Latest items for AOM-LAW-1
Feb. 20, 2025, 3:28 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our systematic review of Uganda’s legislative and constitutional provisions, Uganda sets the minimum age of marriage at 18 years and requires parental consent for any person marrying under the age of 21. However, a combination of overlapping laws governing customary and religious marriages allow girls to marry before the age of 18, and in certain conditions may allow both girls and boys to marry at any age.... The Marriage Bill (2017), which has been in development for over a decade, attempts to harmonize these existing legislative provisions with the country’s constitution, which prohibits marriage under the age of 18. However, as of December 18, 2020, this bill has...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our systematic review of Uganda’s legislative and constitutional provisions, Uganda sets the minimum age of marriage at 18 years and requires parental consent for any person marrying under the age of 21. However, a combination of overlapping laws governing customary and religious marriages allow girls to marry before the age of 18, and in certain conditions may allow both girls and boys to marry at any age.... The Marriage Bill (2017), which has been in development for over a decade, attempts to harmonize these existing legislative provisions with the country’s constitution, which prohibits marriage under the age of 18. However, as of December 18, 2020, this bill has...more
Feb. 20, 2025, 3:09 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review of national legislation, Mauritania establishes a minimum age of marriage of 18 years for women and men" (3). "Based on our review of national legislation, the Personal Status Law of Mauritania establishes a minimum age of marriage of 18 years for all women and men" (5). "Loi Portant Code du Statut Personnel CHAPITRE III : LES ELEMENTS CONSTITUTIFS DU MARIAGE Article 5 : Les éléments constitutifs du mariage sont: les deux époux, le tuteur « weli », la dot et le consentement. SECTION 1 : LES EPOUX Article 6 : La capacité de se marier est accomplie pour toute personne douée de raison et âgée de...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review of national legislation, Mauritania establishes a minimum age of marriage of 18 years for women and men" (3). "Based on our review of national legislation, the Personal Status Law of Mauritania establishes a minimum age of marriage of 18 years for all women and men" (5). "Loi Portant Code du Statut Personnel CHAPITRE III : LES ELEMENTS CONSTITUTIFS DU MARIAGE Article 5 : Les éléments constitutifs du mariage sont: les deux époux, le tuteur « weli », la dot et le consentement. SECTION 1 : LES EPOUX Article 6 : La capacité de se marier est accomplie pour toute personne douée de raison et âgée de...more
Feb. 19, 2025, 11:08 p.m.
Countries: Djibouti
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Djibouti has two laws governing marriage rights. Both the Civil Code and the Family Code require that girls and boys be at least 18 years old to marry. However, the Family Code permits the marriage of children under the age of 18 with parental consent, and the Civil Code allows children under the age of 18 to marry with both parental and judicial consent. There is no minimum age of marriage associated with these exceptions, thus children of any age can be married with parental or judicial consent. Civil Code of Djibouti Article 163 L’homme et la femme ne peuvent contracter mariage avant dix-huit ans révolus....more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Djibouti has two laws governing marriage rights. Both the Civil Code and the Family Code require that girls and boys be at least 18 years old to marry. However, the Family Code permits the marriage of children under the age of 18 with parental consent, and the Civil Code allows children under the age of 18 to marry with both parental and judicial consent. There is no minimum age of marriage associated with these exceptions, thus children of any age can be married with parental or judicial consent. Civil Code of Djibouti Article 163 L’homme et la femme ne peuvent contracter mariage avant dix-huit ans révolus....more
Feb. 19, 2025, 11:01 p.m.
Countries: Georgia
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"We commend Georgia for passing the 2015 amendment to the Civil Code which revised Article 1108(2), removing the exception that allowed children to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent. Based on our review, Georgia now prohibits the marriage of girls and boys under the age of 18" (4). "We commend Georgia for passing the 2015 amendment to the Civil Code which revised Article 1108(2), removing the provision that allowed children to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent. Currently, Articles 1107 and 1108 of the Civil Code establish 18 years as the minimum age of marriage for girls and boys" (5).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"We commend Georgia for passing the 2015 amendment to the Civil Code which revised Article 1108(2), removing the exception that allowed children to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent. Based on our review, Georgia now prohibits the marriage of girls and boys under the age of 18" (4). "We commend Georgia for passing the 2015 amendment to the Civil Code which revised Article 1108(2), removing the provision that allowed children to marry at the age of 16 with parental consent. Currently, Articles 1107 and 1108 of the Civil Code establish 18 years as the minimum age of marriage for girls and boys" (5).
Feb. 19, 2025, 10:52 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, exceptions to this provision allow children younger than 18 to marry with parental or court approval" (4). "Based on our review, the Civil Code of Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, Articles 124, 126, and 128 of the Civil Code outline exceptions to this provision, allowing children under the age of 18 to marry with parental consent or court approval. Madde 11 - Erginlik onsekiz yaşın doldurulmasıyla başlar. Evlenme kişiyi ergin kılar. Madde 124- Erkek veya kadın onyedi yaşını doldurmadıkça evlenemez. Ancak,...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, exceptions to this provision allow children younger than 18 to marry with parental or court approval" (4). "Based on our review, the Civil Code of Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, Articles 124, 126, and 128 of the Civil Code outline exceptions to this provision, allowing children under the age of 18 to marry with parental consent or court approval. Madde 11 - Erginlik onsekiz yaşın doldurulmasıyla başlar. Evlenme kişiyi ergin kılar. Madde 124- Erkek veya kadın onyedi yaşını doldurmadıkça evlenemez. Ancak,...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:27 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The Committee urges the State party to… Put in place policy measures to prohibit 'Al-Fatiha' marriages involving minors" (7-8). "Under current legislation, there is no legal minimum age under which a marriage cannot be approved by a judicial authority" (12).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The Committee urges the State party to… Put in place policy measures to prohibit 'Al-Fatiha' marriages involving minors" (7-8). "Under current legislation, there is no legal minimum age under which a marriage cannot be approved by a judicial authority" (12).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"[The Family Code] raises the age of marriage to 18 for both spouses" (45). "In response to paragraph 35 of the Concluding Observations, the Public Prosecutor’s Office sent a circular97 to the prosecutors of the various courts (No. 20/3/29 (2018)), urging them to make sure to submit petitions to judges in line with the legislative intent to make marriage prior to the age of majority dependent on the court’s approval and not to hesitate to oppose marriage applications that are not in the best interests of the minor. They should also submit petitions to judges to hold hearing to make minors aware of the the damage that can result from...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"[The Family Code] raises the age of marriage to 18 for both spouses" (45). "In response to paragraph 35 of the Concluding Observations, the Public Prosecutor’s Office sent a circular97 to the prosecutors of the various courts (No. 20/3/29 (2018)), urging them to make sure to submit petitions to judges in line with the legislative intent to make marriage prior to the age of majority dependent on the court’s approval and not to hesitate to oppose marriage applications that are not in the best interests of the minor. They should also submit petitions to judges to hold hearing to make minors aware of the the damage that can result from...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:58 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Some countries, such as Malawi, have progressive laws that outlaw marriage under the age of 18, although these often come up against longstanding cultural barriers" (para 22).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Some countries, such as Malawi, have progressive laws that outlaw marriage under the age of 18, although these often come up against longstanding cultural barriers" (para 22).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:57 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Five states in the US have no minimum age of marriage as long as parents consent" (para 21).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Five states in the US have no minimum age of marriage as long as parents consent" (para 21).
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2016 of the State party’s combined seventh and eighth periodic reports in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following… (b) Legislative Decree No. 44-2017 of 12 July 2017, which raises the minimum age of marriage to 18 years for both women and men" (1-2).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The Committee welcomes the progress achieved since the consideration in 2016 of the State party’s combined seventh and eighth periodic reports in undertaking legislative reforms, in particular the adoption of the following… (b) Legislative Decree No. 44-2017 of 12 July 2017, which raises the minimum age of marriage to 18 years for both women and men" (1-2).
Jan. 30, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Though the legal age of marriage is 18, article 6 of the Personal Status Law allows guardians to contract some girls into marriage if their guardian deems the marriage in their 'best interest.' Moreover, though article 9 requires a woman’s consent in marriage, 'the silence of a minor is [considered] her consent.' The General Code of Children’s Protection provides sentences from five to 10 years of prison and a fine for a guardian who marries a child 'in the exclusive interest of the guardian,' without defining what that phrase means" (1).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Though the legal age of marriage is 18, article 6 of the Personal Status Law allows guardians to contract some girls into marriage if their guardian deems the marriage in their 'best interest.' Moreover, though article 9 requires a woman’s consent in marriage, 'the silence of a minor is [considered] her consent.' The General Code of Children’s Protection provides sentences from five to 10 years of prison and a fine for a guardian who marries a child 'in the exclusive interest of the guardian,' without defining what that phrase means" (1).
Jan. 29, 2025, 8:28 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: AOM-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, PW-LAW-1
"Last September, Moroccan King Mohammed VI ordered the government to present a new reform of the family code (Moudawana) within the next six months. Ending child marriage, inequality in inheritance and monogamy are the three key demands of Moroccan women for the new Moroccan family code, which governs areas of family law such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody. The committee, tasked with conducting consultations and preparing a reform project, submitted its first draft to the royal palace last week. So far, we have little information about its content. Ultimately, it will be up to King Mohammed VI, president of the Supreme Council of Scholars, the body with a...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1, IAD-LAW-1, PW-LAW-1
"Last September, Moroccan King Mohammed VI ordered the government to present a new reform of the family code (Moudawana) within the next six months. Ending child marriage, inequality in inheritance and monogamy are the three key demands of Moroccan women for the new Moroccan family code, which governs areas of family law such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody. The committee, tasked with conducting consultations and preparing a reform project, submitted its first draft to the royal palace last week. So far, we have little information about its content. Ultimately, it will be up to King Mohammed VI, president of the Supreme Council of Scholars, the body with a...more
Jan. 28, 2025, 2:18 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"If lawmakers pass proposed amendments to Iraq’s Personal Status Law [they] could allow marriage for girls as young as 9, as well as give religious authorities the power to decide on family affairs including marriage, divorce and the care of children" (para 4). "UNICEF reported in April 2023 that 28% of girls are married before the legal age of 18, although under Iraqi law, girls as young as 15 can be married with the consent of judges and their parents" (para 22). "The newly proposed amendments would take a large amount of decision-making power away from both families and the courts and place it into the hands of clerics, some...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"If lawmakers pass proposed amendments to Iraq’s Personal Status Law [they] could allow marriage for girls as young as 9, as well as give religious authorities the power to decide on family affairs including marriage, divorce and the care of children" (para 4). "UNICEF reported in April 2023 that 28% of girls are married before the legal age of 18, although under Iraqi law, girls as young as 15 can be married with the consent of judges and their parents" (para 22). "The newly proposed amendments would take a large amount of decision-making power away from both families and the courts and place it into the hands of clerics, some...more
Jan. 24, 2025, 9:08 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"People under 18 could soon be banned from getting married under changes being considered by the Scottish Government. The current minimum age to tie the knot is 16, but Ministers are to hold a consultation on raising it" (para 1-2). "Raising the age limit would bring Scotland into line with England and Wales, which increased it to 18 this year as part of efforts to protect vulnerable children and tackle forced marriage" (para 4). "For many years, Scotland and England had different rules on the marriageable age. People under 21 were prevented from marrying in England or Wales without their parents’ consent following an Act of Parliament in the 1750s....more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"People under 18 could soon be banned from getting married under changes being considered by the Scottish Government. The current minimum age to tie the knot is 16, but Ministers are to hold a consultation on raising it" (para 1-2). "Raising the age limit would bring Scotland into line with England and Wales, which increased it to 18 this year as part of efforts to protect vulnerable children and tackle forced marriage" (para 4). "For many years, Scotland and England had different rules on the marriageable age. People under 21 were prevented from marrying in England or Wales without their parents’ consent following an Act of Parliament in the 1750s....more
Jan. 24, 2025, 8:43 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: MARR-LAW-1, AOM-LAW-1
"In 2020 a new sexual intercourse related crimes bill was proposed, which relaxed current age restrictions to allow for marriage at puberty and legalise forced marriage as long as there is family consent" (para 21).
Variables: MARR-LAW-1, AOM-LAW-1
"In 2020 a new sexual intercourse related crimes bill was proposed, which relaxed current age restrictions to allow for marriage at puberty and legalise forced marriage as long as there is family consent" (para 21).
Jan. 24, 2025, 4:17 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
"Iraq’s parliament has passed amendments to the country’s personal status law that opponents say would in effect legalise child marriage. The amendments give Islamic courts increased authority over family matters, including marriage, divorce and inheritance. Activists argue that this undermines Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Law, which unified family law and established safeguards for women. Iraqi law currently sets 18 as the minimum age of marriage in most cases. The changes passed on Tuesday would let clerics rule according to their interpretation of Islamic law, which some interpret to allow marriage of girls in their early teens – or as young as nine under the Jaafari school of Islamic law followed...more
"Iraq’s parliament has passed amendments to the country’s personal status law that opponents say would in effect legalise child marriage. The amendments give Islamic courts increased authority over family matters, including marriage, divorce and inheritance. Activists argue that this undermines Iraq’s 1959 Personal Status Law, which unified family law and established safeguards for women. Iraqi law currently sets 18 as the minimum age of marriage in most cases. The changes passed on Tuesday would let clerics rule according to their interpretation of Islamic law, which some interpret to allow marriage of girls in their early teens – or as young as nine under the Jaafari school of Islamic law followed...more
Jan. 24, 2025, 3:24 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Legal age for marriage. Establishes the legal age of marriage to be 18 years of age and eliminates the ability for a minor to be declared emancipated on the basis of the intent to marry" (1).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Legal age for marriage. Establishes the legal age of marriage to be 18 years of age and eliminates the ability for a minor to be declared emancipated on the basis of the intent to marry" (1).
Jan. 23, 2025, 4:51 p.m.
Countries: Gabon
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our systematic review of legislation and country reports as of January 2019, Gabon allows girls as young as 15 to be married with her parents’ consent. In contrast, the minimum age of marriage for boys with parental consent is 18 years old" (3). "Based on our review, Gabon legally allows girls to be married as young as 15 years old with parental consent. For boys, the legal minimum age of marriage with parental consent is 18 years old. 1995 Code Civil Article 203 : L’homme, avant dix-huit ans révolus, la femme, avant quinze ans révolus, ne peuvent contracter mariage. Néanmoins, le Président de la République ou, à défaut,...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our systematic review of legislation and country reports as of January 2019, Gabon allows girls as young as 15 to be married with her parents’ consent. In contrast, the minimum age of marriage for boys with parental consent is 18 years old" (3). "Based on our review, Gabon legally allows girls to be married as young as 15 years old with parental consent. For boys, the legal minimum age of marriage with parental consent is 18 years old. 1995 Code Civil Article 203 : L’homme, avant dix-huit ans révolus, la femme, avant quinze ans révolus, ne peuvent contracter mariage. Néanmoins, le Président de la République ou, à défaut,...more
Jan. 22, 2025, 8:48 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Iraqi MPs and women’s rights groups have reacted with horror to the Iraqi parliament passing a law permitting children as young as nine years old to marry, with activists saying it will 'legalise child rape'. Under the new law, which was agreed yesterday, religious authorities have been given the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce and the care of children. It abolishes a previous ban on the marriage of children under the age of 18 in place since the 1950s" (para 1-2). "Instead of tightening laws against underage marriage and helping girls from poorer backgrounds to complete their education, the new law allows the marriage of minors...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Iraqi MPs and women’s rights groups have reacted with horror to the Iraqi parliament passing a law permitting children as young as nine years old to marry, with activists saying it will 'legalise child rape'. Under the new law, which was agreed yesterday, religious authorities have been given the power to decide on family affairs, including marriage, divorce and the care of children. It abolishes a previous ban on the marriage of children under the age of 18 in place since the 1950s" (para 1-2). "Instead of tightening laws against underage marriage and helping girls from poorer backgrounds to complete their education, the new law allows the marriage of minors...more
Jan. 16, 2025, 10:50 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"With regard to paragraph 49 (b), article 21 of the Family Code prohibits marriage for children. The final paragraph of article 16 of the Code, which allowed 16-year-old girls to marry with their parents’ authorization, was repealed by Legislative Decree No. 44-2017 of 12 July 2017. At present, only persons over the age of 21 may marry, and the minimum age of marriage for women and men is 18 years, with authorization from their parents or guardians" (41).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"With regard to paragraph 49 (b), article 21 of the Family Code prohibits marriage for children. The final paragraph of article 16 of the Code, which allowed 16-year-old girls to marry with their parents’ authorization, was repealed by Legislative Decree No. 44-2017 of 12 July 2017. At present, only persons over the age of 21 may marry, and the minimum age of marriage for women and men is 18 years, with authorization from their parents or guardians" (41).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Kyrgyzstan has taken further measures to strengthen the legal framework for combating bride kidnapping and early marriage. For example, in addition to the amendments introduced in 2013 to articles of the Criminal Code, in particular article 154 on arranging a coerced de facto marriage relationship with a person who is under the age of 17 and article 155 on forcing a woman to marry, kidnapping a woman for the purpose of marriage or preventing her from marrying, the Act of 17 November 2016 on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic (Family Code) was adopted. In accordance with the aforementioned Act of 17 November 2016, article 1551 was...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Kyrgyzstan has taken further measures to strengthen the legal framework for combating bride kidnapping and early marriage. For example, in addition to the amendments introduced in 2013 to articles of the Criminal Code, in particular article 154 on arranging a coerced de facto marriage relationship with a person who is under the age of 17 and article 155 on forcing a woman to marry, kidnapping a woman for the purpose of marriage or preventing her from marrying, the Act of 17 November 2016 on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Kyrgyz Republic (Family Code) was adopted. In accordance with the aforementioned Act of 17 November 2016, article 1551 was...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:43 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Child marriage is illegal in India and is regarded internationally as a human rights violation" (para 67).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Child marriage is illegal in India and is regarded internationally as a human rights violation" (para 67).
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:25 a.m.
Countries: Niger
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"She [Chamisa, who was married off by her parents at the age of 14] was taken in by a sympathetic aunt, who pointed out to Chamisa’s parents that the legal marriage age is 15" (para 8).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"She [Chamisa, who was married off by her parents at the age of 14] was taken in by a sympathetic aunt, who pointed out to Chamisa’s parents that the legal marriage age is 15" (para 8).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"According to official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, under articles 168 and 169 of the Criminal Code it is a criminal offence to give underage girls in marriage" (p. 46).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"According to official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tajikistan, under articles 168 and 169 of the Criminal Code it is a criminal offence to give underage girls in marriage" (p. 46).
Dec. 17, 2024, 8:09 p.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Rights advocates are alarmed by a bill introduced to Iraq’s parliament that, they fear, would roll back women’s rights and increase underage marriage in the deeply patriarchal society. The bill would allow citizens to choose from religious authorities or the civil judiciary to decide on family affairs. Critics fear this would lead to a slashing of rights in matters of inheritance, divorce and child custody. In particular, they are worried it would effectively scrap the minimum age for Muslim girls to marry, which is set in the 1959 Personal Status Law at 18 — charges lawmakers supporting the changes have denied" (para 1-3). "The new bill gives Shiite and Sunni...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Rights advocates are alarmed by a bill introduced to Iraq’s parliament that, they fear, would roll back women’s rights and increase underage marriage in the deeply patriarchal society. The bill would allow citizens to choose from religious authorities or the civil judiciary to decide on family affairs. Critics fear this would lead to a slashing of rights in matters of inheritance, divorce and child custody. In particular, they are worried it would effectively scrap the minimum age for Muslim girls to marry, which is set in the 1959 Personal Status Law at 18 — charges lawmakers supporting the changes have denied" (para 1-3). "The new bill gives Shiite and Sunni...more
Dec. 13, 2024, 10:34 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The legal marriage age in Australia is 18 but a child aged upwards from 16 can marry with a court's consent" (para 6).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The legal marriage age in Australia is 18 but a child aged upwards from 16 can marry with a court's consent" (para 6).
Dec. 13, 2024, 3:32 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The president of the small West African country of Sierra Leone signed a law on Tuesday that banned marriage for children age 18 and younger and would impose steep fines on adult spouses" (para 1). "The new legislation goes further than many other similar laws in Africa, experts said, by penalizing people who enable the marriage — like the parents, the officiant and even the wedding guests — in addition to the husband" (para 2). "Under the new law, those married as children can seek financial compensation. They also have a path out of their marriages: petitioning for an annulment" (para 4). "Under the new legislation, which went into effect...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The president of the small West African country of Sierra Leone signed a law on Tuesday that banned marriage for children age 18 and younger and would impose steep fines on adult spouses" (para 1). "The new legislation goes further than many other similar laws in Africa, experts said, by penalizing people who enable the marriage — like the parents, the officiant and even the wedding guests — in addition to the husband" (para 2). "Under the new law, those married as children can seek financial compensation. They also have a path out of their marriages: petitioning for an annulment" (para 4). "Under the new legislation, which went into effect...more
Dec. 10, 2024, 3:31 p.m.
Countries: Ghana
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The legal minimum age to get married in Ghana is 18" (para 24).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"The legal minimum age to get married in Ghana is 18" (para 24).
Dec. 6, 2024, 8:32 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: MARR-LAW-5, AOM-LAW-1, PW-LAW-1
"Child marriage was only banned in Uganda in 1995, while polygamy is allowed in the East African country - according to certain religious traditions" (para 11).
Variables: MARR-LAW-5, AOM-LAW-1, PW-LAW-1
"Child marriage was only banned in Uganda in 1995, while polygamy is allowed in the East African country - according to certain religious traditions" (para 11).
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:17 p.m.
Countries: Nepal
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Not only is that ironic, since child marriage itself is illegal, but worse, such a judgement could encourage more child marriages in Nepal if the message goes out that this would reduce the punishment for other offences such as statutory rape" (para 6). "[I]n Nepal, the legal age for marriage is 20, higher than the 18 that is usual in many other countries" (para 8).
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Not only is that ironic, since child marriage itself is illegal, but worse, such a judgement could encourage more child marriages in Nepal if the message goes out that this would reduce the punishment for other offences such as statutory rape" (para 6). "[I]n Nepal, the legal age for marriage is 20, higher than the 18 that is usual in many other countries" (para 8).