Latest items for Hungary
Feb. 5, 2025, 7:17 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"In September last year, Hungary’s far-right government made it obligatory for women to 'listen to the foetal heartbeat' before they can access a safe abortion" (para 13).
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"In September last year, Hungary’s far-right government made it obligatory for women to 'listen to the foetal heartbeat' before they can access a safe abortion" (para 13).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Other barriers such as waiting periods and mandatory 'counseling' appointments prevent effective access and continue to stigmatize abortion. In October 2020, Hungary co-sponsored the anti-abortion Geneva Consensus Declaration on Promoting Women’s Health and Strengthening the Family with the United States and 33 other countries. Although abortion remains legal at the time of writing, the 2011 constitutional changes as well as the government’s decision to co-sponsor the Geneva Consensus Declaration—a document with no legal weight but which is focused on states committing to promote an anti-abortion approach to reproductive health—raises concerns among activists that more barriers are forthcoming" (6).
Variables: ABO-PRACTICE-1
"Other barriers such as waiting periods and mandatory 'counseling' appointments prevent effective access and continue to stigmatize abortion. In October 2020, Hungary co-sponsored the anti-abortion Geneva Consensus Declaration on Promoting Women’s Health and Strengthening the Family with the United States and 33 other countries. Although abortion remains legal at the time of writing, the 2011 constitutional changes as well as the government’s decision to co-sponsor the Geneva Consensus Declaration—a document with no legal weight but which is focused on states committing to promote an anti-abortion approach to reproductive health—raises concerns among activists that more barriers are forthcoming" (6).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Alongside preventing reasonable access to emergency contraception, Hungarian law continues to hinder access to abortion. Abortion remains permissible by law upon request up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, or later in cases where there is 'severe' or fatal fetal impairment, threat to the life or health of the woman, or the pregnancy is the result of a criminal act. However, the government changed the Constitution in 2011 to include protection of life from the moment of conception. Medical abortion remains unavailable within the country. Other barriers such as waiting periods and mandatory 'counseling' appointments prevent effective access and continue to stigmatize abortion. In October 2020, Hungary co-sponsored the anti-abortion...more
Variables: ABO-LAW-1
"Alongside preventing reasonable access to emergency contraception, Hungarian law continues to hinder access to abortion. Abortion remains permissible by law upon request up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, or later in cases where there is 'severe' or fatal fetal impairment, threat to the life or health of the woman, or the pregnancy is the result of a criminal act. However, the government changed the Constitution in 2011 to include protection of life from the moment of conception. Medical abortion remains unavailable within the country. Other barriers such as waiting periods and mandatory 'counseling' appointments prevent effective access and continue to stigmatize abortion. In October 2020, Hungary co-sponsored the anti-abortion...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In October 2018, Hungary banned gender studies in state universities. The ban inhibits freedom of expression and access to information, particularly with regards to issues such as gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence that disproportionately impact women and girls, including and sometimes especially LBT women and girls" (2).
Variables: ASR-LAW-1
"In October 2018, Hungary banned gender studies in state universities. The ban inhibits freedom of expression and access to information, particularly with regards to issues such as gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence that disproportionately impact women and girls, including and sometimes especially LBT women and girls" (2).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"[I]n March 2020, Hungary rejected ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the Istanbul Convention, which obliges state parties to uphold minimum standards for protection from and prevention and prosecution of violence against women. It also establishes an important standard of inclusion, recognizing everyone’s right to live free from violence, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or other characteristics. Hungary’s government justified its rejection by claiming the convention promotes 'gender ideology' and that its protection of migrant and refugee women contradicts their efforts to crack down on irregular immigration" (4-5).
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"[I]n March 2020, Hungary rejected ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence, known as the Istanbul Convention, which obliges state parties to uphold minimum standards for protection from and prevention and prosecution of violence against women. It also establishes an important standard of inclusion, recognizing everyone’s right to live free from violence, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, immigration status, or other characteristics. Hungary’s government justified its rejection by claiming the convention promotes 'gender ideology' and that its protection of migrant and refugee women contradicts their efforts to crack down on irregular immigration" (4-5).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
"In December 2020, the minister responsible for families, Katalin Novák, released a video telling women to relish their roles as child bearers and caregivers, adding that Hungarian women should not give up their 'privileges over some misguided fight for emancipation'" (2).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: CBMC-PRACTICE-1
"Hungary’s parliament, where the ruling party has a two-thirds majority, adopted amendments to the constitution, including language that 'the mother is female, and father is male' and effectively banning same-sex couples from adopting children" (2).
Variables: CBMC-PRACTICE-1
"Hungary’s parliament, where the ruling party has a two-thirds majority, adopted amendments to the constitution, including language that 'the mother is female, and father is male' and effectively banning same-sex couples from adopting children" (2).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: CUST-LAW-4
"The day after the video’s release, Hungary’s parliament, where the ruling party has a two-thirds majority, adopted amendments to the constitution, including language that 'the mother is female, and father is male' and effectively banning same-sex couples from adopting children" (2).
Variables: CUST-LAW-4
"The day after the video’s release, Hungary’s parliament, where the ruling party has a two-thirds majority, adopted amendments to the constitution, including language that 'the mother is female, and father is male' and effectively banning same-sex couples from adopting children" (2).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"In 2013, the Committee made the specific recommendation that Hungary eliminate the prescription requirement for emergency contraception. In 2015, the European Commission made a similar recommendation and approved the over-the-counter sale of the emergency contraceptive ellaOne (ulipristal acetate). However, rather than following this recommendation, the Hungarian government opted to maintain restrictions on access to ellaOne, failing to ensure respect for women’s and girls’ rights to health, life, and privacy. Hungary’s refusal to allow over-the-counter access to ellaOne despite the European Commission’s decision means that everyone must see a doctor to procure emergency contraception, including in cases of sexual assault, which may delay or even prevent them from doing so" (5).more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-2
"In 2013, the Committee made the specific recommendation that Hungary eliminate the prescription requirement for emergency contraception. In 2015, the European Commission made a similar recommendation and approved the over-the-counter sale of the emergency contraceptive ellaOne (ulipristal acetate). However, rather than following this recommendation, the Hungarian government opted to maintain restrictions on access to ellaOne, failing to ensure respect for women’s and girls’ rights to health, life, and privacy. Hungary’s refusal to allow over-the-counter access to ellaOne despite the European Commission’s decision means that everyone must see a doctor to procure emergency contraception, including in cases of sexual assault, which may delay or even prevent them from doing so" (5).more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"During the Covid-19 pandemic, rates of domestic violence are reported to have increased even more" (4).
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"During the Covid-19 pandemic, rates of domestic violence are reported to have increased even more" (4).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-LAW-1
"While domestic violence became a specific criminal offence on July 1, 2013, Human Rights Watch has found that legal gaps and poor implementation of the law continue to leave women without adequate protection from violence" (4).
Variables: DV-LAW-1
"While domestic violence became a specific criminal offence on July 1, 2013, Human Rights Watch has found that legal gaps and poor implementation of the law continue to leave women without adequate protection from violence" (4).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1
"During the last review period, Human Rights Watch documented chronic violence against women by their intimate partners and the challenges women face in seeking state protection and services. This includes: gaps in Hungary’s legal and policy framework in responding to domestic violence; inadequate police response to domestic violence; frequent failure to prosecute and punish perpetrators; and, lack of sufficient shelter spaces, services, and support for victims of domestic violence. All of the above are compounded by officials’ attitudes that condone abuse" (4). "While domestic violence became a specific criminal offence on July 1, 2013, Human Rights Watch has found that legal gaps and poor implementation of the law continue to...more
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1
"During the last review period, Human Rights Watch documented chronic violence against women by their intimate partners and the challenges women face in seeking state protection and services. This includes: gaps in Hungary’s legal and policy framework in responding to domestic violence; inadequate police response to domestic violence; frequent failure to prosecute and punish perpetrators; and, lack of sufficient shelter spaces, services, and support for victims of domestic violence. All of the above are compounded by officials’ attitudes that condone abuse" (4). "While domestic violence became a specific criminal offence on July 1, 2013, Human Rights Watch has found that legal gaps and poor implementation of the law continue to...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-2
"During the last review period, Human Rights Watch documented chronic violence against women by their intimate partners and the challenges women face in seeking state protection and services. This includes: gaps in Hungary’s legal and policy framework in responding to domestic violence; inadequate police response to domestic violence; frequent failure to prosecute and punish perpetrators; and, lack of sufficient shelter spaces, services, and support for victims of domestic violence. All of the above are compounded by officials’ attitudes that condone abuse. Human Rights Watch also documented how women belonging to Hungary’s Romani minority are particularly disadvantaged in accessing protection from domestic violence. Mistrust of the authorities runs deep as a...more
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-2
"During the last review period, Human Rights Watch documented chronic violence against women by their intimate partners and the challenges women face in seeking state protection and services. This includes: gaps in Hungary’s legal and policy framework in responding to domestic violence; inadequate police response to domestic violence; frequent failure to prosecute and punish perpetrators; and, lack of sufficient shelter spaces, services, and support for victims of domestic violence. All of the above are compounded by officials’ attitudes that condone abuse. Human Rights Watch also documented how women belonging to Hungary’s Romani minority are particularly disadvantaged in accessing protection from domestic violence. Mistrust of the authorities runs deep as a...more
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children" (2).
Variables: GIC-LAW-1
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children" (2).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"Mistrust of the authorities runs deep as a result of general discrimination faced by the Roma community, making Roma women and girls less likely to seek protection from the police when they experience domestic violence" (4).
Variables: DTCP-PRACTICE-1
"Mistrust of the authorities runs deep as a result of general discrimination faced by the Roma community, making Roma women and girls less likely to seek protection from the police when they experience domestic violence" (4).
Feb. 3, 2025, 5:31 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: GIC-LAW-2
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children. Human Rights Watch has raised questions about the specific details of the plan, including any restrictions on eligibility for the benefits outlined in the Action Plan that may be based on residency status, country of birth/origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, and whether there are special measures to address how such policies may further trap individuals in abusive relationships, especially women. The government had not...more
Variables: GIC-LAW-2
"In 2019, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán introduced the Family Protection Action Plan, another effort to instrumentalize a so-called 'pro-family' agenda to perpetuate stereotyped gender roles. This plan includes measures that encourage couples to reproduce, including incentives for having four or more children. Human Rights Watch has raised questions about the specific details of the plan, including any restrictions on eligibility for the benefits outlined in the Action Plan that may be based on residency status, country of birth/origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status, and whether there are special measures to address how such policies may further trap individuals in abusive relationships, especially women. The government had not...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"If we find signs of abuse, exploitation, or we are victims ourselves, one of the best available, free and anonymous phone service is OKIT (“Országos Kríziskezelő és Információs Telefonszolgálat”)" (par. 25).
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"If we find signs of abuse, exploitation, or we are victims ourselves, one of the best available, free and anonymous phone service is OKIT (“Országos Kríziskezelő és Információs Telefonszolgálat”)" (par. 25).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1
"Before moving on to prostitution, I want to describe the everyday hardship in some Hungarian communities. There are many extremely poor neighbourhoods that lack viable work options and where enslavement for physical labour is not rare. House enslavement is basically small-scale slavery, where a person or a family exploits a person or another family for manual labour. The exploiter doesn’t usually make big sums of money from the situation – typically they gain just enough to sustain daily necessities" (par. 3-4). "According to Europol reports, one out of every five prostituted victims in Europe are Hungarian. The victims are most often lured by empty promises, or abducted, but in some...more
Variables: LDS-PRACTICE-1
"Before moving on to prostitution, I want to describe the everyday hardship in some Hungarian communities. There are many extremely poor neighbourhoods that lack viable work options and where enslavement for physical labour is not rare. House enslavement is basically small-scale slavery, where a person or a family exploits a person or another family for manual labour. The exploiter doesn’t usually make big sums of money from the situation – typically they gain just enough to sustain daily necessities" (par. 3-4). "According to Europol reports, one out of every five prostituted victims in Europe are Hungarian. The victims are most often lured by empty promises, or abducted, but in some...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"However, these issues are mostly ignored at best by the mainstream media and the government. The government’s approach to the problem is mostly denial. Like many other European countries, Hungary signed the Istanbul Convention, which aims to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. However, the government has not implemented its terms. For example, Hungary is the only EU country lacking any intervention programme for violent men. Then in 2020, the government decided not to ratify it" (par. 2).
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"However, these issues are mostly ignored at best by the mainstream media and the government. The government’s approach to the problem is mostly denial. Like many other European countries, Hungary signed the Istanbul Convention, which aims to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. However, the government has not implemented its terms. For example, Hungary is the only EU country lacking any intervention programme for violent men. Then in 2020, the government decided not to ratify it" (par. 2).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
"Hungary is a source and transit country for sex trafficking victims, but due to the low average income and grey policing, it’s not the most profitable for traffickers. In the past, most victims were sold abroad, but now this has reduced to around 60%" (par. 14). Hungary is the third highest country in Europe in terms of numbers of sex trafficking victims – Romania and Bulgaria are first and second, respectively" (par. 15). "In Hungary usually fewer than ten cases of trafficking are prosecuted annually – although there are more prosecutions of some of the related crimes, such as procuring and exploitation. In 2018 there were 41 closed cases of...more
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
"Hungary is a source and transit country for sex trafficking victims, but due to the low average income and grey policing, it’s not the most profitable for traffickers. In the past, most victims were sold abroad, but now this has reduced to around 60%" (par. 14). Hungary is the third highest country in Europe in terms of numbers of sex trafficking victims – Romania and Bulgaria are first and second, respectively" (par. 15). "In Hungary usually fewer than ten cases of trafficking are prosecuted annually – although there are more prosecutions of some of the related crimes, such as procuring and exploitation. In 2018 there were 41 closed cases of...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
"From this, you can imagine the desperation, lack of education, and the power dynamics in these areas. These areas are the main source of people who are sexually victimized and trafficked by the greed of criminals – some of whom are even relatives of the victim" (par. 5). "Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking and victims are typically 16–24 year-old girls and women. This is not surprising considering that today sex trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal acts and the younger the victim, the more profit the trafficker can hope for. Sex traffickers target emotionally vulnerable young people – particularly those from orphanages –...more
"From this, you can imagine the desperation, lack of education, and the power dynamics in these areas. These areas are the main source of people who are sexually victimized and trafficked by the greed of criminals – some of whom are even relatives of the victim" (par. 5). "Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking and victims are typically 16–24 year-old girls and women. This is not surprising considering that today sex trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal acts and the younger the victim, the more profit the trafficker can hope for. Sex traffickers target emotionally vulnerable young people – particularly those from orphanages –...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-4
"From the police perspective, investigating the crime of trafficking is challenging. In many cases even the victims do not realise that they are victims. Sometimes a victim comes to the police to report something else and gradually it emerges that the person is trafficked. The police have insufficient resources to be able to make much impact on these criminal dynamics" (par. 13). "According to an interview with Ágnes Németh (a colonel in the Hungarian police force) the biggest target country for Hungarian victims is Germany, where prostitution is legal, the average income is much higher and borders are easily accessible for Hungarian citizens. The Netherlands is also a target. Part...more
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-4
"From the police perspective, investigating the crime of trafficking is challenging. In many cases even the victims do not realise that they are victims. Sometimes a victim comes to the police to report something else and gradually it emerges that the person is trafficked. The police have insufficient resources to be able to make much impact on these criminal dynamics" (par. 13). "According to an interview with Ágnes Németh (a colonel in the Hungarian police force) the biggest target country for Hungarian victims is Germany, where prostitution is legal, the average income is much higher and borders are easily accessible for Hungarian citizens. The Netherlands is also a target. Part...more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-1
"In Hungary there are generations who have little choice but to follow their parents and become pimps or prostitutes themselves. Municipal workers in rural areas report frequently hearing this. It is an indication of the dynamics that perpetuate the system of prostitution and the supply of new pimps and prostitutes" (par. 6). "With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it" (par....more
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-1
"In Hungary there are generations who have little choice but to follow their parents and become pimps or prostitutes themselves. Municipal workers in rural areas report frequently hearing this. It is an indication of the dynamics that perpetuate the system of prostitution and the supply of new pimps and prostitutes" (par. 6). "With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it" (par....more
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-LAW-1
"With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it" (par. 8).
Variables: IRP-LAW-1
"With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it" (par. 8).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-DATA-3
"Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking and victims are typically 16–24 year-old girls and women. This is not surprising considering that today sex trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal acts and the younger the victim, the more profit the trafficker can hope for" (par. 11). "Sex traffickers target emotionally vulnerable young people – particularly those from orphanages – and homeless and disabled people" (par. 12).
Variables: IRP-DATA-3
"Sexual exploitation is the most common form of human trafficking and victims are typically 16–24 year-old girls and women. This is not surprising considering that today sex trafficking is one of the most profitable criminal acts and the younger the victim, the more profit the trafficker can hope for" (par. 11). "Sex traffickers target emotionally vulnerable young people – particularly those from orphanages – and homeless and disabled people" (par. 12).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-DATA-2
"There are approximately 15,000 individuals involved in prostitution in Hungary (estimates vary between 10,000-50,000)" (par. 7). "In Hungary usually fewer than ten cases of trafficking are prosecuted annually – although there are more prosecutions of some of the related crimes, such as procuring and exploitation. In 2018 there were 41 closed cases of child sexual exploitation, 143 of procurement and 23 of soliciting for prostitution" (par. 26).
Variables: IRP-DATA-2
"There are approximately 15,000 individuals involved in prostitution in Hungary (estimates vary between 10,000-50,000)" (par. 7). "In Hungary usually fewer than ten cases of trafficking are prosecuted annually – although there are more prosecutions of some of the related crimes, such as procuring and exploitation. In 2018 there were 41 closed cases of child sexual exploitation, 143 of procurement and 23 of soliciting for prostitution" (par. 26).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Intimate partner violence is relatively high, 7% of women (over 15 years old) experience sexual violence and 19% physical violence, and 20% of women come from a family where the father beat the mother" (par. 1).
Variables: DV-DATA-1
"Intimate partner violence is relatively high, 7% of women (over 15 years old) experience sexual violence and 19% physical violence, and 20% of women come from a family where the father beat the mother" (par. 1).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: CWC-DATA-2
"In Hungary there are generations who have little choice but to follow their parents and become pimps or prostitutes themselves. Municipal workers in rural areas report frequently hearing this. It is an indication of the dynamics that perpetuate the system of prostitution and the supply of new pimps and prostitutes" (par. 6).
Variables: CWC-DATA-2
"In Hungary there are generations who have little choice but to follow their parents and become pimps or prostitutes themselves. Municipal workers in rural areas report frequently hearing this. It is an indication of the dynamics that perpetuate the system of prostitution and the supply of new pimps and prostitutes" (par. 6).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"Like many other European countries, Hungary signed the Istanbul Convention, which aims to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. However, the government has not implemented its terms. For example, Hungary is the only EU country lacking any intervention programme for violent men. Then in 2020, the government decided not to ratify it. This is a serious setback considering the levels of domestic violence in Hungary" (par. 2).
Variables: ATC-DATA-5
"Like many other European countries, Hungary signed the Istanbul Convention, which aims to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence. However, the government has not implemented its terms. For example, Hungary is the only EU country lacking any intervention programme for violent men. Then in 2020, the government decided not to ratify it. This is a serious setback considering the levels of domestic violence in Hungary" (par. 2).
Jan. 15, 2025, 3:30 p.m.
Countries: Hungary
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-5
"With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it. As a result, prostitution is found in secluded areas just about everywhere and not just in these zones. This makes the police and local authorities fine and arrest people arbitrarily. They sometimes introduce a zone after arresting the prostitutes. In conclusion, prostitution is partly legal, but enforcement is a grey area and is...more
Variables: IRP-PRACTICE-5
"With the exception of procurement and brothel owning, prostitution is legal in Hungary if it takes place in so-called 'tolerance-zones'. Local municipalities can implement these zones where they see fit, taking into account the proximity of government institutions. However, there are few tolerance zones, because whenever the municipality introduces one, local residents almost always protest against it. As a result, prostitution is found in secluded areas just about everywhere and not just in these zones. This makes the police and local authorities fine and arrest people arbitrarily. They sometimes introduce a zone after arresting the prostitutes. In conclusion, prostitution is partly legal, but enforcement is a grey area and is...more