Latest items for Turkey
March 20, 2025, 4:15 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-8
"Studies have put Pakistan as having one of the highest rates [of consanguineous unions] globally at 65 per cent. This is followed by India (55 per cent), Saudi Arabia (50 per cent), Afghanistan (40 per cent), Iran (30 per cent) and Egypt and Turkey (20 per cent each)" (para 23-24).
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-8
"Studies have put Pakistan as having one of the highest rates [of consanguineous unions] globally at 65 per cent. This is followed by India (55 per cent), Saudi Arabia (50 per cent), Afghanistan (40 per cent), Iran (30 per cent) and Egypt and Turkey (20 per cent each)" (para 23-24).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-2
"Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a long history of hate speech against the HM and Fethullah Gülen himself and such a statement caused much of his anger. In 2014, while Prime Minister, he publicly stated: 'You don’t have to cover your head,’ they said; ‘Remove your headscarf to attend university,’ they said. So he is a preacher; you’re kidding; he is nothing close to a preacher'" (4).
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-2
"Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has a long history of hate speech against the HM and Fethullah Gülen himself and such a statement caused much of his anger. In 2014, while Prime Minister, he publicly stated: 'You don’t have to cover your head,’ they said; ‘Remove your headscarf to attend university,’ they said. So he is a preacher; you’re kidding; he is nothing close to a preacher'" (4).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"Fethullah Gülen, founder of the HM, has always been supportive of women’s equal position in all societies. He constantly reiterated in his statements that at the time of the Prophet, women were as active in social life as men. The HM took those statements from theory to practice: women in the HM assume important positions in the movement, various leadership stances and roles as spokespersons of NGOs, chief editor of newspapers, professors and teachers in schools and universities run by the movement. Women in the movement are extremely active: their role is neither limited nor confined to stay at home. The HM is also a strong advocate of women’s education....more
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"Fethullah Gülen, founder of the HM, has always been supportive of women’s equal position in all societies. He constantly reiterated in his statements that at the time of the Prophet, women were as active in social life as men. The HM took those statements from theory to practice: women in the HM assume important positions in the movement, various leadership stances and roles as spokespersons of NGOs, chief editor of newspapers, professors and teachers in schools and universities run by the movement. Women in the movement are extremely active: their role is neither limited nor confined to stay at home. The HM is also a strong advocate of women’s education....more
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: RCDW-LAW-1, RCDW-LAW-2
"Turkey, as many countries, had a ban on Islamic headscarf, notably in Universities" (3).
Variables: RCDW-LAW-1, RCDW-LAW-2
"Turkey, as many countries, had a ban on Islamic headscarf, notably in Universities" (3).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"The International Association for Human Rights in Geneva (IAHRAG)... has been created in 2017; its purpose is to assist, support, guide and sustain victims of human rights violations. One of the main concerns of its interest is the violation of human rights in Turkey" (2).
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"The International Association for Human Rights in Geneva (IAHRAG)... has been created in 2017; its purpose is to assist, support, guide and sustain victims of human rights violations. One of the main concerns of its interest is the violation of human rights in Turkey" (2).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"[S]ince the AKP is running the country, the rate of femicide has been constantly increasing. Since 2010, more than 3.000 women could have been murdered by husband or partner" (4).
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"[S]ince the AKP is running the country, the rate of femicide has been constantly increasing. Since 2010, more than 3.000 women could have been murdered by husband or partner" (4).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: LRW-DATA-1
"There are also many concurring testimonies of women from the HM being raped in prisons and detention centers, notably in the aftermath of the 15 July 2016 coup attempt. A medical doctor, assigned to conduct physical examination in a gymnasium turned into a detention center, run by the Ankara Police Department, made public for the first time what he saw: harsh methods of torture such as rape, sexual assault, severe beatings … Male detainees also claimed they heard women being raped in detention centers" (9).
Variables: LRW-DATA-1
"There are also many concurring testimonies of women from the HM being raped in prisons and detention centers, notably in the aftermath of the 15 July 2016 coup attempt. A medical doctor, assigned to conduct physical examination in a gymnasium turned into a detention center, run by the Ankara Police Department, made public for the first time what he saw: harsh methods of torture such as rape, sexual assault, severe beatings … Male detainees also claimed they heard women being raped in detention centers" (9).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-3
"Fethullah Gülen, founder of the HM, has always been supportive of women’s equal position in all societies. He constantly reiterated in his statements that at the time of the Prophet, women were as active in social life as men. The HM took those statements from theory to practice: women in the HM assume important positions in the movement, various leadership stances and roles as spokespersons of NGOs, chief editor of newspapers, professors and teachers in schools and universities run by the movement. Women in the movement are extremely active: their role is neither limited nor confined to stay at home" (3).
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-3
"Fethullah Gülen, founder of the HM, has always been supportive of women’s equal position in all societies. He constantly reiterated in his statements that at the time of the Prophet, women were as active in social life as men. The HM took those statements from theory to practice: women in the HM assume important positions in the movement, various leadership stances and roles as spokespersons of NGOs, chief editor of newspapers, professors and teachers in schools and universities run by the movement. Women in the movement are extremely active: their role is neither limited nor confined to stay at home" (3).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Since 2010, more than 3.000 women could have been murdered by husband or partner" (4).
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Since 2010, more than 3.000 women could have been murdered by husband or partner" (4).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"It is hard to provide accurate data on the number of women of the HM targeted and detained, although the Stockholm Center for Freedom estimates that the aftermath of the witch-hunt persecution against the HM results in approximatively 16,000 to 20,000 detained women" (7). "Another disturbing pattern of violations from the Turkish government targeting women of the HM (but not only) is the arrest of wives of suspects when they are not found. A well-known case is that of journalist the police could not find him at home: they arrested his wife, housewife and mother of five, and kept her under arrest for eight months. The OHCHR stated in 2018...more
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"It is hard to provide accurate data on the number of women of the HM targeted and detained, although the Stockholm Center for Freedom estimates that the aftermath of the witch-hunt persecution against the HM results in approximatively 16,000 to 20,000 detained women" (7). "Another disturbing pattern of violations from the Turkish government targeting women of the HM (but not only) is the arrest of wives of suspects when they are not found. A well-known case is that of journalist the police could not find him at home: they arrested his wife, housewife and mother of five, and kept her under arrest for eight months. The OHCHR stated in 2018...more
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: CWC-DATA-3
"In view of the intense persecution faced by the HM supporters both from the judiciary and police forces that could amount to the qualification of crimes against humanity according to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention , many women of the HM do not have other choice than the one of forced exile. However, in view of the restriction to freedom of movement on HM supporters , women and families leave the country under illegal and very dangerous conditions: most of them arrive in Greece by crossing by boat the Evros River. They are then potentially subject to detention and violent push-backs. The German Bild daily reported in February 2018...more
Variables: CWC-DATA-3
"In view of the intense persecution faced by the HM supporters both from the judiciary and police forces that could amount to the qualification of crimes against humanity according to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention , many women of the HM do not have other choice than the one of forced exile. However, in view of the restriction to freedom of movement on HM supporters , women and families leave the country under illegal and very dangerous conditions: most of them arrive in Greece by crossing by boat the Evros River. They are then potentially subject to detention and violent push-backs. The German Bild daily reported in February 2018...more
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ATC-DATA-6
"The recent withdrawal from the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, on 20 March 2021, not only is unconstitutional, as it came on the form of a Presidential Decision without any form of parliamentary consultation ; it also says a lot on the current backlash women’s rights face in Turkey. It is actually the first Turkish withdrawal from a human rights treaty: this is raising serious concerns as to the Turkish commitment to human rights treaties and it might not be an isolated phenomenon" (4).
Variables: ATC-DATA-6
"The recent withdrawal from the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, on 20 March 2021, not only is unconstitutional, as it came on the form of a Presidential Decision without any form of parliamentary consultation ; it also says a lot on the current backlash women’s rights face in Turkey. It is actually the first Turkish withdrawal from a human rights treaty: this is raising serious concerns as to the Turkish commitment to human rights treaties and it might not be an isolated phenomenon" (4).
March 4, 2025, 10:02 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: GP-DATA-1, GP-DATA-6, AFE-DATA-1
"Turkey mentions in its report that 46 per cent of judges (para. 98), 45 per cent of the academic staff (para. 96), 39.6 per cent of public officials (para. 92) are women" (6).
Variables: GP-DATA-1, GP-DATA-6, AFE-DATA-1
"Turkey mentions in its report that 46 per cent of judges (para. 98), 45 per cent of the academic staff (para. 96), 39.6 per cent of public officials (para. 92) are women" (6).
Feb. 19, 2025, 10:52 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Turkey guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Since 2015, the Labor Code also provides five days of paid leave to fathers when their spouse gives birth" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 74 of Turkey’s Labor Code guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Madde 74 - Kadın işçilerin doğumdan önce sekiz ve doğumdan sonra sekiz hafta olmak üzere toplam onaltı haftalık süre için çalıştırılmamaları esastır. Çoğul gebelik halinde doğumdan önce çalıştırılmayacak sekiz haftalık süreye iki hafta süre eklenir. Ancak, sağlık durumu uygun olduğu takdirde, doktorun onayı...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-1, GIC-LAW-3
"Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Turkey guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Since 2015, the Labor Code also provides five days of paid leave to fathers when their spouse gives birth" (4). "Based on our systematic review of national legislation and country reports, Article 74 of Turkey’s Labor Code guarantees 16 weeks of paid maternity leave to mothers. Madde 74 - Kadın işçilerin doğumdan önce sekiz ve doğumdan sonra sekiz hafta olmak üzere toplam onaltı haftalık süre için çalıştırılmamaları esastır. Çoğul gebelik halinde doğumdan önce çalıştırılmayacak sekiz haftalık süreye iki hafta süre eklenir. Ancak, sağlık durumu uygun olduğu takdirde, doktorun onayı...more
Feb. 19, 2025, 10:52 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, exceptions to this provision allow children younger than 18 to marry with parental or court approval" (4). "Based on our review, the Civil Code of Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, Articles 124, 126, and 128 of the Civil Code outline exceptions to this provision, allowing children under the age of 18 to marry with parental consent or court approval. Madde 11 - Erginlik onsekiz yaşın doldurulmasıyla başlar. Evlenme kişiyi ergin kılar. Madde 124- Erkek veya kadın onyedi yaşını doldurmadıkça evlenemez. Ancak,...more
Variables: AOM-LAW-1
"Based on our review, Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, exceptions to this provision allow children younger than 18 to marry with parental or court approval" (4). "Based on our review, the Civil Code of Turkey establishes a general minimum age of marriage of 18 for girls and boys. However, Articles 124, 126, and 128 of the Civil Code outline exceptions to this provision, allowing children under the age of 18 to marry with parental consent or court approval. Madde 11 - Erginlik onsekiz yaşın doldurulmasıyla başlar. Evlenme kişiyi ergin kılar. Madde 124- Erkek veya kadın onyedi yaşını doldurmadıkça evlenemez. Ancak,...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 3:56 p.m.
Countries: Afghanistan, Egypt, India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-8
"Estimates on consanguineous marriage prevalence around the world vary. Studies have put Pakistan as having one of the highest rates globally at 65 per cent of unions. This is followed by India (55 per cent), Saudi Arabia (50 per cent), Afghanistan (40 per cent), Iran (30 per cent) and Egypt and Turkey (20 per cent each)" (para 46-48).
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-8
"Estimates on consanguineous marriage prevalence around the world vary. Studies have put Pakistan as having one of the highest rates globally at 65 per cent of unions. This is followed by India (55 per cent), Saudi Arabia (50 per cent), Afghanistan (40 per cent), Iran (30 per cent) and Egypt and Turkey (20 per cent each)" (para 46-48).
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:33 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ACR-LAW-1
"Other countries — including Turkey — have administratively barred couples from seeking cross-border surrogacy but have stopped short of passing full-fledged laws" (par. 15).
Variables: ACR-LAW-1
"Other countries — including Turkey — have administratively barred couples from seeking cross-border surrogacy but have stopped short of passing full-fledged laws" (par. 15).
Dec. 31, 2024, 4:46 p.m.
Countries: Angola, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Brazil, Burundi, Central African Rep, Chile, Cote D'Ivoire, D R Congo, East Timor, Ethiopia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Netherlands, Niger, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Togo, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Variables: IRP-SCALE-1
Variables: IRP-SCALE-1
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: SUICIDE-DATA-1
"Only 31, she was elected in Batman, a deeply patriarchal and conservative city that in the past has been known for its alarmingly high suicide rates among young women" (para 11).
Variables: SUICIDE-DATA-1
"Only 31, she was elected in Batman, a deeply patriarchal and conservative city that in the past has been known for its alarmingly high suicide rates among young women" (para 11).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: AOM-DATA-2
"Today, a third of all marriages in the country involve child brides" (para 10).
Variables: AOM-DATA-2
"Today, a third of all marriages in the country involve child brides" (para 10).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"The AKP government has unilaterally withdrawn from the Istanbul convention, which is aimed at protecting the victims of gender violence" (para 10).
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"The AKP government has unilaterally withdrawn from the Istanbul convention, which is aimed at protecting the victims of gender violence" (para 10).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
"According to We Will Stop Femicide Platform, a grassroots movement built by various feminist and LGBTQ+ rights advocates, at least 563 women were killed or lost their lives in suspicious circumstances in 2023 alone" (para 10).
"According to We Will Stop Femicide Platform, a grassroots movement built by various feminist and LGBTQ+ rights advocates, at least 563 women were killed or lost their lives in suspicious circumstances in 2023 alone" (para 10).
Dec. 12, 2024, 1:48 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"It is, therefore, remarkable that in these elections the proportion of locally elected women has almost tripled. Today, with female mayors ruling over 11 out of 81 cities there is still a long way to gender equality, but it is a positive step forward. significant example of this is Gulistan Sonuk, of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy (DEM) party. Only 31, she was elected in Batman, a deeply patriarchal and conservative city that in the past has been known for its alarmingly high suicide rates among young women. Batman is a stronghold of Hüda-Par, an Islamist party that is accused of having links to the banned militant group Kurdish...more
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"It is, therefore, remarkable that in these elections the proportion of locally elected women has almost tripled. Today, with female mayors ruling over 11 out of 81 cities there is still a long way to gender equality, but it is a positive step forward. significant example of this is Gulistan Sonuk, of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Equality and Democracy (DEM) party. Only 31, she was elected in Batman, a deeply patriarchal and conservative city that in the past has been known for its alarmingly high suicide rates among young women. Batman is a stronghold of Hüda-Par, an Islamist party that is accused of having links to the banned militant group Kurdish...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"The country withdrew in 2021 from the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence which requires authorities to investigate and punish violence against women. 'In 15 years, the only year when the number of femicides decreased was in 2011, the year which the Istanbul Convention was adopted,' the NGO said" (para 8-9).
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"The country withdrew in 2021 from the Istanbul Convention, the Council of Europe convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence which requires authorities to investigate and punish violence against women. 'In 15 years, the only year when the number of femicides decreased was in 2011, the year which the Istanbul Convention was adopted,' the NGO said" (para 8-9).
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Seven women were killed by their partners or ex-partners across Turkey on Tuesday, according to the television station Habertürk. 'In total, seven women were savagely killed in İzmir, Bursa, Sakarya, Erzurum, Denizli and Istanbul,' Habertürk reported, listing the country’s major cities. 'The suspects were either their current spouses, or spouses from whom they were separated,' said the broadcaster, which listed the names of the victims with their photographs on its website. The women, aged between 32 and 49, were shot or stabbed to death. At least three of the assailants took their own lives, two were arrested and one who was wounded while being detained later died. The fate of...more
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Seven women were killed by their partners or ex-partners across Turkey on Tuesday, according to the television station Habertürk. 'In total, seven women were savagely killed in İzmir, Bursa, Sakarya, Erzurum, Denizli and Istanbul,' Habertürk reported, listing the country’s major cities. 'The suspects were either their current spouses, or spouses from whom they were separated,' said the broadcaster, which listed the names of the victims with their photographs on its website. The women, aged between 32 and 49, were shot or stabbed to death. At least three of the assailants took their own lives, two were arrested and one who was wounded while being detained later died. The fate of...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"Seven women were killed by their partners or ex-partners across Turkey on Tuesday, according to the television station Habertürk. 'In total, seven women were savagely killed in İzmir, Bursa, Sakarya, Erzurum, Denizli and Istanbul,' Habertürk reported, listing the country’s major cities. 'The suspects were either their current spouses, or spouses from whom they were separated,' said the broadcaster, which listed the names of the victims with their photographs on its website. The women, aged between 32 and 49, were shot or stabbed to death. At least three of the assailants took their own lives, two were arrested and one who was wounded while being detained later died. The fate of...more
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"Seven women were killed by their partners or ex-partners across Turkey on Tuesday, according to the television station Habertürk. 'In total, seven women were savagely killed in İzmir, Bursa, Sakarya, Erzurum, Denizli and Istanbul,' Habertürk reported, listing the country’s major cities. 'The suspects were either their current spouses, or spouses from whom they were separated,' said the broadcaster, which listed the names of the victims with their photographs on its website. The women, aged between 32 and 49, were shot or stabbed to death. At least three of the assailants took their own lives, two were arrested and one who was wounded while being detained later died. The fate of...more
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
"A lawsuit filed against We Will Stop Femicide by the Istanbul prosecutor in 2022 over alleged 'immoral activities' was dropped last September" (para 10).
"A lawsuit filed against We Will Stop Femicide by the Istanbul prosecutor in 2022 over alleged 'immoral activities' was dropped last September" (para 10).
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"In 2023, the women’s rights NGO We Will Stop Femicide recorded 315 murders of women, 65% of whom were killed in their own homes" (para 6).
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"In 2023, the women’s rights NGO We Will Stop Femicide recorded 315 murders of women, 65% of whom were killed in their own homes" (para 6).
Dec. 6, 2024, 6:57 p.m.
Countries: Turkey
Variables: SUICIDE-DATA-1
"An additional 248 cases of 'suspicious deaths', described as 'suicide' by authorities, have been attributed to a third party by feminist groups, which note the rise of defenestration incidents in Turkey" (para 7).
Variables: SUICIDE-DATA-1
"An additional 248 cases of 'suspicious deaths', described as 'suicide' by authorities, have been attributed to a third party by feminist groups, which note the rise of defenestration incidents in Turkey" (para 7).
Aug. 10, 2024, 2:57 a.m.
Countries: Albania, Brunei, China, Guatemala, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Tunisia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vietnam