Latest items for ATFPA-PRACTICE-1
Feb. 12, 2025, 8:03 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
"Neither she, nor any of her friends, are planning on having children. They are part of a growing community of women choosing the child-free life. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, and it continues to plummet, beating its own staggeringly low record year after year" (par. 5-6). "This expectation that women take two to three years off work when they have a child is common among women. When I asked Stella whether she could share the parental leave with her husband, she dismissed me with a look" (par. 38). "Over in the city of Daejeon, Jungyeon Chun, is in what she calls a "single-parenting marriage". After...more
"Neither she, nor any of her friends, are planning on having children. They are part of a growing community of women choosing the child-free life. South Korea has the lowest birth rate in the world, and it continues to plummet, beating its own staggeringly low record year after year" (par. 5-6). "This expectation that women take two to three years off work when they have a child is common among women. When I asked Stella whether she could share the parental leave with her husband, she dismissed me with a look" (par. 38). "Over in the city of Daejeon, Jungyeon Chun, is in what she calls a "single-parenting marriage". After...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:23 p.m.
Countries: Russia
"While addressing a crowd at the Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed government policy geared toward helping women achieve the ultimate balance — professional success while being the linchpin 'of a large, large family.' He went on to joke that Russian women can manage it easily, and still remain 'beautiful, gentle and charming'" (par. 1-2). "Russia's strategy to grow families is part of Putin's broader push toward more traditional conservative values. In an effort to reach the younger generation, a new course is being rolled out for students in grades 5 to 9. A course published online in August stated the goal was...more
"While addressing a crowd at the Eurasian Women's Forum in St. Petersburg on Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed government policy geared toward helping women achieve the ultimate balance — professional success while being the linchpin 'of a large, large family.' He went on to joke that Russian women can manage it easily, and still remain 'beautiful, gentle and charming'" (par. 1-2). "Russia's strategy to grow families is part of Putin's broader push toward more traditional conservative values. In an effort to reach the younger generation, a new course is being rolled out for students in grades 5 to 9. A course published online in August stated the goal was...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
Feb. 1, 2025, 2:48 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
"Numerous factors have been blamed for why fertility rates have collapsed in modern Britain. Some have cited how women are simply enjoying the independence society now offers them compared to a century ago and are choosing not to have children. In a similar trend some women may only choosing to have children later in life, and so fewer overall, and instead focus on their careers... Rising cost-of-living pressures, especially the price of childcare and housing, is another factor that puts a dampener on couples having children or deciding to have more than one, and can bring the total fertility rate down as a result" (para 19-21, 23).more
"Numerous factors have been blamed for why fertility rates have collapsed in modern Britain. Some have cited how women are simply enjoying the independence society now offers them compared to a century ago and are choosing not to have children. In a similar trend some women may only choosing to have children later in life, and so fewer overall, and instead focus on their careers... Rising cost-of-living pressures, especially the price of childcare and housing, is another factor that puts a dampener on couples having children or deciding to have more than one, and can bring the total fertility rate down as a result" (para 19-21, 23).more
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
"In 2020, to promote the concept of shared responsibility for caregiving, and as part of a strategy associated with the granting of paternity leave, the National Institute for Women launched a free virtual course called 'Dad can do it too', which is aimed at the general public and is intended to encourage fathers to participate more and take on more responsibilities" (8).
"In 2020, to promote the concept of shared responsibility for caregiving, and as part of a strategy associated with the granting of paternity leave, the National Institute for Women launched a free virtual course called 'Dad can do it too', which is aimed at the general public and is intended to encourage fathers to participate more and take on more responsibilities" (8).
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru
"According to the National Survey on Social Relations (ENARES), which measures social tolerance towards violence against women, 54.7% of Peruvian men and women agree with the expression 'Every woman must first fulfill her role of mother, wife or housewife and then realize their own dreams'" (7-8).
"According to the National Survey on Social Relations (ENARES), which measures social tolerance towards violence against women, 54.7% of Peruvian men and women agree with the expression 'Every woman must first fulfill her role of mother, wife or housewife and then realize their own dreams'" (7-8).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
"In order to promote the proper understanding of maternity as a social function and recognition of the common responsibility of men and women for the upbringing and development of their children, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with non-governmental organizations and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund, has set up 'paternity schools' in various regions of the country using innovative forms and methods of work and colourful materials. A national campaign entitled 'Vigilant Husband' has been mounted to help identify the dangerous signs of deterioration in children’s health" (17).
"In order to promote the proper understanding of maternity as a social function and recognition of the common responsibility of men and women for the upbringing and development of their children, the Ministry of Education and Science, together with non-governmental organizations and with the support of the United Nations Population Fund, has set up 'paternity schools' in various regions of the country using innovative forms and methods of work and colourful materials. A national campaign entitled 'Vigilant Husband' has been mounted to help identify the dangerous signs of deterioration in children’s health" (17).
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:18 a.m.
Countries: India
"As the cycle continues, women become trapped, while expectations ossify about the ideal wife—subservient and homebound" (para 46).
"As the cycle continues, women become trapped, while expectations ossify about the ideal wife—subservient and homebound" (para 46).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
"In order to improve the knowledge and skills of civil servants on issues of gender equality, prevent domestic violence, increase the participation of women in public administration and the civil service, and promote the active participation of women in elections, the Academy of Public Administration has developed and, taking into account the positions and functional duties of trainees, has added the following subjects to civil service capacity-building programmes and other training courses for civil servants:. . .• Increasing knowledge of family life. . .• Legal regulation of family relations in public administration" (p. 7-8). "The Committee on Women and the Family, ministries and departments, and local State executive bodies are...more
"In order to improve the knowledge and skills of civil servants on issues of gender equality, prevent domestic violence, increase the participation of women in public administration and the civil service, and promote the active participation of women in elections, the Academy of Public Administration has developed and, taking into account the positions and functional duties of trainees, has added the following subjects to civil service capacity-building programmes and other training courses for civil servants:. . .• Increasing knowledge of family life. . .• Legal regulation of family relations in public administration" (p. 7-8). "The Committee on Women and the Family, ministries and departments, and local State executive bodies are...more
Jan. 6, 2025, 3:40 p.m.
Countries: Japan
“Because comparatively few children are born to unmarried people in Japan, the decline of marriage has been cited as a significant reason for its low birthrate and dwindling, ageing population. In 2023, the number of marriages dropped below 500,000 for the first time since the 1930s. Meanwhile, births dropped 5.1% to 758,631, a new record low and almost reaching 755,000, a figure the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research had predicted for 2035” (para 6). “Surveys have shown that many young Japanese are reluctant to marry or have families because of concerns about the high cost of living in big cities, a lack of good jobs, and a...more
“Because comparatively few children are born to unmarried people in Japan, the decline of marriage has been cited as a significant reason for its low birthrate and dwindling, ageing population. In 2023, the number of marriages dropped below 500,000 for the first time since the 1930s. Meanwhile, births dropped 5.1% to 758,631, a new record low and almost reaching 755,000, a figure the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research had predicted for 2035” (para 6). “Surveys have shown that many young Japanese are reluctant to marry or have families because of concerns about the high cost of living in big cities, a lack of good jobs, and a...more
Jan. 4, 2025, 12:14 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
“While North Korea is one of the poorest nations in the world, the change in its demographic structure is similar to that of rich countries, some observers say. ‘Many families in North Korea also don't intend to have more than one child these days as they know they need lots of money to raise their kids, send them to school and help them get jobs,’ said Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North...more
“While North Korea is one of the poorest nations in the world, the change in its demographic structure is similar to that of rich countries, some observers say. ‘Many families in North Korea also don't intend to have more than one child these days as they know they need lots of money to raise their kids, send them to school and help them get jobs,’ said Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North...more
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:26 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
"[W]omen... face enormous societal pressure and rampant workplace discrimination if they want to pursue a career while having children, experts say" (para 19).
"[W]omen... face enormous societal pressure and rampant workplace discrimination if they want to pursue a career while having children, experts say" (para 19).
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:28 a.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
"The fate of a girl is to do chores, take care of relatives and study for a profession that is in service of others, such as a teacher, doctor or nurse. It is important this job does not interfere in family life" (para 13).
"The fate of a girl is to do chores, take care of relatives and study for a profession that is in service of others, such as a teacher, doctor or nurse. It is important this job does not interfere in family life" (para 13).
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:44 a.m.
Countries: India
"Despite their country's fast development, lots of Indians still have conservative ideas about a woman's role in the family. 'Family is the first priority for many women across the world, but especially in a country like India that's very traditional. We still live in joint [multi-generational] families with obligations and a glorified image of women as mothers sacrificing, caring and nurturing,' says Sharada, the sociologist. 'The other aspects of a woman – as a competitor or achiever with aspirations — are not given much importance'" (para 30-31).
"Despite their country's fast development, lots of Indians still have conservative ideas about a woman's role in the family. 'Family is the first priority for many women across the world, but especially in a country like India that's very traditional. We still live in joint [multi-generational] families with obligations and a glorified image of women as mothers sacrificing, caring and nurturing,' says Sharada, the sociologist. 'The other aspects of a woman – as a competitor or achiever with aspirations — are not given much importance'" (para 30-31).
Dec. 5, 2024, 4:37 p.m.
Countries: Norway
"The Committee welcomes the…[i]ncreases in the grant scheme for family and equality measures to strengthen funding for the activities of non-governmental organizations on gender equality by 70 per cent, in 2022" (2).
"The Committee welcomes the…[i]ncreases in the grant scheme for family and equality measures to strengthen funding for the activities of non-governmental organizations on gender equality by 70 per cent, in 2022" (2).
Nov. 29, 2024, 3:21 p.m.
Countries: Japan
“Because comparatively few children are born to unmarried people in Japan, the decline of marriage has been cited as a significant reason for its low birthrate and dwindling, ageing population. In 2023, the number of marriages dropped below 500,000 for the first time since the 1930s. Meanwhile, births dropped 5.1% to 758,631, a new record low and almost reaching 755,000, a figure the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research had predicted for 2035” (para 6). “Surveys have shown that many young Japanese are reluctant to marry or have families because of concerns about the high cost of living in big cities, a lack of good jobs, and a...more
“Because comparatively few children are born to unmarried people in Japan, the decline of marriage has been cited as a significant reason for its low birthrate and dwindling, ageing population. In 2023, the number of marriages dropped below 500,000 for the first time since the 1930s. Meanwhile, births dropped 5.1% to 758,631, a new record low and almost reaching 755,000, a figure the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research had predicted for 2035” (para 6). “Surveys have shown that many young Japanese are reluctant to marry or have families because of concerns about the high cost of living in big cities, a lack of good jobs, and a...more
Nov. 29, 2024, 3:10 p.m.
Countries: North Korea
“While North Korea is one of the poorest nations in the world, the change in its demographic structure is similar to that of rich countries, some observers say. ‘Many families in North Korea also don't intend to have more than one child these days as they know they need lots of money to raise their kids, send them to school and help them get jobs,’ said Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North...more
“While North Korea is one of the poorest nations in the world, the change in its demographic structure is similar to that of rich countries, some observers say. ‘Many families in North Korea also don't intend to have more than one child these days as they know they need lots of money to raise their kids, send them to school and help them get jobs,’ said Ahn Kyung-su. Ahn, who has interviewed many North Korean defectors, said the smuggling of a vast amount of South Korean TV dramas and movies in the past 20 years that showed an elevated social status for women has also likely influenced women in North...more
Nov. 16, 2024, 9:46 p.m.
Countries: Taiwan
"We [Taiwan] elected an unmarried, childless woman as president and legalized same-sex marriage" (para 2).
"We [Taiwan] elected an unmarried, childless woman as president and legalized same-sex marriage" (para 2).
Nov. 13, 2024, 12:12 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
"Britain's tax system penalises couples and 'actively discourages' them from having children, a Conservative MP has said. Miriam Cates called on the Government to recognise both the cost and value of raising children by removing the 'family penalty'...She listed reasons why it is now 'extraordinarily difficult' for young people to have children – from unaffordable housing to the fact that they are less likely than previously to have family nearby. But she went on: 'I want to focus on our taxation system, which is where the Government could act to make it easier for couples to have children and to relieve some of the pressures on family life. Our tax...more
"Britain's tax system penalises couples and 'actively discourages' them from having children, a Conservative MP has said. Miriam Cates called on the Government to recognise both the cost and value of raising children by removing the 'family penalty'...She listed reasons why it is now 'extraordinarily difficult' for young people to have children – from unaffordable housing to the fact that they are less likely than previously to have family nearby. But she went on: 'I want to focus on our taxation system, which is where the Government could act to make it easier for couples to have children and to relieve some of the pressures on family life. Our tax...more
Nov. 5, 2024, 12:59 p.m.
Countries: China
"Young people...push back on traditional ideas about the woman’s role as a caretaker at home. Many have expressed a desire to focus on their careers, while others have embraced a lifestyle known as 'double income, no kids' (para 9, 24). "'In our hometown, if you don’t have children, you would not be able to hold your head high,' Ms. Wang [IVF recipient] said" (para 17).
"Young people...push back on traditional ideas about the woman’s role as a caretaker at home. Many have expressed a desire to focus on their careers, while others have embraced a lifestyle known as 'double income, no kids' (para 9, 24). "'In our hometown, if you don’t have children, you would not be able to hold your head high,' Ms. Wang [IVF recipient] said" (para 17).
Nov. 1, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Nigeria
"Many Nigerian women stay in abusive relationships because they consider it a shield to protect their children. They want their kids to grow up with both parents in a family unit, regardless of how fragile that unit may be" (para 30).
"Many Nigerian women stay in abusive relationships because they consider it a shield to protect their children. They want their kids to grow up with both parents in a family unit, regardless of how fragile that unit may be" (para 30).
Oct. 17, 2024, 6:46 p.m.
Countries: Mexico
"Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the practice of womb surrogacy. According to the ruling, surrogates are not to receive compensation for their services, limiting the exchange of money to cover expenses related to the pregnancy" (par. 1-2). The Mexican government is encouraging individuals to have children, even through other methods, which shows they are in favor of emphasizing family life (IME - CODER COMMENT).
"Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled in favor of the practice of womb surrogacy. According to the ruling, surrogates are not to receive compensation for their services, limiting the exchange of money to cover expenses related to the pregnancy" (par. 1-2). The Mexican government is encouraging individuals to have children, even through other methods, which shows they are in favor of emphasizing family life (IME - CODER COMMENT).
April 19, 2024, 3:06 p.m.
Countries: Serbia
"The promotion of a highly conservative idea of a traditional family, with women primarily regarded as mothers, has been exacerbated by the national campaign to encourage births" (6-7).
"The promotion of a highly conservative idea of a traditional family, with women primarily regarded as mothers, has been exacerbated by the national campaign to encourage births" (6-7).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
"[T]he Law on Equal Treatment and the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men are not applicable to matters of family and private life, in which many women require legal protection" (4).
"[T]he Law on Equal Treatment and the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men are not applicable to matters of family and private life, in which many women require legal protection" (4).
March 15, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
"The National Observatory for the Protection of the Rights of the Family (ONPDF), according to article 4 of its mandate, is responsible for 'the collection, centralization, analysis and dissemination of information and data on issues relating to the rights of children, surviving spouses, orphans, persons with disabilities, equity and gender, as well as to policies to benefit those groups.'" (26).
"The National Observatory for the Protection of the Rights of the Family (ONPDF), according to article 4 of its mandate, is responsible for 'the collection, centralization, analysis and dissemination of information and data on issues relating to the rights of children, surviving spouses, orphans, persons with disabilities, equity and gender, as well as to policies to benefit those groups.'" (26).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
"[D]iscriminatory gender stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family continue to persist" (7). "[T]he national strategic plan on family planning for the period 2014–2020 [was adopted]" (12).
"[D]iscriminatory gender stereotypes concerning the roles and responsibilities of women and men in the family continue to persist" (7). "[T]he national strategic plan on family planning for the period 2014–2020 [was adopted]" (12).
Jan. 19, 2024, 12:06 p.m.
Countries: Central African Rep
"Article 7 of the Constitution of 30 March 2016 provides that 'the family constitutes the natural and moral basis of the human community'" (11).
"Article 7 of the Constitution of 30 March 2016 provides that 'the family constitutes the natural and moral basis of the human community'" (11).
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
"MSF has also been working closely with partners, such as Families for Life (FFL) and Centre for Fathering, to provide programmes and online resources for mothers and fathers, so that they can better cope with greater family and household demands at home. These efforts aim to encourage active fathering and shared parental household responsibilities messages such that fathers and mothers will support each other in their parenting journey" (6). "The Government introduced the Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) Package in 2001 to provide comprehensive support to help couples start and raise their families" (40).
"MSF has also been working closely with partners, such as Families for Life (FFL) and Centre for Fathering, to provide programmes and online resources for mothers and fathers, so that they can better cope with greater family and household demands at home. These efforts aim to encourage active fathering and shared parental household responsibilities messages such that fathers and mothers will support each other in their parenting journey" (6). "The Government introduced the Marriage and Parenthood (M&P) Package in 2001 to provide comprehensive support to help couples start and raise their families" (40).
Jan. 3, 2024, 3:28 p.m.
Countries: Singapore
"[T]he Government also works closely with community partners such as Families for Life Council and Centre for Fathering on the 3 key family movements in Singapore – Families for Life (FFL), Dads for Life and Mums for Life movements. These 3 complementary movements look at strengthening family ties and resilience with the aim of increasing marriage stability, as well as advocating the importance of shared parenting and household responsibilities between mothers and fathers" (15).
"[T]he Government also works closely with community partners such as Families for Life Council and Centre for Fathering on the 3 key family movements in Singapore – Families for Life (FFL), Dads for Life and Mums for Life movements. These 3 complementary movements look at strengthening family ties and resilience with the aim of increasing marriage stability, as well as advocating the importance of shared parenting and household responsibilities between mothers and fathers" (15).
Nov. 28, 2023, 1:28 p.m.
Countries: China
"[S]he was told by an official that the local government 'wants newlyweds to be pregnant within a year and their target is to make a phone call every quarter.'" (pp 4). "[S]he got married in August last year and had since been twice rung up by her local government… The first time she was asked if she was taking folic acid and if she was preparing to conceive. The second time, she was asked if she was already pregnant" (pp 11-12).
"[S]he was told by an official that the local government 'wants newlyweds to be pregnant within a year and their target is to make a phone call every quarter.'" (pp 4). "[S]he got married in August last year and had since been twice rung up by her local government… The first time she was asked if she was taking folic acid and if she was preparing to conceive. The second time, she was asked if she was already pregnant" (pp 11-12).