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Latest items for ATDW-PRACTICE-3

March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"As many survivors of self-immolation describe being trapped in forced marriages, exposed to domestic violence and unable to get a divorce for fear of shaming their families, the phenomenon can be viewed as part of the same culture of violence and control of women that allows ‘honour’ crimes to occur" (4). "Once a child or forced marriage has been consummated, it is not considered legally void. This leaves victims responsible for pursuing legal measures in order to leave such marriages. This is an option that few women choose, since it could open them to retribution from their families and the law does not provide any protection for victims following a...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 7:04 p.m.
Countries: Pakistan
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"She'd begged her father for her help, but he demanded she stay married because divorce would bring shame on their family. 'It would be a black mark on my forehear,' she recalls her father saying" (par. 21).
Jan. 29, 2025, 3:43 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Women in such cases rarely file for divorce themselves, for cultural and financial reasons" (para 31).
Jan. 28, 2025, 2:18 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"'My mother never let me [victim of child marriage, and later divorce] leave the house because she felt ashamed of what the neighbors would think,' she said. 'Even my siblings didn’t treat me well. I became like a servant in the house, having to serve everyone'" (para 17). This indicates cultural stigma on the woman for divorce (CEC2 - CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:18 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"For many Indians, divorce is unthinkable. Parents urge daughters to stick it out, hoping that time, money, and children will make their situations bearable" (para 25). "[D]ivorce, though legally recognized, is still treated like a blight on a family’s honor, tainting the marriage prospects of the divorcée, her siblings, and her children" (para 29).
Dec. 6, 2024, 3:40 p.m.
Countries: Philippines
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Partly because of their growing numbers and plight, attitudes in the country, where nearly 80 percent of the population is Catholic, have changed. Surveys show that half of Filipinos now support divorce. Even the president has signaled openness to the idea, and the Philippines is the closest it has ever been to legalizing divorce. But the issue is far from settled. The powerful Catholic Church has deemed pro-divorce activism to be 'irrational advocacy.' Conservative lawmakers remain steadfast in their opposition" (para 3-4). "Some supporters of the legislation have advised against using the word 'divorce' to describe it, saying the term has become politicized. Alternative language like 'legal separation' and 'annulment...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:40 a.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Divorce in many cultures is seen as shameful and carries a deep stigma. But in Mauritania, it is not just normal, but even seen as a reason to celebrate and spread the word that the woman is available once more for marriage. For centuries, women have been coming together to eat, sing and dance at each others’ divorce parties. Now, the custom is being updated for the selfie generation, with inscribed cakes and social media montages, as well as the traditional food and music" (para 6). "Divorce in the country is so common, according to Nejwa El Kettab, a sociologist who studies women in Mauritanian society, partly because the majority...more
Dec. 5, 2024, 6:08 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Many marriages would give women 'security' and provide them with a certain status, she said: 'Society has a negative attitude toward unmarried and divorced women and considers them 'old maids.' Even if a woman is successful and independent, society does not approve'" (para 9). "Manizha is from the western Hisor region. She married at 19 and divorced after just four months due to frequent conflicts with her mother-in-law. 'That's how the traditions are: If you are divorced, then you're only fit to be a second wife. Fate leaves you no other choice. Family and society unfortunately no longer accept me,' she said" (para 16-17).
Nov. 5, 2024, 1:06 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Shaking off social stereotypes around divorce that suggest she [Sushi, newly divorced] should feel shame and failure, she decided to throw a party with all of her girlfriends" (para 2). "On Xiaohongshu, a Chinese video-sharing social media app, divorce parties and inspiring content about the lives of newly single women are gaining thousands of likes" (para 5). "The shift in views on divorce has been significant. Historically, the low social status of women in China led to the dominance of men in divorce proceedings. Getting divorced would often damage a woman’s reputation, but not her ex-husband’s. That started to change in 1980, when divorce registration was made easier, with 'breakdown...more
Nov. 1, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

“'Many [women] are scared that if they leave an abusive marriage, their husbands may not allow them to go with the kids, and the new wife of their spouse may maltreat their children. There is also a belief among Nigerians that single mothers will lead their children astray even when there is no empirical support for this,' says Wemimo Oke, a psychologist and marriage counselor. She added that some families also encourage their children to remain in abusive marriages; they believe that having a daughter who is divorced will not help preserve the dignity of the family" (para 31, 32). "Busayo [Nigerian woman], an evangelist in her church believes that...more
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Men are required to maintain their ex-wives during the iddah. Men are also required to provide a mutaah (consolatory gift) to their ex-wives... [T]he women may also claim for emas kahwin (compulsory marriage gift) and hantaran belanja (marriage expenses). Men do not have equivalent rights against their ex-wives" (42).
Sept. 7, 2023, 12:33 p.m.
Countries: Lebanon
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Gouri [a 23-year-old woman who has suffered abuse from her husband] now believes that she was subjected to life-long conditioning that normalised her abuse. 'Women are not respected in Lebanon, because of traditions and rules in society…[like] "You cannot be divorced, it's shameful to be divorced",' she said. 'I was also conditioned to believe this, until...I said, "No, I'm not going to stay this way" ' " (para 34-35).
Aug. 8, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"[M]ediation [is used] in divorce proceedings in cases of domestic violence" (13). Domestic violence is a legal ground for divorce (MV- coder comment).
June 12, 2023, 4:20 p.m.
Countries: Jordan
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"[A]fter getting divorced, women are not allowed to remarry for risk of losing custody of the child under Article 171/B. Yet, Jordanian law, along with that of other countries in the region, does not impose the same restrictions on men. This makes dating for divorced mothers extremely challenging, since most women do not want to remarry for fear of losing their child" (Para.12).
Jan. 21, 2023, 8:08 a.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"She never got justice for the brutal attack 12 years ago that left her permanently disfigured. Her father-in-law threw acid in her face because she had sought a divorce from her husband" (para 3). "At the end, the family threatened that the same punishment would befall her son if she pressed charges" (para 6).
June 8, 2022, 3:38 p.m.
Countries: Spain

"The party also espouses what Sílvia Claveria, a politics professor at Carlos III University in Madrid, described to me as “modern sexism”: It advocates longer maternity leave and encourages women to be proud mothers, but once women want to separate from or divorce their partners, it shifts positions to take the man’s side..." (Para. 9).
March 19, 2022, 9:01 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"There’s an old saying in Afghanistan that encapsulates the country’s views on divorce: 'A woman only leaves her father’s house in the white bridal clothes, and she can only return in the white shrouds'" (para 1). "In this deeply conservative and patriarchal society, women who defy convention and seek divorce are often disowned by their families and shunned by Afghan society. Left alone, they have to fight for basic rights, such as renting an apartment, which require the involvement or guarantees of male relatives"(para 2). "Men and women in Roqia’s life distanced themselves from her. 'My mother and other relatives rejected me, saying that I had not heeded their advice...more
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"The societal attitudes towards divorce are not bad in Somalia. Women are not looked down upon if she is divorcee. Actually the rate of women being divorced and then getting remarried to another man is quite high in Somalia" (1).
Sept. 5, 2021, 3:59 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Though China’s marriage law specifies that domestic violence is sufficient grounds for divorce, many courts encourage couples to try reconciling in the name of social and family harmony" (para 22). "At the root of the problem, according to activists, is a notion among police officers and the courts that divorce is bad and that marriage is the bedrock of society" (para 24). "Divorce is regarded as a personal failure, rather than as a remedy for one’s life" (para 25). "After the third beating, Ms. Liu’s in-laws tried to persuade her to stay in the marriage with promises of a car and an apartment, she said. She refused, and they have...more
July 26, 2021, 7 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"The government's Mawada (affection) initiative aims at keeping the unity of Egyptian families, and reducing divorce rates. Saad said that the initiative will be launched soon, adding that it will be submitted to President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi in November" (para 4).
July 15, 2021, 11:17 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan

"Women’s rights advocates say assaults in public in urban centers have become bolder in the last two years. But many of the recent attacks in the capital seem to involve personal rather than political motives, said Gholam Dastagir of Kabul police. In Kabul, at least three separate acid attacks against women were reported just in July, according to local Afghan news reports. The aim of attackers may be to punish women who might refuse a suitor, or insist on going to school or want a divorce. Families may not report the attack fearful of gossip and isolation" (Para 9).
May 15, 2021, 7:08 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"A woman who moves to her husband’s rural family home is especially vulnerable...Typically she would need to seek divorce in her husband’s local court. Often his relatives and neighbours, as well as police officers, decline to testify against a person they see as one of their own" (para 6).
Feb. 23, 2021, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Boris Johnson has been criticised by his own backbenchers for green-lighting a law allowing no-fault divorces from as early as next month" (para 1). "The Prime Minister may face a rebellion from swathes of his own MPs during the House of Commons vote on Monday, and has been accused of rushing through the plans in lockdown, when many marriages are under increased stress" (para 2). "Dozens of conservative MPs are set to oppose the motion, however, with Sir Edward Leigh, Fiona Bruce and Sir John Hayes writing to 200 of their colleagues that the reforms would leak to 'an immediate spike in divorce rates'. The letter, seen by the Daily...more
Feb. 4, 2021, 6:11 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Having fled the war, Syrian women and girls are vulnerable to exploitation and increasing levels of abuse. Some look to marriage for protection, others are victims of pimps or matchmakers out for profit. Recently, a Turkish man in Gaziantep threw his 22 year-old Syrian bride from a 5th story window. Still, the stigma of divorce is so strong that some women, like Nur, a refugee living in a camp in southern Turkey, would rather risk abuse" (para 4). "But Nur has not looked into family law in Turkey. Her concern is a social one. Each Facebook message she receives erases the hope of hiding her shame" (para 35).more
Feb. 4, 2021, 6:07 p.m.
Countries: Syria
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"A friend of Eren’s married a Syrian woman last year who he said was pious and subservient. Wanting the same, Eren pursued an arranged marriage with Nur, promising her escape from the Kilis Camp on Turkey’s southern border. After he raped her repeatedly on their honeymoon, Nur fled, taking shelter at her brother’s house. But Nur says the stigma of divorce for Syrian women is unbearable, and so she prepares to reconcile with Eren" (para 3). "Having fled the war, Syrian women and girls are vulnerable to exploitation and increasing levels of abuse. Some look to marriage for protection, others are victims of pimps or matchmakers out for profit. Recently,...more
Jan. 7, 2021, 9:23 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria

“In their statement, during a recent media brief in Ibadan, Oyo State, they explained that “violence against women and girls remain a silent killer that has taken the lives of many. The health outcomes go beyond the direct result of physical, psychological or mental health issue.’ According to them, “violence against women and girls in Nigeria is against the law and survivors do not usually receive full legal support, as they prefer to stay in abusive relationships than leave to face the ridicule of living outside relationships and or wedlock. Women and girls subjected to violence are unwilling to lodge formal complaint due to a lack of trust in the...more
Dec. 24, 2020, 10:09 a.m.
Countries: Syria
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

"Eren pursued an arranged marriage with Nur, promising her escape from the Kilis Camp on Turkey’s southern border. After he raped her repeatedly on their honeymoon, Nur fled, taking shelter at her brother’s house. But Nur says the stigma of divorce for Syrian women is unbearable, and so she prepares to reconcile with Eren" (para 3). "[T]he stigma of divorce is so strong that some women, like Nur, a refugee living in a camp in southern Turkey, would rather risk abuse" (4, 37).
Dec. 18, 2020, 6:58 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

“Critics have said the need to point the finger makes formal separation more acrimonious and risks upsetting children. Under the new bill, couples will simply have to give notice that a marriage has broken down beyond repair” (para. 6). “Mr Gauke will set the ball rolling on new legislation in May. He published a consultation paper last September, which received more than 600 responses. He told The Times: ‘[They] were overwhelmingly in support which is why I remain as convinced as I have been for the need to reform this particular area’” (para. 7-8).
Oct. 3, 2020, 6:25 p.m.
Countries: Iraq

“W.H. v. Sweden (no. 49341/10) (8 April 2015 (Grand Chamber)): This case concerned an asylum seeker’s threatened expulsion from Sweden to Iraq, where she alleged she would be at risk of ill-treatment as a single woman of Mandaean denomination, a vulnerable ethnic/religious minority. The applicant submitted that, a divorcee belonging to a small, vulnerable ethnic/religious minority, she would be at real risk of inhuman and degrading treatment if returned to Iraq. She alleged in particular that, without a male network or any remaining relatives in Iraq, she would be at risk of persecution, assault, rape, forced conversion to another religion and forced marriage. The Court observed that the applicant had...more
Oct. 1, 2020, 9:17 a.m.
Countries: Saudi Arabia
Variables: ATDW-PRACTICE-3

He pointed out that the new regulations are meant to protect Saudi families and reduce the high rate of divorce, saying that 'early marriage sometimes can cause health problems and increase the chances of divorce' (para 4).