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women in the world.

Latest items for ADCM-PRACTICE-1

March 19, 2025, 10:12 p.m.
Countries: Iraq

"[S]ince child marriages almost always take place outside of the court system, children produced by the marriage cannot be registered or acquire identity documents. Without proof of the marriage, women are unable to obtain their rights through court proceedings such as alimony or widow’s benefits" (9).
Dec. 6, 2024, 10:40 a.m.
Countries: Mauritania
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Divorce was the reason Ms. Bilale could do any of this. She had been married young, before she could pursue her dream of becoming a doctor, and divorced when she said she realized her husband was seeing other women. Her former husband, who has since died, had wanted her back, but she refused, so he cut her off financially, initially giving her nothing, and then only $30 a month to raise their five children, she said" (para 13)
Nov. 1, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"'Many [women] are scared that if they leave an abusive marriage, their husbands may not allow them to go with the kids, and the new wife of their spouse may maltreat their children'" (para 31).
Oct. 17, 2024, 6:43 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Critics say the legislation is uncertain and unpredictable as it has been developed by case law, allowing judges to use their discretion to assess each case and make different awards. Spouses are therefore often forced to fund costly legal battles due to a lack of clear guidance on how wealth should be divided" (par. 3). "The English legal system tends to split the combined wealth of divorcing spouses equally even if one partner is the breadwinner in contrast to many other European countries. As a result, London has become a magnet for wealthy couples seeking a divorce because of the generosity of financial awards given to ex-wives" (par. 8-9). "Lawyers...more
Jan. 16, 2024, 6:33 p.m.
Countries: Botswana
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"The Married Persons Property Act, 2014 makes provision for persons married under customary law to opt for the property to be administered under civil law. Those already married will further be permitted to change the status of their proprietary regime from out-of-community to in-community of property or vice versa depending on what works best for them" (8). This suggests that under customary law, women may have very few rights to marital property (VMH - CODER COMMENT)."The Married Persons Property Act 2014 makes provision for persons married under customary law to opt for their property to be administered under civil law. The new dispensation will allow persons getting married under customary...more
Oct. 15, 2023, 2:22 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Pretending to lever maintenance for children from absent fathers to give to mothers, it fails again and again. There is a deep political, cultural and legal bias that lets fathers get away with it. It’s the same women-are-to-blame instinct that tilts the benefit system" (para 3). If cultural beliefs prevent women from accessing child maintenance for their children, women may also be prevented from accessing alimony (ET - CODER COMMENT). "Large numbers of fathers have always sat on their hands. Through lack of will or instinctive empathy, the state fails to pursue them, though if they refused to pay tax, fixed-penalty notices or court fines, the police or bailiffs would...more
Sept. 30, 2023, 4 p.m.
Countries: Kazakhstan
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"The Committee notes that a major legislation overhaul initiated in 2016 has led to the strengthening of the court system, increased transparency in court procedures and the development of an e-justice system, with around 70 per cent of lawsuits now being submitted electronically, which has facilitated access to justice in rural areas. It also welcomes the establishment of a working group to develop a legal mechanism for implementing treaty bodies’ recommendations on individual communications. However, the Committee is concerned about the following: (a) Lawsuits initiated by women account for a minority of proceedings and mainly relate to securing the payment of alimony, while the percentage of court applications from women...more
June 27, 2023, 11:16 p.m.
Countries: Algeria
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Women may seek divorce for irreconcilable differences and violation of a prenuptial agreement. In a divorce, the law provides for the wife to retain the family’s home until the children reach age 18. Authorities normally awarded custody of children to the mother, but she may not make decisions about education or take the children out of the country without the father’s authorization. The government provided a subsidy for divorced women whose former husbands failed to make child support payments" (29).
June 21, 2023, 1:13 p.m.
Countries: Israel

"Because a Get is the only lifeline for a married woman who wants out of her marriage, and because only the husband may give it to her, it has become a tool to extort huge sums of money from the wife and/or her family, or to force the wife to forego civil property rights and support, or to force her to cede custody of the children" (para 10).
April 20, 2023, 12:21 p.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"In the case of divorce, the parties are required to determine by agreement matters concerning custody over their children (Civil Act, 1958, as amended). Where agreement cannot be reached, the Family Court decides on the matter (Civil Act, 1958, as amended). The Court makes the decision with given priority to children’s welfare, taking into consideration of children’s intention and age, each parent’s financial status, and other circumstances (Civil Act, 1958, as amended)" (4). This indicates that the parents have different financial statuses after divorce (SFR - CODER COMMENT). "There is no information to suggest that there are customary, religious or traditional practices or laws that discriminate against women’s legal right...more
March 24, 2023, 9:53 a.m.
Countries: Slovakia

"Division between property, land or assets may be settled by the courts if an agreement cannot be reached between the partners. The judge may rule upon any matter except for awarding sole custody" (3).
March 8, 2023, 1:43 p.m.
Countries: Montenegro
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Non-payment of alimony puts single-parent families into a crisis that is further worsened in situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, because parents lose their jobs, have lower income and their livelihoods are threatened. Many parents do not want to provide financial support to their children after a divorce, and no adequate mechanism has yet been found in the legislation to force such parents to pay alimony. Only one in three parents in Montenegro regularly pays alimony. Monstat data show that almost 60 percent of divorces include marriages with children and that custody of dependent children is entrusted to the mother in 79.4 percent of cases, compared to 9.8 percent of...more
Feb. 10, 2023, 4:04 p.m.
Countries: Lithuania

"Lithuania has chosen the presumption of equal shares in joint community property. Courts may depart from equal shares of spouses because of such important circumstances as interests of children, health state of a spouse, and personal income used to increase joint community property. However, courts have never departed from the equal shares principle due to differing contributions by spouses to matrimonial property" (para 1).
Jan. 31, 2023, 8:59 a.m.
Countries: Bahrain
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Please also provide information on measures taken to allow women to take up guardianship and full custody of their children upon divorce and to retain custody if she remarries, to ensure that women under no circumstances are compelled by law or practice to accept reconciliation (para. 206)" (7).
Jan. 19, 2023, 5:40 p.m.
Countries: Australia
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"The most common percentage split in the division of assets in Australia is 60/40. For many couples, one partner will contribute more financially, while the other may contribute more in way of caring for children and looking after the home. In these situations, you will find it most common that the financial contributor (often a male), will end up with 40% of the assets, while the partner who contributed mostly non-financially (often female), will get 60%. While this may seem unfair at face value, the court makes adjustments based on the future needs of the individuals. The male likely has more earning capacity and income, and are therefore deemed able...more
Nov. 17, 2022, 11:12 p.m.
Countries: Sierra Leone
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"For women, who are often the main workers, breadwinners, and caregivers in households, and who depends the most on their land to make a living and support their children, this means that if the man dies or if a woman wants to dissolve a marriage due to domestic violence, she may have no rights over the land she has worked on for years. In that case, she could be removed from the land by her husband’s family. Her children likewise have no rights to the said land and that can be difficult to confront because these women are not financially strong to fight back" (para 13).
Nov. 15, 2022, 10:48 p.m.
Countries: Portugal
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Most divorce cases in Portugal are by mutual agreement, and the same applies to parental responsibilities regulations. Both processes may be done outside the courts, in the Civil Registry Offices, which allows them to be swifter and cheaper. The role of the lawyer, in such cases, is to act as a mediator, alone or in collaboration with a colleague, to ensure an agreement that answers both parties demands and needs. Unfortunately, such an agreement is not always possible due to disputes regarding property or parental conflict. In those instances, there is a need to resort to a court of law" (para 2).
Sept. 8, 2022, 8:16 p.m.
Countries: Austria

"Distribution must be equitable and the contributions of each spouse to the acquisition of matrimonial assets, the best interests of the children and existing debts must be taken into account. Household work, as well as care-giving and the upbringing of children, will be equivalent to the financial contributions of the breadwinning spouse. The ratio applied in most decisions is 1:1" (para 118).
Sept. 7, 2022, 10:35 p.m.
Countries: Armenia

"The Family Code stipulates that spouses have equal decision-making authority over children following divorce. In cases where no consensus can be reached, the court takes the decision. When a divorce is granted, the law provides that a couple’s assets are to be divided equally. In many cases, however, the law is not followed either because a registrar did not record the marriage or because the woman signed a prenuptial agreement nullifying certain provisions of the law" (3-4).
Sept. 1, 2022, 1:12 p.m.
Countries: Argentina

"An Argentinian judge has ordered a man to pay his ex-wife nearly $180,000 in a divorce ruling that represents a legal landmark for the South American country. The ruling acknowledges the economic value of household work done by a spouse who otherwise could have earned money in her own career. The wife had an economics degree and left her career to raise their children after they married in 1982. They divorced in 2011 and the woman argued at that point she was too old to find a new job. The judge decided all the household work she did during their marriage was worth that payout. For Argentina, the amount was...more
July 4, 2022, 1:50 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"It will still cost couples or individuals £593 to file for divorce and the process will typically take six months. Proceedings to argue over assets or custody of children will still require mediation or lengthy court proceedings" (Para.9).
March 21, 2022, 3:27 p.m.
Countries: Serbia

"The state child allowance stops at the fourth child, and collection of child support orders from fathers is inefficient" (11).
March 19, 2022, 9:01 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Roqia and her son spent a cold winter in a women’s shelter in Kabul. 'When I realised I couldn’t feed my child for days on end, I decided to hand him over to my husband’s family,' she says. In most divorces in Afghanistan, the custody of children over five is given to the father"(para 7). This suggests that there is no proper division of assets or money and women face crisis after a divorce (ST CODER COMMENT).
Feb. 2, 2022, 12:28 p.m.
Countries: Madagascar
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Victims of domestic violence from vulnerable populations could receive assistance from advisory centers, called Centers for Listening and Legal Advice, set up in several regions by the Ministry of Population, Social Protection, and Promotion of Women with the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). These centers counseled survivors on where to go for medical care, provided psychological assistance, and helped them start legal procedures to receive alimony from their abusers" (19).
Jan. 13, 2022, 10:29 a.m.
Countries: Kenya

"The court ruled that fathers who sire children out of wedlock must have equal parental responsibility as mothers"(39).
Jan. 6, 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Countries: Somalia
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"The practices concerning alimony and the division of assets for couples with children depends on who initiated the divorce. If the man was giving her everything and she had no valid reason for the divorce he does not owe her anything. However, if she had a valid excuse(s) whatever is in the house is hers and the kids. If there are no kids involved they will split the assets. What are some of the excuses that maybe considered valid: if he is not providing for her, if he goes against what they agreed upon prior to marriage" (1).
July 23, 2021, 12:51 p.m.
Countries: India
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Sarbjeet lives in sugar cane country where the chimneys of brick factories occasionally pierce the fields to puff grey smoke. Her parents keep cows. She wants better for her daughter, so offered the new woman a compromise: If Singh would call his daughter regularly and send $142 a month for her expenses, she would drop her case and stop trying to cancel his passport. He did for a while, then he stopped, she says. Now Sarbjeet worries constantly about money" (Para 75-76).
May 15, 2021, 7:08 p.m.
Countries: China

"Judges routinely refuse first requests for divorce, obliging plaintiffs to come back after a cooling-off period of up to three months. The policy should exclude cases involving violence, but many judges are too scared to declare a husband an abuser. Some judges fear being assaulted themselves. Others worry about presiding over a case that leads to a family murder. Women reporting abuse pose no threat, so they are brushed aside. But men who threaten violence are sometimes bought off with property or even child custody, especially when a son is involved...Judges are quick to spot those who arrive in court desperate for a divorce or for custody of a child....more
Dec. 24, 2020, 10:09 a.m.
Countries: Syria

"In Syria, divorce is a frightening prospect for women. Although citizens have equal rights in civil law, family law and divorce falls within the realm of sharia. Men, but not women, can unilaterally divorce with only a verbal decree. If a woman divorces through court proceedings, she rarely gets alimony, and she loses custody of young children if she remarries" (para 33).
Dec. 23, 2020, 3:22 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ADCM-PRACTICE-1

"Ms. Kin, who runs a real estate company, and her supporters say that Mr. Kin, a physician assistant, is demanding $500,000 and full custody of their 12-year-old son in exchange for the divorce" (para 7).