The most comprehensive compilation of information on the status of
women in the world.

Latest items for AFE-DATA-1

March 20, 2025, 1:55 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"In 2017, primary school enrolment for girls increased to 50.91% in 2017. Similarly, 21,168 adolescent females have been enrolled in lower secondary education in 2016, as opposed to 7,400 in 2014" (5). "[B]etween 2017 and 2018, primary education, pupils (% female) in Mauritania was decreasing on average by 0.09% each year, although before that, it grew from 48.18 % in 2001 to 50.91 % in 2017" (5).
March 19, 2025, 11:07 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[P]rimary enrollment rates have increased dramatically, as more girls are completing school at all levels" (5).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"For 2018, the Gender Parity Index at the three levels of education was 0.97 for the initial level, 0.92 for the primary level and 1.04 for the middle and diversified level. School enrolment is basically egalitarian and equitable" (17). "The ongoing and growing inclusion of women in the subsystem of university education has yielded positive results. Between 2014 and 2020, 1,280,451 women pursued studies in various areas and academic disciplines" (17). "The figure for women attending public university education centres is 57.9 per cent. Women account for 57.9 per cent of enrolment at public universities" (17-18).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"As of 2019, a total of 513,648 girls and adolescent girls were reported to be enrolled in rural educational establishments" (26). "The level of education plays a greater role in labour market entry for women. In 2015, 26.4 per cent of women in the employed economically active population had completed higher education, compared with 18.3 per cent of men. This trend may be observed in urban areas, where the rate among women is 33.6 per cent compared with 24.8 per cent among men. Similarly, in rural areas, 6.67 per cent of men and 10.01 per cent of women have completed higher education" (28).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: GP-DATA-1, GP-DATA-6, AFE-DATA-1

"Turkey mentions in its report that 46 per cent of judges (para. 98), 45 per cent of the academic staff (para. 96), 39.6 per cent of public officials (para. 92) are women" (6).
Feb. 28, 2025, 5:42 p.m.
Countries: Niger
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[T]he net enrolment rate for girls is lower than that of boys since primary school, with 71% for boys and 66% for girls. As age and school level increases, the difference widens with only one girl in 10 completing high school" (7).
Feb. 28, 2025, 12:15 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Only 37 per cent of university STEM enrolments are from women, who represent 15 per cent of all people working in STEM jobs" (para 11).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:27 p.m.
Countries: Dominican Republic
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"A total of 94.5 per cent of victims had a primary or higher level of education; 46.9 per cent had reached secondary school level, 27.6 per cent primary school level and 20.1 per cent university level" (15). Note that this refers to the education levels of female victims of violence recieving services from the Ministry of Women, not the education levels of all women (ELW - CODER COMMENT). "Male students and students living in rural areas have the highest school dropout rates. According to information provided by the Dominican Institute for Educational Quality Evaluation and Research in 2016, the main risk factors associated with the problem are socioeconomic. For the...more
Feb. 12, 2025, 8:03 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: ERBG-DATA-1, AFE-DATA-1

"Korean women are the most highly educated of those in OECD countries, and yet the country has the worst gender pay gap and a higher-than-average proportion of women out of work compared to men" (par. 31).
Feb. 6, 2025, 7:05 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"In 2017-2018, there were 699,265 children enrolled in primary education, of whom 44 per cent were girls. The rate of enrolment nationally was 49.8 per cent, of whom 45.5 were girls. The rural enrolment rate was 36.6 per cent, of whom 28 per cent were girls ... The proportion of girls studying at all levels of primary education has seen a significant increase. It was 99.1 per cent in 2017. The total number of girls enrolled at all levels of public and private basic education rose from 2,458,374 in 2008-2009 to 2,841,758 in 2017-2018, an increase of 16 per cent ... The total number of girls enrolled at all levels...more
Jan. 30, 2025, 7:52 p.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"The Committee nevertheless notes with concern… (b) The low enrolment rates among women and girls compared with men and boys" (11).
Jan. 30, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"School completion rates at the primary and lower secondary levels evince inequities between boys and girls. According to UNICEF, between 2012 and 2018, only 56 percent of girls completed primary school, compared to 64 percent of boys. Within the same timeframe, only 34 percent of girls completed lower secondary school, compared to 42 percent of boys. At the upper secondary level, boys and girls completed school at similar rates" (6). "The male completion rate was 14 percent, and 15 percent for females" (6). This refers to the completion of upper secondary school (ELW - CODER COMMENT).
Jan. 28, 2025, 9:22 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"The probability of completing primary school is higher in urban than rural areas and increases with the relative wealth of the student’s household. Only 5 percent of girls from the poorest quintile attend secondary school, compared to 35 percent from the richest quintile" (4).
Jan. 28, 2025, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Costa Rica
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Given that, from an early age, women face circumstances that put them at risk of educational exclusion, it is a national achievement that exclusion rates for women have fallen from 7.2 per cent in 2017 to 5.2 per cent in 2019. In the first half of 2019, 2,426 women were reintegrated into the education system, well above the target of 1,000 people per year" (13). "Of particular note is the inclusive admissions model of the National University of Costa Rica.... [D]uring the period 2017–2020, 54 per cent of new students were women. In addition, with regard to both gender and place of origin, in the five-year period 2016–2020, women and...more
Jan. 24, 2025, 7:43 p.m.
Countries: Chile
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"At all levels of education, women are disadvantaged compared to men in the population aged 15 and over. The percentage of women aged between 15 and 29 who decide to not continue their studies is 17.5%, compared with 7.9% of men" (4). "In education, women with disabilities study for fewer years than men. If the disability is moderate, women study 9.4 years and men 10 years; if the disability is severe, women study 6.8 years and men 7.7 years" (4).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

Table 11, titled "Number of children in pre-school establishments, broken down by place of residence," shows that the number of girls in pre-school has grown each year, both in rural and urban areas. In 2013, there were 37,137 girls in pre-school in urban areas and 27,681 girls in pre-school in rural areas. By 2017, there were 44,831 girls in pre-school in urban areas and 46,123 girls in pre-school in rural areas. The total number of children in pre-school, including both boys and girls in rural and urban areas, grew from 132,481 in 2013 to 187,078 in 2017 (22). Table 12, titled "Number of pupils enrolled in first grade," shows that...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:18 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"In the four decades since 1981... the proportion of females enrolled in secondary school soared from a fifth to nearly four-fifths, closing the gap with their male counterparts" (para 34).
Jan. 8, 2025, 3:34 p.m.
Countries: Tajikistan
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Over the past four years, 626 women and young women, including some from rural areas, were enrolled in an educational establishment. There are 51 low -income women and young women with physical disabilities enrolled in distance-learning institutions free of charge and 54 who pay 50 per cent of the tuition fees. The use of textbooks for this group of students is free of charge." (p. 29). "At present, about 5,000 students, most of them girls, are enrolled in the country’s higher vocational educational establishments under the quota of the President of Tajikistan" (p. 29). "While women and girls made up 44 per cent of students in the 1991/92 school year,...more
Jan. 3, 2025, 2:39 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Szoo is part of a long-running rise in the number of women pursuing higher education, while the percentage of students who are men has been declining — a trend that's beginning to hit even male-dominated fields such as engineering and business. The number of college-educated women in the workforce has now overtaken the number of college-educated men, according to the Pew Research Center" (par. 5). "That slow progress comes despite the fact that women now significantly outnumber men in college. The proportion of college students who are women is closing in on a record 60%, according to the U.S. Department of Education. Women who go to college are also 7...more
Dec. 10, 2024, 3:41 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[R]ecord-high numbers of Chinese women attend college" (para 15).
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:20 a.m.
Countries: Zimbabwe

"More girls than boys complete elementary school in Zimbabwe but one in three women were married before they reached 18, according to the United Nations children’s agency. UNICEF cited teenage pregnancy and early marriage as key factors preventing girls completing high school and pursuing careers" (para 11).
Dec. 6, 2024, 9:44 a.m.
Countries: India
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Today's Indian women are more literate and educated than ever before. They're enrolling in schools and colleges in greater numbers and staying in school longer than previous generations did" (para 25).
Nov. 12, 2024, 1:32 p.m.
Countries: Latvia
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"The Committee recommends that the State party...[a]dopt and apply temporary special measures to promote the substantive equality of women and men in all areas in which women are underrepresented or disadvantaged, such" (6). The Committee...notes with concern: the high dropout rates among girls [and] the fact that, despite the efforts undertaken by the State party to increase school enrolment among girls belonging to minority groups, in particular Roma girls, their numbers are stagnating" (10).
Oct. 22, 2024, 11:02 a.m.
Countries: Iraq
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Unicef estimates that about 3.2 million school-age Iraqi children are out of school" (para 5). "In 2004, a study published by the Iraqi education ministry and Unicef found the education system lacked the basics necessary to provide children with adequate education, especially girls, whose enrolment was lower than boys across all grades" (para 8).
Oct. 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
Countries: Belize
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"In 2020, Belize received a US$10 million loan to fund Phase II of the Education Quality Improvement Program (EQIP II) to improve quality and gender equity at primary and secondary levels across the country. Although SDG#4 data for 2020 shows a net primary enrolment of 98.95 per cent, low retention and high repetition rates among boys remain a problem. SDG#4 data for 2020, puts the secondary school completion rate at 69.47 per cent. The greatest gender disparity exists at the tertiary level, where the ratio is 62:38 female to male (MoE, 2013). Thus, among several targets, this program is addressing these disparities" (30). "The Technical and Vocational Education Training (ITVET)...more
April 28, 2024, 11:16 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"Girls in rural areas are particularly disadvantaged. According to a 2017-2018 Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey, girls in rural areas of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for example, were 23 percentage points less likely than boys in rural areas, and 46 percentage points less likely than boys in urban areas, to enter grade 12" (para 4).
March 30, 2024, 2:46 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[No information is provided] on school attendance and drop-out rates among the Roma population and children with disabilities" (11).
Feb. 20, 2024, 6:27 p.m.
Countries: D R Congo
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"The enrolment rate among girls at the secondary level remains low, owing to insecurity, forced marriage and pregnancy" (10).
Jan. 29, 2024, 5:50 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[There is]disproportionately low enrolment and completion rates at all levels of education among Roma girls, rural girls, refugee and asylum-seeking girls, girls with disabilities and girls who are victims of child marriage, gender-based violence or trafficking, throughout the State party" (11).
Jan. 23, 2024, 4:53 p.m.
Countries: Bosnia-Herzegovina
Variables: AFE-DATA-1

"[T]he enrolment of girls and women in scientific fields of study and in higher education [has increased]" (10).