, meaning women without children in Quechua, sometimes suffered marginalisation in their home towns" (para 10).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Ikumi, meaning women without children in Quechua, sometimes suffered marginalisation in their home towns" (para 10).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:31 p.m.
Countries: Russia
"This summer, Russia’s health minister, Mikhail Murashko, criticized women putting their education and careers ahead of having children as 'improper'" (para 12).
"This summer, Russia’s health minister, Mikhail Murashko, criticized women putting their education and careers ahead of having children as 'improper'" (para 12).
Dec. 11, 2024, 11:51 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Ohunayo blames it on high levels of poverty and the stigma that comes with being a childless couple in Nigeria" (para 13). "Giving birth to children is considered signifcant in many African societies, and often couples unable to have their own children face humiliation, even from family members" (para 21).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Ohunayo blames it on high levels of poverty and the stigma that comes with being a childless couple in Nigeria" (para 13). "Giving birth to children is considered signifcant in many African societies, and often couples unable to have their own children face humiliation, even from family members" (para 21).
Dec. 10, 2024, 3:41 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Now many young Chinese women are doing exactly that, delaying or shunning marriage and childbirth altogether, mirroring the journey of women in other, wealthier patriarchal East Asian societies such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan" (para 6).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Now many young Chinese women are doing exactly that, delaying or shunning marriage and childbirth altogether, mirroring the journey of women in other, wealthier patriarchal East Asian societies such as Japan, South Korea and Taiwan" (para 6).
Nov. 29, 2024, 3:10 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it is a duty of women to halt a fall in the country’s births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for the people to have more children” (para 1). “Kim's latest appeal for women to have more children was made Sunday during the country’s National Mothers Meeting, the first of its kind in 11 years. ‘Stopping the decline in birthrates and providing good child care and education are all our family affairs that we should solve together with our mothers,’ Kim said in his opening speech” (para 3-4).more
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has said it is a duty of women to halt a fall in the country’s births in order to strengthen national power, state media said Monday, as his government steps up the call for the people to have more children” (para 1). “Kim's latest appeal for women to have more children was made Sunday during the country’s National Mothers Meeting, the first of its kind in 11 years. ‘Stopping the decline in birthrates and providing good child care and education are all our family affairs that we should solve together with our mothers,’ Kim said in his opening speech” (para 3-4).more
Nov. 22, 2024, 10:35 a.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In short, it appears that neither the carrot nor the stick will increase the birth rate in Russia. The problem, as in other countries, must be that young women no longer see motherhood and family life as fulfilling life goals" (22).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In short, it appears that neither the carrot nor the stick will increase the birth rate in Russia. The problem, as in other countries, must be that young women no longer see motherhood and family life as fulfilling life goals" (22).
Nov. 13, 2024, 12:12 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"[H]igh tax rates and benefit withdrawal mean '[women] are missing out on precious time with their children for scant reward'. 'We have privatised family life. Having children is now seen as a personal choice, a luxury, like buying a Porsche,' [Conservative MP Miriam] Cates said. 'But having children shouldn't be a luxury. [It] is a societal necessity.' She acknowledged that housing was another problem that needed fixing but insisted: 'Reforming taxation to recognise the costs and value of raising children, to remove the 'family penalty', would go a long way to removing barriers young people face in starting a family' " (13-15).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"[H]igh tax rates and benefit withdrawal mean '[women] are missing out on precious time with their children for scant reward'. 'We have privatised family life. Having children is now seen as a personal choice, a luxury, like buying a Porsche,' [Conservative MP Miriam] Cates said. 'But having children shouldn't be a luxury. [It] is a societal necessity.' She acknowledged that housing was another problem that needed fixing but insisted: 'Reforming taxation to recognise the costs and value of raising children, to remove the 'family penalty', would go a long way to removing barriers young people face in starting a family' " (13-15).
Nov. 5, 2024, 12:59 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Young people complain about the financial burden of having children and their own economic uncertainty, and push back on traditional ideas about the woman’s role as a caretaker at home. Many have expressed a desire to focus on their careers, while others have embraced a lifestyle known as 'double income, no kids' (para 9)."'In our hometown, if you don’t have children, you would not be able to hold your head high,' Ms. Wang [IVF recipient] said" (para 17). "infertility affects 18 percent of couples in China, compared with a global average of around 15 percent. Researchers cite several factors, including the fact that Chinese couples often wait until later to...more
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Young people complain about the financial burden of having children and their own economic uncertainty, and push back on traditional ideas about the woman’s role as a caretaker at home. Many have expressed a desire to focus on their careers, while others have embraced a lifestyle known as 'double income, no kids' (para 9)."'In our hometown, if you don’t have children, you would not be able to hold your head high,' Ms. Wang [IVF recipient] said" (para 17). "infertility affects 18 percent of couples in China, compared with a global average of around 15 percent. Researchers cite several factors, including the fact that Chinese couples often wait until later to...more
Nov. 28, 2023, 1:28 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"An online post about a newlywed in China, who was rung up by her local government asking if she was pregnant… [M]any netizens saying they had experienced similar calls" (pp 1). "'You are married, why are you still not preparing for pregnancy? Take the time to have a baby,' she said she was told" (pp 13).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"An online post about a newlywed in China, who was rung up by her local government asking if she was pregnant… [M]any netizens saying they had experienced similar calls" (pp 1). "'You are married, why are you still not preparing for pregnancy? Take the time to have a baby,' she said she was told" (pp 13).
Nov. 21, 2023, 5:58 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"With a falling birthrate on the brink of tipping China’s already fast-ageing population into decline, there is increasing pressure on young people to have more children" (para. 23).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"With a falling birthrate on the brink of tipping China’s already fast-ageing population into decline, there is increasing pressure on young people to have more children" (para. 23).
Nov. 3, 2023, 11:41 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
“Women who do not want to sacrifice their careers are now simply choosing not to have children. South Korea's fertility rate (the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime) has fallen to 0.81, the lowest in the world. Its population is predicted to halve by the end of the century, meaning it may not have enough people to sustain its economy and conscript into its army” (para 32). Society believes that careers fulfill women more than children fulfill women (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
“Women who do not want to sacrifice their careers are now simply choosing not to have children. South Korea's fertility rate (the average number of children a woman will have in her lifetime) has fallen to 0.81, the lowest in the world. Its population is predicted to halve by the end of the century, meaning it may not have enough people to sustain its economy and conscript into its army” (para 32). Society believes that careers fulfill women more than children fulfill women (ET - CODER COMMENT).
Oct. 10, 2023, 12:58 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"While having a baby is very much expected of married couples in South Korea, society still frowns on single parents. IVF treatment is not offered to single women, official hospital figures show" (para 18). "Meanwhile, couples in non-traditional partnerships also face discrimination; South Korea does not recognize same-sex marriage and regulations make it difficult for unwed couples to adopt" (para 21). "'I’ve thought about how heterocentric and normality-centric discussion is in the traditional sense of marriage… (it) excludes people with disabilities, diseases or poor reproductive health,' Lee said" (para 23). "Lee pointed to a common joke that in South Korea, 'if you are not dating by the time you are...more
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"While having a baby is very much expected of married couples in South Korea, society still frowns on single parents. IVF treatment is not offered to single women, official hospital figures show" (para 18). "Meanwhile, couples in non-traditional partnerships also face discrimination; South Korea does not recognize same-sex marriage and regulations make it difficult for unwed couples to adopt" (para 21). "'I’ve thought about how heterocentric and normality-centric discussion is in the traditional sense of marriage… (it) excludes people with disabilities, diseases or poor reproductive health,' Lee said" (para 23). "Lee pointed to a common joke that in South Korea, 'if you are not dating by the time you are...more
Feb. 18, 2023, 11:13 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Essentially, many women here are still forced to choose between having a career and having a family. Increasingly they are deciding they don't want to sacrifice their careers. As one woman put it to me: 'we are on a baby-making strike'. " (Para.15-16).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Essentially, many women here are still forced to choose between having a career and having a family. Increasingly they are deciding they don't want to sacrifice their careers. As one woman put it to me: 'we are on a baby-making strike'. " (Para.15-16).
Dec. 9, 2022, 2:29 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Recent studies have shown Chinese women are increasingly choosing not to have children…Researchers at YuWa say that women are concerned about the mounting costs of education, long working hours and low wages" (para 8-9).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Recent studies have shown Chinese women are increasingly choosing not to have children…Researchers at YuWa say that women are concerned about the mounting costs of education, long working hours and low wages" (para 8-9).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Women are not looked down upon in society if she can not have children, but questions will arise and neighbors may ask why she has not conceived yet. Having children in Somalia is seen as a blessing for most people" (1).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"Women are not looked down upon in society if she can not have children, but questions will arise and neighbors may ask why she has not conceived yet. Having children in Somalia is seen as a blessing for most people" (1).
Aug. 4, 2021, 12:58 p.m.
Countries: China
"Some women pointed out that the government had already barred employers from asking women about their marital or childbearing status in 2019, and the problem was weak enforcement. The government has often encouraged women to retreat to more traditional gender roles, in an effort to increase the birthrate" (Para 24).
"Some women pointed out that the government had already barred employers from asking women about their marital or childbearing status in 2019, and the problem was weak enforcement. The government has often encouraged women to retreat to more traditional gender roles, in an effort to increase the birthrate" (Para 24).
July 9, 2021, 7:11 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
"South Korea has a shiny side that it wants to proudly show the world: K-pop, K-quarantine during COVID-19, hi-tech industries. But what it is less keen to show are the areas where it catastrophically fails. South Korean society does not know how to protect or treat women as equals to men and as valuable and indispensable entities of society. Rather, South Korean women, myself included, live in a country that views women as objects —beautiful things whose sole function is bearing children. This is not just a societal construct, this is unabashed discrimination against women that is encouraged by my government. For example, in January 2021, the Seoul city government...more
"South Korea has a shiny side that it wants to proudly show the world: K-pop, K-quarantine during COVID-19, hi-tech industries. But what it is less keen to show are the areas where it catastrophically fails. South Korean society does not know how to protect or treat women as equals to men and as valuable and indispensable entities of society. Rather, South Korean women, myself included, live in a country that views women as objects —beautiful things whose sole function is bearing children. This is not just a societal construct, this is unabashed discrimination against women that is encouraged by my government. For example, in January 2021, the Seoul city government...more
Feb. 6, 2021, 1:25 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
“On the other hand, the Chinese government is taking draconian measures to slash birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities as part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, even as it encourages some of the country's Han majority to have more children” (para. 12). “'The intention may not be to fully eliminate the Uighur population, but it will sharply diminish their vitality, making them easier to assimilate,' said Darren Byler, an expert on Uighurs at the University of Colorado. 'It's genocide, full stop. 'It´s not immediate, shocking, mass-killing on the spot type genocide, but it´s slow, painful, creeping genocide,' said Joanne Smith Finley, who works at Newcastle...more
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
“On the other hand, the Chinese government is taking draconian measures to slash birth rates among Uighurs and other minorities as part of a sweeping campaign to curb its Muslim population, even as it encourages some of the country's Han majority to have more children” (para. 12). “'The intention may not be to fully eliminate the Uighur population, but it will sharply diminish their vitality, making them easier to assimilate,' said Darren Byler, an expert on Uighurs at the University of Colorado. 'It's genocide, full stop. 'It´s not immediate, shocking, mass-killing on the spot type genocide, but it´s slow, painful, creeping genocide,' said Joanne Smith Finley, who works at Newcastle...more
Dec. 31, 2020, 3:12 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In their talks, Tsigdinos and Vodar emphasized the importance of solidarity among infertile women in an age when female bonding so often occurs around motherhood. They addressed why an infertility diagnosis is particularly devastating to “Generation IVF;” the first generation of women to grow up with the reproductive freedom to delay pregnancy and have access to in vitro fertilization. Like Tsigdinos and Vodar, these women were raised to believe that science can surpass Mother Nature in the tricky dance of conception" (para 6).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In their talks, Tsigdinos and Vodar emphasized the importance of solidarity among infertile women in an age when female bonding so often occurs around motherhood. They addressed why an infertility diagnosis is particularly devastating to “Generation IVF;” the first generation of women to grow up with the reproductive freedom to delay pregnancy and have access to in vitro fertilization. Like Tsigdinos and Vodar, these women were raised to believe that science can surpass Mother Nature in the tricky dance of conception" (para 6).
June 5, 2020, 1:19 p.m.
Countries: Papua New Guinea
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"As expected, almost all women age 15-19 (90%) have never given birth. However, this proportion declines sharply to 6% to 7% among women age 35-49, indicating that childbearing is almost universal" (81). "Since voluntary childlessness is rare, this is often viewed as a measure of primary infertility or the inability to bear children" (81).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"As expected, almost all women age 15-19 (90%) have never given birth. However, this proportion declines sharply to 6% to 7% among women age 35-49, indicating that childbearing is almost universal" (81). "Since voluntary childlessness is rare, this is often viewed as a measure of primary infertility or the inability to bear children" (81).
May 15, 2020, 7:15 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In Nigeria, 2% of currently married women age 45-49 have never given birth. Since voluntary childlessness is rare, this is often viewed as a measure of primary sterility" (99).
Variables: BR-PRACTICE-2
"In Nigeria, 2% of currently married women age 45-49 have never given birth. Since voluntary childlessness is rare, this is often viewed as a measure of primary sterility" (99).