Latest items for Ecuador
March 21, 2025, 3:59 p.m.
Countries: Colombia, Ecuador
"Children being lured into dangerous mining work and child prostitution in lawless mining regions are common in other countries in South America, including Ecuador and Colombia, according to a U.S. Labor Department report from 2021" (para 25).
"Children being lured into dangerous mining work and child prostitution in lawless mining regions are common in other countries in South America, including Ecuador and Colombia, according to a U.S. Labor Department report from 2021" (para 25).
March 13, 2025, 8:56 p.m.
Countries: Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador
Variables: ACR-PRACTICE-1
"Ulloa Ziaurriz said that in her experience working as a women’s reproductive lawyer across Latin America — chiefly in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico — agencies specifically target those facing financial hardship. 'After the pandemic, a lot of women lost their jobs. They looked for single women with children who desperately needed economic support,' she said of agencies, describing the process as a form of human trafficking" (para 29-30).
Variables: ACR-PRACTICE-1
"Ulloa Ziaurriz said that in her experience working as a women’s reproductive lawyer across Latin America — chiefly in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico — agencies specifically target those facing financial hardship. 'After the pandemic, a lot of women lost their jobs. They looked for single women with children who desperately needed economic support,' she said of agencies, describing the process as a form of human trafficking" (para 29-30).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-3
"The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion has two dedicated shelters for victims of trafficking for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, in Machala and Quito. It also funds a home for trafficked girls and adolescents (Quito), which is run by the Alas de Colibrí Foundation. In July 2018, the municipality of Quito and the Attorney-General’s Office opened the Arupo shelter for adolescent women trafficked for purposes of sexual exploitation and their children (0 to 3 years). The shelter can accommodate up to 19 adolescents aged from 12 years to 17 years and 11 months. The victim and witness protection system provides them with psychological support, social work assistance and other...more
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-3
"The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion has two dedicated shelters for victims of trafficking for purposes of commercial sexual exploitation, in Machala and Quito. It also funds a home for trafficked girls and adolescents (Quito), which is run by the Alas de Colibrí Foundation. In July 2018, the municipality of Quito and the Attorney-General’s Office opened the Arupo shelter for adolescent women trafficked for purposes of sexual exploitation and their children (0 to 3 years). The shelter can accommodate up to 19 adolescents aged from 12 years to 17 years and 11 months. The victim and witness protection system provides them with psychological support, social work assistance and other...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"The decree also provided for the updating of curricula at all levels of education and of textbooks and teaching guides to include equality between men and women based on the principle of non-discrimination" (24).
Variables: WAM-PRACTICE-1
"The decree also provided for the updating of curricula at all levels of education and of textbooks and teaching guides to include equality between men and women based on the principle of non-discrimination" (24).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: UVAW-PRACTICE-1
"Through Ministerial Decision No. 267 of the Ministry of Public Health, the regulation was issued in 2018 for the implementation of primary health care services and a single form for alleged cases of gender-based violence and serious human rights violations, and their information management model. The total number of cases addressed in 2015 was 24,300; 23,238 in 2016; 24,146 in 2017; 33,773 in 2018; and 29,456 in 2019. In the period from 2016 to 2019, the Public Defender Service dealt with 76,356 requests for assistance to victims of gender-based violence" (14). "The decentralized autonomous government of the municipality of Archidona has trained the Cantonal Board for Rights Protection and the...more
Variables: UVAW-PRACTICE-1
"Through Ministerial Decision No. 267 of the Ministry of Public Health, the regulation was issued in 2018 for the implementation of primary health care services and a single form for alleged cases of gender-based violence and serious human rights violations, and their information management model. The total number of cases addressed in 2015 was 24,300; 23,238 in 2016; 24,146 in 2017; 33,773 in 2018; and 29,456 in 2019. In the period from 2016 to 2019, the Public Defender Service dealt with 76,356 requests for assistance to victims of gender-based violence" (14). "The decentralized autonomous government of the municipality of Archidona has trained the Cantonal Board for Rights Protection and the...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"In November 2018, the Ecuadorian State established the Inter-Agency Round Table to Support the Rights of Paid Domestic Workers, with the participation of the National Union of Domestic and Related Workers, the National Union of Paid Domestic Workers, the Ecuadorian Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations, Simón Bolívar Andean University, CARE Ecuador – Equal Value, Equal Rights Programme, UN-Women, the Ministry of Labour and the National Council for Gender Equality, the entity that coordinates the Round Table" (29).
Variables: NGOFW-DATA-1
"In November 2018, the Ecuadorian State established the Inter-Agency Round Table to Support the Rights of Paid Domestic Workers, with the participation of the National Union of Domestic and Related Workers, the National Union of Paid Domestic Workers, the Ecuadorian Confederation of Free Trade Union Organizations, Simón Bolívar Andean University, CARE Ecuador – Equal Value, Equal Rights Programme, UN-Women, the Ministry of Labour and the National Council for Gender Equality, the entity that coordinates the Round Table" (29).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
"The Secretariat for Human Rights has a network of services providing assistance to women victims of violence. The services follow a mixture of approaches, following the signature of specific agreements with women’s organizations: there are five shelters and 16 comprehensive care centres for women living in situations of violence. In 2019, the centres provided psychological, legal and social care for an average of 60,624 women; and 3,574 women and their children were placed in the shelters, in addition to those in continuous accommodation. Ecuador has 45 comprehensive protection services in 40 cantons in the country, which offer psychological, legal and social counselling. During 2019, the comprehensive protection services served a...more
"The Secretariat for Human Rights has a network of services providing assistance to women victims of violence. The services follow a mixture of approaches, following the signature of specific agreements with women’s organizations: there are five shelters and 16 comprehensive care centres for women living in situations of violence. In 2019, the centres provided psychological, legal and social care for an average of 60,624 women; and 3,574 women and their children were placed in the shelters, in addition to those in continuous accommodation. Ecuador has 45 comprehensive protection services in 40 cantons in the country, which offer psychological, legal and social counselling. During 2019, the comprehensive protection services served a...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-1
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-1
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1
"The Human Mobility Act and its implementing regulations were adopted in 2017 to foster technical, political and operational inter-agency coordination in the prevention, investigation and punishment of the crime and in the comprehensive protection of victims of trafficking and smuggling. Under the Act, the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons and Migrant Smuggling and for Victim Protection was established, in addition to the regulations governing its operation. The Committee has a protocol for operationalizing assistance and protection for victims or alleged victims of trafficking in persons. One of its main tasks was to update, design and implement the new anti-trafficking policy" (19). "The Ministry of Foreign...more
Variables: TRAFF-LAW-1
"The Human Mobility Act and its implementing regulations were adopted in 2017 to foster technical, political and operational inter-agency coordination in the prevention, investigation and punishment of the crime and in the comprehensive protection of victims of trafficking and smuggling. Under the Act, the Inter-Agency Coordinating Committee for the Prevention of Trafficking in Persons and Migrant Smuggling and for Victim Protection was established, in addition to the regulations governing its operation. The Committee has a protocol for operationalizing assistance and protection for victims or alleged victims of trafficking in persons. One of its main tasks was to update, design and implement the new anti-trafficking policy" (19). "The Ministry of Foreign...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
"The Directorate for the Assistance and Protection of Ecuadorians Living Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility handled seven cases of trafficking of Ecuadorian women and girls in 2018 and four cases in 2019" (21). "It should be noted that 3 per cent of the total number of rescued [trafficking] victims (579 since 2017) are of Venezuelan nationality" (35).
Variables: TRAFF-DATA-1
"The Directorate for the Assistance and Protection of Ecuadorians Living Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility handled seven cases of trafficking of Ecuadorian women and girls in 2018 and four cases in 2019" (21). "It should be noted that 3 per cent of the total number of rescued [trafficking] victims (579 since 2017) are of Venezuelan nationality" (35).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The Council for the Regulation and Development of Information and Communication designed and implemented a virtual course for the training platform on communication and information rights, entitled 'Women free from violence', in order to increase knowledge about the Comprehensive Organic Act to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women. It also has a training plan on communication tools with a gender perspective for various audiences. The Office of the Ombudsperson of Ecuador, in 2019, developed 71 teaching-learning processes, including training, awareness-raising and dissemination, with 2,194 people. Basic aspects of human rights, the gender approach, women’s rights, equality and non-discrimination, and the right to a life free of violence were addressed" (13)....more
Variables: SEGI-PRACTICE-1
"The Council for the Regulation and Development of Information and Communication designed and implemented a virtual course for the training platform on communication and information rights, entitled 'Women free from violence', in order to increase knowledge about the Comprehensive Organic Act to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women. It also has a training plan on communication tools with a gender perspective for various audiences. The Office of the Ombudsperson of Ecuador, in 2019, developed 71 teaching-learning processes, including training, awareness-raising and dissemination, with 2,194 people. Basic aspects of human rights, the gender approach, women’s rights, equality and non-discrimination, and the right to a life free of violence were addressed" (13)....more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
"The Council of the Judiciary established that, from an analysis of judgments in cases of femicide between 2014 and 2016, 92 per cent of cases provided some measure of effective reparation in favour of the victims; however, most of these cases ultimately involved compensation for material and non-material damages. The convictions established the following different types of reparation measures: rehabilitation (7 per cent); compensation (55 per cent); satisfaction, compensation and non-repetition (2 per cent); satisfaction and compensation (6 per cent); and compensation and rehabilitation (30 per cent)" (15).
"The Council of the Judiciary established that, from an analysis of judgments in cases of femicide between 2014 and 2016, 92 per cent of cases provided some measure of effective reparation in favour of the victims; however, most of these cases ultimately involved compensation for material and non-material damages. The convictions established the following different types of reparation measures: rehabilitation (7 per cent); compensation (55 per cent); satisfaction, compensation and non-repetition (2 per cent); satisfaction and compensation (6 per cent); and compensation and rehabilitation (30 per cent)" (15).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: MURDER-LAW-1
"In order to provide some form of reparation to indirect victims in cases of femicide, the State of Ecuador, through Executive Decree No. 696 of 8 March 2019, established a bond for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age who are orphaned as indirect victims of the crime of femicide of their parents and who, according to their social register, are in a situation of poverty" (16). "The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code entered into force in 2014. For the first time, it classifies femicide as a crime against the inviolability of life and, in article 141 thereof, defines femicide as follows: 'A person who, as a result of...more
Variables: MURDER-LAW-1
"In order to provide some form of reparation to indirect victims in cases of femicide, the State of Ecuador, through Executive Decree No. 696 of 8 March 2019, established a bond for children and adolescents up to 18 years of age who are orphaned as indirect victims of the crime of femicide of their parents and who, according to their social register, are in a situation of poverty" (16). "The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code entered into force in 2014. For the first time, it classifies femicide as a crime against the inviolability of life and, in article 141 thereof, defines femicide as follows: 'A person who, as a result of...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"At present, the country’s 23 units are assisting 68 persons (relatives of victims or survivors) in connection with crimes of femicide" (15). "In May 2019, based on the work developed by the Commission’s Statistical Strengthening Group, a document was issued entitled 'Indicator production: number of victims of femicide registered in the judicial system', which establishes the process to standardize the official number of femicide cases based on the data registered by the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior. The number of cases of femicide is thus reported periodically according to the proceedings, by pre procedural and procedural phase, and the number of cases prosecuted, as per the...more
Variables: MURDER-DATA-1
"At present, the country’s 23 units are assisting 68 persons (relatives of victims or survivors) in connection with crimes of femicide" (15). "In May 2019, based on the work developed by the Commission’s Statistical Strengthening Group, a document was issued entitled 'Indicator production: number of victims of femicide registered in the judicial system', which establishes the process to standardize the official number of femicide cases based on the data registered by the Attorney General’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior. The number of cases of femicide is thus reported periodically according to the proceedings, by pre procedural and procedural phase, and the number of cases prosecuted, as per the...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: MMR-PRACTICE-1
"[T]he Clinical Practice Guide for Therapeutic Abortion (2015) was issued in order to provide care, diagnose, evaluate and offer timely treatment of therapeutic abortion, thus contributing to a reduction in maternal morbidity and mortality in Ecuador and improving health care for women in these situations" (29).
Variables: MMR-PRACTICE-1
"[T]he Clinical Practice Guide for Therapeutic Abortion (2015) was issued in order to provide care, diagnose, evaluate and offer timely treatment of therapeutic abortion, thus contributing to a reduction in maternal morbidity and mortality in Ecuador and improving health care for women in these situations" (29).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: MABFC-DATA-1
"According to data from the National Statistics and Census Institute, in 2015 there were 2,436 births resulting from teenage pregnancies, which meant that every day, seven girls between 10 and 14 years became mothers; and in the 15 to 19 age range, 158 adolescents experience early motherhood every day (National Statistics and Census Institute, 2016)" (3).
Variables: MABFC-DATA-1
"According to data from the National Statistics and Census Institute, in 2015 there were 2,436 births resulting from teenage pregnancies, which meant that every day, seven girls between 10 and 14 years became mothers; and in the 15 to 19 age range, 158 adolescents experience early motherhood every day (National Statistics and Census Institute, 2016)" (3).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-2
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
Variables: LRW-PRACTICE-2
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: LRW-LAW-2
"[T]he maximum penalty is linked to certain aggravating circumstances, including the following: 'the attacker is a guardian, legal representative or someone close to the family or in the victim’s environment, a minister, an education or health-care professional, or anyone with a duty of care towards the victim'" (30-31).
Variables: LRW-LAW-2
"[T]he maximum penalty is linked to certain aggravating circumstances, including the following: 'the attacker is a guardian, legal representative or someone close to the family or in the victim’s environment, a minister, an education or health-care professional, or anyone with a duty of care towards the victim'" (30-31).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: LRW-LAW-1
"The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code defines and establishes penalties for offences against sexual and reproductive integrity. The commission of such offences against children and adolescents is an aggravating circumstance. The Code also punishes the crimes of statutory rape, distribution of child pornography and the sale of sexual services" (23). "While the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code does not consider incest to be a crime, it criminalizes rape" (30). "Article 46, paragraph 4, of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador enshrines minors’ right to protection and care in relation to all types of violence, abuse, sexual exploitation or any other form of exploitation, or negligence leading to such situations. In article...more
Variables: LRW-LAW-1
"The Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code defines and establishes penalties for offences against sexual and reproductive integrity. The commission of such offences against children and adolescents is an aggravating circumstance. The Code also punishes the crimes of statutory rape, distribution of child pornography and the sale of sexual services" (23). "While the Comprehensive Organic Criminal Code does not consider incest to be a crime, it criminalizes rape" (30). "Article 46, paragraph 4, of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador enshrines minors’ right to protection and care in relation to all types of violence, abuse, sexual exploitation or any other form of exploitation, or negligence leading to such situations. In article...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: CWC-DATA-2
"With regard to rural women, 36 per cent have access to land compared to 43 per cent of men, which results in a gap of 4.3 per cent in land ownership" (3). "A process was launched in 2018 to raise awareness of political participation and gender equality among rural women from indigenous communities in four provinces of the country" (23). "There are 6,795 mainstream and 10 special rural educational institutions in Ecuador. As of 2019, a total of 513,648 girls and adolescent girls were reported to be enrolled in rural educational establishments" (26). "The level of education plays a greater role in labour market entry for women. In 2015, 26.4...more
Variables: CWC-DATA-2
"With regard to rural women, 36 per cent have access to land compared to 43 per cent of men, which results in a gap of 4.3 per cent in land ownership" (3). "A process was launched in 2018 to raise awareness of political participation and gender equality among rural women from indigenous communities in four provinces of the country" (23). "There are 6,795 mainstream and 10 special rural educational institutions in Ecuador. As of 2019, a total of 513,648 girls and adolescent girls were reported to be enrolled in rural educational establishments" (26). "The level of education plays a greater role in labour market entry for women. In 2015, 26.4...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: ERBG-DATA-2
"In terms of suitable employment status, the gap between men and women was reported as 30.1 per cent in 2018, which implies a reduction compared with 30.6 per cent in 2014" (2). "In December 2019, the overall employment rate stood at 96.7 per cent for men and 95.4 per cent for women; however, the full employment rate was 44.8 per cent for men and 30.6 per cent for women. In the same year, underemployment stood at 19 per cent for men and 16.2 per cent for women, while unemployment stood at 4.6 per cent for women and 3.3 per cent for men" (2). "According to data from the National Survey...more
Variables: ERBG-DATA-2
"In terms of suitable employment status, the gap between men and women was reported as 30.1 per cent in 2018, which implies a reduction compared with 30.6 per cent in 2014" (2). "In December 2019, the overall employment rate stood at 96.7 per cent for men and 95.4 per cent for women; however, the full employment rate was 44.8 per cent for men and 30.6 per cent for women. In the same year, underemployment stood at 19 per cent for men and 16.2 per cent for women, while unemployment stood at 4.6 per cent for women and 3.3 per cent for men" (2). "According to data from the National Survey...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: CWC-DATA-1
"In 2020, the population was 17,510,643 inhabitants; 58.25 per cent of people were between 18 and 64 years old; and 8,844,706 of the total population were women (50.51 per cent). Of these, 5,750,850 lived in urban areas (65.02 per cent) and 3,093,856 in rural areas (34.98 per cent)" (2).
Variables: CWC-DATA-1
"In 2020, the population was 17,510,643 inhabitants; 58.25 per cent of people were between 18 and 64 years old; and 8,844,706 of the total population were women (50.51 per cent). Of these, 5,750,850 lived in urban areas (65.02 per cent) and 3,093,856 in rural areas (34.98 per cent)" (2).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
"The Ministry of Public Health has been implementing respectful, free-positioned and culturally appropriate childbirth care since 2008, based on the Technical Guide for Culturally Appropriate Care in Childbirth (see table 9). The Guide to Technical Specifications for Labour and Recovery Units was updated and renamed the Instructions on Technical Specifications for Delivery Care. This provides mandatory regulation of all first- and second-level Ministry of Public Health facilities that perform deliveries. The aim is to adapt delivery services to the needs of the population, taking into account customs and cultural traditions, through technical and regulatory instruments that ensure the process is appropriate. The Ministry of Public Health has certified ancestral midwives...more
"The Ministry of Public Health has been implementing respectful, free-positioned and culturally appropriate childbirth care since 2008, based on the Technical Guide for Culturally Appropriate Care in Childbirth (see table 9). The Guide to Technical Specifications for Labour and Recovery Units was updated and renamed the Instructions on Technical Specifications for Delivery Care. This provides mandatory regulation of all first- and second-level Ministry of Public Health facilities that perform deliveries. The aim is to adapt delivery services to the needs of the population, taking into account customs and cultural traditions, through technical and regulatory instruments that ensure the process is appropriate. The Ministry of Public Health has certified ancestral midwives...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"With regard to the population with disabilities, as of March 2020, there are 485,325 persons in the National Disability Register, of whom 213,263 are women (43.94 per cent)" (2). "With regard to the care provided by the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion in December 2018, most of the beneficiaries of special protection services were women, at 51.5 per cent. Among the beneficiaries with disabilities, 49.36 per cent are women and 50.63 per cent are men" (3). "In relation to persons with disabilities, the National Council for Gender Equality developed research on gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights and pregnancy in adolescents with disabilities, as well as training for public...more
Variables: DACH-PRACTICE-3
"With regard to the population with disabilities, as of March 2020, there are 485,325 persons in the National Disability Register, of whom 213,263 are women (43.94 per cent)" (2). "With regard to the care provided by the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion in December 2018, most of the beneficiaries of special protection services were women, at 51.5 per cent. Among the beneficiaries with disabilities, 49.36 per cent are women and 50.63 per cent are men" (3). "In relation to persons with disabilities, the National Council for Gender Equality developed research on gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive rights and pregnancy in adolescents with disabilities, as well as training for public...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In 2017, for example, women aged 12 and older spent an average of 31 hours per week on unpaid work activities, compared to 11.3 hours for men in the same period" (2-3).
Variables: DLB-DATA-1
"In 2017, for example, women aged 12 and older spent an average of 31 hours per week on unpaid work activities, compared to 11.3 hours for men in the same period" (2-3).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DV-LAW-1
"In article 67 of the Organic Code for Children and Adolescents, abuse is defined as 'any conduct that, whether by act or omission, causes or may cause harm to the physical, psychological or sexual integrity or health of a child or adolescent, by any person, including their parents, other relatives, educators and persons in charge of their care, whatever the means used for that purpose, its consequences and the time required for the victim to recover'" (38).
Variables: DV-LAW-1
"In article 67 of the Organic Code for Children and Adolescents, abuse is defined as 'any conduct that, whether by act or omission, causes or may cause harm to the physical, psychological or sexual integrity or health of a child or adolescent, by any person, including their parents, other relatives, educators and persons in charge of their care, whatever the means used for that purpose, its consequences and the time required for the victim to recover'" (38).
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DV-LAW-2
"In 2019, the Secretariat for Human Rights issued procedural regulations for ordering immediate administrative protection measures, which include the general guidelines for their implementation, taking into account services related to first reception, receipt of applications, authorizations, notifications, referral to the judicial branch and follow-up. In 2019 the Ministry of the Interior issued a procedural manual for parish commissioners entitled 'Managing the Authorization of Immediate Administrative Protection Measures to Stop and Prevent Violence against Women'. The Ministry of the Interior issued instructions to the National Police entitled 'Police operations for the execution of urgent actions and immediate administrative protection measures to stop and prevent violence against women'. The granting of immediate...more
Variables: DV-LAW-2
"In 2019, the Secretariat for Human Rights issued procedural regulations for ordering immediate administrative protection measures, which include the general guidelines for their implementation, taking into account services related to first reception, receipt of applications, authorizations, notifications, referral to the judicial branch and follow-up. In 2019 the Ministry of the Interior issued a procedural manual for parish commissioners entitled 'Managing the Authorization of Immediate Administrative Protection Measures to Stop and Prevent Violence against Women'. The Ministry of the Interior issued instructions to the National Police entitled 'Police operations for the execution of urgent actions and immediate administrative protection measures to stop and prevent violence against women'. The granting of immediate...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-1
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-2
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
Variables: DV-PRACTICE-2
"The Attorney General’s Office has 308 gender-competent prosecutors’ offices (235 multipurpose unit and 73 gender units) throughout the country. For its part, the Ministry of the Interior has 1,575 community policing units and 16 community surveillance units for the country. The Council of the Judiciary has 37 judicial units specializing in violence, covering 23 provinces and 49 cantons; five criminal law judicial units on violence against women, covering four provinces and nine cantons; 23 criminal multipurpose judicial units covering 13 provinces and 34 cantons and 107 multipurpose judicial units. In 2019, the Council of the Judiciary incorporated 111 new judges, reaching a total of 807 officials in specialized units, including...more
March 5, 2025, 8:35 p.m.
Countries: Ecuador
Variables: ERBG-DATA-1
"Regarding the level of gender pay, the percentage of the labour income gap between men and women fell from 23 per cent in 2014 to 21.9 per cent in 2016; while in 2018 it stood at 17.9 per cent" (2). "The average labour income of an employed man is $345.5; while for a woman it is $292.7" (2).
Variables: ERBG-DATA-1
"Regarding the level of gender pay, the percentage of the labour income gap between men and women fell from 23 per cent in 2014 to 21.9 per cent in 2016; while in 2018 it stood at 17.9 per cent" (2). "The average labour income of an employed man is $345.5; while for a woman it is $292.7" (2).