Latest items for Italy
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"Shortly after moving to Parma, I was amazed that the 2000 Miss Italia beauty pageant pulled in almost 12 million viewers. Trashy TV seemed to confirm that lechery was normalised: programmes invariably showed elderly men surrounded by bikini-clad young women who were given diminutive nicknames. The late media mogul Silvio Berlusconi not only created that fleshpot broadcasting but also helped the country throw out its moral compass: his 'bunga-bunga' orgies and incessant jokes about 'whores' and 'poofs' suggested that sexual and linguistic propriety could be ignored with impunity" (par. 5-6). "But when the accused is “one of us”, it’s a completely different narrative. Journalists from Rai News 24 (the state...more
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"Shortly after moving to Parma, I was amazed that the 2000 Miss Italia beauty pageant pulled in almost 12 million viewers. Trashy TV seemed to confirm that lechery was normalised: programmes invariably showed elderly men surrounded by bikini-clad young women who were given diminutive nicknames. The late media mogul Silvio Berlusconi not only created that fleshpot broadcasting but also helped the country throw out its moral compass: his 'bunga-bunga' orgies and incessant jokes about 'whores' and 'poofs' suggested that sexual and linguistic propriety could be ignored with impunity" (par. 5-6). "But when the accused is “one of us”, it’s a completely different narrative. Journalists from Rai News 24 (the state...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The school-caretaker story gained traction this week when many Italians began posting 10-second videos of themselves to demonstrate just how long that period can be. It made unsettling viewing but drove the point home: the protection of women in Italy is a very low priority. 'Sorry to be vulgar,' said a quiet female friend of mine in Parma, 'but why don’t we take a broom handle and shove it up the judge’s arse, just for 10 seconds, and see if he still thinks that’s not assault'" (par. 4). "In 2021 Beppe Grillo, the comic and founder of the Five Star Movement (the zany political party), released a furious two-minute video...more
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The school-caretaker story gained traction this week when many Italians began posting 10-second videos of themselves to demonstrate just how long that period can be. It made unsettling viewing but drove the point home: the protection of women in Italy is a very low priority. 'Sorry to be vulgar,' said a quiet female friend of mine in Parma, 'but why don’t we take a broom handle and shove it up the judge’s arse, just for 10 seconds, and see if he still thinks that’s not assault'" (par. 4). "In 2021 Beppe Grillo, the comic and founder of the Five Star Movement (the zany political party), released a furious two-minute video...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-1
"In another sentence last week, a 43-year-old man wasn’t given the life term requested by prosecutors because Carol Maltesi, the 26-year-old woman he murdered, was perceived by the judge to be 'disinhibited'" (par. 15).
Variables: MARR-PRACTICE-1
"In another sentence last week, a 43-year-old man wasn’t given the life term requested by prosecutors because Carol Maltesi, the 26-year-old woman he murdered, was perceived by the judge to be 'disinhibited'" (par. 15).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-1
"The news in Italy this week has been dominated by two sexual violence scandals. In one, the son of the speaker of the senate, the street-fighting politician Ignazio La Russa, is under investigation for rape. In another, a 66-year-old school caretaker who, from behind, inserted his hands inside the underwear of a 17-year-old student from Rome, was absolved because the assault only lasted 'between five and 10 seconds'" (par. 1). "After it emerged that a 22-year-old woman had denounced his son, La Russa stated that she had taken cocaine before going to Milan’s Apophis club in May. The newspaper Libero then revealed the alleged victim’s prescription drugs. The insinuation was...more
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-1
"The news in Italy this week has been dominated by two sexual violence scandals. In one, the son of the speaker of the senate, the street-fighting politician Ignazio La Russa, is under investigation for rape. In another, a 66-year-old school caretaker who, from behind, inserted his hands inside the underwear of a 17-year-old student from Rome, was absolved because the assault only lasted 'between five and 10 seconds'" (par. 1). "After it emerged that a 22-year-old woman had denounced his son, La Russa stated that she had taken cocaine before going to Milan’s Apophis club in May. The newspaper Libero then revealed the alleged victim’s prescription drugs. The insinuation was...more
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"Superficially it might seem that Italy has made important progress on equality: the country now has not only a female prime minister but also a female leader of the opposition, Elly Schlein" (par. 15).
Variables: GP-DATA-1
"Superficially it might seem that Italy has made important progress on equality: the country now has not only a female prime minister but also a female leader of the opposition, Elly Schlein" (par. 15).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
"In the aftermath of the 2022 gathering of the Alpini, Italy’s widely admired mountain infantry, more than 170 women came forward to denounce aggressions, from catcalling to slaps, touchings and insults. Most Alpini are still in denial about the seriousness of the accusations. 'It’s the fault of how they dress,' said one. 'They’re provocative and then they play the victim,' said another" (par. 9).
"In the aftermath of the 2022 gathering of the Alpini, Italy’s widely admired mountain infantry, more than 170 women came forward to denounce aggressions, from catcalling to slaps, touchings and insults. Most Alpini are still in denial about the seriousness of the accusations. 'It’s the fault of how they dress,' said one. 'They’re provocative and then they play the victim,' said another" (par. 9).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ATDW-LAW-1
"'Our mothers did an amazing amount of work, fighting to legalise abortion and divorce [in 1978 and 1970 respectively], but then they became so bourgeois and settled down. For 20 years, in the 90s and early 00s, there was no feminism around me,' [Giulia Blasi, co-creator of Italy's #MeToo equivalent, #QuellaVoltaChe] said" (par. 12). Access to divorce was made legal in 1970 (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: ATDW-LAW-1
"'Our mothers did an amazing amount of work, fighting to legalise abortion and divorce [in 1978 and 1970 respectively], but then they became so bourgeois and settled down. For 20 years, in the 90s and early 00s, there was no feminism around me,' [Giulia Blasi, co-creator of Italy's #MeToo equivalent, #QuellaVoltaChe] said" (par. 12). Access to divorce was made legal in 1970 (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Feb. 26, 2025, 8:53 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"'Our mothers did an amazing amount of work, fighting to legalise abortion and divorce [in 1978 and 1970 respectively], but then they became so bourgeois and settled down. For 20 years, in the 90s and early 00s, there was no feminism around me,' [Giulia Blasi, co-creator of Italy's #MeToo equivalent, #QuellaVoltaChe] said" (par. 12). Obotion was legalized in 1978 in Italy (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"'Our mothers did an amazing amount of work, fighting to legalise abortion and divorce [in 1978 and 1970 respectively], but then they became so bourgeois and settled down. For 20 years, in the 90s and early 00s, there was no feminism around me,' [Giulia Blasi, co-creator of Italy's #MeToo equivalent, #QuellaVoltaChe] said" (par. 12). Obotion was legalized in 1978 in Italy (IME - CODER COMMENT).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-DATA-1
"'Valentina' told Human Rights Watch that she searched for a doctor to authorize and perform her abortion in March 2020 in Lombardy: 'I went to my gynecologist – he said I can’t see you because of Covid. I went to the hospital, they said we can’t see you because of Covid. I went to another hospital – they didn’t even let me in the door because they said they were only taking urgent cases. They told me to go to the consultorio [family planning clinic]. So I called the consultorio. They said they were closed because of the pandemic.' Valentina said she felt desperate: 'The Italian state closed the door...more
Variables: ABO-DATA-1
"'Valentina' told Human Rights Watch that she searched for a doctor to authorize and perform her abortion in March 2020 in Lombardy: 'I went to my gynecologist – he said I can’t see you because of Covid. I went to the hospital, they said we can’t see you because of Covid. I went to another hospital – they didn’t even let me in the door because they said they were only taking urgent cases. They told me to go to the consultorio [family planning clinic]. So I called the consultorio. They said they were closed because of the pandemic.' Valentina said she felt desperate: 'The Italian state closed the door...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Abortion is legal in Italy during the first 90 days of pregnancy for health, economic, social, or personal reasons. However, burdensome requirements as well as extensive use of 'conscientious objection' by medical personnel function to deny care to women and girls, and leave them scrambling to find services within the legal time frame. Significant barriers to accessing abortion persist in Italy, such as the need for multiple clinical visits and a seven-day waiting period – the longest in Europe – except in cases of emergency, and lengthy waits for appointments. Such delays prevent access to medical or surgical abortion within the legal time frames and undermine women’s reproductive choice. Additionally,...more
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Abortion is legal in Italy during the first 90 days of pregnancy for health, economic, social, or personal reasons. However, burdensome requirements as well as extensive use of 'conscientious objection' by medical personnel function to deny care to women and girls, and leave them scrambling to find services within the legal time frame. Significant barriers to accessing abortion persist in Italy, such as the need for multiple clinical visits and a seven-day waiting period – the longest in Europe – except in cases of emergency, and lengthy waits for appointments. Such delays prevent access to medical or surgical abortion within the legal time frames and undermine women’s reproductive choice. Additionally,...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Abortion is legal in Italy during the first 90 days of pregnancy for health, economic, social, or personal reasons. However, burdensome requirements as well as extensive use of 'conscientious objection' by medical personnel function to deny care to women and girls, and leave them scrambling to find services within the legal time frame" (1). "Activists and doctors in Italy told Human Rights Watch that delays in testing and diagnosis during pregnancy mean women are not always aware of fetal anomalies during the first trimester, and some anomalies cannot be identified until later in pregnancy. In addition, few doctors in Italy are willing to perform abortions after the 90-day limit. Most...more
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Abortion is legal in Italy during the first 90 days of pregnancy for health, economic, social, or personal reasons. However, burdensome requirements as well as extensive use of 'conscientious objection' by medical personnel function to deny care to women and girls, and leave them scrambling to find services within the legal time frame" (1). "Activists and doctors in Italy told Human Rights Watch that delays in testing and diagnosis during pregnancy mean women are not always aware of fetal anomalies during the first trimester, and some anomalies cannot be identified until later in pregnancy. In addition, few doctors in Italy are willing to perform abortions after the 90-day limit. Most...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: AFE-PRACTICE-1
"By March 10, 2020, all schools across Italy were closed in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, affecting almost 11 million students. In May and June 2020, Human Rights Watch interviewed students, parents, and teachers about the effects on children’s education. As of January 28, 2021, schools had been completely closed in Italy for 93 days during the pandemic, and closed either in particular areas or for certain grades for an additional 89 days. During closures, schools offered distance learning alternatives, but some girls and young women said they found distance education less conducive to learning. Children with disabilities and children who had difficulty accessing devices or...more
Variables: AFE-PRACTICE-1
"By March 10, 2020, all schools across Italy were closed in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus, affecting almost 11 million students. In May and June 2020, Human Rights Watch interviewed students, parents, and teachers about the effects on children’s education. As of January 28, 2021, schools had been completely closed in Italy for 93 days during the pandemic, and closed either in particular areas or for certain grades for an additional 89 days. During closures, schools offered distance learning alternatives, but some girls and young women said they found distance education less conducive to learning. Children with disabilities and children who had difficulty accessing devices or...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: CL-PRACTICE-1
"The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically increased caregiving duties and time spent doing unpaid care and domestic work" (9).
Variables: CL-PRACTICE-1
"The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically increased caregiving duties and time spent doing unpaid care and domestic work" (9).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: CWC-DATA-3, CWC-DATA-4
"Material and technical support from Italy has enabled the Libyan Coast Guard, under the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), to intercept thousands of people at sea and return them to Libya where they face arbitrary, indefinite detention and a high risk of exploitation and violence, including rape. Despite clear and abundant evidence of widespread human rights violations and abuses suffered by migrants in Libya, the Memorandum of Understanding that provides the framework for Italy-Libya migration cooperation automatically renewed for another three years on February 2, 2020. To date, the GNA has not accepted cosmetic changes to the MoU, which Italy proposed shortly after its renewal, to increase protection for...more
Variables: CWC-DATA-3, CWC-DATA-4
"Material and technical support from Italy has enabled the Libyan Coast Guard, under the UN-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), to intercept thousands of people at sea and return them to Libya where they face arbitrary, indefinite detention and a high risk of exploitation and violence, including rape. Despite clear and abundant evidence of widespread human rights violations and abuses suffered by migrants in Libya, the Memorandum of Understanding that provides the framework for Italy-Libya migration cooperation automatically renewed for another three years on February 2, 2020. To date, the GNA has not accepted cosmetic changes to the MoU, which Italy proposed shortly after its renewal, to increase protection for...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"Italy has also not taken adequate steps to ensure access to birth control. Free contraception through the national health service stopped in 2016, and only six regions now provide free hormonal birth control. Experts noted the cost of contraception in Italy can be prohibitive for poor women and adolescents, creating 'discrimination in access.' Birth control pills cost around €150 to €200 a year, and an intra-uterine device (IUD) around €250 to €300. Given the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, more people may face financial barriers to accessing birth control" (2).
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"Italy has also not taken adequate steps to ensure access to birth control. Free contraception through the national health service stopped in 2016, and only six regions now provide free hormonal birth control. Experts noted the cost of contraception in Italy can be prohibitive for poor women and adolescents, creating 'discrimination in access.' Birth control pills cost around €150 to €200 a year, and an intra-uterine device (IUD) around €250 to €300. Given the economic fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, more people may face financial barriers to accessing birth control" (2).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"During closures, schools offered distance learning alternatives, but some girls and young women said they found distance education less conducive to learning. Children with disabilities and children who had difficulty accessing devices or the internet for online learning were at a particular disadvantage in accessing education during school closures. These include girls, young women and trans and non-binary children and youth. School closures had disproportionate consequences for many students with disabilities, including girls, who often did not receive the accommodations they needed, making it harder for them to access the relevant tools and engage in remote classes. A support teacher in a vocational secondary school in Milan told Human Rights...more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"During closures, schools offered distance learning alternatives, but some girls and young women said they found distance education less conducive to learning. Children with disabilities and children who had difficulty accessing devices or the internet for online learning were at a particular disadvantage in accessing education during school closures. These include girls, young women and trans and non-binary children and youth. School closures had disproportionate consequences for many students with disabilities, including girls, who often did not receive the accommodations they needed, making it harder for them to access the relevant tools and engage in remote classes. A support teacher in a vocational secondary school in Milan told Human Rights...more
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-1
"In Italy, more than 90 percent of primary school teachers are women" (9).
Variables: ERBG-PRACTICE-1
"In Italy, more than 90 percent of primary school teachers are women" (9).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: GIC-LAW-3
"The law also offered some parents of children with disabilities additional time off work to support their children during school lockdowns" (8).
Variables: GIC-LAW-3
"The law also offered some parents of children with disabilities additional time off work to support their children during school lockdowns" (8).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"Nongovernmental organizations facilitating access to abortion also said that demand for assistance increased significantly, in part due to reduced services and movement restrictions" (5).
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"Nongovernmental organizations facilitating access to abortion also said that demand for assistance increased significantly, in part due to reduced services and movement restrictions" (5).
Feb. 13, 2025, 10:47 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-1
"Some reproductive health services were suspended or relocated to provide space for Covid-19 patients. Reassignment of medical staff to Covid-19 wards and absence of personnel due to illness or self-isolation also led to reduced services" (4). "Law 194 obliges authorities to ensure that conscientious objection does not prevent fulfilment of legal requests for abortion, even if this necessitates relocating personnel... However, activists and doctors told Human Rights Watch that these measures are not upheld or enforced, including during the pandemic. In some cases, this impacted women’s access not only to abortion but to other essential reproductive health care" (5). "According to the March 30 Health Ministry circular, non-deferrable care during...more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-1
"Some reproductive health services were suspended or relocated to provide space for Covid-19 patients. Reassignment of medical staff to Covid-19 wards and absence of personnel due to illness or self-isolation also led to reduced services" (4). "Law 194 obliges authorities to ensure that conscientious objection does not prevent fulfilment of legal requests for abortion, even if this necessitates relocating personnel... However, activists and doctors told Human Rights Watch that these measures are not upheld or enforced, including during the pandemic. In some cases, this impacted women’s access not only to abortion but to other essential reproductive health care" (5). "According to the March 30 Health Ministry circular, non-deferrable care during...more
Feb. 5, 2025, 7:18 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Although abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978, accessing the procedure is extremely difficult owing to the high number of gynaecologists who are moral objectors. Italy’s far-right government, which came to power last October, is against abortion, although the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said the law would not be changed" (para 15).
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Although abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978, accessing the procedure is extremely difficult owing to the high number of gynaecologists who are moral objectors. Italy’s far-right government, which came to power last October, is against abortion, although the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said the law would not be changed" (para 15).
Feb. 5, 2025, 7:17 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Although abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978, accessing the procedure is extremely difficult owing to the high number of gynaecologists who are moral objectors. Italy’s far-right government, which came to power last October, is against abortion, although the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said the law would not be changed" (para 15).
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Although abortion has been legal in Italy since 1978, accessing the procedure is extremely difficult owing to the high number of gynaecologists who are moral objectors. Italy’s far-right government, which came to power last October, is against abortion, although the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, said the law would not be changed" (para 15).
Jan. 29, 2025, 8:04 p.m.
Countries: Germany, Italy, Peru, Uruguay
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"In 2015, a wave of marches against femicide sparked similar protests in Peru, Uruguay, Italy and Germany" (para 10).
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"In 2015, a wave of marches against femicide sparked similar protests in Peru, Uruguay, Italy and Germany" (para 10).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
Countries: Italy
"Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6).
"Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-3
"In the mid-1960s, a brave young Italian woman, Franca Viola, was abducted and violated for a week, then fought a centuries-old tradition that would have her marry her abuser to “restore” her honor" (para 1). "Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6).
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-3
"In the mid-1960s, a brave young Italian woman, Franca Viola, was abducted and violated for a week, then fought a centuries-old tradition that would have her marry her abuser to “restore” her honor" (para 1). "Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6).
Jan. 9, 2025, 4:59 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: LRW-LAW-4
"Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6). "Article 544, allowing a rapist to marry his victim for reparation, was finally repealed in 1981" (para 16).
Variables: LRW-LAW-4
"Article 544 of the Italian criminal code recognized a kind of marriage, the matrimonio riparatore, that would forgive the man for his crime and restore to the 'damaged' victim her honor and that of her family. Should she refuse to marry her abductor, the young woman would be further victimized as an unmarriagable outcast somehow to blame for her unfortunate circumstances" (para 6). "Article 544, allowing a rapist to marry his victim for reparation, was finally repealed in 1981" (para 16).
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: CBMC-PRACTICE-1
"Italy on Wednesday passed the West’s most restrictive law against international surrogacy, threatening would-be parents who use birth mothers abroad with jail time and severe fines in a move that critics say will chiefly target same-sex couples. . .'It is nature that decides this, not us,' said Sen. Susanna Campione, from Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, who voted in favor of the law. 'We wish for this example to be followed [by other countries],' she added. 'This is a civilized law that safeguards the child but also the woman, since we believe that surrogacy essentially reduces a woman to a reproductive machine'" (par. 1, 8-9). This seems to suggest that...more
Variables: CBMC-PRACTICE-1
"Italy on Wednesday passed the West’s most restrictive law against international surrogacy, threatening would-be parents who use birth mothers abroad with jail time and severe fines in a move that critics say will chiefly target same-sex couples. . .'It is nature that decides this, not us,' said Sen. Susanna Campione, from Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party, who voted in favor of the law. 'We wish for this example to be followed [by other countries],' she added. 'This is a civilized law that safeguards the child but also the woman, since we believe that surrogacy essentially reduces a woman to a reproductive machine'" (par. 1, 8-9). This seems to suggest that...more
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3
"Legislation on topics beyond family issues, including a sweeping, government-backed security bill already approved by the lower house, takes aim at climate activists and labor unions by criminalizing protests that obstruct roads and railways, opponents say" (par. 11).
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-3
"Legislation on topics beyond family issues, including a sweeping, government-backed security bill already approved by the lower house, takes aim at climate activists and labor unions by criminalizing protests that obstruct roads and railways, opponents say" (par. 11).
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1, ATC-DATA-5
"Last year in Morocco, an international convention of experts from 70 countries issued a joint decree calling for a universal surrogacy ban. In April, the European Parliament voted to include 'the exploitation of surrogate motherhood' under acts of 'human trafficking'" (par. 13).
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1, ATC-DATA-5
"Last year in Morocco, an international convention of experts from 70 countries issued a joint decree calling for a universal surrogacy ban. In April, the European Parliament voted to include 'the exploitation of surrogate motherhood' under acts of 'human trafficking'" (par. 13).
Jan. 3, 2025, 12:32 p.m.
Countries: Italy
Variables: ACR-PRACTICE-1
"That and other aspects of the amended law may be hard to enforce. Even backers of the legislation concede that heterosexual couples may face few questions when returning to Italy with an infant, or when registering their child’s birth certificate with local municipalities. Who is to say that the woman in that couple didn’t deliver the baby while abroad? By contrast, an infant in the arms of same-sex parents — particularly two men — would amount to an obvious red flag" (par. 5). "'We wish for this example to be followed [by other countries],' she added. 'This is a civilized law that safeguards the child but also the woman, since...more
Variables: ACR-PRACTICE-1
"That and other aspects of the amended law may be hard to enforce. Even backers of the legislation concede that heterosexual couples may face few questions when returning to Italy with an infant, or when registering their child’s birth certificate with local municipalities. Who is to say that the woman in that couple didn’t deliver the baby while abroad? By contrast, an infant in the arms of same-sex parents — particularly two men — would amount to an obvious red flag" (par. 5). "'We wish for this example to be followed [by other countries],' she added. 'This is a civilized law that safeguards the child but also the woman, since...more