Latest items for Venezuela
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"In June 2014, the Carmen Clemente Travieso Media Observatory, which is part of the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality, published 'How to produce gender-neutral content'. The main goal was to promote more inclusive communication and increased awareness among journalists so as to end discriminatory practices" (11). "The public radio station 'National Radio of Venezuela' has aired five programmes supporting the advancement of women and the feminist agenda, including 'Your Rights are Speaking' and 'More than Just Breasts'. In addition, the public radio station 'Radio Miraflores' has a programme entitled 'Women Never Give Up'. These programmes have content relating to the advancement of women, protection of their...more
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"In June 2014, the Carmen Clemente Travieso Media Observatory, which is part of the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality, published 'How to produce gender-neutral content'. The main goal was to promote more inclusive communication and increased awareness among journalists so as to end discriminatory practices" (11). "The public radio station 'National Radio of Venezuela' has aired five programmes supporting the advancement of women and the feminist agenda, including 'Your Rights are Speaking' and 'More than Just Breasts'. In addition, the public radio station 'Radio Miraflores' has a programme entitled 'Women Never Give Up'. These programmes have content relating to the advancement of women, protection of their...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: VOTE-DATA-2
"In elections held between 2014 and 2020, the electoral roll consisted mainly of women (51.22 per cent on average)" (16).
Variables: VOTE-DATA-2
"In elections held between 2014 and 2020, the electoral roll consisted mainly of women (51.22 per cent on average)" (16).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: UVAW-PRACTICE-1
"Between January 2014 and September 2020, the Public Prosecutor’s General Office for the Protection of the Family and Women dealt with a total of 399,742 cases of gender-based violence covered by various laws" (12). According to Table 1, titled “Cases involving crimes specified in the Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence: Office of the Public Prosecutor,” there were 1,439 obscene act cases in 2014, 1,017 cases in 2015, 700 cases in 2016, 565 cases in 2017, 473 cases in 2018, 545 cases in 2019, and 311 cases in 2020. There were also 6,574 threat cases in 2014, 15,177 such cases in 2015, 13,042 cases in 2016,...more
Variables: UVAW-PRACTICE-1
"Between January 2014 and September 2020, the Public Prosecutor’s General Office for the Protection of the Family and Women dealt with a total of 399,742 cases of gender-based violence covered by various laws" (12). According to Table 1, titled “Cases involving crimes specified in the Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence: Office of the Public Prosecutor,” there were 1,439 obscene act cases in 2014, 1,017 cases in 2015, 700 cases in 2016, 565 cases in 2017, 473 cases in 2018, 545 cases in 2019, and 311 cases in 2020. There were also 6,574 threat cases in 2014, 15,177 such cases in 2015, 13,042 cases in 2016,...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
"The Public Prosecution Service includes a Division for the Protection of Women which currently has: (a) 72 offices throughout the country, four of which have national coverage: (1) Two specializing in the investigation of femicides and offences against the sexual freedom of women (Nos. 64 and 47); (2) One with broad competence (No. 82); and (3) One focused on combating the sale of women (No. 95)" (7). "The Public Prosecution Service, the Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, and the Ombudsman’s Office have scheduled various workshops to improve prevention, focus broad attention and ensure criminal investigation of the crime of trafficking in persons. The workshops are...more
"The Public Prosecution Service includes a Division for the Protection of Women which currently has: (a) 72 offices throughout the country, four of which have national coverage: (1) Two specializing in the investigation of femicides and offences against the sexual freedom of women (Nos. 64 and 47); (2) One with broad competence (No. 82); and (3) One focused on combating the sale of women (No. 95)" (7). "The Public Prosecution Service, the Ministry of People’s Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, and the Ombudsman’s Office have scheduled various workshops to improve prevention, focus broad attention and ensure criminal investigation of the crime of trafficking in persons. The workshops are...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-3
"The National Office for Comprehensive Care of Victims of Violence was created in 2016. It provides legal and psychological assistance without charge to victims of violence and trafficking of women, girls and adolescents, as well as awareness-raising and training in the prevention and treatment of violence against women and girls" (8).
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-3
"The National Office for Comprehensive Care of Victims of Violence was created in 2016. It provides legal and psychological assistance without charge to victims of violence and trafficking of women, girls and adolescents, as well as awareness-raising and training in the prevention and treatment of violence against women and girls" (8).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 91 of 15 March 2017: the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court prohibited procedural concessions for persons guilty of 'flagrant sexual crimes', including the crime of persistent sexual violence, the crime of sexual intercourse with a particularly vulnerable victim, the crime of forced prostitution, the crime of sexual slavery, the crime of illicit trafficking in women, girls and adolescents, and the crime of selling women, girls and adolescents. Regarding trials of such crimes, the Division stated that, once the principle of presumption of innocence had been excluded by an unappealable judgment, the procedural concessions allowed by law could not be granted and no alternative sentencing would be allowed"...more
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 91 of 15 March 2017: the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court prohibited procedural concessions for persons guilty of 'flagrant sexual crimes', including the crime of persistent sexual violence, the crime of sexual intercourse with a particularly vulnerable victim, the crime of forced prostitution, the crime of sexual slavery, the crime of illicit trafficking in women, girls and adolescents, and the crime of selling women, girls and adolescents. Regarding trials of such crimes, the Division stated that, once the principle of presumption of innocence had been excluded by an unappealable judgment, the procedural concessions allowed by law could not be granted and no alternative sentencing would be allowed"...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
According to Table 1, titled “Cases involving crimes specified in the Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence: Office of the Public Prosecutor,” there were 4 trafficking in women cases in 2014, 29 cases in 2015, 32 cases in 2016, 34 cases in 2017, 36 cases in 2018, 42 cases in 2019, and 31 cases in 2020 (12). "When trafficking occurs abroad, the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations forwards to the competent authority the requests and reports submitted by diplomatic missions and consular offices concerning trafficking of Venezuelans. Between March 2017 and June 2019, there was a total of 11 cases. In five cases, the...more
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
According to Table 1, titled “Cases involving crimes specified in the Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence: Office of the Public Prosecutor,” there were 4 trafficking in women cases in 2014, 29 cases in 2015, 32 cases in 2016, 34 cases in 2017, 36 cases in 2018, 42 cases in 2019, and 31 cases in 2020 (12). "When trafficking occurs abroad, the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations forwards to the competent authority the requests and reports submitted by diplomatic missions and consular offices concerning trafficking of Venezuelans. Between March 2017 and June 2019, there was a total of 11 cases. In five cases, the...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The following agreements and arrangements have been adopted... (c) Gender training and awareness-raising for organs processing complaints. In 2020, the Supreme Court concluded an agreement for the National Experimental University for Security to provide training courses on this subject both for civil servants and serving police and for students" (6). "As far as training is concerned, in 2013 the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality launched the Argelia Laya Feminist National Centre for Feminist Training, which offers a variety of training programmes designed to eradicate social practices responsible for exclusion, discrimination, exploitation and violence against women. The Argelia Laya Feminist Foundation School of the South (FEMSUR) was...more
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The following agreements and arrangements have been adopted... (c) Gender training and awareness-raising for organs processing complaints. In 2020, the Supreme Court concluded an agreement for the National Experimental University for Security to provide training courses on this subject both for civil servants and serving police and for students" (6). "As far as training is concerned, in 2013 the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality launched the Argelia Laya Feminist National Centre for Feminist Training, which offers a variety of training programmes designed to eradicate social practices responsible for exclusion, discrimination, exploitation and violence against women. The Argelia Laya Feminist Foundation School of the South (FEMSUR) was...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: PRN-LAW-2
"As regards measures to combat sexist stereotypes, the Supreme Court of Justice adopted rulings No. 359 of 2014 and No. 884 of 2017, which prohibit the publication of images containing implicit or explicit images or content that promote prostitution or consumption of pornography, whether in images, photos or advertising, and contain links to websites that can be freely accessed by children and adolescents" (11).
Variables: PRN-LAW-2
"As regards measures to combat sexist stereotypes, the Supreme Court of Justice adopted rulings No. 359 of 2014 and No. 884 of 2017, which prohibit the publication of images containing implicit or explicit images or content that promote prostitution or consumption of pornography, whether in images, photos or advertising, and contain links to websites that can be freely accessed by children and adolescents" (11).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: PRN-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 359 of 6 May 2014: the Supreme Court’s Constitutional Division ordered the newspaper Meridiano to remove any images with explicit or implicit sexual allusions or content from advertising in printed media openly available to children and adolescents that advertise sexual stimulants promoting services commercially linked to the exploitation of sex or prostitution. This ruling is applicable to all printed media" (4). "Ruling No. 884 of 3 November 2017: the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court prohibited the Sociedad Mercantil El Heraldo and the Grupo Mercantil 6° Poder 60 C.A. from publishing any printed or digital copies of the weekly newspaper, including individual subscriptions, with images containing explicit or...more
Variables: PRN-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 359 of 6 May 2014: the Supreme Court’s Constitutional Division ordered the newspaper Meridiano to remove any images with explicit or implicit sexual allusions or content from advertising in printed media openly available to children and adolescents that advertise sexual stimulants promoting services commercially linked to the exploitation of sex or prostitution. This ruling is applicable to all printed media" (4). "Ruling No. 884 of 3 November 2017: the Constitutional Division of the Supreme Court prohibited the Sociedad Mercantil El Heraldo and the Grupo Mercantil 6° Poder 60 C.A. from publishing any printed or digital copies of the weekly newspaper, including individual subscriptions, with images containing explicit or...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GP-DATA-3
"Access to comprehensive services guaranteeing justice and action to combat violence against women, girls and adolescents has during the period covered by this report been a permanent and constant goal. There are specialized institutions and improvements have been made in the training given to female and male civil servants" (5). "The National Commission for Gender Justice of the judiciary branch and the National School of Magistrates are ensuring that ongoing training in gender issues is provided to female and male judges and court staff working in the specialized judicial circuits and the municipal criminal courts" (6). "A Higher People’s Organ for Gender Justice was created in all states of the...more
Variables: GP-DATA-3
"Access to comprehensive services guaranteeing justice and action to combat violence against women, girls and adolescents has during the period covered by this report been a permanent and constant goal. There are specialized institutions and improvements have been made in the training given to female and male civil servants" (5). "The National Commission for Gender Justice of the judiciary branch and the National School of Magistrates are ensuring that ongoing training in gender issues is provided to female and male judges and court staff working in the specialized judicial circuits and the municipal criminal courts" (6). "A Higher People’s Organ for Gender Justice was created in all states of the...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
"In 2019, it also drafted the 'Guidelines for victims of gender violence in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces'" (10).
"In 2019, it also drafted the 'Guidelines for victims of gender violence in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces'" (10).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GP-DATA-2
"In 2017 and 2018, the First and Second Binational Congresses of Women from Colombia and Venezuela were held to strengthen peacekeeping under female leadership, with the participation of nongovernmental organizations from both countries. The goal was to implement the joint agenda for peace and eradication of instances of inequality in common territory, with an intercultural focus and under the leadership of the Wayuu women. 1,200 women from the two countries participated and agreement was reached on a road map for gender-based peace" (35-36).
Variables: GP-DATA-2
"In 2017 and 2018, the First and Second Binational Congresses of Women from Colombia and Venezuela were held to strengthen peacekeeping under female leadership, with the participation of nongovernmental organizations from both countries. The goal was to implement the joint agenda for peace and eradication of instances of inequality in common territory, with an intercultural focus and under the leadership of the Wayuu women. 1,200 women from the two countries participated and agreement was reached on a road map for gender-based peace" (35-36).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"In 2020, following elections to individual posts in the Executive Branch at the state and municipal levels, 17 per cent of the elected Governors and 23 per cent of the elected Mayors were women. In the Executive Branch, more women are playing leadership roles in decision-making and occupying senior posts as Ministers, Deputy Ministers, presidents of institutions, directors and rectors of universities. The period between 2013 and 2020 saw the appointment of Delcy Rodriguez to the post of Executive Vice-President of the Republic in June 2018 and in October 2020 Carmen Meléndez was reappointed to the post of Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace. In 2020, 33 per cent...more
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"In 2020, following elections to individual posts in the Executive Branch at the state and municipal levels, 17 per cent of the elected Governors and 23 per cent of the elected Mayors were women. In the Executive Branch, more women are playing leadership roles in decision-making and occupying senior posts as Ministers, Deputy Ministers, presidents of institutions, directors and rectors of universities. The period between 2013 and 2020 saw the appointment of Delcy Rodriguez to the post of Executive Vice-President of the Republic in June 2018 and in October 2020 Carmen Meléndez was reappointed to the post of Minister of the Interior, Justice and Peace. In 2020, 33 per cent...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GIC-LAW-3
"Articles 343 and 344 of the Act on Work and Workers requires every workplace to have an initial education centre that includes a breastfeeding room or to pay the enrolment cost and monthly fees for workers’ children between three months and six years of age to attend an initial education centre" (18).
Variables: GIC-LAW-3
"Articles 343 and 344 of the Act on Work and Workers requires every workplace to have an initial education centre that includes a breastfeeding room or to pay the enrolment cost and monthly fees for workers’ children between three months and six years of age to attend an initial education centre" (18).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: GDI-DATA-1
"According to the 2019 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Venezuela had a Gender Development Index of 1.013 and was included in the high human development category of the Human Development Index as regards equality between women and men" (4).
Variables: GDI-DATA-1
"According to the 2019 Human Development Report of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Venezuela had a Gender Development Index of 1.013 and was included in the high human development category of the Human Development Index as regards equality between women and men" (4).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: EWCMS-LAW-4
"By 2020, 121 Gender Equality and Equity Secretariats had been included in police forces (national, regional and municipal)" (8).
Variables: EWCMS-LAW-4
"By 2020, 121 Gender Equality and Equity Secretariats had been included in police forces (national, regional and municipal)" (8).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: EWCMS-LAW-1
"Between 2015 and 2019, the representation of women in the Bolivarian Armed Forces increased from 11 to 15 per cent, thanks to the policy encouraging the admission of women to the various military schools" (16).
Variables: EWCMS-LAW-1
"Between 2015 and 2019, the representation of women in the Bolivarian Armed Forces increased from 11 to 15 per cent, thanks to the policy encouraging the admission of women to the various military schools" (16).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: EWCMS-DATA-1
"Between 2015 and 2019, the representation of women in the Bolivarian Armed Forces increased from 11 to 15 per cent, thanks to the policy encouraging the admission of women to the various military schools. The breakdown for the different branches shows an increase from 14 to 21 per cent for the Army, from 16 to 22 per cent for the Air Force; from 15 to 26 per cent for the Navy and from 6 to 8 per cent for the National Guard. In 2020, a female Admiral occupied the post of Deputy Minister and there were five female Vice-Admirals and one female General of Division, all of which are high-level...more
Variables: EWCMS-DATA-1
"Between 2015 and 2019, the representation of women in the Bolivarian Armed Forces increased from 11 to 15 per cent, thanks to the policy encouraging the admission of women to the various military schools. The breakdown for the different branches shows an increase from 14 to 21 per cent for the Army, from 16 to 22 per cent for the Air Force; from 15 to 26 per cent for the Navy and from 6 to 8 per cent for the National Guard. In 2020, a female Admiral occupied the post of Deputy Minister and there were five female Vice-Admirals and one female General of Division, all of which are high-level...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-4
"Between 2014 and 2020, women’s access to credit was expanded both by private and by public banks. Since 2017, at least 45 per cent of loans extended by public banks were reserved for female entrepreneurs. As a result of the policies adopted, women now form the majority of recipients of loans for small and medium-sized industries from public banks. The unilateral coercive measures have impacted credit, causing a decline in the absolute volume of loans that started in 1918 and mainly affected private banks" (27). Table 3, titled “Loans for men and women, by year: Private banks” shows that the number of women receiving loans from private banks increased from...more
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-4
"Between 2014 and 2020, women’s access to credit was expanded both by private and by public banks. Since 2017, at least 45 per cent of loans extended by public banks were reserved for female entrepreneurs. As a result of the policies adopted, women now form the majority of recipients of loans for small and medium-sized industries from public banks. The unilateral coercive measures have impacted credit, causing a decline in the absolute volume of loans that started in 1918 and mainly affected private banks" (27). Table 3, titled “Loans for men and women, by year: Private banks” shows that the number of women receiving loans from private banks increased from...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-1
"The Chamba Juvenil Mission was an attempt to improve access to jobs in the formal sector and reduce unemployment. A total of 1,040,320 women participated, representing 57 per cent of all beneficiaries. In 2020, according to the National Register of Trade Unions, a total of 2,566,192 people including 1,223,166 women (48 per cent) were members of trade unions. In 2018, the Act on Workers’ Councils was adopted, with the goal of giving the working class a say in the management of productive activity. For 2020, 2,236 Workers’ Councils were created. Female workers have 32.46 per cent of the votes in these participatory bodies. Between January 2014 and September 2020, the...more
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-1
"The Chamba Juvenil Mission was an attempt to improve access to jobs in the formal sector and reduce unemployment. A total of 1,040,320 women participated, representing 57 per cent of all beneficiaries. In 2020, according to the National Register of Trade Unions, a total of 2,566,192 people including 1,223,166 women (48 per cent) were members of trade unions. In 2018, the Act on Workers’ Councils was adopted, with the goal of giving the working class a say in the management of productive activity. For 2020, 2,236 Workers’ Councils were created. Female workers have 32.46 per cent of the votes in these participatory bodies. Between January 2014 and September 2020, the...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
"The telephone hot line 0800-Mujeres (0800-6853737) provides legal advice and general information especially designed for female victims of violence. In the period from 2014 to 2018, 42,240 calls were received. In 2019 and 2020, the service was affected by serious damage to the national electrical grid caused by terrorist activities and the unilateral coercive measures made it impossible to obtain spare parts. The service managed to recover in November 2020" (8). "Between 2015 and 2020,180 persons (65 women, 61 girls and 54 boys) sought protection and safety in shelters of the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality. These confidential and secure shelters provide temporary accommodation, protection, care...more
"The telephone hot line 0800-Mujeres (0800-6853737) provides legal advice and general information especially designed for female victims of violence. In the period from 2014 to 2018, 42,240 calls were received. In 2019 and 2020, the service was affected by serious damage to the national electrical grid caused by terrorist activities and the unilateral coercive measures made it impossible to obtain spare parts. The service managed to recover in November 2020" (8). "Between 2015 and 2020,180 persons (65 women, 61 girls and 54 boys) sought protection and safety in shelters of the Ministry of People’s Power for Women and Gender Equality. These confidential and secure shelters provide temporary accommodation, protection, care...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"Between 2014 and 2017, the adolescent fertility rate declined from 95.1 to 85.8 per thousand, concentrated in the 17 to 19 age group. This decline is the result is attributable to new actions targeting this group, such as acquisition and distribution of subdermal contraceptive implants, particularly for adolescents with a history of pregnancy in 2016 and 2017. This was all part of the National Programme of Reproductive Sexual Health. In states with the largest number of teenage pregnancies, adolescents with prior pregnancies were identified and immediately given implants, after counselling, written consent and a comprehensive medical evaluation. A total of 24,637 implants were provided between July 2016 and March 2017"...more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"Between 2014 and 2017, the adolescent fertility rate declined from 95.1 to 85.8 per thousand, concentrated in the 17 to 19 age group. This decline is the result is attributable to new actions targeting this group, such as acquisition and distribution of subdermal contraceptive implants, particularly for adolescents with a history of pregnancy in 2016 and 2017. This was all part of the National Programme of Reproductive Sexual Health. In states with the largest number of teenage pregnancies, adolescents with prior pregnancies were identified and immediately given implants, after counselling, written consent and a comprehensive medical evaluation. A total of 24,637 implants were provided between July 2016 and March 2017"...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"For the whole country, women certified as disabled and registered with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities numbered 243,629 or 38.82 per cent of the total population. Of the total women registered, 90 per cent were older than 18 and 10 per cent were 17 years of age or less. Most of the women certified suffered from a neuromusculoskeletal disability (38.06 per cent) or from multiple disabilities (35.24 per cent). As to the causes of the disabilities, 62.89 per cent were acquired and 16.27 per cent were congenital, 19.44 per cent were genetic and 1.39 per cent were hereditary. These figures cover 99.99 per cent of all women in...more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"For the whole country, women certified as disabled and registered with the National Council for Persons with Disabilities numbered 243,629 or 38.82 per cent of the total population. Of the total women registered, 90 per cent were older than 18 and 10 per cent were 17 years of age or less. Most of the women certified suffered from a neuromusculoskeletal disability (38.06 per cent) or from multiple disabilities (35.24 per cent). As to the causes of the disabilities, 62.89 per cent were acquired and 16.27 per cent were congenital, 19.44 per cent were genetic and 1.39 per cent were hereditary. These figures cover 99.99 per cent of all women in...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: DSFMF-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 738 of 11 August 2016: the Constitutional Division repealed articles 394 and 395 of the Penal Code concerning adultery, because it considered that the wording discriminated against women and undermined their human dignity, being contrary to the values and principles of equality, non-discrimination and human dignity embodied in articles 2, 3 and 21 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" (4).
Variables: DSFMF-LAW-1
"Ruling No. 738 of 11 August 2016: the Constitutional Division repealed articles 394 and 395 of the Penal Code concerning adultery, because it considered that the wording discriminated against women and undermined their human dignity, being contrary to the values and principles of equality, non-discrimination and human dignity embodied in articles 2, 3 and 21 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela" (4).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"The period covered by this report saw the introduction of the new Penitentiary System in all women’s prisons, under the administration of the Ministry of People’s Power for the Penitentiary Service. The System encourages the social rehabilitation of female prisoners through comprehensive plans, projects and policies for them in areas including education, work, culture and sports. In 2020, there were 2,153 female prisoners, distributed between 16 prison facilities. The managerial, disciplinary and custodial staff of these facilities are all female and are kept separate from the men’s facilities. The centres have space to accommodate the number of female prisoners specified in the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women...more
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"The period covered by this report saw the introduction of the new Penitentiary System in all women’s prisons, under the administration of the Ministry of People’s Power for the Penitentiary Service. The System encourages the social rehabilitation of female prisoners through comprehensive plans, projects and policies for them in areas including education, work, culture and sports. In 2020, there were 2,153 female prisoners, distributed between 16 prison facilities. The managerial, disciplinary and custodial staff of these facilities are all female and are kept separate from the men’s facilities. The centres have space to accommodate the number of female prisoners specified in the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-DATA-2
"As regards access to jobs, of the 6,514,338 women of working age 8 per cent were unemployed in 2018" (18).
Variables: ERBG-DATA-2
"As regards access to jobs, of the 6,514,338 women of working age 8 per cent were unemployed in 2018" (18).
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1
"Articles 343 and 344 of the Act on Work and Workers requires every workplace to have an initial education centre that includes a breastfeeding room or to pay the enrolment cost and monthly fees for workers’ children between three months and six years of age to attend an initial education centre" (18). "Between 2014 and 2020, the Labour Inspectorates assisted 101,384 female workers with applications for re-employment (56,941), complaints of deteriorating work conditions (5,283), transfers refused (1,951), individual complaints (30,202) and family welfare complaints (5,590). The Inspectorates were also involved in 1,417 cases brought by female domestic workers. In 2020, cases relating to job security in the context of the...more
Variables: ERBG-LAW-1
"Articles 343 and 344 of the Act on Work and Workers requires every workplace to have an initial education centre that includes a breastfeeding room or to pay the enrolment cost and monthly fees for workers’ children between three months and six years of age to attend an initial education centre" (18). "Between 2014 and 2020, the Labour Inspectorates assisted 101,384 female workers with applications for re-employment (56,941), complaints of deteriorating work conditions (5,283), transfers refused (1,951), individual complaints (30,202) and family welfare complaints (5,590). The Inspectorates were also involved in 1,417 cases brought by female domestic workers. In 2020, cases relating to job security in the context of the...more
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-DATA-5
"Of the total number of employed women [in 2018], 65.5 per cent were working in the formal sector and 34.5 per cent were performing informal activities" (18)
Variables: ERBG-DATA-5
"Of the total number of employed women [in 2018], 65.5 per cent were working in the formal sector and 34.5 per cent were performing informal activities" (18)
March 14, 2025, 4:48 p.m.
Countries: Venezuela
Variables: ERBG-LAW-2
"On the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace, the Act on Precautions, Conditions and Work Environment requires employers to adopt the necessary measures to prevent any form of sexual harassment and to pursue a policy designed to eliminate harassment in the workplace (article 56). The Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence considers sexual harassment to be a form of violence against women and specifies consequences including compensation (article 63) for victims, and prison sentences and fines for perpetrators. The Act on Work and Workers defines sexual harassment and allows the victim to leave the workplace and the firm to dismiss the offender, provided that proof...more
Variables: ERBG-LAW-2
"On the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace, the Act on Precautions, Conditions and Work Environment requires employers to adopt the necessary measures to prevent any form of sexual harassment and to pursue a policy designed to eliminate harassment in the workplace (article 56). The Act on Women’s Right to a Life Free from Violence considers sexual harassment to be a form of violence against women and specifies consequences including compensation (article 63) for victims, and prison sentences and fines for perpetrators. The Act on Work and Workers defines sexual harassment and allows the victim to leave the workplace and the firm to dismiss the offender, provided that proof...more