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women in the world.

Latest items for ABO-DATA-1

March 19, 2025, 11:07 p.m.
Countries: Uganda
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"[I]ncidents of unsafe abortions remain high in Uganda as many people remain unaware that abortions can be legally obtained under these circumstances" (4). "[U]nless the government takes immediate responsibility, teenage girls, rural women and low-income women who are less likely to have the resources to access safe services in Uganda, will continue to be seek clandestine abortions, increasing their risk of abortion-related complications and death" (4).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

Table 2, titled "Causes of maternal mortality: Ministry of People's Power for Health," shows the number of maternal deaths resulting from termination of pregnancy by abortion. There were 42 such deaths in 2014, 32 in 2015, 78 in 2016, 48 in 2017, 68 in 2018, 41 in 2019, and 17 in 2020 (20).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Between 2014 and 2018, a total of 97 cases were filed for abortion, of these 65 have been resolved and 32 are pending. Of the cases resolved, 54 per cent have resulted in a conviction and 46 per cent in a not-guilty verdict. Among the measures adopted in the cases of conviction, 16 were sentenced to imprisonment, 13 received suspended sentences under summary procedures, and in six cases non-custodial socio educational measures were ordered" (10). "From January to July 2020, services relating to 74 cases of sexual violence and 13 pregnancies that ended in abortion were provided" (29). "On 4 August 2017, through Memorandum No. MSP-2017-0790-M, the Minister for Public...more
March 3, 2025, 5:43 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The UK's fragile economy and cost-of-living crisis is also putting people off having children, some believe, evidenced by abortion rates simultaneously spiking" (para 18).
Feb. 28, 2025, 6:44 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The Observer previously revealed police have launched dozens of investigations into suspected breaches of the law in the past decade, ­including cases where women bought ­abortion pills online and drank herbal remedies without medical supervision. In one case in 2021, a 15-year-old girl who had an unexplained early stillbirth was subjected to a year-long investigation that saw her texts and search history examined, according to records released under freedom of information laws. The case was dropped after a coroner concluded natural causes ended the pregnancy. In another case, in Norfolk, a woman was hospitalised after swallowing eight misoprostol tablets – used with mifepristone to induce abortion – which had not...more
Feb. 21, 2025, 6:35 p.m.
Countries: Poland
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"A network of abortion rights groups, Abortion Without Borders, said that it dealt with an 'overwhelming number of inquiries from people seeking abortion support' in Poland or abroad. In 2024, the network 'supported 47,000 people in accessing abortion care', it said in a report released last month. 'Abortion in Poland is a daily reality,' it added, estimating that up to 150,000 abortions were carried out each year in the predominantly Catholic country. But according to official numbers, only about 780 of those were performed in Polish hospitals in the first 10 months of 2024." (para 8-10).
Feb. 20, 2025, 3:56 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"For the past few years, she has also been selling packs of mifepristone and misoprostol, medicines included in the WHO essential medicines list to induce abortion safely. Both medicines are legal in Nigeria, a country with one of the world’s highest maternal mortality rates, but only if used to save women’s lives during obstetric complications. Olayemi does not stock them in her shop; instead when a woman comes asking for help to end an unwanted pregnancy, she has them delivered. On average, she gets three such requests a month. A mother of four, she has had two abortions herself. The first, 10 years ago, was self-induced with only misoprostol, the...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"'Valentina' told Human Rights Watch that she searched for a doctor to authorize and perform her abortion in March 2020 in Lombardy: 'I went to my gynecologist – he said I can’t see you because of Covid. I went to the hospital, they said we can’t see you because of Covid. I went to another hospital – they didn’t even let me in the door because they said they were only taking urgent cases. They told me to go to the consultorio [family planning clinic]. So I called the consultorio. They said they were closed because of the pandemic.' Valentina said she felt desperate: 'The Italian state closed the door...more
Feb. 6, 2025, 9:50 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"In the Soviet Union, abortion laws meant that some women had the procedure multiple times due to difficulties in obtaining contraceptives. After the USSR’s collapse, government and health experts promoted family planning and birth control, sending abortion rates falling" (para 8-9). "Over the decades, the number of abortions in Russia fell from 4.1 million in 1990 to 517,000 in 2021" (para 11). "The anti-abortion push comes as Russian women appear to be in no rush to have more children amid the war in Ukraine and economic uncertainty. Sales of abortion pills in 2022 were up 60%, according to Nikolay Bespalov, development director of the RNC Pharma analytical company. They fell...more
Feb. 5, 2025, 7:13 p.m.
Countries: France
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"According to government figures, 234,000 abortions were carried out in France last year" (para 11).
Feb. 5, 2025, 6:50 p.m.
Countries: United Kingdom
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Last month, the fifth woman this year appeared in an English court charged under Section 58, compared with only three previous prosecutions in the past 160 years" (para 10). "Two weeks ago, the UK’s Court of Appeal ruled that jail was 'unlikely to be just' in the case of Carla Foster. The 45 year-old was initially sentenced earlier this year to 28 months in prison for illegally procuring abortion drugs while she was over 32 weeks pregnant" (para 18). "Since 2020, women in England who are less than 10 weeks pregnant have been able to have a medical abortion – taking mifepristone and then misoprostol – in their home after...more
Feb. 5, 2025, 4:44 p.m.
Countries: Morocco
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Six to eight hundred abortions take place every day in Morocco, two-thirds of them performed by licensed doctors" (3). "A 30-year-old woman told Human Rights Watch in 2015 that when she found out she was pregnant outside of wedlock, she attempted to abort it herself and even attempted suicide. She said she went to a man for an abortion, but he asked her to either pay $10,000 or have sex with him. She refused and went through with the pregnancy but could not return to her family for fear of what they may do, as the father of her child refuses to recognize her daughter" (4). "Police in Rabat arrested...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 9:51 p.m.
Countries: China
Variables: FSCB-LAW-1, ABO-DATA-1

"From 1979 to 2015, China imposed the 'one-child policy.' The policy violated women’s reproductive rights. Its enforcement through measures like forced and coerced abortion and sterilization compounded the abuse" (3). "The 'two-child policy' has not provided any relief to the countless families suffering from penalties for past violations and were denied their right under international law to choose when and whether to have children, or the countless women who endured the pain and trauma of forced abortions" (4). "There are disturbing reports that the Chinese government is imposing forced population control measures on Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities as part of this crackdown, while easing restrictions for the Han population....more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:15 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Since at least 2013, the Nigerian military has conducted a secret, systematic and illegal abortion programme in the country’s northeast, ending at least 10,000 pregnancies among women and girls, a Reuters investigation has found. Many had been kidnapped and raped by Islamist militants. Resisters were beaten, held at gunpoint or drugged into compliance, witnesses say" (Para 1). "The campaign relied on deception and physical force against women who were kept in military custody for days or weeks. Three soldiers and a guard said they commonly assured women, who often were debilitated from captivity in the bush, that the pills and injections given to them were to restore their health and...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 2:10 p.m.
Countries: Nigeria
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Since at least 2013, the Nigerian military has conducted a secret, systematic and illegal abortion programme in the country’s northeast, ending at least 10,000 pregnancies among women and girls, a Reuters investigation has found. Many had been kidnapped and raped by Islamist militants. Resisters were beaten, held at gunpoint or drugged into compliance, witnesses say" (Para 1). "The campaign relied on deception and physical force against women who were kept in military custody for days or weeks. Three soldiers and a guard said they commonly assured women, who often were debilitated from captivity in the bush, that the pills and injections given to them were to restore their health and...more
Jan. 28, 2025, 8:49 p.m.
Countries: Croatia
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"In 2022, the weekslong ordeal of a woman who had been denied an abortion even though her child had serious health problems caused an uproar and triggered protests in Croatia's liberal community. Mirela Cavajda was 20 weeks pregnant when doctors informed her that her fetus had a brain tumor and no chance of a normal life. Though the abortion was eventually permitted in Croatia, Cavajde had it performed in Slovenia. As many as 207 Croatian women traveled to a single border hospital in Slovenia that same year for the procedure, a study by Croatian obstetrician Jasenka Grujić showed" (para 12-14).
Jan. 16, 2025, 9:45 p.m.
Countries: Peru
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The Ministry of Health reports an annual average of 62,000 cases of post-abortion care. In 2017, 8.5% of maternal deaths were due to abortion . There have been a total of 453 therapeutic abortions in 2015 and 311 in 2016" (10). "The Criminality Observatory of the Public Ministry, between 2015 and March 2017, registered 2,119 cases investigated for abortion" (11).
Jan. 15, 2025, 9:58 p.m.
Countries: Benin
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Three weeks later, Tognifode was working on a ward at the local hospital when she reached a woman who had septicaemia, probably caused by a clandestine abortion. 'It was the same young woman I had seen a few weeks before,' she says. 'She had found her own solution in secret … I hadn’t completely recognised her because she was no longer in the same state but close to the other side, close to death.' For Tognifode, this story – and there are countless others from gynaecologists around the country – illustrates why reform to the law in Benin was so crucial" (para 3-4). "Outside a family planning clinic in Cotonou,...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 9:50 p.m.
Countries: Malawi
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Throughout his ministry, the Rev Cliff Nyekanyeka has led funeral services for women who died after an illegal abortion in Malawi. He has visited hospitals where doctors have shown him the aftereffects of such procedures, including pictures of what he describes as 'rotting uteruses'" (para 1). "Despite the law, tens of thousands of women have abortions each year in Malawi. Research by the Guttmacher Institute, which advocates for sexual and reproductive health, and the University of Malawi College of Medicine, published in 2017 – the latest date for which figures are available – estimated that 141,000 women in Malawi had an abortion in 2015, and that 60% of these resulted...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:03 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The number of legal abortions in the United States decreased just over 6 percent in the six months after the Supreme Court ended the right to abortion last June, according to a report released Tuesday, the most comprehensive and up-to-date count of abortions nationwide" (par. 1). "The data goes through Dec. 31, by which point 13 states had banned abortion with almost no exceptions and another, Georgia, had banned it after six weeks of pregnancy. Legal abortions in the states with total bans fell to nearly zero — an average decrease of around 7,300 abortions a month compared with April and May. They increased by an average of 2,100 a...more
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:08 p.m.
Countries: Kyrgyzstan
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The abortion rate in the country in 2017 was 12.3 per 1,000 women of reproductive age. The number of abortions among adolescents aged 12–19 was 1,778 in 2012, 1,697 in 2013, 1,975 in 2014, 1,443 in 2015, 1,523 in 2016 and 1,454 in 2017. The data on abortion are not fully reliable owing to the problem of unreliable recording and informal payments for abortions performed in early stages of pregnancy, which do not require lengthy procedures" (29).
Jan. 9, 2025, 10:27 a.m.
Countries: Honduras
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"She notes that the ban does not prevent women from seeking clandestine abortions – an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 take place every year – and that criminalisation overwhelmingly affects poor and marginalised women" (para 12).
Jan. 9, 2025, 9:58 a.m.
Countries: Argentina
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"A 2020 study found that more than 1,500 women had been accused of having terminations between 2012 and 2020" (para 8).
Jan. 9, 2025, 9:25 a.m.
Countries: France
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Monteil was the youngest signatory to 'Manifesto of the 343', a 1971 French petition signed by 343 women who admitted to having illegally ended a pregnancy, along with up to 800,000 of their compatriots each year" (para 8).
Jan. 9, 2025, 9:06 a.m.
Countries: Argentina

"The government estimates that 3,000 women died between 1983 and 2020, before the legalisation, due to clandestine abortions. Officials have said that maternal deaths have decreased by more than 40% since the law was enacted" (para 16).
Dec. 6, 2024, 11:13 p.m.
Countries: United States
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, which overturned the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion ruling in 2022, more women are traveling to obtain an abortion as states outlaw the procedure. Nearly 1 in 10 abortions in 2020 were provided to patients who'd crossed state lines, according to a report from the Guttmacher Institute. That's up from 6% in 2011. Clinics in states like Colorado and Illinois, which have less restrictive laws, report an influx of patients from states with more restrictive laws" (para 5-7). "Many abortion clinics heavily use medication-only abortions. Also many of them have relocated to Democratic-leaning...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 3:53 p.m.
Countries: Russia
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"Today, Russian abortion rates have fallen drastically from their Soviet highs but remain slightly above average. According to the US think tank Rand, the incidence of abortion in Russia is the world’s highest. In 2020, Russia had 314 abortions to 1,000 live births, compared with 188 in the European Union, according to the World Health Organization" (para 27-29).
Dec. 4, 2024, 4:47 p.m.
Countries: Denmark
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"The number of abortions in the country reached its zenith in 1975. While the number of abortions in Denmark has significantly decreased since then, statistics from the Danish Health Data Authority show an increase in recent years, according to the Associated Press. In 2017, there were reportedly 14,500 abortions in Denmark. That number increased to 14,700 in 2022" (par. 8).
Nov. 16, 2024, 2:54 p.m.
Countries: Argentina
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"A 2020 study found that more than 1,500 women had been accused of having terminations between 2012 and 2020" (para 8).
Oct. 22, 2024, 10:59 a.m.
Countries: South Korea
Variables: ABO-DATA-1

"An official at the Ministry of Health and Welfare said Monday it asked police three days ago to investigate a woman and her doctor over a YouTube video in which she claims to have received an abortion at 36 weeks. There is some speculation that it may have all been made up in order to gain attention and make money out of the clicks. However, there is also a possibility that it could be real. If it is, the two in question may face a murder charge, according to the official. In a similar case in 2021, the official said, the Supreme Court upheld a murder conviction for a doctor...more