Latest items for ASR-LAW-1
March 21, 2025, 10:13 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"A deluge of regime diktats has barred women from leaving home without a male relative, working, going to school or training as doctors and nurses" (para 8).
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1, AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"A deluge of regime diktats has barred women from leaving home without a male relative, working, going to school or training as doctors and nurses" (para 8).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ASR-LAW-1, SRACE-LAW-1
"In 2006, previously all-male cohorts at the Academy of Local Government Administration were opened up to women. The experiment resulted in women enrolling in the Academy’s training programmes" (20).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1, SRACE-LAW-1
"In 2006, previously all-male cohorts at the Academy of Local Government Administration were opened up to women. The experiment resulted in women enrolling in the Academy’s training programmes" (20).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In October 2018, Hungary banned gender studies in state universities. The ban inhibits freedom of expression and access to information, particularly with regards to issues such as gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence that disproportionately impact women and girls, including and sometimes especially LBT women and girls" (2).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In October 2018, Hungary banned gender studies in state universities. The ban inhibits freedom of expression and access to information, particularly with regards to issues such as gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence that disproportionately impact women and girls, including and sometimes especially LBT women and girls" (2).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"According to the norms of the Education Act, all citizens of the Republic have equal rights to receive free basic, general secondary and higher professional education. Kyrgyz legislation stipulates the same conditions for the choice of a profession or specialization by men and women, as well as access to education in educational institutions of all categories" (22).
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"According to the norms of the Education Act, all citizens of the Republic have equal rights to receive free basic, general secondary and higher professional education. Kyrgyz legislation stipulates the same conditions for the choice of a profession or specialization by men and women, as well as access to education in educational institutions of all categories" (22).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In 2022, the total staffing of medical personnel in facilities of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is 81,126, of whom 54,666 (67 per cent) are women. Tajikistan has a total of 20,797 doctors, of whom 7,651 (37 per cent) are women. Of the total of 652 managers in health and social care, 235 (36 per cent) are women" (p. 28). This indicates that women can study in health care sectors (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In 2022, the total staffing of medical personnel in facilities of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is 81,126, of whom 54,666 (67 per cent) are women. Tajikistan has a total of 20,797 doctors, of whom 7,651 (37 per cent) are women. Of the total of 652 managers in health and social care, 235 (36 per cent) are women" (p. 28). This indicates that women can study in health care sectors (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 3, 2025, 2:39 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"While engineering is one college discipline in which men continue to outnumber women, Northeastern has since 2022 been admitting slightly more female than male first-year engineering students" (par. 11). This suggests that women can study whatevery field they choose (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"While engineering is one college discipline in which men continue to outnumber women, Northeastern has since 2022 been admitting slightly more female than male first-year engineering students" (par. 11). This suggests that women can study whatevery field they choose (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Nov. 16, 2024, 3:40 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"This [female struggle to find employment] follows Taliban decrees banning women from education at the secondary and university level and not allowing them to travel without a mahram (male close relative as chaperone)" (para 17).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"This [female struggle to find employment] follows Taliban decrees banning women from education at the secondary and university level and not allowing them to travel without a mahram (male close relative as chaperone)" (para 17).
Oct. 16, 2024, 11:13 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"He [minister of higher education Nida Mohammad Nadim] said the ban was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam" (para 33). "The Taliban have banned girls from middle school and high school, barred women from most fields of employment and ordered them to wear head-to-toe clothing in public. Women are also banned from parks and gyms" (para 37).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"He [minister of higher education Nida Mohammad Nadim] said the ban was necessary to prevent the mixing of genders in universities and because some subjects being taught violated the principles of Islam" (para 33). "The Taliban have banned girls from middle school and high school, barred women from most fields of employment and ordered them to wear head-to-toe clothing in public. Women are also banned from parks and gyms" (para 37).
Sept. 8, 2023, 3:10 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The Taliban have banned women from universities in Afghanistan, sparking international condemnation and despair among young people in the country…The Taliban had just three months ago allowed thousands of girls and women to sit university entrance exams in most provinces across the country. But there were restrictions on the subjects they could apply for, with engineering, economics, veterinary science and agriculture blocked and journalism severely restricted" (para 1, 29-30).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The Taliban have banned women from universities in Afghanistan, sparking international condemnation and despair among young people in the country…The Taliban had just three months ago allowed thousands of girls and women to sit university entrance exams in most provinces across the country. But there were restrictions on the subjects they could apply for, with engineering, economics, veterinary science and agriculture blocked and journalism severely restricted" (para 1, 29-30).
Sept. 6, 2023, 5:35 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
"[A] source with Taliban leadership ties told the Guardian that even if practical barriers to women entering higher education are removed, the authorities are considering limiting them to degrees in healthcare and education" (para 12).
"[A] source with Taliban leadership ties told the Guardian that even if practical barriers to women entering higher education are removed, the authorities are considering limiting them to degrees in healthcare and education" (para 12).
June 20, 2023, 9:30 p.m.
Countries: Nicaragua
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Through its National Institute of Technology, Nicaragua has been running technical education programmes to provide women and men with technical skills. Women’s participation in these programmes has increased, notably in specialisms that were previously open only to men, in particular in the industrial, construction, agricultural and forestry sectors." (7-8). "Under article 65 of the Constitution, Nicaraguans have the right to practice sport and to engage in physical education, recreation and leisure. The State plans to encourage organized and mass public participation in sport and physical education in order to provide Nicaraguans with a rounded education. Special programmes and projects will be put in place to that end...The goal of the...more
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Through its National Institute of Technology, Nicaragua has been running technical education programmes to provide women and men with technical skills. Women’s participation in these programmes has increased, notably in specialisms that were previously open only to men, in particular in the industrial, construction, agricultural and forestry sectors." (7-8). "Under article 65 of the Constitution, Nicaraguans have the right to practice sport and to engage in physical education, recreation and leisure. The State plans to encourage organized and mass public participation in sport and physical education in order to provide Nicaraguans with a rounded education. Special programmes and projects will be put in place to that end...The goal of the...more
Feb. 22, 2023, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
"(Testimony of Female Business Owner) “Right now 20% of the students in our IT career training programs at Telerik Academy are women – twice as many compared to the Academy’s earlier years. I don’t think there are challenges for women who work in IT. The challenge is to attract women to the sector, which I think should start very early on”, Mechkova explains. There are, however, some positive indications in this direction as well – Telerik Academy School offers classes to children. According to her, girls now make up to 30% of the young students, in some classes even 40% – a tendency that will positively impact the sector in...more
"(Testimony of Female Business Owner) “Right now 20% of the students in our IT career training programs at Telerik Academy are women – twice as many compared to the Academy’s earlier years. I don’t think there are challenges for women who work in IT. The challenge is to attract women to the sector, which I think should start very early on”, Mechkova explains. There are, however, some positive indications in this direction as well – Telerik Academy School offers classes to children. According to her, girls now make up to 30% of the young students, in some classes even 40% – a tendency that will positively impact the sector in...more
Feb. 18, 2023, 9:51 a.m.
Countries: Japan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"A Japanese court on Thursday ordered a Tokyo medical school to pay around 8.05 million yen ($63,000) in damages to 13 women for rigging its entrance exams in favor of male candidates, in what is believed to be the first ruling of its kind following a series of manipulations of exam results found in Japan" (Para.1) "The Tokyo District Court ruled that the women had suffered emotional distress as a result of Juntendo University's gender-based discrimination, awarding each between 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen in compensation. The plaintiffs had sought a combined 54 million yen" (Para.2). "Having applicants take entrance examinations while concealing the acceptance criteria "constitutes illegal behavior as...more
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"A Japanese court on Thursday ordered a Tokyo medical school to pay around 8.05 million yen ($63,000) in damages to 13 women for rigging its entrance exams in favor of male candidates, in what is believed to be the first ruling of its kind following a series of manipulations of exam results found in Japan" (Para.1) "The Tokyo District Court ruled that the women had suffered emotional distress as a result of Juntendo University's gender-based discrimination, awarding each between 300,000 yen and 900,000 yen in compensation. The plaintiffs had sought a combined 54 million yen" (Para.2). "Having applicants take entrance examinations while concealing the acceptance criteria "constitutes illegal behavior as...more
Feb. 13, 2023, 10:57 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The clerics emphasize strict segregation and the importance of girls studying so they can be better mothers — which, they presume, is the chief role for women." (Para.4). "[C]leric Jalilullah Akhundzada, head of the Dar al-Uloom seminary in the western Afghan city of Herat, who issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, in support of girls' education in March. Akhunzada was not available to speak to NPR, but his son, known as Mualana Muhibullah, said his father's fatwa was an 'expression of truth and reality which needed to be told,'he said. 'Girls and women should have the right to educate and be educated, but by preserving the conditions needed for a...more
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The clerics emphasize strict segregation and the importance of girls studying so they can be better mothers — which, they presume, is the chief role for women." (Para.4). "[C]leric Jalilullah Akhundzada, head of the Dar al-Uloom seminary in the western Afghan city of Herat, who issued a fatwa, or religious ruling, in support of girls' education in March. Akhunzada was not available to speak to NPR, but his son, known as Mualana Muhibullah, said his father's fatwa was an 'expression of truth and reality which needed to be told,'he said. 'Girls and women should have the right to educate and be educated, but by preserving the conditions needed for a...more
Feb. 4, 2023, 6:14 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Moreover, Males and females can pursue any career of their choice without any limitations." (30).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Moreover, Males and females can pursue any career of their choice without any limitations." (30).
June 14, 2022, 5:24 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Throughout the education system, boys, girls, men and women have equal rights to schooling and educational opportunities within all study areas" (35). "In the Faroe Islands, girls, boys, women and men continue to enjoy the same rights and equal access to all schools and educational opportunities in all subject areas" (44).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Throughout the education system, boys, girls, men and women have equal rights to schooling and educational opportunities within all study areas" (35). "In the Faroe Islands, girls, boys, women and men continue to enjoy the same rights and equal access to all schools and educational opportunities in all subject areas" (44).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Women are legally able to study any area of their choice in any university" (1).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Women are legally able to study any area of their choice in any university" (1).
July 9, 2021, 1:38 p.m.
Countries: Kenya
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The minimum age for marriage is 18 years for women and men" (p 36).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The minimum age for marriage is 18 years for women and men" (p 36).
June 9, 2021, 8:43 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"In the reporting period, access to vocational education was equal for persons of both sexes. Slight limitations with regard to girls (women) resulted from the provisions of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 24 August 2004 on the list of occupations forbidden to juveniles and the conditions of employment of juveniles in certain occupations (Dz. U. No 200, item 2047, as amended), which concern prohibiting underage girls from starting education in professions such as: blacksmith, foundry pattern-maker, operator of foundry machines and equipment, operator of metallurgical machines and equipment, operator of machines and equipment for plastic working, operator of ceramic industry equipment, miner exploiting underground or overground deposits,...more
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"In the reporting period, access to vocational education was equal for persons of both sexes. Slight limitations with regard to girls (women) resulted from the provisions of the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers of 24 August 2004 on the list of occupations forbidden to juveniles and the conditions of employment of juveniles in certain occupations (Dz. U. No 200, item 2047, as amended), which concern prohibiting underage girls from starting education in professions such as: blacksmith, foundry pattern-maker, operator of foundry machines and equipment, operator of metallurgical machines and equipment, operator of machines and equipment for plastic working, operator of ceramic industry equipment, miner exploiting underground or overground deposits,...more
Jan. 7, 2021, 6:05 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
“Semra had spent years working overtime at her cleaning job, saving enough to pay for extra courses that she hoped would secure a place for her daughter at an academically rigorous secular school. But after taking the admissions test under Turkey’s system for allocating slots in public schools, her daughter was one of nearly 40,000 students automatically assigned to the state-run religious schools” (para. 2).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
“Semra had spent years working overtime at her cleaning job, saving enough to pay for extra courses that she hoped would secure a place for her daughter at an academically rigorous secular school. But after taking the admissions test under Turkey’s system for allocating slots in public schools, her daughter was one of nearly 40,000 students automatically assigned to the state-run religious schools” (para. 2).
Nov. 14, 2019, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Iran
"The connect-the-dots of intrigue eventually lead to the Rouhani government itself. Hard-liners angrily cite his administration’s attempts to suspend Ahmadinejad-era gender policies, such as a ban on women’s studying certain subjects in universities, a reduction in their permissible work hours, and a stricter dress code" (para 14).
"The connect-the-dots of intrigue eventually lead to the Rouhani government itself. Hard-liners angrily cite his administration’s attempts to suspend Ahmadinejad-era gender policies, such as a ban on women’s studying certain subjects in universities, a reduction in their permissible work hours, and a stricter dress code" (para 14).
Oct. 22, 2019, 6:25 p.m.
Countries: Sudan
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The legal age of marriage was 10 years for girls and 15 years or puberty for boys. The government and the president’s wife continued to work to end child marriage." (pg 44).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The legal age of marriage was 10 years for girls and 15 years or puberty for boys. The government and the president’s wife continued to work to end child marriage." (pg 44).
Jan. 2, 2019, 10:04 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"A prestigious Hungarian university on Tuesday blasted a government decree that prohibits gender studies courses as a 'major infringement' on academic freedom. The decree, signed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban and in force since Saturday, dropped the subject from a list of masters degree programs entitled to official accreditation and financial support. Institutions are also now barred from launching new courses in the discipline, although students who have already begun courses may complete their studies, according to the decree" (para 1-3). "Orban's deputy Zsolt Semjen said later gender studies 'has no business (being taught) in universities,' because it is 'an ideology not a science'" (para 9).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"A prestigious Hungarian university on Tuesday blasted a government decree that prohibits gender studies courses as a 'major infringement' on academic freedom. The decree, signed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban and in force since Saturday, dropped the subject from a list of masters degree programs entitled to official accreditation and financial support. Institutions are also now barred from launching new courses in the discipline, although students who have already begun courses may complete their studies, according to the decree" (para 1-3). "Orban's deputy Zsolt Semjen said later gender studies 'has no business (being taught) in universities,' because it is 'an ideology not a science'" (para 9).
Nov. 9, 2018, 11:06 a.m.
Countries: North Korea
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Provisions in laws or directives limiting women’s access to some studies and professions based on women’s characteristics as defined by the State party" (3).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Provisions in laws or directives limiting women’s access to some studies and professions based on women’s characteristics as defined by the State party" (3).
Oct. 22, 2018, 9:31 p.m.
Countries: Iran
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Women were restricted from enrolling in several courses of study and faced limited program opportunities, quotas on program admission, and gender-segregated classes" (para 94). "Quotas and other restrictions, which varied across universities, limited women’s university admissions to certain fields, as well as to certain master’s and doctoral programs. According to the UN special rapporteur’s August report, universities continued gender-rationing policies, restricting women’s enrollment in some fields" (para 160)
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Women were restricted from enrolling in several courses of study and faced limited program opportunities, quotas on program admission, and gender-segregated classes" (para 94). "Quotas and other restrictions, which varied across universities, limited women’s university admissions to certain fields, as well as to certain master’s and doctoral programs. According to the UN special rapporteur’s August report, universities continued gender-rationing policies, restricting women’s enrollment in some fields" (para 160)
Aug. 24, 2018, 12:29 p.m.
Countries: Burma/Myanmar
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"The Committee commends the State party on its efforts to ensure equal access for women and girls to all levels of education and the increase in the rate of girls’ participation in primary and secondary education. The Committee is concerned, however, about: (a) Discriminatory admission criteria that require women, but not men, to attain specific grades in order to enrol in certain traditionally male-dominated courses, such as engineering, at the tertiary level" (page 11).
Variables: AFE-LAW-1, ASR-LAW-1
"The Committee commends the State party on its efforts to ensure equal access for women and girls to all levels of education and the increase in the rate of girls’ participation in primary and secondary education. The Committee is concerned, however, about: (a) Discriminatory admission criteria that require women, but not men, to attain specific grades in order to enrol in certain traditionally male-dominated courses, such as engineering, at the tertiary level" (page 11).
Feb. 23, 2018, 8:47 p.m.
Countries: Moldova
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Since children have equal opportunities to education, regardless of sex, there are no separate subjects for boys and girls, either in pre-university education or in secondary vocational, secondary specialized or higher education. Admission to vocational secondary education, specialized secondary and higher education is based on the average mark in the school diploma" (Pg 25).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Since children have equal opportunities to education, regardless of sex, there are no separate subjects for boys and girls, either in pre-university education or in secondary vocational, secondary specialized or higher education. Admission to vocational secondary education, specialized secondary and higher education is based on the average mark in the school diploma" (Pg 25).
Feb. 14, 2018, 11:45 a.m.
Countries: Palestine
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Legislation and policies guarantee the right of students to freely choose their field of study at all educational levels according to their interests and abilities and in line with the principle of equality of opportunity, without gender discrimination" (37).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"Legislation and policies guarantee the right of students to freely choose their field of study at all educational levels according to their interests and abilities and in line with the principle of equality of opportunity, without gender discrimination" (37).
Feb. 7, 2018, 10:37 a.m.
Countries: Sweden
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In 2011 the National Agency for Education was commissioned to take action in 2011-2014 to strengthen quality and gender equality perspectives in study and vocational guidance. As part of this action the National Agency for Education is to offer continued professional development for study and career guidance advisers. The purpose of this action is to be able to give pupils broad, balanced and gender-neutral guidance to the labour market. This guidance is to assume that all occupational areas are possible for both girls and boys, women and men. As of the autumn term 2011 new curricula apply to the compulsory forms of school. The Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool...more
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In 2011 the National Agency for Education was commissioned to take action in 2011-2014 to strengthen quality and gender equality perspectives in study and vocational guidance. As part of this action the National Agency for Education is to offer continued professional development for study and career guidance advisers. The purpose of this action is to be able to give pupils broad, balanced and gender-neutral guidance to the labour market. This guidance is to assume that all occupational areas are possible for both girls and boys, women and men. As of the autumn term 2011 new curricula apply to the compulsory forms of school. The Curriculum for the compulsory school, preschool...more
Jan. 20, 2018, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: Bahrain
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The vocational and technical training strategic plan 2008-2014, which widens training opportunities for girls in non-traditional fields" (pg 2).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"The vocational and technical training strategic plan 2008-2014, which widens training opportunities for girls in non-traditional fields" (pg 2).