Latest items for ASR-DATA-1
March 21, 2025, 10:13 a.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Fada Mohammad Peykan, a former deputy health minister, said: 'A massive brain drain is underway, and the number of female doctors is falling rapidly. Outside major cities, most surgeons are men, and under Taliban rules, they cannot treat female patients. The situation is critical. No new female doctors are being trained' (para 37-38).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Fada Mohammad Peykan, a former deputy health minister, said: 'A massive brain drain is underway, and the number of female doctors is falling rapidly. Outside major cities, most surgeons are men, and under Taliban rules, they cannot treat female patients. The situation is critical. No new female doctors are being trained' (para 37-38).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Between 2014 and 2020, 1,280,451 women pursued studies in various areas and academic disciplines. Their participation averaged: 71 per cent in health; 74 per cent in education; 62 per cent in social sciences; 62.7 per cent in agriculture and marine sciences; 50 per cent in basic sciences; 58.96 per cent in humanities, literature and arts; and 44 per cent in engineering, architecture and technology" (17). "Women account for 50.47 per cent of research workers at the Ministry of People’s Power for Science and Technology (a gender parity index of 1.02)" (18).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Between 2014 and 2020, 1,280,451 women pursued studies in various areas and academic disciplines. Their participation averaged: 71 per cent in health; 74 per cent in education; 62 per cent in social sciences; 62.7 per cent in agriculture and marine sciences; 50 per cent in basic sciences; 58.96 per cent in humanities, literature and arts; and 44 per cent in engineering, architecture and technology" (17). "Women account for 50.47 per cent of research workers at the Ministry of People’s Power for Science and Technology (a gender parity index of 1.02)" (18).
March 3, 2025, 9:03 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Increase the number of women judges, prosecutors and police officers and provide capacity-building to the judiciary, the police and other law enforcement officers on the strict application of relevant criminal law provisions and on gender-sensitive investigation and interrogation method" (Page 19) This recommendation suggests that there is a lack of women in those positions (CODER COMMENT - LK).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Increase the number of women judges, prosecutors and police officers and provide capacity-building to the judiciary, the police and other law enforcement officers on the strict application of relevant criminal law provisions and on gender-sensitive investigation and interrogation method" (Page 19) This recommendation suggests that there is a lack of women in those positions (CODER COMMENT - LK).
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Currently, there are 61,564 women teachers nationwide (48,558 in the public sector and 13,006 in the private sector)" (25).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Currently, there are 61,564 women teachers nationwide (48,558 in the public sector and 13,006 in the private sector)" (25).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"At the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year, 53.2 per cent of students in higher educational institutions were women. As in the past, a high proportion of those who enrolled in the following areas were women: 86.6 per cent in teacher training, 79.8 per cent in journalism and information, 76.8 per cent in the humanities, 75.1 per cent in physical sciences, 67.7 per cent in life sciences, 66.6 per cent in services, 59.9 per cent in social and behavioural sciences, 55.6 per cent in mathematics and statistics, 54.9 per cent in business and management and 50.1 per cent in health care" (23). Table 13, titled "Distribution of students at training...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"At the beginning of the 2017/2018 academic year, 53.2 per cent of students in higher educational institutions were women. As in the past, a high proportion of those who enrolled in the following areas were women: 86.6 per cent in teacher training, 79.8 per cent in journalism and information, 76.8 per cent in the humanities, 75.1 per cent in physical sciences, 67.7 per cent in life sciences, 66.6 per cent in services, 59.9 per cent in social and behavioural sciences, 55.6 per cent in mathematics and statistics, 54.9 per cent in business and management and 50.1 per cent in health care" (23). Table 13, titled "Distribution of students at training...more
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The central office of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection employs 30 managers, 6 of whom (20 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "In 2022, the total staffing of medical personnel in facilities of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is 81,126, of whom 54,666 (67 per cent) are women. Tajikistan has a total of 20,797 doctors, of whom 7,651 (37 per cent) are women. Of the total of 652 managers in health and social care, 235 (36 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "Of the 37 State lawyers at the legal aid centre of the Ministry of Justice, 11 (30 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "The...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The central office of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection employs 30 managers, 6 of whom (20 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "In 2022, the total staffing of medical personnel in facilities of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is 81,126, of whom 54,666 (67 per cent) are women. Tajikistan has a total of 20,797 doctors, of whom 7,651 (37 per cent) are women. Of the total of 652 managers in health and social care, 235 (36 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "Of the 37 State lawyers at the legal aid centre of the Ministry of Justice, 11 (30 per cent) are women" (p. 28). "The...more
Jan. 3, 2025, 2:39 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Women still make up fewer than a quarter of engineering majors nationwide and fewer than half of business majors — fields that can lead to higher-paying jobs" (par. 13). "Other factors, beginning in college, perpetuate this gap. Even with enrollment now female dominated, women make up only a little more than a third of full professors, according to the American Association of University Women, and a third of college presidents, says a report from the American Council on Education" (par. 18).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Women still make up fewer than a quarter of engineering majors nationwide and fewer than half of business majors — fields that can lead to higher-paying jobs" (par. 13). "Other factors, beginning in college, perpetuate this gap. Even with enrollment now female dominated, women make up only a little more than a third of full professors, according to the American Association of University Women, and a third of college presidents, says a report from the American Council on Education" (par. 18).
Nov. 16, 2024, 4:25 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Afghanistan is one of the few countries where there are no female judges, attorneys, or prosecutors" (para 1). "Over 300 women served as judges under the previous government. In more than 15 provinces across Afghanistan, female judges presided over various court divisions. As a result, women had easy access to justice in the Islamic Republic’s judicial and prosecutorial system" (para 2).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Afghanistan is one of the few countries where there are no female judges, attorneys, or prosecutors" (para 1). "Over 300 women served as judges under the previous government. In more than 15 provinces across Afghanistan, female judges presided over various court divisions. As a result, women had easy access to justice in the Islamic Republic’s judicial and prosecutorial system" (para 2).
Oct. 16, 2024, 3:08 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Afghanistan is one of the few countries where there are no female judges, attorneys, or prosecutors" (para 1). "Over 300 women served as judges under the previous government. In more than 15 provinces across Afghanistan, female judges presided over various court divisions. As a result, women had easy access to justice in the Islamic Republic’s judicial and prosecutorial system" (para 2).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Afghanistan is one of the few countries where there are no female judges, attorneys, or prosecutors" (para 1). "Over 300 women served as judges under the previous government. In more than 15 provinces across Afghanistan, female judges presided over various court divisions. As a result, women had easy access to justice in the Islamic Republic’s judicial and prosecutorial system" (para 2).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[There is a] high percentage of female researchers at universities and [an] increasing number of female students enrolling in previously male-dominated fields of study… [There is a] low number of women in leading academic positions" 10).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[There is a] high percentage of female researchers at universities and [an] increasing number of female students enrolling in previously male-dominated fields of study… [There is a] low number of women in leading academic positions" 10).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[T]he rates of enrolment, retention and completion by women and girls at all levels of education, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programmes [needs to increase]" (11). This can indicate that the enrollment levels are low (MV- coder comment).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[T]he rates of enrolment, retention and completion by women and girls at all levels of education, especially in science, technology, engineering and mathematics programmes [needs to increase]" (11). This can indicate that the enrollment levels are low (MV- coder comment).
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[There is a] low percentage of women and girls who choose non-traditional fields of study and career paths, such as mechanical and electrical engineering [and a] low number of women professors" (10).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[There is a] low percentage of women and girls who choose non-traditional fields of study and career paths, such as mechanical and electrical engineering [and a] low number of women professors" (10).
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Fewer females continue to enrol in science and technology fields than males" (7). This suggests that there are probably fewer women in these fields as professionals (VMH - CODER COMMENT). In Table 4, titled "Participation of Women in the Court of Appeal and High Court, 2015," shows how men are incredibly under-represented in Court positions comapred to men. For Chief Justice, women were 0%, while men were 100%. For Presidents, women were 0% as well, while the men were 100% once again. For Judges, women were 24%, while men are 76% (27). In Table 5, titled "Participation of Women in the Magistrate Courts, 2012," shows that women domiante this field...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Fewer females continue to enrol in science and technology fields than males" (7). This suggests that there are probably fewer women in these fields as professionals (VMH - CODER COMMENT). In Table 4, titled "Participation of Women in the Court of Appeal and High Court, 2015," shows how men are incredibly under-represented in Court positions comapred to men. For Chief Justice, women were 0%, while men were 100%. For Presidents, women were 0% as well, while the men were 100% once again. For Judges, women were 24%, while men are 76% (27). In Table 5, titled "Participation of Women in the Magistrate Courts, 2012," shows that women domiante this field...more
Jan. 4, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Singapore
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The proportion of women lawyers continued to be healthy at 43 per cent in 2021. The proportion of women doctors increased from 40 per cent in 2016 to 42 per cent in 2020. Women made up 30 per cent of research scientists and engineers in 2019, up from 27 per cent in 2009. Since 2007, the rate of increase in the number of female scientists and engineers has consistently outpaced or matched that of their male counterparts. Between 2018 and 2019, the number of female research scientists and engineers grew faster at 8.0 per cent, compared to males at 6.9 per cent" (25). "The proportion of females among employed residents...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The proportion of women lawyers continued to be healthy at 43 per cent in 2021. The proportion of women doctors increased from 40 per cent in 2016 to 42 per cent in 2020. Women made up 30 per cent of research scientists and engineers in 2019, up from 27 per cent in 2009. Since 2007, the rate of increase in the number of female scientists and engineers has consistently outpaced or matched that of their male counterparts. Between 2018 and 2019, the number of female research scientists and engineers grew faster at 8.0 per cent, compared to males at 6.9 per cent" (25). "The proportion of females among employed residents...more
Aug. 24, 2023, 1:08 a.m.
Countries: Cape Verde
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[G]irls [continue to be underrepresented] in traditionally male-dominated fields of study, in particular in higher education, in which study choices remain stereotyped" (8).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[G]irls [continue to be underrepresented] in traditionally male-dominated fields of study, in particular in higher education, in which study choices remain stereotyped" (8).
Aug. 8, 2023, 8:30 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[P]articipation of girls in apprenticeships, crafts, science and technology [needs to increase]" (9). This indicates that choices are still stereotyed and not modified to be gender-neutral (MV-coder comment).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[P]articipation of girls in apprenticeships, crafts, science and technology [needs to increase]" (9). This indicates that choices are still stereotyed and not modified to be gender-neutral (MV-coder comment).
Aug. 8, 2023, 12:20 p.m.
Countries: Senegal
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The involvement of women in decision-making bodies has resulted in major progress, including, most notably:... In 2010, women accounted for 17.29 percent of the judiciary…"(6).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The involvement of women in decision-making bodies has resulted in major progress, including, most notably:... In 2010, women accounted for 17.29 percent of the judiciary…"(6).
July 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m.
Countries: Cambodia
Variables: GP-DATA-6, ASR-DATA-1
"[T]he number of women in the judiciary and providing systematic capacity-building to judges, prosecutors, police officers and other law enforcement officials [needs to increase]" (4).
Variables: GP-DATA-6, ASR-DATA-1
"[T]he number of women in the judiciary and providing systematic capacity-building to judges, prosecutors, police officers and other law enforcement officials [needs to increase]" (4).
July 21, 2023, 11:58 a.m.
Countries: Azerbaijan
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Women have a dominant position in some professions (such as education, healthcare and others). The gender analysis of employment data of the population shows that the share of female workers in 2017 was 47,6% in education, 53,0% in healthcare and social services and 26,2% in recreation, entertainment and art areas" (10). "Women are also broadly present in the area of science in Azerbaijan. 54% of students in master course, 51% of PhDs lecturing at higher educational institutions and 46% of Doctor of Science are women. Currently, 1215 (56%) out of 2168 doctoral candidates are women" (19-20).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Women have a dominant position in some professions (such as education, healthcare and others). The gender analysis of employment data of the population shows that the share of female workers in 2017 was 47,6% in education, 53,0% in healthcare and social services and 26,2% in recreation, entertainment and art areas" (10). "Women are also broadly present in the area of science in Azerbaijan. 54% of students in master course, 51% of PhDs lecturing at higher educational institutions and 46% of Doctor of Science are women. Currently, 1215 (56%) out of 2168 doctoral candidates are women" (19-20).
July 10, 2023, 9:26 p.m.
Countries: Maldives
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The courts have gone from 7 in 2016 to 9 female judges as of 2018, accounting for 4.8% of Judges nation-wide. At present, 40.16% of employees working in the judiciary, and 40.67% of court officers are women. Over 55% of the technical staff in the PGO and 56% of all lawyers nation-wide are women. Furthermore, 66.67% of Attorneys at AGO are also female." (18). "Traditional streaming of young women at the higher education level continues, with them predominating in the social sciences, as compared to young men tend to dominate in the sciences, engineering, IT and in vocational training. Interestingly, Commerce and Law Faculties are increasingly seeing equal numbers of...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"The courts have gone from 7 in 2016 to 9 female judges as of 2018, accounting for 4.8% of Judges nation-wide. At present, 40.16% of employees working in the judiciary, and 40.67% of court officers are women. Over 55% of the technical staff in the PGO and 56% of all lawyers nation-wide are women. Furthermore, 66.67% of Attorneys at AGO are also female." (18). "Traditional streaming of young women at the higher education level continues, with them predominating in the social sciences, as compared to young men tend to dominate in the sciences, engineering, IT and in vocational training. Interestingly, Commerce and Law Faculties are increasingly seeing equal numbers of...more
June 20, 2023, 9:30 p.m.
Countries: Nicaragua
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Through its National Institute of Technology, Nicaragua has been running technical education programmes to provide women and men with technical skills. Women’s participation in these programmes has increased, notably in specialisms that were previously open only to men, in particular in the industrial, construction, agricultural and forestry sectors." (7-8). "The Gender Commission of the Supreme Court has been established. It is composed of the Court’s five female judges and the gender secretariat and is responsible for implementing the gender equality policy. A greater number of public defenders have been made available to users of the justice system and have served 186,791 women. Training on gender-sensitive human rights and development has...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Through its National Institute of Technology, Nicaragua has been running technical education programmes to provide women and men with technical skills. Women’s participation in these programmes has increased, notably in specialisms that were previously open only to men, in particular in the industrial, construction, agricultural and forestry sectors." (7-8). "The Gender Commission of the Supreme Court has been established. It is composed of the Court’s five female judges and the gender secretariat and is responsible for implementing the gender equality policy. A greater number of public defenders have been made available to users of the justice system and have served 186,791 women. Training on gender-sensitive human rights and development has...more
June 14, 2023, 7:56 p.m.
Countries: Bolivia
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[I]n the elections for the high authorities of the judiciary and particularly the agricultural and environmental courts held in 2017, out of the 5 members of the plenary of the Agricultural and Environmental Court, for the first time 3 are women. Indeed, in 2019 one of them presided over the Court" (23).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[I]n the elections for the high authorities of the judiciary and particularly the agricultural and environmental courts held in 2017, out of the 5 members of the plenary of the Agricultural and Environmental Court, for the first time 3 are women. Indeed, in 2019 one of them presided over the Court" (23).
March 31, 2023, 2:31 p.m.
Countries: Egypt
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[W]omen and girls tend to be concentrated in traditionally female-dominated fields of study and are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics" (9).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"[W]omen and girls tend to be concentrated in traditionally female-dominated fields of study and are underrepresented in science, technology, engineering and mathematics" (9).
March 18, 2023, 10:20 p.m.
Countries: Ethiopia
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Within the judiciary, at the federal first instance courts, women account for 43.4 per cent of the judges. Similarly, at the federal high court, women account for 21.3 per cent of the judges. At the Federal Supreme Court there are seven women judges (17.5 per cent). While these numbers show that the proportion of women has increased compared to the previous reporting period, the representation of women in the judiciary remain low. Within the Federal executive branch, women’s representation stood at 15.5 per cent at higher level and 22 per cent at middle level positions" (12). "In 2014/15, the share of females was 30.1 per cent in the fields of...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"Within the judiciary, at the federal first instance courts, women account for 43.4 per cent of the judges. Similarly, at the federal high court, women account for 21.3 per cent of the judges. At the Federal Supreme Court there are seven women judges (17.5 per cent). While these numbers show that the proportion of women has increased compared to the previous reporting period, the representation of women in the judiciary remain low. Within the Federal executive branch, women’s representation stood at 15.5 per cent at higher level and 22 per cent at middle level positions" (12). "In 2014/15, the share of females was 30.1 per cent in the fields of...more
Feb. 22, 2023, 1:10 p.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
“A little over half of self-employed workers in Bulgaria are educated to the upper secondary level, and 32% hold a tertiary level degree. Self-employed women were more likely than self-employed workers in any other groups to have completed tertiary education. This data confirm findings of an earlier nation-wide study that the group of women entrepreneurs had a higher share of people with higher education. Relatively few self-employed workers held only a basic education compared to the EU average. The Roma population is likely to be overrepresented in this last category, including Roma women who display high rates of early school dropout” (12).
“A little over half of self-employed workers in Bulgaria are educated to the upper secondary level, and 32% hold a tertiary level degree. Self-employed women were more likely than self-employed workers in any other groups to have completed tertiary education. This data confirm findings of an earlier nation-wide study that the group of women entrepreneurs had a higher share of people with higher education. Relatively few self-employed workers held only a basic education compared to the EU average. The Roma population is likely to be overrepresented in this last category, including Roma women who display high rates of early school dropout” (12).
Feb. 22, 2023, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: Bulgaria
"(Testimony of Female Business Owner) “Right now 20% of the students in our IT career training programs at Telerik Academy are women – twice as many compared to the Academy’s earlier years. I don’t think there are challenges for women who work in IT. The challenge is to attract women to the sector, which I think should start very early on”, Mechkova explains. There are, however, some positive indications in this direction as well – Telerik Academy School offers classes to children. According to her, girls now make up to 30% of the young students, in some classes even 40% – a tendency that will positively impact the sector in...more
"(Testimony of Female Business Owner) “Right now 20% of the students in our IT career training programs at Telerik Academy are women – twice as many compared to the Academy’s earlier years. I don’t think there are challenges for women who work in IT. The challenge is to attract women to the sector, which I think should start very early on”, Mechkova explains. There are, however, some positive indications in this direction as well – Telerik Academy School offers classes to children. According to her, girls now make up to 30% of the young students, in some classes even 40% – a tendency that will positively impact the sector in...more
Feb. 4, 2023, 6:14 p.m.
Countries: Namibia
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"At University level, more females graduate than males. The number of female graduates in traditionally male dominated courses such as Medicine, Engineering and other hard sciences has also increased exponentially in the last few years." (12). Table 10 titled 'Women in the Judiciary' looks at the amount of female participation in varying positions which include Registrars / Chief Justice, President of the Court, Judges, and Magistrates with 75% of Resitrars/Chief Justices, 33.3% of President of the Courts, 20.8% of judges, and 49.5% of magistrates are women. (27). "Institutions of higher learning have in recent years recorded an increase in enrolment of courses by females in fields which were historically male...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"At University level, more females graduate than males. The number of female graduates in traditionally male dominated courses such as Medicine, Engineering and other hard sciences has also increased exponentially in the last few years." (12). Table 10 titled 'Women in the Judiciary' looks at the amount of female participation in varying positions which include Registrars / Chief Justice, President of the Court, Judges, and Magistrates with 75% of Resitrars/Chief Justices, 33.3% of President of the Courts, 20.8% of judges, and 49.5% of magistrates are women. (27). "Institutions of higher learning have in recent years recorded an increase in enrolment of courses by females in fields which were historically male...more
June 14, 2022, 5:24 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"More women than men complete a higher education and almost the same number of men and women achieve a Ph.D. Although the share of women in academia has increased in recent years, only about one third of researchers are female. In 2017, the share of female full professors was 22.2 percent (Table 6, Annex 1). University management has the key responsibility for increasing the number of female researchers and for ensuring good and equal conditions for recruitment, promotion and retention of both male and female researchers" (19). "In 2013, Independent Research Fund Denmark organised a conference on Gender in research. An element in this conference was to follow up on...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"More women than men complete a higher education and almost the same number of men and women achieve a Ph.D. Although the share of women in academia has increased in recent years, only about one third of researchers are female. In 2017, the share of female full professors was 22.2 percent (Table 6, Annex 1). University management has the key responsibility for increasing the number of female researchers and for ensuring good and equal conditions for recruitment, promotion and retention of both male and female researchers" (19). "In 2013, Independent Research Fund Denmark organised a conference on Gender in research. An element in this conference was to follow up on...more
March 9, 2022, 8:57 a.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"In the Universities, women overtook men during 80’s, in Faculties, such as Law, being mainly chosen by women (since this allows them to compete for the access to the judiciary)" (57). "Women are also recuperating the educational disadvantage in the field of new technologies, a field traditionally attributed to men. However, the women’s presence in scientific Faculties, such as Engineering, remains low. There is an average of 18.4 women out of 100 freshmen. Such situation reduces chances for the women of getting hired by the most advanced IT companies. Therefore, as for scientific and technical positions, gender stereotypes persist in many companies...Needless to say, the number of women scientists remains...more
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"In the Universities, women overtook men during 80’s, in Faculties, such as Law, being mainly chosen by women (since this allows them to compete for the access to the judiciary)" (57). "Women are also recuperating the educational disadvantage in the field of new technologies, a field traditionally attributed to men. However, the women’s presence in scientific Faculties, such as Engineering, remains low. There is an average of 18.4 women out of 100 freshmen. Such situation reduces chances for the women of getting hired by the most advanced IT companies. Therefore, as for scientific and technical positions, gender stereotypes persist in many companies...Needless to say, the number of women scientists remains...more
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"There is no percentage of lawyers, bankers, doctors, or other professionals that are women. Women make up a large percentage of nurses, but very few are in the law, bank, or engineering field" (1).
Variables: ASR-DATA-1
"There is no percentage of lawyers, bankers, doctors, or other professionals that are women. Women make up a large percentage of nurses, but very few are in the law, bank, or engineering field" (1).